Centauri Justice
Page 11
"With a navigation beacon you only wind up where you're supposed to be. Life is way more fun without them," Tourmaline said with a cocksure grin.
Most of the ships here were heavily armed. Weapons were always of mixed-value in the Imperium. Unless you were military, too many got you too much attention, and a lot of ships chose to go like the Centauri Bliss and be either unarmed or lightly armed.
Even the freighters here were equipped with multiple weapon systems. There were also a lot more smaller types of vessels.
"Why so many shuttles?" Quinn asked.
"Fuel storage. Mana crystals changed the game. Personal star ships are a lot more common," Tourmaline said.
The planet grew larger outside the view screen. There were several large cities on the planet’s surface with a lot of ruins between them.
"Good, still there," Tourmaline said, tapping at one of the cities on the display.
"Afraid the city moved on you?" Quinn asked.
"Happens. The clans get wild and it seems like there is a war every other week."
The city they were approaching was dominated by a massive round, domed structure in the center. An open air market surrounded the dome on all sides with four large boulevards extending outward.
Landing pads dominated the northern section of the city, but as with everywhere else there were no clear beacons. Scoring an open pad seemed to be a mad scramble among ships vying to it.
It was madness.
"You want something close to the boulevard. Why not show me just how good of a pilot you really are?" Tourmaline said.
"If you wanted me to impress you, you probably should have gotten it out of the way before deciding you were married to me," Quinn said.
Tourmaline made a face at him. "Tamara loves you, even if she's too tightly-wound to say it, and that means I love you. But just because we're married doesn't mean you don't have to woo me."
Quinn's head hurt. How, exactly, the most complicated of his wives to figure out had somehow become now twice as complex he still didn't quite grasp.
"Your head has got to be a weird place," Quinn said.
"You've no idea," Tourmaline said, and for just a moment all the flirty teasing of her tone was gone. There was sheer frustration.
"You really do, don't you?" Quinn asked.
"Love you?" Tourmaline said, and lifted a shoulder into a shrug. "Yeah, you grew on her and I don't really have a choice. Well ... I do have a choice, but that choice is cutting her off and I never want to be some cold, dead, immortal thing."
"Any rules down there? I ding up another ship, we going to have a problem?"
"Maybe. Pity them if they pick a fight though."
Quinn kicked on the engines and headed for the landing pads. He wasn't going for an open slot. A sporty-looking shuttle was taking up most of a large pad, angled in a way as to prevent any other vessels from settling down. Just before reaching the pad Quinn killed momentum with a sustained engine thrust, a buffeting wall of air erupting outward as a result. The smaller ship was tossed to the side, almost tumbling from the pad.
After a gentle nudge as Quinn brought the ship down, the Centauri Bliss now crowded out most of the pad.
Tourmaline was on him as soon as the ship touched down, her lips capturing his in a hungered kiss as one of her hands snagged his to guide it to one of her breasts. Quinn's thumb brushed against a hardened nipple.
From behind them Dela cleared her throat. "I think I must be doing the copilot thing wrong."
Tourmaline pulled away and gave Dela a grin. "I'll give you lessons. Like everything else in life it's all about taking what you want when you want it—as Quinn just aptly demonstrated."
"So you prepared to tell us where we are yet? And why?" Quinn asked.
"The Falk arena. An old friend of mine used to fight here and I'm hoping she's still around. My recent memories are spotty."
"Being a man didn't agree with you?" Quinn asked.
"I understand what Vess was trying to do, but shoving an incompatible host into the archive? Worse yet allowing them to write themselves later? I'm a little surprised I'm still here at all," Tourmaline said.
Quinn took Kara, Tourmaline, and Dela with him. Tourmaline thought that Jinx should remain behind in case there were other mages present on the world, and the sheer quantity of mana in the clustered ships would help to mask her presence. Mara wanted to stay behind and hack the local communications, and Taki could watch the ship.
