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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

Page 12

by Lydia Rose

“Did you tell them that was because you are a very stubborn woman?” Jane asked grabbing Nicole’s hand. “Your mother liked my necklace,” she said as her hand went to the heart. “I told her you gave me your heart.”

  “You did?” Jane nodded. “What did she say?” Nicole asked.

  “She said she couldn’t be happier for the two of us.” Jane’s hand went underneath the band of Nicole’s pajamas. “I told her you had my heart too.” Jane’s hand continued to explore Nicole’s chest. “Let me show you how much you have my heart.”


  Nicole and Jane had spent a lot of time shopping for Christmas. Nicole was racking her brain trying to find the perfect gift for Jane especially since she had put a limit on their spending to one hundred dollars. Nicole knew Jane did that for her benefit. Jane knew Nicole was saving as much as she could to put into the business and January was just around the corner. Her excitement of opening in January was exhilarating and scary all at the same time.

  One day she was walking through the mall when she saw the perfect gift. She walked up to the woman at the kiosk and began asking questions. Walking away satisfied, she went to put her plan into action.

  Nicole stopped at her mom’s house and saw the Christmas tree already decorated in the living room. “It looks good, Mom.”

  “I’m just about to take some chocolate cookies out of the oven. Do you want some with a glass of milk?” Karen asked.

  “Sure.” Nicole took her seat and waited patiently. “Mom, I’ve arranged to have fresh rolls delivered daily. We’ll have to see how fast we run through them to either increase or decrease the order. I’ve also ordered the containers we’ll need for the food. How about the meat?” Nicole asked.

  “I’ve already spoken with Frank the butcher. He’s going to give us a good price for the meats we’ll need.”

  Mark walked in the back door. “Oh, cookies,” he said. “Hi, Nicole.”

  Karen chuckled. “Sit down, Mark.” She poured them each a glass of milk and put a plate of cookies in the center of the table.

  “Your stand is already moved,” Mark said before putting a cookie in his mouth,

  “Mark, I wanted to speak to you about that. Since Mom and I will be busy with the food, would you like to take over the farm stand?”

  “But you spent your own money moving the stand to the new location,” Mark argued.

  “How’s this: you take over the stand and pay us twenty percent until you pay off the cost of the move,” Nicole offered. “You’ll also have to take care of the garden so you have your vegetables to sell.”

  Mark looked at Nicole and smiled. “I’d like that, Nicole. Thank you.”

  Nicole looked at her mother. “Maybe we can hire a part-timer to help us at our stand? He or she can take the orders and run the register while you and I are preparing the food.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea, but let’s wait and see how busy we are before we hire anyone,” Karen stated.

  “Where’s Jane?” Mark asked.

  “Working,” Nicole answered chuckling.

  “I like her, Nicole,” Mark added.

  “Me too,” Nicole said softly.

  “You and Jane will be here for Christmas dinner?” Karen asked.

  “Yes, and Jane would like you, dad and Mark to come over Christmas Eve for dinner.”

  “I don’t want you two to go to the trouble. We can eat here and come over later,” Karen insisted.

  “Mom, Jane wants to do this. Don’t disappoint her, please.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “We’re sure.” Nicole smiled as she popped another cookie into her mouth.


  Christmas Eve had finally arrived and Jane was in the kitchen preparing dinner for Nicole’s family. The house had been decorated inside and outside. Nicole had never felt as comfortable as she did sharing this time with Jane.

  “What can I do to help?” Nicole asked walking into the kitchen.

  “Can you chop the vegetables for me?” Jane asked as she cleaned the seafood.

  “You know, you didn’t have to do a fancy dinner for my family,” Nicole said putting her arm around Jane’s waist.

  “It’s not fancy. It’s seafood risotto. Do you think they’ll like it?” Jane asked.

  “They love seafood. They’re going to be thrilled that you went to all this work.” Nicole squeezed Jane’s waist.

