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Stardust And Shadows

Page 23

by Janelle Taylor

  “I wish you would leave Jana here with me,” Maal said.

  “I can’t, Grandfather. We’ve only been wed for a short time and I’ll be gone for weeks. I want her with me. How could I think clearly with her so far away from me?”

  “I understand; the flame of desire burns hot and high at this time. May it do so forever, my cherished children.”

  “It will, Grandfather, it will. She has touched me as no other woman has or ever will. I trust her with my heart, my life, and all I own. If anything ever happened to me, I have left everything to Jana and our children. She is a scientist like myself; Trilabs will be safe and profitable in her control. See that no one takes anything of mine from her and them. Love and protect my family, Grandfather, as you would do the same for me.”

  “Children? Is there a secret I should know?”

  “Not yet, Grandfather, but we are trying our best to have my heir as quickly as possible. Jana wants our first son to carry. your name, a second Maal Triloni to one day replace the first.”

  Jana had not said or even thought such a thing but assumed Ryker was saying she had to win favor with his grandfather. She let it pass and took the praise and gratitude the ruler showered on her.

  Maal was beside himself with joy and pleasure. “You have my word of honor, cherished flame of my soul; no harm shall ever come to her or to my great-grandchildren.”

  After breakfast the following morning, embraces, best wishes, and farewells were shared before Jana and Varian departed. Jana assumed they would visit again upon their return from the Milky Way Galaxy. Varian knew it was the last time Maal would see “Ryker” alive, or so he planned.

  On the Trilabs starship, Varian, elated by his many successes and by having his love nearby, gave the desired coordinates to Captain Kagan who laid in their speed and course for Rigel.

  Jana gazed out the transascreen and wondered what lay ahead for her on Rigel when she confronted her betrayers for the first time, faced them as Princess Jana Triloni and at Ryker’s side. Then, it was off toward her world to see if Earth could be saved. She hoped and prayed it could be. Just as she hoped and prayed Varian and Canissia would not be on Rigel.

  Here I come, you deadly rattlesnakes; I can hardly wait to see what you think of me and how you treat me now!

  Chapter Ten

  It had been four days since they left Tartarus, Maal, and Androas at starlight speed to make it to Rigel late the next night. Jana could not surmise the real reason why she and Ryker were going on this mission in Varian’s place and ship. For all she knew, her husband was telling the truth, again.

  Jana finished her bath and entered the sleeping area of their quarters. Clad only in a silky robe, she sat on the bed to relax a moment before dressing for dinner. The past few days had been confusing for her. Ryker, after being so romantic and attentive at his grandfather’s, had not done more than give her quick pecks on her cheek or forehead since their departure. He couldn’t have lost interest in her that quickly if he really—

  The door swished open and the blond alien entered. Jana smiled at him as he approached and knelt before her. He kissed a knee bared when she shifted her leg. His fingers trailed over her calf and he used his cheek to nuzzle her silky thigh. He inhaled and smiled. “You smell wonderful. You feel wonderful. May Kahala protect me, you are a totally enslaving woman.”

  The way he was looking at her, stroking her, and speaking caused Jana to warm and tingle. “You’ve been so busy that I’ve hardly seen you since we left Maal’s. I thought you had forgotten all about me, so I’ve had to entertain myself.”

  He brushed more kisses on her knee as both hands roamed up the outer sides of her thighs. “I’m sorry if it seems as if I’ve deserted you. I could never do that, Jana, nor forget you. I needed to get my report and suggestions ready for our meeting at Star Base. I don’t want it to take long. I want to get in, handle the situation, and get out fast.”

  Jana wondered if he was-afraid they would confront Varian. No, that she would see Varian and have mixed feelings about her ex-lover. Perhaps he needed reassurance of her commitment to him. His next words seemed to confirm those thoughts.

