Centauri Justice
Page 12
"Why is she making me out to be the bad guy when she’s the one who gathered the information that we need? She's right though. I want to go after Joline," Tamara said.
"Isn't like you to have a hero streak," Taki said.
"I kind of like it," Dela said.
Jinx was silent, head hung low as she stared at the table.
"You know I enjoy playing the hero with the right cause and the right odds. Why is this either?" Quinn asked.
"The Imperium isn't going to rally around Jinx. Not now, she both doesn't want it and more importantly isn't ready. Joline returns from beyond the Divide with knowledge of the coming storm, the Navy will listen," Tamara said.
"While unexpected, I agree with Tamara and Tourmaline. If the Unshackled are to return to our space we must be certain they meet a united front," Mara said.
"This is my fault. This is all my fault. If I hadn't killed him none of this would be happening," Jinx said.
"I'd be dead and I wouldn't be alone," Quinn said.
"And how many are going to die if a war breaks out?" Jinx asked.
"Fair sure the fault of a war lies on them that are shooting the guns," Quinn said.
"Quinn's right. We've all got some things we can feel guilt about, but this shouldn't be one," Tamara said.
"Kalisa, this person holding Joline. Anyone know anything about her?" Quinn asked.
"One of the Unshackled. During the war some of the most brilliant and terrifying expressions of magic came from her," Mara said.
"Tourmaline's memories say she was a schoolteacher. Once," Tamara said.
"Before she got her power, no doubt. All of the Unshackled are driven to some kind of extreme by their magic, some part of the spirit runs unchecked. For Ilinar it was wrath, for Kalisa it is curiosity," Mara said.
"Curiosity doesn't sound so bad. I'm pretty curious," Dela said.
"Science unchecked by any morality. The desire to explore unchecked by any fear. Kalisa was a terrifying foe," Mara said.
"Is rescuing Joline even a possibility? We're a small ship far from home," Quinn said.
"With a runic sphere," Jinx said.
"That didn't help Joline," Taki said.
Jinx asked, "We steal things all the time. We can steal a person right? Isn't it the same thing?"
Quinn had to admit, that was a great way to think of it.
"We're stealing something from the heart of a facility. We can think of it as military and scientific. Work the problem," Quinn said.
"Deception is out. There will too many security checks and technology we don't understand. Best hope for a facility like that is to go in silent, go loud to get the prize, and then get out before the big guns come out," Taki said.
Mara said, "Going silent is my specialty, but I've something else to offer. Joline's ship is probably the Starhammer. It was the one ship with a runic orb that should have been in the Navy's possession in her part of space. I'd have almost total command access to its systems." Tamara raised a brow at her. "Whatever I thought you were, I didn't think you Imperium Intelligence."
"I'm not. I'm just very well prepared."
"With highly classified information in her immediate memory," Tamara said.
Mara gave a languid shrug. "This isn't about me. I'm just giving it as an option. If they have it captured I can give us access to the weapon systems, engine control."
"Would be a great distraction, sir," Taki said.
"What about their crew? Would we be rescuing them too?" Melody asked.
There was a silence around the table for a moment.
"Probably not. They would have taken Joline to Kalisa because she is a mage. They might have taken the ship because of her skills at research. The crew? There is nothing to be gained from them," Mara said.
"We send the Tango in ahead of us. Get scans of the system and the planets so we can do a proper jump," Dela said.
"Do we have a way to pinpoint Joline?" Quinn asked.
"Mana scanner. We don't have one fixed up, but I can give Melody the specifications. An order mage is going to have a different resonance than Kalisa or her apprentices," Mara said.
"We jump in on top of her. Strike team goes in hot. I'll lead it," Kara said.
Tamara's posture shifted. "The pretty one is talking again. You'll want to harden your armor, ammunition. Just like we did at the pool. Jinx can put some power in them. The strike team is likely to take some magical fire."
"Should I come along then?" Jinx asked.
"Absolutely not," Mara said.
