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Night School - Endgame

Page 27

by C. J. Daugherty

  Seeing them together like this, Allie got the impression they’d once been a couple. They seemed absolutely at home with each other.

  And Isabelle was wrong. Julian had not come with bad news.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur of work and planning. Allie spent most of the day with Julian and Isabelle. Occasionally Raj and Zelazny would join them to go over finer points of security planning.

  It was decided that the meeting would take place outside the building. Isabelle insisted Nathaniel would be impossible to control if he was actually inside. But Allie suspected she simply didn’t want to see the man who would like to take the school from her within its doors.

  They would meet by the front steps. The meeting would be as short as possible.

  Raj was placing guards among them, and hidden in the shadows.

  Everything had been decided, down to who would do most of the talking.

  ‘Dealing with Nathaniel is always tricky,’ Isabelle said at one point. ‘I shouldn’t speak much – my presence upsets him.’

  ‘Hmm, yes,’ Julian agreed. ‘I must say, he and I have always been able to speak with some rationality, so I feel comfortable talking with him, if you’d prefer? I’m happy to stand in for our side, as it were.’

  ‘Good. And he seems to like Allie.’ Isabelle glanced at her. ‘She can handle some negotiations.’

  ‘Of course he likes her,’ Julian said cheerfully, ‘she’s wonderful. But I think it would be wise if she stayed out of his… reach. If you will.’

  ‘Yes,’ Isabelle agreed. ‘I’ll make sure the guards know he’s not to touch Allie. She must be kept away from him at all times.’

  The implication of this made Allie’s blood run cold. Everyone suspected Nathaniel would hurt her, given the chance.

  Throughout the day, Dom had sent down periodic updates.

  At half past nine, Rachel knocked on Isabelle’s office door. She was breathless, clearly having run down from the top floor office.

  ‘Dom says to tell you they’re coming.’

  When they walked out into the hallway a short time later, they were greeted by a group of fifteen guards, dressed in black. Allie saw Sylvain and Nicole among them.

  Carter, still in his school uniform, stood a short distance away, just inside the door of the common room.

  Relieved, Allie ran to his side. It was the first chance they’d had to talk all day.

  He pulled her into his arms. ‘I wish I could go with you. Be careful,’ he whispered. ‘Promise?’

  ‘I promise,’ she said. ‘And don’t you dare get kidnapped.’

  He grinned at her. ‘Like that would ever happen.’

  Further down the hallway, the guards had formed a “v”, with Isabelle and Julian in the middle.

  ‘It’s time,’ Isabelle said, looking at Allie.

  ‘Good luck,’ Carter whispered.

  Allie ran to join the headmistress.

  The guards opened the front door, and they walked out into the night.


  Nathaniel’s black BMW rolled up the drive. Two escort cars drove behind it.

  ‘Three cars?’ Julian tutted quietly. ‘Will he never think of the environment?’

  The three of them stood amid a phalanx of Raj’s guards. He’d never made the security more obvious.

  He was sending a message.

  Nathaniel stepped out of the car with athletic lightness, and strolled towards them.

  At the sight of him, Allie’s stomach twisted.

  Behind him, two guards got out of each of the two escort cars. They formed a line behind Nathaniel, as he headed straight towards Julian.

  ‘Julian,’ he held out his hand. ‘Lovely to see you.’

  ‘Always a pleasure.’ Julian smiled.

  Allie wondered how Julian managed to appear so relaxed.

  She was so nervous she thought she might hurl at any moment.

  ‘Isabelle.’ Nathaniel nodded at her.

  ‘Nathaniel.’ Her reply was emotionless.

  Then he turned towards Allie, and smiled. ‘Lady Allie. How lovely you’re looking.’

  He said the title with a hint of sarcasm, and held out his hand.

  Allie felt the guard next to her stiffen. But she couldn’t not shake his hand.

  Tentatively, she reached out until their hands met. His grip was firm, his palm dry and smooth. He shook her hand just once, and then let her go.

  She yanked her arm back.

  His lips curved into a Cheshire Cat grin. She got the distinct impression he knew exactly how terrified she was. And he thought it was funny.