  Varian eased into the space his body created between her legs, cupped Jana’s face near her jawline, and gazed into her eyes. “No matter what happens in the near future, Jana, remember at all times that I do love you. I hope you won’t ever let anything that you see or hear cause you to doubt that truth or to mistrust me. You are the only woman I have ever loved or will ever love, the only woman I want and need. Always believe that. Promise?”

  Jana ran her fingers through his touseled tawny hair and smiled. “I promise. I love you, too, Ryker, and I need you.” In some crazy way, she wasn’t lying! And unless she was mistaken, he was being honest. Perhaps because Varian had lied and misled her, she had feared to trust Ryker without reservation. She couldn’t keep doing that. This man was her husband, forever. He was the center of her new world.

  Varian sealed their mouths. When their lips parted, he murmured, “Sometimes it seems as if we have so little time together.” What he couldn’t say was, so little time left together. When they reached his starship, things could change. “You have captured my heart, body, and soul, Jana Greyson. When I’m not with you, I think of you. When I’m with you, I want you.” He yearned to chase any thought except of him from her mind and from his own. Tomorrow would begin a new phase in their destiny. As soon as it was completed, he could confess the truth, plead for her understanding and forgiveness, and hopefully carry her off to his home on Altair to live forever as man and wife.

  He spread kisses over her flawless face and down her satiny throat. As he nibbled at her neck, he unbelted the robe and pushed it aside. He covered her chest with a blanket of hot kisses, one woven just for her. His lips and teeth teased at her taut breasts, his fiery tongue lavishing moisture upon their blossoms. His hands wandered up and down her body, flesh as soft as silk. He sent a set of seeking fingers snaking up the smooth inner surface of one leg until they reached the heart of her desire.

  Jana’s senses whirled and flamed beneath his loving quest. He was highly skilled, and sensitive to a woman’s needs. Her fingers moved over his broad shoulders and she wished the shirt were gone so they could make contact with his supple flesh. Her respiration quickened as desire coursed through her. Suspense and anticipation flooded her entire being. His actions had stolen her wits and control. Nothing seemed to matter, not even who or what he was, except dousing the fires of passion he had ignited. He tantalized her beyond reality or resistance. His mouth feasted at her breasts. His deft fingers explored and pleasured her feminine core. She was consumed by achingly sweet sensations and wanted this loving siege to last forever.

  Varian used one hand and his lips to capture both taut brown nipples at the same time. Moistened fingers made sensuous circular trips around one point while his tongue did the same around the other. He realized she was burning hot with desire for him. Her eyes were closed as her body swayed from side to side with unbridled passion, emotions he had unleashed. She sent him unspoken messages to continue his conquest, signals he caught and obeyed with eagerness. He gently squeezed her pleading breasts and tantalized the thrusting peaks that exposed her height of yearning. He guided her to her back as he made a trail of kisses down the valley between her breasts, over her abdomen, between her hipbones, and to her upper thighs. He slipped one finger into her beckoning portal to find it moist and eager for him. He bent his head and began his feast on the fruit of paradise.

  Jana could not help but give him free rein over her body and will. As his fingers and tongue stimulated her very essence, she experienced exquisite and astonishing pleasure. She groaned as her head thrashed on the bed. Tension built within her. She wanted to relax, but she couldn’t; the blissful attack on her senses wouldn’t allow it. Her stomach muscles tightened and calmed in rapid and recurrent session. The peak of her womanhood throbbed and pulsed under his stirring attention.

ian’s tongue flicked and circled, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. His finger within her matched that same course and pace. Dreamy moans escaped her throat, and her hips undulated to the pattern and speed he set. He increased his endeavors to give her supreme satisfaction on their voyage to the heavens tonight. He carried her to the brink of love’s universe, and brought her home again. He stripped off his garments and moved atop her, overjoyed when her arms reached for him and drew him tightly and swiftly to her. Shuddering with hunger, he thrust into her receptive core to feed his own needs and hopefully hers again. He felt her legs overlap his and grip him tightly. He drove into her over and over, rotating his hips to shower her with delicious sensations. He wanted to find victory, but he wanted her to find a second one first.

