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Night School - Endgame

Page 26

by C. J. Daugherty

  All around them laughter and excited voices swirled in the summer breeze. From somewhere, Allie could hear the thwack of a racquet against a tennis ball. The cheers of participants in some unseen game.

  It felt like the start of summer, not the end.

  Suddenly Sylvain appeared at Allie’s side. His gaze swept the group. ‘Something’s happening?’

  Guilt coloured Allie’s cheeks with red. She hadn’t even thought about looking for Sylvain to include him in this meeting.

  ‘Yes. Come with us,’ she said, over-compensating with eagerness. ‘You should hear this, too.’

  ‘Intriguing,’ he said, and strode away to walk with Rachel and Nicole.

  Carter cast a curious glance at Allie, but she kept her gaze straight ahead, tightening her grip on his hand as they left the smooth grass to move into the velvet shadows of the trees.

  The sun fought its way through the thick branches, shooting shards of light here and there. Thick emerald ferns covered the forest floor, brushing softly against their knees.

  The steep, peaked roof of the summer house rose out of the treetops ahead of them like an elves’ castle – the pale stone, adorned with elaborate, colourful mosaic tiles gave it a fairytale look, especially from a distance.

  Up close, there was nothing to it, really, except the roof, and, up a few steps, a circle of stone benches and ledges, where they gathered.

  Rachel sat close to Nicole, Katie, as usual, was almost in Lucas’ lap. Zoe sat on the steps, looking out into the trees. Sylvain sat alone in the shadows. Carter sat across from Allie, giving her space.

  She took a breath. ‘Nathaniel was elected the new leader of the Orion Group yesterday.’ A murmur swept the group as she continued. ‘That’s why he was away when we went to St John’s Fields to get Carter. He was being “elected”.’ She made air quotes around the last word. ‘This school is the lead institution of the Orion Group. It is funded by the Orion Group, which is now run by Nathaniel. And they don’t want us here.’

  She could see the awfulness of this news on their faces.

  She had them right where she wanted them.

  ‘We thought we were going to have to leave,’ she said. ‘But now we have a better idea.’

  She told them about the plan, watching as their sadness turned to doubt. Then hope.

  Her gaze kept returning to Carter. She needed him to back her on this. This was her school but it was his home.

  His face was hard to read. She knew he’d need time to think this all through.

  ‘You’re really going to let Nathaniel come here?’ Zoe was standing next to Carter now, her gaze fixed on Allie.

  ‘We’ve got to get him to agree to sell the school to us,’ Allie said. ‘Isabelle says he’ll only do that if we meet him in person.’

  ‘Will the others support this?’ Sylvain stepped into the light. ‘Has anyone spoken to my group?’

  ‘It’s all happening now,’ Allie said. ‘Isabelle’s on the phone with Lucinda’s supporters within Orion. If they agree, she’ll take it out to the other groups, including Demeter… your group.’

  Sylvain’s father was technically the head of Demeter, the European equivalent of Orion. But he was still in the hospital, recovering from an assassination attempt.

  ‘What do you think?’ she asked, searching his face. ‘Would your group be willing to support us if we did this?’

  He looked into the distance, his brow furrowed. ‘I’d need to talk to my father. After what happened to him – what Nathaniel did… I think he’ll be looking for any way to undermine him. He would support this, I think.’ His gaze flickered off hers. ‘I can speak to him. I’ll be returning to France in a few days.’

  Something about the way he said it made it sound permanent.

  ‘You can’t,’ Zoe argued. ‘Nathaniel’s coming.’

  He studied her soberly. ‘I’ll stay for that, Zoe. But then I must go back – my family needs me.’

  Katie’s judgemental gaze swung from Sylvain to Allie.

  Look what you’ve done, it said.

  Allie’s emotions were confused. She hated for him to go – hated the idea that, whatever he said, it might really be her fault. And yet…

  It made sense that he should go. He was an exchange student of tremendous wealth. If being here made him unhappy he could literally go anywhere.

  After all, he had his own jet.

  The others, perhaps not attributing the same permanence to Sylvain’s announcement, had already gone back to talking about the new group.