"Fuck no," Tourmaline said.
The two shared a look.
"Kalisa already has her claws into one member of the line, we're not letting her get two. Besides, we need you on the ship and at the sphere. When we depart, it’s going to need to be instant," Mara said.
"And you don't know what you're doing in magical combat," Tourmaline said.
"Yet I killed Ilinar. I've got the glowing runes to prove ... something. I know I'm not ready, but you don't have anyone else ready to go into a magical duel," Jinx said.
Vess harumphed. "My dragonfire will burn a mage as well as anyone else. Us non-humans have plenty of magic."
"Speak for yourself," Kara said. "The Yek just have spiritwalkers and I'm not one."
"There is ... something I can do as well. I've been reluctant, but it would let me more fully use Ilinar's blade," Mara said.
"You're a secret mage along with everything else?" Quinn asked.
"I'm not, but among order mages power is carried in the blood, and I do have absolute control over my physiology."
"You can make yourself a mage?" Quinn asked. "That is a thing?"
"It is not. The effort usually spawns spontaneous new forms of order within our cells. A cancer that quickly devours us from within," Mara said.
"Why do you think it worth trying now?" Jinx asked.
"We've never done so under the guidance of an order mage of your power. My hope would be that you assert the right patterns, and that things never grow out of control."
"Not now. A big job is not a time to lose you. Even if you're not a mage, you are the best hacker, assassin, and spy we have," Jinx said.
Mara frowned but nodded.
"It sounds like we have a plan then," Quinn said. "Let's go steal us an Empress."
They were in a rush, and at the same time couldn’t act hastily. Back at Hope's Reach the deadline still grew closer, but it didn't do to rush planning for a job. That was how people wound up dead and Quinn had lost enough in his life.
He'd fallen asleep with Dela, neither a pilot nor copilot being required just yet, and both of them needed lots of rest. Someone was sliding into bed from behind, and even without turning it was easy to tell who. In the dark room Jinx was unmissable, the glowing runes upon her hand and thigh making her a particularly bright night-light.
"Done practicing with the sphere?" Quinn asked quietly as he turned, Dela burrowing against his side.
Jinx moved herself atop him to press a kiss to his lips and made a sound of surprise. "Oh, am I interrupting? I thought she was asleep."
Quinn knew what she meant. It was hard to miss how his arousal was digging into her thigh, pressed right up against that rune. It caused a tingling sensation that, while it wasn't exactly erotic, wasn’t unpleasant.
"You aren't. It's ... Kara warned me awhile back that the effect she has on her mate would eventually spread through a clan. She wasn't sure if it would work with humans. Guess it does, but just the originals right now. Kara, you, Dela, Tamara, and Taki."
Jinx giggled, her hand reaching out and fingers curling around his length to begin to slowly stroke. "I shouldn't like that. I know it has to be hard for you, double entendre fully intended, but I really, really do."
"I like it too," Dela said, stifling a yawn, her hand moving to slide over Quinn's chest. "What about Melody?"
"Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to apply to robots," Quinn said.
urmaline?" Jinx asked, her body shifting down his and her head dislodging Dela's hand as she planted a line of kisses down his chest.
"No, actually," Quinn said.
"Good. I think she's even more needy than I am," Dela said, sitting up. The blue glow coming from Jinx lit the curves of her chest as she leaned over Quinn. "It's so rare just us straight ones are sharing the bed together. Seems like a shame to waste it."
Jinx pressed her lips to the tip of Quinn's shaft, the tip of her tongue flicking out to trace a path along the sensitive flesh, and Quinn let out a breathy gasp.
"Seems only fair if he's getting head he gives some. I'm totally next though," Jinx said, her breath warm against Quinn's length before she moved her lips down to wrap around the head, her fingers moving back to their earlier position to stroke.
"Good with you?" Dela asked, as her body shifted over him still more, thighs pressed against either side of Quinn's head as her sex loomed over him.