  Their tongues touched, savored, and titillated. Their hands stroked, caressed, fondled, and explored.

  Jana felt almost drugged by him. He was an intoxicating combination of strength and gentleness, tender and forceful, giving and demanding. Wild and wonderful feelings washed over her as she found herself aroused again. She quivered when he groaned his deep need for her. She trailed her hands over his rippling muscles. Each time he plunged into her receptive body, his kisses went urgent from blissful torment. Soon, her body was again calling out for appeasement. The intensity built to a level that was almost unbearable. She buried her fingers in his hair and kept his mouth fused to hers. As if she had gone wild, she ravished and plundered his tasty recess.

  Their urgency increased as they drove each other wild. The moment he realized she was approaching the summit of ecstasy, he increased the pace and strength of his thrusts. His intensity mounted higher and higher. She was reaching for the stars, as was he. When she arched her back, clung to him, and trembled with release, he joined her with a cry of joy.

  With passion and energy spent for a while, Varian rolled to his back. He pulled her along to rest across his damp chest; he had to continue touching her. Knowing he could give Jana such enormous pleasure made him happy and proud. He closed his eyes as he let his heartbeat return to normal. As he did so, his fingers took a slow journey over her arms and back. When that trek halted, his arms embraced her, tightly for a moment. The afterglow of the golden moment was so warm and soothing that he was evoked to say, “I do love you, Jana. You’re like a magical moonbeam that lights up my life and heart. I never thought the day would come when I felt like this about a woman. May the stars fall down if that isn’t the truth.”

  Jana lifted her head and gazed into his verdant eyes. How could she disbelieve what she saw there? She wiggled her body to bring their mouths into contact for a soul-stirring kiss. When it ended, she propped on one elbow and looked at him. “I love you, too, Ryker. You are as powerful and life-giving as the sun. I hope I never lose you because I could not endure such agony. If my love and obedience and loyalty aren’t enough, ask anything of me to make certain that never happens.”

  “I swear by all I am and know, that will never happen.” Varian’s heart flooded with love and happiness … until Jana continued her compliments, and he was forced to conceal his pain and reaction.

  “You are a talented lover, my husband. And so handsome and virile that I can’t think clearly when I look at you. Your eyes are like expensive emeralds, so green and full of sparkling vitality. Your hair is like the mane of a lion, king of the jungle on Earth, as you are the king of my world. I want to run my hands and mouth all over you. I want you to—”

  “Halt, woman, or I’ll be on fire again,” the disappointed alien teased to silence her talk about his dead half brother who could never have made love to her like this, to whom she could never have responded like this.

  Jana grinned as her fingertips played over his lips. “If so, my desirable husband, I will extinguish your flames in a delightful manner.”

  He chuckled and guided them to sitting positions. “Right now, my love, the flame I’m experiencing is in my belly. I am hungry, and this time for real food! Will you release me from your spell for a while, my golden temptress, but stay on a slow burn for me, only me?”

  “As you once told me, I do, all the time.”

  Jana reclined in bed with a book in her hands as they neared Rigel. She sipped on fruit juice and pretended to read while her husband worked at a desk nearby. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she might confront tomorrow if Varian dared to show up at the meeting. How could she face him, knowing what he had meant—still meant—and had done to her? She tried to push thoughts of him out of her mind. After the passionate bout last night with Ryker, it should be easy. If only she knew why he had betrayed and discarded her, she could deal with the tormenting matter. She had been certain Varian Saar loved her and wanted her. It was apparent he had lied about his feelings. Or he had felt that his sacrifice was critical. If they had been given more time together, perhaps he wouldn’t have made—

  Stop it, J. G. Don’t do this to yourself again. You belong to Ryker.