  ‘We’re actually going to start our own secret society.’ Rachel marvelled. ‘It seems so strange. New world order.’

  ‘We just need to not make the same mistakes our parents did,’ Katie said. ‘Otherwise, what’s the point?’

  ‘We must make it fairer,’ Nicole said. ‘I hate how unfair Orion is. It treats ordinary people like cattle.’

  The others nodded.

  ‘Can we have more real people at Cimmeria?’ Carter looked around the group. ‘Does it have to be people from the same background all the time?’

  ‘Everyone’s real, Carter,’ Katie reminded him tartly. ‘I didn’t ask to be born into my family, believe me. No one would ask for that. And I want to make things better, too. Just like you.’

  He winced. ‘Sorry. That came out wrong. But you know what I mean, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ Rachel agreed, dispelling the tension. ‘We want good people. And your bank account is just your bank account. It’s not your worth.’

  Allie looked around the circle of familiar faces and wanted to hug everyone. For the first time in a very long time, her heart felt light.

  ‘This is what Lucinda always wanted,’ she said. ‘She thought Orion was messed up because it was so unfair. Obsessed with last names.’

  ‘Can we really do this?’ Nicole struck a note of caution. ‘We’re just kids. Will they listen to us?’

  ‘I can’t promise we’ll get everything we want,’ Allie admitted. ‘But we’ll be part of something. We have a chance.’

  Rachel glanced at Allie. ‘If Nathaniel’s keeping Orion as a name, I wonder what the new group will be called?’

  ‘We need a cool name,’ Zoe said. ‘Like the Avengers. Or the Sisterhood of Pain. We could do it in Latin or something. For the old people.’

  Allie opened her mouth to argue but Lucas got there first.

  ‘I like the Avengers,’ he said unhelpfully.

  Katie shot him a withering look. ‘I think it’s taken.’

  ‘That doesn’t matter,’ Zoe argued. ‘It’s not like there wasn’t someone called Orion before.’

  ‘All the other groups are like Greek and Roman gods, aren’t they?’ Rachel tapped her forefinger against her lip. ‘Orion, Prometheus, Demeter…’

  ‘How about Medusa?’ Katie’s tone was dry. ‘I think that one’s free.’

  Rachel ignored her. ‘There must be one. A good one…’

  Nicole leaned over and whispered something. Rachel’s eyes widened. ‘Oh my God, that’s perfect.’

  ‘Share, please.’ Katie crooked her fingers.

  ‘Aurora.’ Rachel took Nicole’s hand. ‘The goddess of the dawn.’

  The others fell silent.

  ‘I love it,’ Allie said.

  Even Katie looked pleased. ‘It could be worse.’

  Zoe stared at them in disbelief.

  ‘You think that’s better than the Sisterhood of Pain?’


  By the time they got back to the school building, work was already underway. Isabelle and the teachers met to discuss the plan and decide how to proceed, while, in London, Julian agreed to take the idea to the rest of Lucinda’s supporters within Orion.

  Everything seemed to be happening very quickly, fuelled by concern about Nathaniel and what he might do now. So far, there’d been no word from him. And his silence was somehow chilling.

  No one doubted how furious he must be.

  Dom was still making s
ure his communication system was monitored at all times.

  They were, in a way, in a race against his revenge.

  Despite all this, Allie found it hard to stay on edge. With Carter back and everyone together again, she wanted to let herself be happy. She wanted to go to class and study. To get back to normal.

  She wanted it all to be over. It just wasn’t, yet.

  That evening, she was walking down the wide main hallway to meet the others in the common room, when she saw Christopher turn into the library.

  She followed him in, but kept a distance away, watching as he sat down at a table covered in books. He didn’t notice her standing by the door, as he pulled a book from atop it, and sat down to read it.

  After a second, she walked over. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘Can I join you?’

  He looked up and smiled. ‘There you are. I was looking for you earlier.’ He gestured at the seats across from him.

  She slid into one.

  Christopher wore a Cimmeria uniform now, a white button-down shirt and navy trousers. Seeing her checking out his clothes, he flushed self-consciously.

