SHIFTED: The midnight series

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SHIFTED: The midnight series Page 14

by Toni Goode

  Oh, you’re on! He said before he took off running.

  Hey! No fair! Your cheating! She yelled as she laughed and chased after him.

  As they got up to the house John shifted first and Briana was following suit as she tried to jump and shift in mid air like John did but instead she flew ungracefully in the air, but John caught her still as she laughed. “You know just because I’m strong doesn’t mean you should risk an injury.” He laughed as put her down and she wobbled with unsteady feet.

  “Maybe you should go in and make sure the coast is clear before Maria or your brother get an eyeful of me.” She smirked.

  “Good point.” John kissed her forehead and then went in his brother’s house. He looked around for a minute. It was so quiet. “Hello? Anyone home?” He called out and no one answered. He walked over to the door and opened it. “Coast is clear.” He said as Briana cautiously went inside.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower.” She made a bee line for the stairs. “You could join me if you want!” She called out as she got up the stairs quick. You don’t have to ask me twice! Johns voice filled her head. Get the water warm, I’m just going to call my brother and let him know were back. He said in his mind as he grabbed Michael’s house phone and dialed but there was no answer.

  Briana got up to the room she was staying in and she immediately went into the bathroom that was also in there. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like shit, honestly. She had dirt and twigs in her hair. She picked them out quick as she turned on the water and quickly jumped in. She was hoping to get cleaned up before he got in there. Your beautiful just the way you are Briana. His words filled her head and she couldn’t help but smile as she let the water wash over her body.

  You better hurry. I need you to wash my back. Her words barely left her mind and she heard the bathroom door open as John walked in. He opened the curtain and grinned as he looked her over. “You’re so damn sexy and all mine.” He said as he stepped into the shower with her and immediately pulled her close.

  “God your insatiable.” She said as his mouth went to her neck.

  “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet sweetheart.” He grinned and then his mouth found hers again. Within seconds he had her back pushed up against the cold wet shower wall but the contrast to her heat was delicious and soon he was entering her body as she cried out.

  Things had changed in such a short time for them. She couldn’t help but wonder when the next shoe would drop. She wanted to have faith that things would continue to go wonderful but sometimes things are just too good to be true. By the time they were out of the shower she was exhausted and physically spent as they laid in the bed together. She tried not to think of reality but with his new marriage she couldn’t help but wonder how things would be fixed.

  “Briana, I want you, have I not made it clear at all?” He asked as he ran his fingers up and down her back as she laid her head on his chest.

  “I know but…” Her words trailed, and her mind began to speak to him. Your engaged.

  “And that doesn’t change anything between us. I mean it does make it a bit complicated, but I am going to fix that tomorrow. I just don’t want to think about anything but you for right now.” He said honestly. He knew what he had to do. He knew it would be completely unheard of, but the council couldn’t deny him.

  “I just know that if it was me then I would have a crazy hard time accepting that it was over.” She said honestly. She had seen the way Ana looked at him. There was genuine love for him and even though he didn’t feel the same. Well it didn’t mean that she would back off without a fight.

  “Your worrying about things that have absolutely no relevance. Ok so I’m engaged to Ana, as soon as tomorrow comes I won’t be.” He said seriously.

  “I think you underestimate things. I mean maybe you owe her an explanation.” Briana said the words and she hated that she had even said them.

  “Explaining things to her still wont change how I feel about you Briana. I know you feel it too.” He said, and she picked up her head now and looked at him as she rested her arms on his chest.

  “Isn’t it crazy. I mean, this. Do you think Clara may have been right about us?” She said quickly.

  “I think she was definitely onto something. I have never felt this way about anyone Briana and I mean that, anyone.” He emphasized the word ‘anyone’ and he meant it. Even after what him and his late wife Kate had been through. Even after that horrible loss, this still felt completely different. What he was feeling now he could barely put into words. His feelings for Briana were multiplying at an enormous rate. He didn’t understand it, nor did he care to.

