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Ronan MacKay's life has been simple. A seafaring Scot of 1407, his destiny laid out by the Goddess Brid, Ronan has dominion over the seas and all the creatures within. There's just one creature he can't seem to control. His little sister. Aveline hates the fact that her brother stays at sea for months at a time and decides the only way to keep him home is by finding him a wife. Gifted in the mystical ways, Aveline searches across the tapestry of time to locate the perfect woman. A woman capable of not only enticing her brother from his beloved sea, but strong willed enough to permanently cure him of his wandering ways. Just such a woman happens to reside in the year 2008.A Heartbeat Back to the Highlands is a return to the MacKay family introduced in Seven Moons Back to the Highlands. It's the story of how the middle son isn't as safe as he thinks he is from destiny choosing him a wife.