  The two women worked in the kitchen until the bell rang at the front door. “I’ll get it,” Nicole said as she walked toward the door. “Merry Christmas,” she called as the door opened.

  “Merry Christmas,” her family greeted. They carried their Christmas presents in with them.

  Nicole took their coats and said, “Go on in the kitchen. Jane’s got some appetizers for you all.”

  Karen hugged Jane as she entered the kitchen. “Merry Christmas, sweetie.”

  “Merry Christmas, Karen,” Jane said hugging her close. “Thanks for coming.”

  Jane hugged Mark and Hank and asked them to take a seat at the island.

  “Can I do anything?” Karen offered.

  Jane smiled. “Everything is all set. Sit and enjoy yourself.”

  Nicole poured them each a glass of wine as the family munched on the appetizers.

  The meal was well-received and they moved into the living room to open presents.

  Nicole handed her mother the gift she and Jane had purchased. They watched as she opened the box. Her eyes lit up as she removed the chef’s jacket from the box.

  “It’s beautiful.” Karen’s hand moved over the name of the restaurant and underneath it said, Chef Karen. “Oh, girls, this is beautiful. Thank you so much.”

  The rest of the gifts were opened and by ten o’clock they were ready to leave.

  “I’ve got a lot to do in the morning,” Karen said.

  “We’ll both be there to help you in the morning, Mom,” Nicole said hugging her mother. “Thank you again for the gift.”

  As Nicole closed the door, Jane picked up a box and handed it to Nicole. “Time to open your gift.”

  Nicole sat down next to her and unwrapped the box. Inside were two sweatshirts with the name of the restaurant and four t-shirts stating the same. “I think you went over your hundred-dollar limit.”

  “Just a little,” Jane said. “Do you like them?”

  “I do. This is perfect.” Nicole kissed her mouth and then went to retrieve the box under the tree. “This is for you, honey. Merry Christmas.”

  Jane unwrapped the box carefully. As she moved the tissue paper away, her eyes opened wide. Inside was a painting of her house and on the front porch were two rockers and images of Jane and Nicole. “Oh my god, Nicole. This is wonderful. How did you do this?”

  “Someone in the mall. So you like it?”

  “I love it and I think you went over your limit too,” Jane said giggling. She ran her hand over the two figures on the porch. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

  “What do you think it means?” Nicole asked grinning.

  “That you’re officially moving in?” Jane asked anxiously.

  Nicole put her arm around Jane. “Yes, sweetheart. That’s exactly what it means.”

  “Oh, Nicole. That’s better than any gift you could have given me,” Jane said through her tears. “Not that I don’t love my gift. We have to find the perfect frame to go with it and I know just where to put it.”

  “We’ll go after Christmas to get the frame.” Nicole squeezed her close. “Are you ready for bed?”

  “Yes, but not to sleep.”

  “Best offer I’ve had all day,” Nicole said already pulling Jane off the couch.

  Christmas day with the family was just as nice as Thanksgiving Day was. Jane was accepted by everyone as the new member of the family and Nicole told her mother that she was moving in with Jane.

  “I thought you were already living with Jane?” Karen asked that evening.

  “I didn’t consid
er it living with her. It just seemed to me that I was spending the night,” Nicole said softly.

  “Yeah, right. It was night after night after night,” Karen said with a chuckle.

  “I know, Mom, but now it’s official. I’ll be packing up my things in the next few days.”

  “Jane showed me a picture of the painting you gave her. You gave her the perfect gift and I liked that the two of you were sitting on the porch.” Karen kissed her daughter’s cheek. “I love Jane too. She’s a wonderful addition to this family.”

  “I waited a long time for her to find me, but I’m glad she did.” Nicole wiped a tear off her cheek.

  Jane walked into the kitchen and saw her two favorite women crying. “What’s going on in here?” Jane asked putting her arms around the two women.

  “It’s tears of joy, Jane. Tears of joy.” With Karen saying that, Jane began to cry.