  The guard next to her nudged her back, and she took an involuntary step away from Nathaniel.

  ‘Shall we get on with it, Isabelle?’ Nathaniel’s tone was impatient. ‘I’m in no mood to play games. There was a break-in at my house yesterday, you see. Something very… valuable was taken.’

  ‘Really?’ Julian looked concerned. ‘How ghastly. I trust no one was hurt?’

  ‘Nothing serious,’ Nathaniel said. ‘One of my men is missing, however. So it’s possible it was an inside job.’

  ‘Beastly business.’ Julian tutted. ‘Look, old man, we are sorry to drag you out, but this did seem to be a conversation we should have in person.’

  ‘What conversation is that?’ Nathaniel asked. ‘Precisely?’

  Julian gestured towards Allie. ‘I believe Miss Sheridan has something she wants to say to you.’

  Nathaniel turned his cool gaze towards her, and Allie forced herself not to recoil.

  ‘Is this true, Allie?’ Nathaniel’s voice was silky. ‘What could you have to say that requires the presence of fifteen guards and Julian Bell-Howard?’

  Stay calm, she told herself. Don’t show fear.

  ‘I wanted to apologise,’ she said. ‘You came here some time ago and asked me to sign the agreement I’d made with you. I refused. And I was rude about it.’ She forced herself to hold his gaze. ‘I shouldn’t have done that.’

  ‘No,’ he agreed amiably. ‘You really shouldn’t have.’

  ‘I’m sorry, and I hope you’ll forgive me.’ She kept her voice low, humble, as she’d practised all day. ‘And I wanted to tell you that, if you’re still interested… I’m happy to agree now. I will do what you want. Leave Orion, and never challenge you for control of the group.’

  ‘How very interesting.’ Nathaniel studied her as if he’d never seen her species before. ‘Might I ask what brought about this change of heart?’

  Allie bit her lip.

  ‘Julian and I discussed it, and we both felt I was… hasty. That I’d acted in anger.’ She held his gaze. ‘The truth is, I never wanted to be in Orion. I don’t want any part of it. And I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. This has to end. So I think I should just sign your paper. End this fight.’

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out the papers he’d brought to the gate that night days ago. The papers had been repaired, and she’d already signed them.

  She handed them to Julian, who held them out.

  Nathaniel ignored the papers, cocking his head to one side and studying Allie intently. Finally, he plucked the pages from his hand and unfolded them. Then he slipped them into the pocket of the tasteful grey blazer.

  ‘Well this is unexpected,’ he said, not hiding his suspicion. ‘I’d love to know what made you change your mind.’

  When Allie said nothing, he turned his attention back to Julian. ‘What do you stand to gain from this, Julian?’

  While he was distracted, the guard next to Allie pulled her back again, putting more space between her and Nathaniel. Allie didn’t glance up at him; her attention was focused on Nathaniel.

  ‘Nothing in particular,’ Julian was saying mildly. ‘I’d like to see the end of this unpleasantness as much you.’

  At that moment, Nathaniel’s phone buzzed. Frowning, he pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the message. His face darkened and he held the phone up – its screen glowed blu
e in the night.

  ‘What the hell is this, Julian?’

  This was the moment they’d been waiting for. The key to Isabelle and Julian’s plans.

  Allie held her breath.

  ‘That,’ Julian said, ‘is the other issue we wish to discuss with you.’

  ‘These are resignation notices,’ Nathaniel said, as if Julian hadn’t spoken. ‘From Orion. Including yours.’ He scrolled through them faster and faster. ‘There are dozens of them.’ He glowered at them. ‘Explain yourself Julian or I swear to God…’

  Julian held up his hands. ‘This is why we’re here, Nathaniel. As you can see, Miss Sheridan is not the only person leaving Orion. Many of us will be leaving with her. Those who have unfortunately disagreed with you over the direction the organisation should take.’

  ‘This is insane.’

  But Allie thought Nathaniel had begun to look pale. He clearly hadn’t expected anything like this.

  His sudden nervousness emboldened her.

  ‘You should be happy, Nathaniel,’ she said. ‘We’ll be out of your way forever. I will never vote against you in Orion because I won’t be in it. You can run the group as you wish, without interference from now on.’

