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A Heartbeat Back to the Highlands

Page 5

by Deborah R Stigall

  He’d amassed quite a collection by the time he and Caelan had returned with Rachel from the twenty-first century. When Rachel had discovered magical abilities of her own, she too had dedicated hours to adding to the library. Something had to be listed somewhere in all those books. There had to be something that would help her son.

  “The boy must do this alone. I have seen it. Now take that thing out of here!” Emrys backed away from Rachel as she entered the room, holding his staff in front of his body as though to ward off an evil curse.

  “What have you seen, Emrys? Tell me!” Rachel slowly stalked the old man, holding the pouch in front of her like a weapon.

  “I have seen a possible future…and it is one that must be avoided. If any but Ronan breaks the curse upon the locket, then it will be their soul that becomes ensnared. Whoever worked the spellwork on that necklace knew exactly what they wanted…and that was for Ronan to be the one to open it.” Emrys shielded his face with his arms, as though afraid the locket would suck him into it at any moment.

  “You’re sure you have seen this? Then what of Ronan’s soul when he opens it? Did you see that possible future, as well?” Rachel’s voice grew strained as she envisioned her son, trapped within the golden case.

  “All I could see of that possible future was that Ronan appeared relieved…and then greatly confused. But rest easy, Rachel. He is not to be imprisoned within those golden walls. I saw that the Goddess Bheara forbade it.” Emrys collapsed back upon his cot, his struggle to shield his eyes while holding his staff draining whatever energy he had.

  “I don’t like this, Emrys. You know how volatile she can be. Bheara’s like a child when she doesn’t get her way.” Rachel sank into a nearby chair, the long night taking its toll on her energy as well.

  “Ah…but you and your children are favored by Brid. She’ll not cross the Mother Goddess…and in her own way, ye know how much she loves Ronan.” Emrys lay back upon his bed, pulling his staff up to rest beside him.

  Scrubbing her face with her hands, Rachel heaved a great sigh as she plopped the pouch upon the table. “It’s that love for Ronan that worries me.”


  Rachel stared out the window at the sea far below. The sea. The untamable, ever-changing enigma that would always possess her second son. She’d accepted the fact that Ronan’s destiny was to be forever entwined with the sea. But she’d never been easy with the fact that the Sea Goddess Bheara had always been so fascinated with her dark-haired boy.

  Hearing the door, Rachel turned from her musings to find her family silently filing into the room, one by one, into her solar as she had requested. Everything she’d found in all the books led her to believe that what she was about to do….was the right course to take.

  Glancing around the room, Rachel bit her lip as she searched her family’s eyes. Her devoted husband, Caelan. Ever watchful, always supportive but never fully understanding the powers that Rachel and her children could control.

  Faolan, her oldest son, was always so serious. His blonde mane was already shot with strands of premature grey as though his appearance was testament to his protective wary nature.

  Latharn, the youngest of the triplets. His hair as red as the sly fox for which he was named, the only one who seemed at ease with the meeting. Known for his wiliness, there had yet to be a situation that his quick wit couldn’t get him thru.

  Aveline. Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she watched her daughter fidgeting where she stood. There was something about the way those pale green eyes kept darting about…but she just couldn’t seem to find out what that child had been into this time.

  Her eyes finally settling at last on Ronan, Rachel felt a stabbing in her heart as she took in her son’s weary appearance. This had to be the right thing to do. She had to find him peace.

  “From talking with Emrys…and searching thru the books, I believe I’ve found a way for us to help this captured soul.”

  Pulling the locket from the leather pouch, she held it out to Ronan. “Emrys has seen it. I’ve also scryed the mists for what we are about to do. Ronan, it is your fate to be the one to release whatever is imprisoned within this piece.”

  Ronan swallowed hard as he took the necklace from his mother. Holding it aloft, he was mesmerized as he watched the amulet slowly spin with the unwinding of the intricate chain.

  “What do I do?” His voice barely a whisper, Ronan glanced nervously at his mother.