The docks had none of the usual order Quinn was used to. Normally the line of hawkers with their wares was just outside the sections of control, but here they were everywhere. Ammunition, booze, mana, foodstuffs. Everything that one might need to resupply their ship being sold by hundreds of vendors.
The populace was largely human, although after a few minutes walking Quinn had seen at least another dozen species of the humanoid variety. Fashions were eclectic, and almost everyone wore a sword on one hip and a pistol on the other. Several wore red marks on their forehead, glyphs that looked magical.
Tourmaline stopped at the first weapons vendor they found. A quick back and forth and she traded three small mana crystals for a sword belt and blade for each of them.
"I like to bring guns to my sword fights," Quinn said, as he secured his about his waist.
"Your clothes can pass, but not going properly armed is just asking for trouble. You always want a sword in clan space," Tourmaline said.
"If they're in stabbing range, they're in punching range. Still fun to stab people though," Kara said.
Tourmaline grinned and tossed her a belt. "And necessary. Bullets aren't reliable, but an enchanted blade is something you can rely on. The enchantment on these is going to be rubbish, but they just have to be enough to keep apprentices from starting anything."
Properly armed they left the spaceport. The boulevards were tightly packed. Here and there along it massive mechs were posted. They looked well-maintained.
"Mechs make poor police. They're too imprecise," Quinn said.
"The arena city technically has a peace. You can keep your arms, but someone breaks the rules you're pretty much expected to solve the problem yourself, if you're around. You don't, the mechs will and then everyone in the area is getting splattered," Tourmaline said.
"I really like this place," Kara said, sounding a little awed.
"You're just saying that because you can take mech fire and survive," Quinn said.
"Best kind of fight is the one where everyone else is dead and I'm not," Kara said brightly.
Tourmaline gave her a high-five. Great, they got along. Quinn didn't even want to think of the trouble those two could get into together.
After half an hour of walking the arena was growing closer. Bookies surrounded it with holoboards filled with current odds.
"This place could really use some ground transport," Quinn said.
"It has, underground, but not many mechs down there. If I knew what clans held what sectors, we might try it," Tourmaline said.
The arena gate was massive, a bright sign above it marked "Full".
A shimmering barrier covered the gateway, flickering whenever someone left and somebody else quickly pressed against it to enter.
"This another brute force thing?" Quinn asked.
"I'm into that," Kara said.
"No need," Tourmaline said, moving to speak with one of the bookies nearby. A mana crystal changed hands. A group of absurdly well-muscled men surrounded them, moving them towards the gate. From the other side a group just as physically impressive threw several patrons out, and Quinn’s crew were shoved through.
"Let's go deeper in. Being near the gate is just waiting for that to happen to us. Anyone tries it, you're free to punch them, but no weapons," Tourmaline said.
Inside the arena was a cacophonous roar. On the sands two mechs circled each other, one firing a machine gun which was simply bouncing off a shimmering blue shield the other projected.
Huh," Quinn said. That was new. There were a few ways to protect yourself from bullets, like dense armor and charged hull plating on star ships, but an energy shield was new.
"Guns, you can't trust them," Tourmaline said.
"What about energy weapons?" Kara asked.
"They're cruder over here. Well-regulated energy chambers and chaos magic are a bad mix," Tourmaline said, as she elbowed, kneed, and crashed her way through the densely packed crowd. With Kara's help she threw a seven-foot heavily built man away from a terminal so she could tap at the keys.
"Anything interesting?" Quinn asked.
Kara smashed into the terminal, black blood dripping from her nose as she shook her head and with a manic grin charged the figure who was trying to get his place back.
"Nova isn't listed as a fighter. There is a suite registered in her name though. Not like her to sit back and watch, but it has been a long time," Tourmaline said.
"You can have it back," Tourmaline called to the massive man, who was busy exchanging punches with Kara.
Kara rejoined them a moment later, the trickle of blood already halted from her quick healing. "This place is amazing."