  ‘I know, I’m too old to be a student here, but I took what I could find.’ He brushed invisible lint off the leg of the trousers. ‘It’ll do for now, anyway.’

  ‘It looks good,’ Allie said, honestly. ‘You would have been an awesome Cimmeria student.’

  ‘Maybe.’ He changed the subject quickly. ‘Hey, I heard everything went well last night, and your friend’s back. Well done.’

  ‘That’s what I came to talk to you about,’ she said. ‘I wanted to just… thank you. For helping us with the guards, and telling us all you did.’

  He held her gaze. ‘I’m glad it helped. And I hope you believe I’m on your side now.’

  ‘I do,’ she said. And, to her surprise, she really did. Her doubts about her brother had faded every time his information had proven right. Now she was certain he really was trustworthy.

  ‘What are you going to do now?’ Allie gestured at the books on the table. ‘This is a lot of reading, by the way.’

  He looked down at the books as if he’d just noticed them.

  ‘Well, to be honest, I was thinking of taking my A levels. After I left home, I kind of missed out a year of lessons. So I’ve been studying, a bit.’ He gave an embarrassed laugh. ‘Finding out how thick I am.’

  Allie tried not to appear as surprised as she was. She’d never thought about what running away meant to her brother’s life. She’d been focused on how it had impacted her and her parents. But, of course, he’d missed his last two years of school, and had never taken his exams.

  ‘That’s really great,’ she said, meaning it. ‘Are you thinking of going to university?’

  ‘Maybe,’ he said, a bit shyly. ‘I’d like to, if I can get through this stuff. I kind of want the chance to find out what it’s like to be you guys.’ He gestured at the vast library, where rows of bookcases soared to the ceiling. ‘To study some place like this.’

  Somehow, this was flattering. Before he’d run away, Allie had always looked up to Christopher. He was everything she’d wanted to be.

  Now maybe she could help him.

  ‘If Nathaniel doesn’t do something crazy,’ she said, ‘maybe you could stay and study for a while. Until you take your exams. I could ask Isabelle, if you’d like.’

  The hope in his eyes broke her heart.

  ‘I’d really like that,’ he said. ‘The thing is, I’m not really sure where to go from here.’

  She couldn’t suppress a grin.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ she assured him. ‘None of us are.’

  That night, Nathaniel called.

  The students were gathered in the common room, when Isabelle summoned Allie and Carter to her office. When they walked in, Raj, Zelazny and Dom were already there.

  ‘Nathaniel is insisting on coming here, tomorrow night,’ Isabelle said. She looked preternaturally calm – as if she’d ordered herself to be unafraid. ‘I tried to get him to give us a week so we could get everything in order, but he refused. He threatened to send the bailiffs to evict us if I didn’t.’ She paused. ‘The publicity from such an eviction would be devastating to anything we might want to do with the school in the future. He knows I can’t allow that.’ She glanced at Raj. ‘So he’s making his move.’

  ‘Yes, he is.’ Raj’s expression was dark. ‘We’re not ready.’

  She held up her hands. ‘We’ll have to get ready.’

  ‘How could he send the bailiffs?’ Allie asked, looking around the room.

  It was Zelazny who explained. ‘Technically, Orion has ownership of the school. Nathaniel now has control of Orion. So we are trespassing.’

  Allie glanced over at Carter. He looked as worried as she felt.

  Nathaniel must suspect they were planning something.

  ‘Do you think word got back to him somehow?’ Allie asked. ‘Someone Julian talked with?’

  ‘It’s possible,’ Isabelle said. ‘We need to move quickly now.’ She turned to her security chief. ‘Raj, I know there’s not enough time. But do all you can.’

  He nodded. ‘I’ll bring in some extra guys, secure the grounds. We’ll be as ready as possible.’

  She turned to Zelazny. ‘August, I’ll need your help to prepare the staff and students.’

  ‘Whatever you need, Isabelle.’ He spoke with uncharacteristic gentleness.

  They all knew this was the beginning of the end, one way or another.

  Isabelle turned to the students. ‘Allie, you will need to prepare with me, as you’ll be meeting with Nathaniel directly.’