  ‘Think of it, Nathaniel.’ Julian’s voice was warm, convincing. ‘You’ll have absolute control. The power will be… immense.’

  Nathaniel let that sink in. His eyes glittered.

  ‘What do you want in return?’ he asked. ‘You won’t just give me everything I want and walk away. There’s bound to be a price.’

  ‘Oh of course.’ Julian’s tone was mild. ‘It’s nothing much.’ He held up both his hands, his long fingers stretched out flat. ‘You’re standing on it.’

  ‘You want the school.’ Nathaniel’s voice was flat.

  Allie hazarded a glance at Isabelle. She was watching him closely, eyes intense.

  ‘That’s right,’ Julian said. ‘It’s all we ask. Sell Cimmeria to us for a very fair price, and we will give you everything you ever wanted.’

  ‘And if I don’t sell it to you?’ Nathaniel’s voice was tight.

  ‘Oh, I’m certain it won’t come to that,’ Julian said. ‘But if you refused you should know there would be ramifications. Our combined wealth exceeds yours. We would fight you every step of the way. Devoting ourselves to making the organisation so dysfunctional and unhappy your leadership would become infamous. Leaving you, in the end, with no organisation. No school. Nothing.’

  Allie couldn’t imagine where the ruthlessness in his tone had come from. It had just appeared, bone-chilling and devastating.

  She shivered.

  The guard nudged her again. Another step back.

  This was getting irritating. Everything was going smoothly but he’d now pushed her back so far it was difficult to see what was happening. She’d ended up behind all the guards. Julian and Nathaniel were both hidden from her view.

  Why was he being so protective?

  Puzzled, she glanced up at him. He was staring at Nathaniel, utterly alert. His face wasn’t at all familiar.

  The fine hairs on the back of Allie’s neck rose. It was her only warning.

  He grabbed her, wrapping a hand tightly across her mouth so she couldn’t scream and lifting her off her feet. Spinning her skilfully away when she kicked.

  Even as she struggled in his grip, Allie was working through what had happened.The guard behind her must have been one of Nathaniel’s men – they dressed largely the same as Raj’s. He’d slipped in behind them while everyone was focused on Nathaniel.

  In all the excitement, no one had noticed an extra guard.

  She struggled in the man’s grasp, but he was very strong. Her feet were off the ground. She hated the feel of his fingers against her mouth, she could taste the salt of his skin on her tongue.

  She kept thinking someone would notice but he’d carried her behind a line of decorative hedges now, and no one could see them.

  His hand over her mouth and nose was making it hard for her to breathe. They were getting closer to Nathaniel’s cars.

  Allie looked around desperately. Someone had to notice she wasn’t there.

  But the truth was, as long as Nathaniel didn’t talk to her no one would think to look for her.

  She tried to cry out but she didn’t have enough air.

  ‘Quiet,’ a voice said in her ear. And she froze. She knew that slightly high-pitched voice. She’d heard it a hundred times.

  It was Six. Nathaniel’s guard.

  Allie seethed with helpless rage. Her efforts to end this pointless, bloody fight had failed. Nathaniel would never let it end. This was all he lived for. He loved this battle. These little brutalities gave him purpose.

  But he couldn’t have her.

  She raised her right arm and thrust her elbow into the flesh below his ribcage with all the force she could muster.

  Six made an odd, strangulated noise. And let go.

  Allie landed on her feet in a crouch, hands raised defensively. But she wasn’t alone.

  Sylvain stood next to her.

  He lowered himself to a crouch, his hands curled into fists, his intense blue gaze fixed on Six.

  ‘Back off, kid,’ Six snarled.

  Sylvain watched him with the curious interest of a cat eyeing a bird that had landed in its path.

  ‘Backing off is not what I have in mind,’ he said calmly.

  He leapt at Six with such force, the man never had a chance. Allie watched in horror as the two hit the gravel with a thud. Six grappled for Sylvain’s throat, but couldn’t get a grip. He was so unprepared for the power of Sylvain’s assault, he could do little more than ward off the blows that now rained down on him.

  Allie had never seen Sylvain so angry. So violent. His fists hit Six’s face with an awful crunching sound.