  Briana fell asleep on his chest. She had never been so worn down and tired in her life. John waited till she fell asleep and then he quietly got out of the bed. He was going to use this opportunity to talk to Ana, he owed her that much at least. He got dressed and looked at Briana sleeping one last time before he headed out of the room.

  As he got down the stairs he heard his brothers voice. He sounded a bit frantic. “I don’t know where he is! Someone needs to find him.” Michael began as John walked into the kitchen and Michael looked at him shocked. “He just walked in. I will call you back.” He said as he hung up. “Where the hell have you been?” Michael said with anger and John couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Michael was always the dramatic one.

  “Chill brother I’m here, what’s up?” John grabbed a cup of coffee nonchalantly.

  “Chill? You disappeared for days John. “Michael said with anger. “Is she here too?”

  “Why are you freaking out. So, I got held up for a few days, its no big deal.” John sipped his coffee.

  “No big deal. John you got engaged and then you ran off” Seriously what the hell man, are you trying to have the council get you killed?” Michael was pissed as he paced back and forth.

  “Listen I’m going to fix it. I’m going to see the council and I’m going to see Ana.” John began. “Just relax ok. I got this.”

  “You got this? Your fiancée, the one you decided to have the impromptu engagement to the other day is in the hospital John. There’s been an accident.” Michael snapped.

  “What? How? What happened? Is she ok?” John said with worry.

  “No, she is not ok. Do you even care? I mean I get it man, you like Briana but hell you went and got engaged to Ana, and then you left man. I don’t even know what the hell you are thinking.” Michael shook his head, but John was already heading to the door to check on Ana. He may not want to get married to Ana anymore, but he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.

  “Keep your eye on Briana.” John called out as he left.

  “As if I have a choice!” Michael snapped angrily.

  John got to the hospital in record time and he went up to the front desk in the ER. Everyone there knew him, this was his people. He was their Alpha. As soon as he came in the girl at the desk stood up and walked over to him. “Thank god you’re here John. She has been in and out of it.” The young girl said as she began to lead him down a hallway.

  “What happened? Do you know?” He asked as guilt began to course through him.

  “I was working when she came in yesterday. I don’t know what happened but.” She leaned into him. “People are saying that it was the same group that. Well you know.” She said quietly, and his heart began to race.

  “Just bring me to her.” He said with increasing anger. If this was done by the same vampires responsible for Kate’s death, then he was going to lose it. The girl brought him to a room where a security guard stood outside.

  “Sir.” The security guard said as he nodded his head at John.

  John opened the door and the scene before him caught his breath. Ana laid on the bed with machines hooked up to her. She looked pale and frail. The sound of machines beeping made his skin crawl. He didn’t like hospitals. He walked over to the side of her bed. She was sleeping as she laid there.

  “John I’m gl
ad you got here when you did.” One of the doctors came into the room as John looked at him.

  “Is she going to be ok?” John asked with concern as the doctor walked over.

  “It’s too soon to tell John but there is something else. Something that I didn’t tell anyone about.” The doctor closed the door as he walked over to John.

  John felt sick as he looked at the worried doctors face. What could possibly be wrong now?

  “The damage to her legs was pretty severe and she is not healing like she should.” The doctor said with worry as he pulled the blanket from her now bandaged legs. She looked broken under that blanket and John felt his heart begin to race. He would kill who ever did this to her. “I couldn’t figure out why her body was refusing to heal and then, well then I was able to see why.” He continued as John looked at him with confusion.

  “Just tell me what’s going on. I don’t want riddles, I want answers Doc!” John snapped.

  “Her body is not healing John, well because something else is taking her energy.” The doctor said as he looked at John. “Ana is pregnant John, you’re going to be a father.”

  John blinked in shock as he looked at the doctor. He felt like he was hearing things, he had to be hearing things because he was pretty sure it sounded like the doctor said that she was pregnant. “I’m sorry what?” He said in shock.