  “First, we must surround you with an elemental circle. It will protect you….as well as us….from replacing the soul within that tiny prison.” Rachel held out her hands as she motioned to her other sons and her daughter to form a circle around their brother.

  “Caelan, I’m sorry. But to include you in this circle, would endanger you and I couldn’t bear for you to be swept away.” A loving smile curving her lips, Rachel motioned for Caelan to move over to the window.

  “What of you? What of your safety?” Caelan’s nostril’s flared at Rachel’s dismissal…no matter how lovingly she had tendered it.

  “I will be safe, Husband. I promise.” Silently pleading with her violet eyes, Rachel nodded once more toward the window.

  His jaw muscles rippling with the clenching of his teeth, Caelan finally moved to stand by the window. His hand rested nervously on the hilt of the claymore hanging to the ready at his side. He hated enemies with which he couldn’t physically battle.

  Nodding her thanks at her fuming husband, Rachel turned to her oldest son. “Faolan, I would ask you to stand to the north. You will be drawing down the element of earth.”

  His mouth tightening into a grim line of resolution, Faolan nodded once at his mother as he moved to where she directed.

  “Latharn, you will need to stand at the southern point of our circle. I believe you are best able to draw down the element of fire.” Folding her hands in front of her, Rachel patiently waited until her youngest son was in place.

  “Aveline, I will need you to stand to the east. Call forth the element of air.” Walking to the side of the circle opposite her daughter, Rachel opened her arms as she continued, “I will take the direction of the west. I will control the element of water.”

  As everyone moved into place, the locket seemed to grow more animated. The moonstone took on a brighter glow and the metal seemed to swell to and fro from the energy within.

  “What of me, Mother. What is my place?” Ronan’s mouth grew dry as he began to get an inkling of what they were about to do.

  “You, my son, must stand in the center of the circle. For you will be invoking perhaps the most important element of all. You, my son, are spirit.” Rachel raised her hands, nodding for the others to follow her lead as Ronan took his place in the center of their elemental ring.

  “Cradle the locket against your chest. We will each speak in turn….and when the energy has risen and joined, you will know the words to release the spirit you hold in your hands.” Rachel held her head high, shaking her head at Caelan as he started to draw closer to the circle.

  Looking to Faolan, she nodded once for her eldest son to begin.

  “I invoke the power of the spirit of earth….to ground us safely in what we seek.” Turning to his sister, Faolan nodded once as a deep green aura seemed to grow and surround his body.

  “I invoke the power of the spirit of air….to breathe truth into what we seek.” As she spoke, Aveline seemed to glow with the whitest of lights, her body completely illuminated.

  “I invoke the power of the spirit of fire….to purify us by its power.” Latharn’s already red hair seemed ablaze as flames licked and surrounded his form.

  “I invoke the power of the water….for balance in what we seek.” Surrounded in a deep blue aura, Rachel’s voice seemed to echo with the depths of the mystical energies now swirling around the circle.

  Clutching the now white hot locket to his chest, Ronan threw his head back as the elemental powers gained strength and began swirling around him.

  His powerf
ul voice rumbling from deep within his chest, Ronan spoke with the authority of all of the mystical energies he’d ever possessed.

  “With the strength of my spirit, I call to the soul imprisoned in this tomb. I release the bonds holding you fast and I welcome you into my arms.”

  As soon as he’d spoken the words, the locket split open in his hands to surround his body with white hot flames. Completely blinded by the brightness of the blaze, Ronan felt a searing pain burning thru his hands as a howling wind seemed to overpower all of his senses.

  “I will not….be….consumed!” Ronan roared into the fire, bracing his feet as he fought against the pain coursing thru his body.

  Just as he felt he was about to lose consciousness, the elemental storm died and silence filled the room. Ronan was immediately knocked to his knees by the unexpected weight he now held in his arms. Opening his eyes, his jaw fell to his chest as he gazed upon the serene face of the loveliest woman he’d ever seen.


  Rubbing her hand across her face, Harley wondered what time it was. She couldn’t remember hearing the blare of the alarm clock but she felt like she’d been asleep forever.