"I'm fair sure if I ever turn either of you down for sex you'd be wise to shoot me as an impostor," Quinn said, another gasp escaping from him as Jinx's tongue hit a particularly sensitive spot.
Dela lowered herself atop him, his tongue flickering out to explore the folds of her sex with several quick teasing lashes before burying itself deeper within.
The world became a blur, the pleasure coming from Jinx's lips and tongue. His own gasps, muted and almost silent from between Dela's thighs, left hers the sole sound of pleasure in the room. A tangled mingling of bodies that in their way had become one.
Quinn came first, although Dela was only thirty seconds or so behind. Then the two were shifting off him and over, taking places on either side.
"Ever thought of trying it? With girls, I mean?" Dela asked Jinx, their fingers entwined on Quinn's chest.
"I wish," Jinx said, as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against Quinn's throat. "College is the time to experiment and almost everyone did. Always wondered if I was missing out, especially now that I see the fun some of the others have. It just isn't me."
"You're super-cute and I really want to dress you and everyone else in skimpy outfits. But uh, same," Dela said.
"I think this whole thing is the hardest on you two. I always feel like I should be apologizing for that," Quinn said.
"Isn't your fault. If it wasn't for me, the Centauri could add men if it wanted. Just, now if I might one day be Empress. Many wives as I want, but just one husband so that things don't get blurry with kids," Jinx said.
"That's a weird-ass tradition," Dela said with a snort, her body shifting up as she moved to straddle his hips. "And I'm not suffering. I'm with a guy who is hard every damned moment I'm in the room instead of a crime lord boyfriend hiding in the closet."
"I didn't make it up. Principle kind of pisses me off, but I'm not really looking for a stable of guys," Jinx said.
"You haven't thought of it at all? I know with as much as you don't want to be Empress, you must sometimes think of any escape," Quinn said.
"Pretty sure I could turn down the job without a dozen husbands," Jinx said with a laugh, and then more seriously, "I don't want it, and if there is another way I'm going to find it. But I worry if the possibility isn't there a lot of people might die from the lack. I'm not prepared to let that happen."
Dela lowered herself atop Quinn, the heat of her sex enveloping him as she slowly began to rock. "As someone who tried to live the wrong life too long, don't let yourself be forced into anything."
"Everyone's made it more than clear they'd support me, if I wanted to run. Well, not Tamara or Mara, but everyone else. I've got a choice," Jinx said. Despite her words earlier she was in no rush to seek more pleasure herself, seeming content to cuddle for the moment.
"Tamara would back you, if you made the choice. I talk, talked, to her a lot. Yeah, she has these plans, but your happiness comes first," Dela said as her hips continued to rock, the pace slowly building. This time out she was in no hurry whatsoever, or was Quinn.
"What about Tourmaline? She tell you any more about that magic of yours?" Quinn asked.
"More than Mara has. It all comes back to chaos and order, destruction and creation, spiritual and physical, red and blue. These two swirling poles circling each other," Jinx said.
"Well that is just poetical," Quinn said, and then let out a breathless gasp as Dela shifted the right way.
"So all our nobles are order mages? I guess they do like bossing people around," Dela said, with her own voice growing a little breathless.
"It's kind of funny watching you two try to hold a proper conversation while screwing," Jinx said.
"We aren't doing bad. Just a mite more moany than usual," Quinn said, fingers curling the sheet between them.
"But yeah. With the Imperial line sort of being the strongest at the pole. The Unshackled are like that for the other side. They're not the only chaos mages, but they're the strongest," Jinx said.
Dela was unable to answer for several moments, release having come upon her. The only thing she uttered were needy little cries as she ground herself against Quinn and his followed moments later. She wasn't done, barely catching her breath before she resumed an even more languid pace than before.
A minute to get her bearings and Dela said in a considerably more contented voice, "She know what the marks are?"
Jinx moved her runed hand to Quinn's chest, the glow lighting up the sweat-soaked figure of Dela. "They sort of display power, and they show wins. Chaos mages usually get them for killing big rivals."