  “The baby is fine. She is about two months pregnant.” The doctor said as John backed up some as he looked at her.

  “She’s? Are you sure?” John said with shock as the doctor nodded his head as he handed John a sonogram picture with a picture of a very small baby though at this point it looked more alien then anything, but it was definitely a baby.

  “She’s in a coma John. Were doing all we can to keep her comfortable, but I can’t make any promises.” The doctor said solemnly before leaving the room as John walked over to the bed. Guilt washed over him. This was his fault. All of this was his fault.

  Briana sat up in the bed with tears streaming down her face. She felt like she was in a nightmare. She had heard everything, and she felt sick. How had she allowed things to get this bad?

  Hours passed as Briana sat in the bedroom. It was like a bad movie was playing in her head. She could hear all of Johns thoughts. He was worried and scared for Ana. She was in a coma, she may not make it. One thought took over all the rest, he was excited for a baby. He was excited for Ana’s baby. She wondered if he had already forgotten that she could hear all of his thoughts. It was excruciating for her to sit there and seem unaffected. She could hear everything. She could feel everything, and she felt so angry. She also felt guilty for feeling angry. Hell, he was engaged, she knew this! Nothing was cut and dry, definitely not this. She wondered if John could even hear her thoughts or if he was blocking them out. That hurt the most. The unknowing.

  Maria had come and knocked on her door twice already and she pretended to be sleeping both times. She didn’t want to face her. What was she going to say anyways? It’s not like she could tell her that she could read Johns mind and that he was about to be a father. It wasn’t even her place to say so. John hadn’t reached out to her either. She could tell by his thoughts that he was still with Ana. Were they making up? Images of her worst nightmare ran through her mind and she immediately regretted it as she remembered that John could see her thoughts too, but he was unaffected by it. He didn’t even seem to care. Damn it she was hurting too!

  Finally, she got out of the bedroom. She would have to eat, she was starving, and her body physically hurt. She tried to think of what she would say to Michael and Maria. Would they hate her? She was essentially the other woman. She slowly made her way downstairs, but she heard a familiar voice as she neared the kitchen. It was Steele and he was talking to Michael. She got to the doorway as they all turned and looked at her. She tried to seem nonchalant.

  “Hey good morning.” She swallowed hard and walked over to the coffee maker. The guys continued to talk.

  “I’m glad you’re up, I was beginning to worry.” Maria finally said to her as she walked over. Briana was glad that at least she seemed to be acting normal. Briana felt so uncomfortable that it was borderline unbearable.

  “Yeah I was tired.” She poured a cup of coffee. She glanced at Steele who continued to talk to Michael, but he smiled softly at her and she finally felt a bit relieved. Maybe things wouldn’t be weird after all.

  “So, I hear congrats are in order.” Steele finally said to her as she nearly choked on her coffee.

  “I’m sorry?” She said as she coughed some.

  “The change, its written all over your face.” He continued, and she quickly smiled awkwardly. “Oh, yeah. Is it that obvious?” She shook her head.

  “Uh yeah. You didn’t think you could go through the change and have it go unnoticed.” Steele smirked. “So big wolf or small wolf?” He asked as he walked over to her.

  “Um, big-ish I think.” She said nervously, and he laughed.

  “We’ll take a run later and you can show me.” He said with a grin. He was acting completely normal and she was relieved. She needed normal. “I got to run for now. How about around 5-ish?” He said as he grabbed a piece of toast and headed out of the kitchen.

  “Ok... 5 it is.” She called out as she sipped her drink and then brought her attention back to Maria and Michael.

  “I got stuff.” Michael said coldly as he looked at his wife and then refused to look at Briana as he left the room. So, there was tension after all. She would have been completely shocked if there was none.

  “Don’t mind him, he has been in a bad mood. Come…sit. “Maria said softly as she took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs. “How are you? Did you hear about Ana, she is in a coma?” Maria said as she shook her head.

  “I thought I heard something. It’s horrible.” Briana said but she didn’t truly mean it and that made her feel bad.