  “Well…I might as well get up. It’ll just give me extra time with Mrs. Neeley.”

  Opening her eyes, Harley immediately froze as she found herself staring into the deep green gaze of a man she’d never seen before in her life.

  “You better get out of here or I’ll shoot you!”

  Scrambling to the edge of the bed against the wall, Harley dove her hand under her pillow in search of the empty revolver she kept there for peace of mind. As her back hit the stone wall beside the bed, Harley blinked as she glanced around the room. The high ceilings, the stone walls, the windows covered with richly woven tapestries….where was she? This wasn’t her camper.

  “Calm down, Lass. You’re safe now.” Ronan held out his hands, as he watched the terror grow in Harley’s huge golden eyes. The woman was even more beautiful with her eyes open. They were deep gold. They reminded him of the color of honey-laced whiskey. Her long black hair swirled about her shoulders as she crouched with her back against the wall. With her long lithe body and her watchful eyes, she reminded him of the great cats of the deep jungles he’d seen on his travels across the seas.

  “Where am I? Who are you? How did I….get here?” Her words hiccupping as her terror grew, Harley swallowed hard against the pounding of her heart.

  Perhaps he needed to give her a little space. Maybe then, she’d uncurl those lovely long legs. “You’re in my home, Castle MacKay and my name is Ronan MacKay.”

  Rising to stand behind the chair where he’d been watching her sleep, he smiled as he continued. “As for how ye got here….perhaps it would be better if ye told me the last thing ye remember before ye….uh…before ye slept.”

  Her hand to her throat, Harley stared at Ronan. She’d never met a man his size. He must’ve stood well over six and half feet and his shoulders were so broad, she could barely see the room around him. His wavy black hair was caught back in some sort of braid and his eyes were a deeper green then the hills that had surrounded her all her life. His smile seemed to mirror the kindness she thought she saw in his eyes, but that Scottish brogue was a little hard to understand. He’d rolled his “r’s” so much when he said his name, images of the movie “Braveheart” had sprung to her mind.

  “I don’t know what I remember. I feel sort of…fuzzy…like my mind’s wrapped in a layer of wool.” Running a shaking hand thru her hair, Harley tried to melt even tighter against the wall.

  “You said this is Castle MacKay? Exactly in what country is Castle MacKay located?” Closing her eyes, Harley didn’t know if she wanted to know the answer or not because that was just going to open another Pandora’s Box of unanswerable questions.

  Ronan rested his hands on the back of the chair as he felt his heart swell for the frightened woman in his bed. He knew that very likely, the more information he gave her….the more hysterical she was apt to become.

  “We’re in Scotland…..and the year is 1407. Where…..and when…are you from, Lass?”

  Shaking her head, Harley clutched at the front of her tee shirt as though it were trying to strangle her. Her eyes growing wide with disbelief, she started trembling as she spoke. “That’s….that’s not possible. I’m from the United States…from Kentucky….and the year is 2008.”

  “Try to remember….what is the last thing ye remember doing before ye woke up here…in this bed.” Ronan spoke softly, just barely catching himself before he told her that she was in fact, in his bed.

  Holding her head in her hands, Harley’s fingers laced thru her thick black hair as she began rocking herself to and fro. “I don’t know….I just know that I wasn’t…here.”

  Harley nearly jumped out of her skin as a slight rap on the door was quickly followed by Rachel entering the room. “Is she awake?”

  “Aye,” Ronan turned toward his mother. “And terrified,” he silently mouthed.

  Her lips thinning in immediate understanding, Rachel cautiously approached the bed. “My name is Rachel. I’m Ronan’s mother and above all else, you need to know that you’re safe here.”

  Sniffing as she ran the back of her hand across her tear-streaked face, Harley hiccupped as she tried to stop crying. “You don’t sound like him.” Nodding her head toward Ronan, Harley sniffed again as she tried pulling herself out of her mounting hysteria.

  Smiling, Rachel motioned for her son to step back as she sat in the chair beside the bed. “That’s because I’ve only been in Scotland for the past twenty-eight years….so the accent isn’t quite the same as those who are born to it.”