  ‘Someone help,’ she heard herself say, quietly at first but then louder. ‘Raj! Someone!’

  Footsteps pounded towards them. In seconds, guards surrounded them. It took two to pull Sylvain off of Six. The others seized the wounded man and took him away.

  ‘I’m fine. Let go.’ Sylvain jerked free of the guards’ hold. His hands were bleeding but he didn’t seem to notice.

  His eyes searched the crowd until they found Allie. For a long moment, they stared at each other across the chaos.

  Her heart twisted in her chest.

  Then he turned and walked away.

  She took a hesitant step after him, but Isabelle grabbed her arm, pulling her in the other direction. ‘Allie – are you hurt?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ Allie insisted. ‘It was nothing.’ Craning her neck, she tried to see past the headmistress. ‘Where’s Nathaniel? Is someone watching him?’

  ‘Raj has him,’ Isabelle assured her.

  Through the crowd, in the hazy light flowing from the open school door, Nathaniel stood with stiff impatience. Muscular guards flanked him, each holding one arm tightly.

  Raj was in front of him, hands on his hips.

  When things were calm enough, the two guards looked at Raj, waiting for his command. With a sigh, he nodded.

  Each dropped Nathaniel’s arm and stepped back one step.

  Freed, he straightened the cuffs of his crisp white shirt, and smoothed his tie with an irritated brush of his fingers.

  Allie and Isabelle returned to stand next to Julian. Isabelle stuck very close to Allie’s side.

  ‘As I said, we need your signed agreement.’ Julian’s voice was unruffled, as if nothing at all untoward had just occurred.

  Allie was amazed at his sheer level of cool.

  He pulled a folded sheet of paper from his pocket. ‘Before you leave tonight. The school in exchange for Orion. You’ll see the money on offer is more than fair. This offer is only on the table now.’

  Nathaniel considered him narrowly. ‘You know, if I agree to this, I will never forgive you, Julian.’ His voice was menacing. ‘You will be on my list.’

  Julian smiled. ‘Your list is filled w
ith so many of my favourite people. I’d be delighted to be among them.’

  ‘You fools.’ Nathaniel looked around the group in front of him. ‘All of you. You could have had everything.’

  His gaze lingered on Allie’s face. She thought she saw puzzlement in his eyes, amid the cool calculation.

  ‘Indeed,’ Julian agreed, as if Nathaniel had said something reasonable. ‘I think the price we’re paying to Orion for the school and grounds constitutes highway robbery. But property prices in Britain are out of control.’ He straightened his jacket. ‘Someone should really address that issue.’

  Nathaniel glowered at him. ‘I’ll ruin you, Julian.’

  ‘Well,’ Julian said, ‘all you can do is try.’

  Nathaniel reached for his breast pocket and the two guards stepped towards him instantly. When he raised his hands, one held a silver pen.

  ‘All right?’ he said to Raj.

  Eyeing him suspiciously, Raj nodded. The guards stepped back.

  Allie couldn’t believe it. Was he really going to do this? Had they actually won?

  Under cover of darkness, Isabelle took her hand, squeezing it tight.

  Nathaniel unfolded the document and read it over. Then he signed it with a flourish. Julian plucked it from his fingers.

  ‘You think you’ve won.’ Nathaniel looked around the circle of faces. ‘You think this is over. Well, I have news for you. This will never be over.’ He pointed at Allie. ‘I will dedicate myself to destroying you the way I destroyed Lucinda. Your inheritance will be blood and pain.’

  It was too much.

  ‘Stop it,’ Allie snapped. ‘Will you just stop. Stop this stupid vendetta. You have your victory. You won Orion. You have full control. Go and be happy with it. Leave us alone to live our lives. We’ll stay out of your way. You stay out of ours. We are no threat to you. ’

  She thought he would shout back. Instead, Nathaniel studied her face.

  ‘Lucinda always said you were clever,’ he said after a long pause. ‘She also said you were reckless. She was right on both counts.’

  With that, he turned on his heel and walked to his car. He climbed into the drivers’ seat. The engine roared to life; the headlights lit up the trees. Tyres spinning, he sped away.


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