  “It’s crazy how something like that happens. I hear Johns at the hospital.” Maria continued.

  “Yeah, he needs to be there.” Briana said quickly as she grabbed a piece of toast from the table it was cold, but she didn’t care.

  “You’re probably starving, let me make you a few eggs.” Maria stood back up.

  “Oh, you don’t have to. I can make them.” Briana said quickly.

  “No, I got it. I want to hear how the last few days have been. I know you didn’t expect me to ask. Michael may be pissed but I’m, well I’m shocked sort of.” Maria said with a soft laugh and Briana was happy that she was being so good about this.

  “Not much to say.” Briana said quickly as Maria shot her a look. “It’s a really long story.”

  “Well it’s a good thing I have time.” Maria smirked as she began to cook.

  Briana began to tell Maria about her change and how John had found her. She left out the part about hearing each other’s thoughts. She did tell about the vampire attack and how they had to run. It had only been two days that they had been gone. Not even a full two day and it seemed like so much time had passed. Briana was shocked still at how quickly things had happened between them and part of her hoped John was listening. Briana listened as Maria told her what had happened with Ana and she tried to act as shocked as she could, thankfully as far as she could tell Maria bought it. Maria still didn’t know that Ana was pregnant. No one did but John, Ana and the doctor though Briana knew that would be changing fast. She tried not to even think about that because she knew her thoughts would not be nice.

  “You think I am crazy.” Briana shook her head as she looked at Maria and flushed with embarrassment for going on and on.

  “Absolutely not. You’re in love.” Maria smiled. “Though you have a bit of a complication but then again John is a walking complication.” Maria laughed. “Trust me I know John and he isn’t going to let something like Ana being in the hospital deter him. Don’t get me wrong John is a good guy, but he doesn’t love Ana. Anyone with half a brain knows that.” Maria said honestly.

I don’t know.” Briana shook her head. Was she really in love? This felt more than just love. Why wouldn’t he say anything to her?

  “Listen I know John. He doesn’t fall in love easily but when he does its intense. I’ve only seen it happen once, well twice now.” Maria smiled big. Briana’s thoughts went to John. Did he love her? She immediately stopped thinking about it. Now was definitely not the time. Maybe Maria was right, and he needed time. A lot had happened over the last two days. It was a lot to digest. Hell, Briana still didn’t know what to think of it and to label it so early on. Would that be even fair? She quickly wiped all thoughts from her mind. “You worry too much. I have a good feeling about this.” Maria snapped her from her thoughts.

  “Yeah well Michael looks like he wants to kill me.” Briana finally said honestly.

  “Michael and John have a love hate relationship. They are both moody and even though John is the Alpha, well Michael is still very much a leader in his own right. Don’t let it bother you, honestly. Things will be back to normal in no time.” She said with a smile.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Five whole days had passed, and John was avoiding her. She wasn’t stupid. She couldn’t hear his thoughts and it was as if he was purposely blocking her out. It pissed her off greatly, but it also hurt immensely. Steele had been coming around more though ever since she went on a run with him. He had been nothing but friendly with her and right now she liked knowing she had a friend in him. He didn’t bring up John either and he didn’t look at her like Maria did with those eyes full of pity. Steele was just normal with her. She appreciated that because otherwise she would have felt so alone in this world.

  Michael was barely speaking to her and Maria was acting strange too now. She wondered if Maria had heard about the baby. The thought made Briana feel sick, she would quickly think of something else then to think of that. Most times she could try and ignore Johns thoughts. They were all about Vampires, Ana and the baby these days. Was he just avoiding her altogether? That hurt more than anything. The fact that she knew he was avoiding her. When she was around Steele at least she could ignore his thoughts for a little bit but at night it was the worst. At night Johns mind would run nonstop yet he never sent her a message. It was heart breaking to say the least and the longer this continued the more pissed Briana would get. How could he just forget about her? Just toss her aside like she didn’t matter at all?


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