  Smoothing her hair away from her face, Harley pulled it over one shoulder. Worriedly stringing her fingers thru the long curls; she swallowed hard as she looked up from her lap. “Where were you from…before?”

  Patiently folding her hands across her knees, Rachel tilted her head to one side as she spoke. “I too was from Kentucky….and I’m from the year 2007.”

  Frowning, Harley sat up straighter as she tried wrapping her mind around this latest revelation. “If you’re from the year 2007 and you’ve been here for twenty eight years, then how can I be here when I’m from the year 2008?”

  Shaking her head, Rachel shrugged her shoulders as she spoke, “That, I’m afraid, is a question for Einstein. I can only tell you what is….not how it comes to be.”

  Finally calming down to an occasional snuffling, Harley’s forehead wrinkled in confusion as she battled with the facts. “I don’t remember what I was doing…or what was going on before I woke up here. All I know is that when I woke up, I expected to be looking at the ceiling of my camper and trying to figure out what I was going to wear to work.”

  Rising from the chair, Rachel walked over to link her arm with Ronan’s. Patting him affectionately on the shoulder, she smiled up at him as she turned to Harley. “Ronan will help you find your answers….and you’ll find our entire family will help you in any way we can. Trust me….there’s nothing that you can tell us that will surprise us….unless it’s about a new invention from the future that was introduced since I crossed over into the past.”

  At the gentle nudging of his mother, Ronan smiled as he slowly held out his hand. “As I said, you’ve nothing to fear and I’m verra pleased to meet ye.”

  With a nervous glance at Rachel’s smiling face, Harley cautiously touched her fingertips to his. “My name is Harley….and I’m pleased to me you too… least, I’m sure I will be when I recover from the shock.”

  A deep laugh rumbled up from his chest, as Ronan took her hand. Gently pulling her forward, he held out his other hand as he tried coaxing her out of the bed. “Come, Mistress Harley. Let’s get ye up and about so that ye can come to know your surroundings. Ye’ll find this place is quite welcoming….once ye get used to it.”

  Uncurling her long denim clad legs from under her, Harley slowly eased out of the bed. Clutching Rona
n’s hands, she pulled herself up…to immediately fall against his chest.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Ronan held her close as he steadied her on her feet. “Easy, Lass. Ye’ve not been on your feet for awhile it seems.”

  Staring up into his eyes, Harley couldn’t help but notice the hardness of his muscular body against hers. She found herself mesmerized by the seductive curve of his mouth as it pulled to one side in an inviting smile. Her palms lying flat against his chest, she felt dizzy as the warmth of unsated loneliness rushed thru her veins.

  “Umm…I’m fine…I’m just a little light-headed.” Reluctantly pushing away from his embrace, Harley felt her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

  Hiding a satisfied smile with the back of her hand, Rachel headed for the door. “Ronan will bring you to the main hall. You need food to build your strength. Then we’ll set to finding you some clothes…so that perhaps you’ll feel more comfortable about fitting in.” As she closed the door behind her, she wasn’t a bit surprised that neither Ronan nor Harley had seemed to hear her words.


  Rubbing her sweating palms nervously up and down her jean clad thighs; Harley glanced around the great hall as she sat at the main table. Already feeling as though she were on display, she had no idea that Rachel and Caelan had ordered the hall closed to all but immediate family and the servants.

  Usually, a bustling meeting place for any and all who belonged to Clan MacKay. Dinner could sometimes evolve into a full-fledged clan meeting….especially if any of the curious clansmen got wind of new and interesting gossip that might be afoot. But both Rachel and Caelan knew from their own past experience, that Harley was going to need some time to adjust.

  Pushing her hair behind her ears, Harley’s eyes widened at the size of the massive hearths built into the stone walls of the Keep. The hall contained four huge fireplaces that could each take logs up to five feet in length and still have room to spare. Her hand fluttered to her throat as she watched a youth of what she thought to be about fifteen years old toss a good sized log into each of the fires. He handled the wood as though it were as light as a matchstick, throwing it into the flames with ease.


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