"Ever done any arena fighting? They have a pairs tournament we'd be perfect for," Tourmaline said.
"Tamara would not appreciate you taking her body into an arena battle," Quinn said.
"My body," Tourmaline said. "Possession is the law."
Tamara led them into the back halls of the arena, the crowds vanishing into almost nothing as they climbed several sets of stairs. A doorway was guarded by what looked like nothing so much as a giant praying mantis in a top hat.
The mantis clicked and popped, and a speaker translated in a clipped accent, "Private suite. Go away."
"I'm here to see Nova and I know she'll want to see me. We're old friends," Tourmaline said.
"Nova doesn't have old friends, because she's terrible. Nova doesn't have old enemies either, because she kills them all," said the mantis.
"Tell her it’s Tourmaline."
The mantis looked her up and down and clicked in agitation. "Boss says go on through. If I have to clean up your blood stains I'm feeding you to my children."
"Fair," Kara said, and they passed through.
The room beyond was opulent with red velvet and gold fixtures. A window gave a sweeping view of the arena floor below, with monitors flanking it showing the battle from every angle. A number of men and women baring everything were reclined on pillows surrounding a chair that almost seemed a throne. The occupant looked human, but wasn't quite right. Her skin was an unnatural, chalky white without any veins visible. Her hair was a flaming red to match Mara's. She was dressed in a skintight black bodysuit, the armor panels in it subtle, but visible to the trained eye.
"Tendare Tournament. Fourth round," Nova said, running her eyes over them.
"That bastard Klik. He'd drugged us the night before when he took us out drinking, passed the sensors without the activating agent which he'd tipped his sword with being detected," Tourmaline said.
Nova grinned and looked her up and down. "Tourmaline. Back to a girl, and this one isn't a fighter." A snap of her fingers and she bellowed, "Out."
The figures rose off the cushions and quickly made their way out a pair of side doors, leaving them alone in the room.
"You know why we're here?" Tourmaline asked.
Nova gave her a flat look. "You're even better at finding a fight than I am, and I know you. That body you’re wearing is your blood and I know there hasn't been one of those around in a long time. You've been past the Divide. Let me guess, you headed out as soon as that Empress arrived here?"
"What Empress?" Dela asked.
Nova was looking at her alertly and a lazy grin spread across her lips. "Oh, this just gets better. You don't know? Everybody knows."
"We've been scrapping together a long time. I need to know what’s happening on this side of the Divide," Tourmaline said.
"Because you've aligned yourself with the other side? But they don't know about the Empress? Do you know that Ilinar is dead?" Nova asked.
"That much I knew," Tourmaline said with a glance around. "You really need more seating."
"My pets are there to look luscious and wanton. I put them in chairs, they just look bored," Nova said.
"What Empress?" Dela asked again, her voice louder this time.
"Joline. Not even a member of the royal line, if you can believe it, and yet able to do things only they should be capable of," Nova said, watching them intently.
Quinn recognized the name, Tamara had told him about her death. A member of the Imperium Navy, one with some distant claim to the throne. Like Jinx, she must have gained her abilities when the Emperor and his line died.
Not so dead after all, clearly, but apparently captured. And if she was here she must have a runic sphere of her own.
"That's bad. Do the clans ready for war?" Tourmaline asked.
"What do you think? An Unshackled murdered, a warship appearing. Of course the clans are preparing for war. I'd been uninterested until now, but you ... oh, if you are going to be on the other side I think I may have to participate," Nova said, leaning forward.
"I'd rather you have my back, like the old days."
"I remember the arena. The sand underfoot, the blood on my hands. I thought the killing would never get old, but it did. Then I tried clan wars. I don't care about their politics, but the slaughter was just more, not interesting," Nova said. “In these times you and I are foes, not allies.”
Tourmaline altered her posture, a subtle shift in stance so she was ready for a fight.
"I get to punch someone else?" Kara asked.