  Allie nodded. Her mouth had gone so dry, she didn’t trust herself to speak.

  ‘Carter.’ The headmistress gave him a sad smile. ‘I want you to stay as far away from Nathaniel as you can. All of this could be a ruse to try and get you back.’

  He didn’t argue, even though Allie knew he’d hate that. He wouldn’t want her to be in danger if he wasn’t there, too.

  ‘We have a lot to do and very little time.’ Isabelle looked around the room. ‘We’d better get started.’

  Nobody got much sleep that night.

  Word spread quickly among the students about what was happening.

  Senior Night School students spent much of the night working with Raj, Eloise and Zelazny, concocting an elaborate security plan.

  Allie tumbled into bed with her uniform still on at half three, and was up again just after six to start again. Everyone looked as tired as she felt. But nobody talked about stopping.

  There was an overwhelming sense throughout the school that this would be the end – one way or another. When Nathaniel left that night, either he would have Cimmeria, or they would.

  It was a fight for everything.

  For Allie it was all too soon. They hadn’t had time to gather support for their plan – hadn’t even begun to iron out its weaknesses or identify its strengths. It was still just a fuzzy idea.

  Maybe that’s why Nathaniel was doing this, she thought. If he’d heard what they were planning – if word had somehow got back to him – he’d want to stop them early. Cut them off at the knees before they learned how to walk.

  The thought made her angry. And anger gave her energy.

  Just after noon, Allie and Isabelle were working in her office when her mobile buzzed.

  ‘Isabelle,’ she answered shortly, her eyes still on the document in front of her. Then her tone changed. ‘Oh,’ she said. ‘How odd. Yes. Open the gates.’

  Allie, who was seated on one of the chairs in front of her desk, looked up in surprise.

  ‘It’s Julian.’ Isabelle was already heading for the door. ‘This can’t be good news.’

  ‘What? Here?’ Allie scrambled after her. ‘Why can’t it be good news?’

  ‘Why would he just show up without calling first?’ Isabelle said as they half-ran down the hallway. ‘Good news can be given any way you like. But you deliver bad news in person.’

nbsp; Allie’s stomach flipped. Would Julian Bell-Howard actually drive all the way from London to Cimmeria just to tell them he wouldn’t help them?

  It seemed cruel. But anything was possible. She didn’t understand adults, sometimes.

  Julian pulled up a short while later in a glossy silver sports car.

  ‘This is ridiculous,’ Isabelle exclaimed as he climbed out, all long legs and elbows in a Savile Row suit. ‘You didn’t have to come all this way.’

  ‘Don’t be absurd.’ He kissed both her cheeks smoothly, as if they were about to go to dinner together in Kensington. ‘We have important things to discuss. Besides, I’d never let you face Nathaniel alone. Allie, my dear.’

  He held out both hands to her. ‘I cannot tell you how happy I was to get Isabelle’s phone call and hear about your plan.’ His mouth was too wide for his face, his dark hair flopped forward into his eyes. There was something wonderfully off-kilter about him. ‘I knew the two of you would think of some way to get us out of our Orion predicament. I think the idea is brilliant. Nathaniel will be backed right into a corner.’

  ‘How was the idea of the new group received by the others?’ Isabelle asked. ‘We need their support or we have nothing to fight for.’

  ‘You’ve got it.’ Julian’s reply came without hesitation. ‘You have them all.’

  Allie wasn’t sure she’d understood that. ‘Wait. They’re all going to support us?’

  ‘All of them,’ Julian said. He glanced at Isabelle. ‘It turns out a lot of people are very eager to leave Orion.’

  This was brilliant news, but Isabelle still looked worried.

  ‘But first we have to get Nathaniel to agree.’

  ‘Indeed.’ Julian tilted his head at the front door, which stood open behind them. ‘Well Izzy? Shall we just stand in the driveway fretting? Or should we go inside and get to work? Do you know, I’m absolutely gasping for a cup of tea.’

  ‘Oh, for heaven’s sake.’ Isabelle turned on her heel and headed up the steps, her low heels clicking. ‘Fine. Come in. You can join in the chaos.’


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