  January started out as bitter cold and snowy. Nicole and her mother decided to put off opening until the weather changed. They were afraid of ordering supplies and having it go to waste because no one could get to their stand. Nicole continued to work at the hardware store and she would be home in time to make dinner for them both.

  Nicole went to the grocery store after work on Friday because Jane had invited her partners and significant others to dinner on Saturday. They both hoped the weather would hold out.

  Saturday morning it dawned bright and sunny. The temperatures were still below freezing, but no precipitation was predicted. Jane made a large ham which their guests would be enjoying shortly.

  At six o’clock the doorbell rang. Shelly and Paul were the first to arrive.

  Jane made the introductions. “Nicole, this is Shelly and Paul.”

  Shelly walked up to Nicole. “It’s so nice to meet you finally. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “I hope it was mostly good,” Nicole said with a chuckle.

  “It was all good, Nicole. You’ve made my best friend very happy,” Shelly said touching Nicole’s hand.

  “Thank you. She’s made me very happy too.”

  “Can I get everyone something to drink?” Jane asked as she walked toward the kitchen.

  They all began to follow when the doorbell rang again. Nicole went to the door. “Hi, Laura and Sandy,” Nicole said as she opened the door.

  “It’s good to see you again, Nicole,” Laura and Sandy greeted.

  “Everyone’s in the kitchen getting something to drink. Please come in,” Nicole said, leading them toward the other guests.

  “This place is terrific, Jane,” Laura said hugging her friend.

  “Thank you. I’ll show you around after dinner,” Jane said already pouring them a glass of wine.

  After dinner, they all sat in the living room sharing stories. Paul didn’t seem to mind being surrounded by women.

  “So Nicole, when are you going to open your place?” Paul asked. “I’m dying for some good barbecue.”

  “As soon as we get some better weather,” Nicole responded. “Believe me, I’m just as anxious to get that place opened.”

  Shelly looked up at the painting over the fireplace. “That’s this house,” she said already walking over to study the painting. “Oh look.” She turned to Laura. “The two of them are sitting in a rocker on the porch.”

  Everyone got up to admire the painting.

  “Nicole gave me that for Christmas,” Jane said smiling proudly.

  “I want to do something like that if we ever buy a home,” Shelly said turning to Paul.

  “I have the artist’s card whenever you want to hire her,” Nicole said.

  “Jane, show us the upstairs,” Laura said pulling Jane toward the stairs.

  Paul remained seated and Nicole took a seat. “Jane seems very happy, Nicole. I haven’t known her too long, but I can see the love she has for you in her face.” He looked at Nicole. “I can see it in your face too.”

  “So are you and Shelly serious?” Nicole asked.

  “I think I’m more serious than she is,” Paul chuckled. “I’ve asked her to marry me, but she says it’s too soon.”

  “Don’t give up on her, Paul. She’ll have to work it out for herself. Just like I had to before I would move in with Jane,” Nicole giggled. “She asked me several times before I finally said yes.”

  Paul and Nicole could hear the girls giggling upstairs.

  “Jane, she’s hot,” Shelly said poking Jane in the ribs. “No wonder you bought this house. You had to make sure you’d be close to get the girl.”

  “I can see how much she loves you,” Laura said gently.

  Sandy reached for Laura and pulled her close. “I love you too, baby.”

  Laura kissed Sandy’s mouth. “I love you too.”

  Jane and Shelly giggled again.

  “Do you two want to be left alone?” Shelly asked smirking.

  “Jealous, Shelly?” Laura asked.

  “You can tell Nicole works hard for a living. She’s got great arms and yet she’s still feminine,” Shelly continued.

  “Are you going to announce you’re jumping the fence?” Jane asked laughing.

  Laura and Sandy laughed along with her.

  “I can admire a great looking woman without wanting to switch sides,” Shelly argued.

  “Is that the way it works?” Jane asked the other two lesbians.

  They both shook their heads.

  “Stop teasing me. I have a wonderful man sitting downstairs.”

  “Remember that,” Jane said poking Shelly. “Leave my girlfriend alone.”