  Jana yawned. Her lids were heavy. She felt limp and relaxed, warm and cozy and comfortable. She leaned her head back to rest her tired eyes a minute They didn’t open again, and she was lost in slumber.

  Varian peeked over his shoulder and saw she had succumbed to the drug in her juice and that the glass was empty. He stood and went to the bed. He scooted her down to her back, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. “Sorry, Moonbeam, but I have a secret meeting to attend tonight. Sleep well, Jana; tomorrow will be difficult for you. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish I could tell you the truth, but it’s too dangerous. Ryker had a spy in my last crew; Taemin or Cass could have one concealed somewhere in Star Fleet. I can’t take any chances of fouling things up when we’re so close to victory.” He thought about their precaution of using a new crew on his ship this time to prevent a close friend from guessing his identity. Until the mission was done and Ryker’s death was exposed to the public, Jana had to be kept in the dark. But it was possible one more cunning trip to Maal’s would be necessary. Soon, my love, this deceit will be over. We can be happy again.

  Kadim Tirol Trygue greeted Jana with a warm smile and embrace. “It is good to see you again. You look radiant. How are you?”

  The Earthling raked her chilly eyes over the eighty-year-old ruler of the Maffei Alliance, a man who had helped—and perhaps ordered—her betrayal by his grandson. Because of his high rank and her good manners and desire to conceal the anguish and shame inflicted upon her, she was polite to him. “I’m fine, sir. I will be even better after my world is saved and I’m back home with my husband.”

  “Are you sure you want to go on this long and dangerous journey?”

  “Yes. I prefer staying with my husband. Where he goes, I


  “As you wish, Jana, but please stay safe. You are very special to me.”

  You lying alien! Though the look in his light-blue eyes said he was sincere and he projected an aura of kindness, Jana was bitter and resentful of his interference in her life. Her warring emotions caused her to act aloof and reserved. “My husband will make certain of that fact, sir,” she replied, stressing the words “my husband” each time. She noticed what appeared to be a shadow of sadness and dismay in his eyes. It’s too late for you to be sorry for what you helped do to me. Don’t expect my forgiveness and friendship. I liked you and trusted you. I was a fool.

  Tirol looked at his disguised grandson and nodded. “We understand and accept your motives for wanting to take command of this mission, Prince Ryker, but I wish it had been handled differently. You made your request sound more like a demand or a threat instead of a favor. That is not necessary between allies and friends. If it is that important to you and Jana, we are happy to comply with your desire. The deed is what matters, not who does it. No one is more qualified to carry it out than you are.”

  “If I sounded demanding, Kadim Tirol, it was not intentional,” Varian replied. “And yes, it is very important to me to do this task for my wife.”

  As the two m
en talked, Supreme Council member Draco Procyon joined them. Draco smiled at Jana and said, “It is good to see you again.”

  She started to snap that those were Tirol’s exact words. Instead, she smiled. “Congratulations on your new marriage. It’s very romantic to recover a first love and marry her. I hope you two will beas happy as Ryker and I are. Perhaps we’ll see each other under different circumstances.”

  “I hope so, Jana. I’ve missed you and thought of you often since you left Karnak. You look as ravishing as you did the last night I saw you. I can tell you’re happy. I’m glad.”

  “So am I, sir,” she responded, not using his first name as she had done in the past. This handsome, amber-eyed blond with his classic features had helped Varian trick her at her fake auction and during the many weeks she had lived and studied in his home. In addition, as a Council member, he might have assisted her final defeat.

  “You remember Supreme Commander Breccia Sard, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. Good day, sir.”

  Brec nodded as his black eyes scanned her flawless features. There seemed a tightly leashed hostility surrounding her regal exterior. Her emotions were understandable, but he still hated to see her and Varian being hurt. He pushed an ebony lock of hair from his temple. “It is an honor to see you again, Princess Jana. I hope you both realize how vital this mission can be.”


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