"I never heard of the Emperor glowing," Quinn said.
"You never saw him naked either. Every picture I ever saw, he was in trousers and a big heavy coat," Dela said.
"I thought about that. Maybe wearing more than I do even around the ship. When we're in port I cover up. I like the shorts and tees though. They make me feel like I'm still me," Jinx said.
"You look badass. You look special. I can understand if we're in enemy territory, but if it were me I'd be flaunting it anywhere halfway friendly," Dela said.
"Maybe I should. By now I think all of Arkstone has seen that video of me with my hand," Jinx said musingly.
"And I've seen you totally go native when called for without blushing. Flash a little thigh now that you've got even more to flaunt," Dela said.
Jinx shifted against Quinn, the light of her runes moving as she straddled his head. "Might at that. But for now, I think I'm running behind in the scorecard."
The rest of the night was restless but satisfying.
Twelve hours later the plan was already running into problems. They'd sent Mara ahead in the Tango to scout the system. This was supposed to be done in a series of jumps, the first only staying on the other side a few seconds to observe the Runestone surroundings. If it was safe, a second more prolonged stay of no more than an hour to get proper sensor readings of the system, then a third to survey the planet itself.
The first two had gone off without a hitch, but Mara was two hours outside of her reporting window for the third.
Quinn had called an emergency meeting of anyone with any tactical expertise to discuss what to do about it. That meant he was meeting with Kara, Taki, Tourmaline, and Dela. Printed off charts of the system and what long range scans had revealed of the planet were already spread out over the table.
"We had a good plan and it's already gone to hell. If they've captured Mara that’s two rescues we need to pull off and they'll be on high alert. I need options," Quinn said.
"Mara isn't transmitting and her implants should be able to outside of the system. She's being jammed, which is impressive given her hardware," Tourmaline said.
"We get you in system could you get a location on her?" Quinn asked.
Tourmaline frowned. "Me, no. Tamara might."
"Well, this is an all-new side of you aren't just her, only better," Quinn said.
"I will be, if you just let us properly integrate. For now she's the better hacker and mo
re familiar with Mara's implants."
"We need to fight at all, sir? I know that was our plan, but like you said. That plan is no more," Taki said.
"If they'll take out an Imperium vessel to get a hold of a member of the Imperial line, they'll take us," Dela said.
Tourmaline rapped her knuckles on the table. "The Unshackled are ... unpredictable. They're all honorable in their way and for one of Opalia's kin they might pause to listen."
Opalia had been the Empress of the First Imperium. Overthrown and her line stripped of power.
"Ilinar said something much the same. Wanted to spare Jinx because of Opalia. Why?" Quinn asked.
"Wish I knew," Tourmaline said with a wry smile. "Just because I lived through events doesn't mean I had a clue. Bit like now, I was trying like hell to keep my family alive as the Imperium tore itself apart. Since then though, I've seen it. They respect her, and they don't respect much."
"Run a social con, sir? Well, not even a con, I guess. Fly in blaring diplomatic protocols and saying that Opalia's heir wants to talk?" Taki asked.
"The girl up to that?" Tourmaline asked.
"Jinx can do it. Got something fancy and skimpy for her to wear?" Quinn asked Dela.
"Oh, I've been waiting for the moment," Dela said.
"Really, sir?" Taki asked.
"Marks are a sign of power. It is a good idea. As far as we know Joline won't have any," Tourmaline said.
"We go in with the runic sphere," Quinn said, studying the map and tapping a section of space. "We have Jinx ready to talk, but we also stand ready to get out. Tamara will be looking for Mara and helping Jinx out with the chatter."
"We should still be ready for a fight, sir," Taki said.
"I agree. Taki, Kara. I want you geared up in the Whiskey and ready to launch. The talks fall through we'll do whatever we have to in order to free Mara and bounce," Quinn said.
"What about Joline?" Dela asked.
"Not family and a secondary priority. We can get her, we do, but we get our own first," Quinn said.
Nods around the table, that got no argument.