  “I only have one more question,” Shelly said with her hand on one hip while the other patted the bed. “Is she good in bed?”

  “Oh my god, Shelly,” Jane burned bright red.

  “That’s okay. You don’t have to answer.” Shelly giggled. “Your face answered that question.”

  Laura and Sandy laughed along with Shelly.

  “I’ve never seen this side of you, Shelly,” Jane pointed.

  “You’ve never given me anything to tease you about before. If you went out with a woman, it was once or twice. You gave me no ammunition.”

  “Let’s go back downstairs before I pop you, Shelly,” Jane said as she walked out of the room.

  The three girls followed laughing as they came back down the stairs.

  “What’s so funny?” Paul asked.

  Nicole looked at Jane’s face and could see she was beat red. “Are you okay?” she asked as Jane approached.

  Shelly answered before Jane could, “I was just telling Jane how hot we thought you were.”

  Now Nicole blushed.

  “Ignore her, Nicole,” Jane said looking at an uncomfortable Nicole. “Let me put the coffee on for dessert.”

  Paul excused himself to the bathroom.

  Shelly sat next to Nicole. “You’re the first woman Jane has ever been serious with and we had to tease her. She’s been teasing both of us for years.”

  Laura nodded. “We’re all thrilled with how happy you’ve made Jane, but paybacks are a bitch.”

  The four women laughed and went into the kitchen arm and arm.

  “I like your friends,” Nicole said when the door closed.

  “They liked you too.” Jane took Nicole’s arm and led her to the couch. “Shelly wanted to know if you were good in bed.”

  Nicole’s mouth dropped open. “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. She said by the look on my face I answered the question.” Jane kissed Nicole’s cheek. “She knows I think you are a wonderful lover.”

  “I knew something was up. Paul and I could hear you all giggling upstairs.” Nicole laid Jane down on the couch and kissed her mouth.

  “They loved the house too,” Jane said as Nicole began nibbling on her neck. “But we can talk about that later.”


  In early February, Nicole and Karen were getting ready to open their stand. Supplies were ordered and the sides were mad
e and in the refrigerator. Saturday would be opening day. Nicole placed an ad in the local paper and the night before, Jane admitted to doing something.

  “Sit down, Nicole,” Jane motioned to the island. “I have something to tell you and would you please know that this was done out of love.”

  “You’re worrying me, Jane. What is it?”

  “I bought a few radio spots for you at the local station.”

  “You what?” Nicole asked.

  “I know you put an ad in the local papers and the restaurant is in a highly visible area, but I wanted to help.”

  Nicole didn’t say anything.

  “Please don’t be angry. You’re my family now too and I wanted to contribute.”

  Nicole finally smiled, “I’m not angry, Jane.”

  Jane moved over to her. “You’re not?”

  “No. I think it’s sweet.” Nicole pulled Jane close. “Thank you.”

  “The station said you could always send free food to them and they would give you a discount on another ad.”

  “Let’s see how this goes first.”

  “Can I help on Saturday?” Jane asked, resting her head on Nicole’s shoulder.

  “You don’t have to do that, Jane.”

  “I know, but I want to help. Shelly, Paul, Laura and Sandy will be there for the grand opening. So will Millie and Alice.”

  “We would very much appreciate your help.”

  Karen and Mark went to put the meat in the smoker early Saturday morning. They took turns watching the meat and by the time Nicole arrived to get organized, the smaller meats were ready. At noon they put out the open signs. The plan was to stay open until four o’clock since there were no exterior lights on the property. In the summer they could stay open later.

  The day started out above normal temperatures and they all hoped it would stay that way for the remainder of the day.

  The first call pulled up at twelve thirty. A man walked over to the counter and looked over the menu. Jane waited to take his order. He ordered two brisket platters and three rib platters. Nicole and Karen worked on putting the order together.

  By two o’clock the stand was hopping. All of Jane’s friends had stopped by to pick up food and Jane gave them the key to the house so they could go eat.


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