"No. If a fight breaks out you get Quinn to safety. You're good, but you're no match for someone like Nova," Tourmaline said.
"She's right," Nova said conversationally, as she settled back on her throne. "I'd kill you all with negligent ease and then I'd just be bored again. Tourmaline is worthy, but only when prepared. I'll give you three questions and then three months. Then I step into things. Questions now, before you leave the room."
"What are your weaknesses?" Tourmaline asked.
"The blade of Koranthus, which made me the woman I am. Possess it, you control my will. Obviously you'll never find it, and if you ask me where it is I'll see it moved before you get there. My heightened senses can be used against me, but I adapt quickly."
"That was really one of your questions? And she answered it?" Dela asked Tourmaline.
"She wants to fight me. I didn't expect it, but I'm not surprised by it. I have a way to keep being ancient interesting, she doesn't. Where is Joline being kept here?" Tourmaline asked.
"Tokari. Kalisa has her and is handling her interrogation. I do hope you plan a rescue. I'd love to watch you in action."
"There isn't a cutting-edge weapon or defense that doesn't wind up coming through the arena. I'd love to know what has impressed you lately and how it operates," Tourmaline said.
"I'm sure," Nova said dryly. "That is almost cheating, dear, but I'll allow it in the interest of a good challenge." She tapped at a screen on her throne. "My new and noteworthy file. Now get off my planet. I'll be coming for you, personally."
Tourmaline didn't speak until they were almost back to the ship, working her lower lip between her teeth in a worried gesture that Tamara didn't share.
"Your friend isn't a very good one," Dela said.
"Old and cold. It happens to most ancients, I fight like hell to see it doesn't happen to me. When we get back aboard get everyone together at the dining table. I have a plan to put forward."
Two hours later they were gathered around the dinner table. Melody had prepared kebabs made out some sort of lizard meat and spicy vegetables from a completely different world. They went well together.
"These are good," Taki said.
"We should buy some Throkka meat while we're here. For armored killing machines they're really tender," Tourmalin
e said.
"So we're here to talk business. I know you've things to discuss, Tourmaline, but I want Tamara around as well. Can you say your part and hand over control and memories?" Quinn asked.
Tourmaline rolled her eyes. "I can already tell you what she'll say, but fine. Let me know when you want me to do the swap."
"Just to recap what we learned there. It sounds like the clans are on the way, whoever they are, because they know Ilinar is dead and caught Empress Joline poking around their space," Dela said, glancing around. "Oh, and Tourmaline's old best friend is trying to murder her."
"The clans are the clans, always changing and usually at war. Some are tiny and some are massive. They don't have much respect except for the Unshackled, who are too insane to rule anything effectively," Tourmaline said.
"Then why respect them?" Quinn asked.
"Because when they go to war, clans fall. The clans respect strength, that is a lot of the problem. Ilinar's death impressed them and no doubt Empress Joline showing up with technology nobody had ever seen did so even more. Threat, challenge, take it as you will, but they'll answer," Tourmaline said.
"If they're that disorganized is it even a problem?" Dela asked.
"Is the Imperium much better at the moment? Everyone is so busy fighting each other right now they're in no shape to fend off an invasion," Taki said.
"The clans might be disorganized, but don't doubt the threat they'd pose even to an organized Imperium. Many are sworn to an Unshackled and have gained some degree of magic as a result, and they've a technological edge," Tourmaline said.
"You also have seen first-hand how contagious that magic can be. While the wrathspawn were an extreme example, the Unshackled affect minds, bodies, simply by their presence," Mara said.
"Unless you have anything else vital to say I'd like Tamara to take over," Quinn said.
Tourmaline frowned and sighed. "Fine. I'll take over if I need to and will allow her access to the memories she needs. Just ... be careful. She wants to do something reckless. This is me saying that."
The body language shift was immediate, Tamara drawing into herself and taking on a poised sophistication her other half lacked.