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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

Page 13

by Lydia Rose

At four o’clock they still had people standing in line. Nicole whispered to her mom, “Well, today we are a hit. Now let’s hope it keeps up.”

  At five o’clock they took the open sign down. All three women looked for a place to rest their aching feet.

  “Wow, that was something else,” Jane said smiling. “A lot of people told me they heard the commercial on the radio.”

  “Nicole told me what you did,” Karen said smiling. “Thank you. That was very nice of you.”

  Nicole went over to the cash register and started counting the money. “We did very well today,” Nicole said looking at her mom. “Jane, Mark volunteered to help tomorrow so you don’t have to.”

  “I don’t mind,” Jane said quickly.

  “Honey, you’re on your feet at work every day. You don’t need to do it all weekend,” Nicole maintained.

  “Yes, but I got to hang out with you all day.”

  Nicole came over and put her arm around Jane. “Do this for me.”

  “Okay, but I’m going to miss you,” Jane moaned.


  By the middle of March, the restaurant continued to do well. The women decided to close on Mondays and though they all worked hard, they were happy with the results. Nicole had purchased a couple more radio advertisements and they would wait until the warmer weather to purchase any additional spots.

  Late in the afternoon one day, Nicole and Karen were able to sit down and take a break.

  “When are you going to ask that girl to marry you?” Karen asked.

  “Marry?” Nicole’s mouth dropped open.

  “Yes. It’s legal now in this state and you should make an honest woman out of her.”

  Nicole laughed. “An honest woman.” Her hand covered her mouth. “Are you afraid she’s going to leave me?”

  “No dear, I don’t think you can push that woman away from you.”

  “I’ll be honest, Mom. I have thought about it, but I think it may be too soon,” Nicole admitted.

  “You’ve been going together for seven months and most of that time you’ve lived together. I don’t think it’s too soon to ask.” Karen took Nicole’s hand. “The business is doing well and we’re both able to save some money. Ask her.”

  “You think she’ll say yes?” Nicole asked.

  “I have no doubt that she’ll say yes.”

  A car pulled up and the women went back to work.


  By the middle of May, the restaurant was busy with customers. There were enough visitors to the stand that Karen and Nicole hired a woman named Helen to work with them. Helen was willing to do any of the jobs she was assigned and soon became a great asset. Mark had opened the farm stand and there were many times during the day you could find him in Karen and Nicole’s stand. Either to eat, drink or just help out. The outside seating portion of the stand was now being used during the day. The crowd using the facility helped other drivers stop by for a bite to eat.

  It was late in the day, and Nicole sent Karen home for the day. It was just her and Helen when a car pulled up.

  “Hi, what can I get for you?” Helen asked as Nicole cleaned up the back.

  “I’ll have a brisket platter to go,” the woman said.

  As Nicole stepped into the stand, she heard her name called. She looked up and smiled. “Hi Jessica. How are you?” she asked, moving closer to the front of the stand.

  “I’m good Nicole. How’s business?” Jessica asked, waiting to ask the question she really wanted to know.

  “Business is good, thanks.” Nicole stayed up front as Helen went to make Jessica’s order.

  “Where’s your mom?” Jessica asked.

  “She just left,” Nicole answered.

  Helen opened the screen slider and handed Jessica her order.

  Finally finding the courage, Jessica asked, “How’s Jane?”

  “She’s good thanks.” Nicole smiled. “Thanks for stopping by Jessica. I’ve got to clean up and close this stand down. Jane will be holding dinner for me.” Nicole didn’t want to be mean, but she had to make Jessica understand that nothing had changed.

  “It was good to see you, Nicole.” Jessica stared at Nicole as she stepped back.

  “You too. See you.”

  Once they were alone, Helen said, “I thought that girl’s eyes were going to bore right through you.”

  “She periodically checks back to see if Jane and I are still together,” Nicole said with a laugh.

  “I think that girl is going to be waiting a long time. I see the way you and Jane look at each other.” Helen touched Nicole’s arm. “She’s going to be waiting a long time,” Helen emphasized.

  “I’ve tried to tell her nicely, but she keeps trying.”

  “Did you two go out before Jane?” Helen asked as they cleaned up.

  “Yeah, and she broke up with me,” Nicole said harshly.

  “She realized later she made a mistake?” Helen asked.

  “I guess so. I’m not sure it would have worked out with us,” Nicole shrugged. “Let’s get out of here. I’m beat.”

  “Good night, Nicole,” Helen said from the back door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Helen. See you tomorrow.”

  Nicole made sure everything was put away before she walked out the back door. She pulled up to the house and went in the back door. “I’m home,” Nicole called as she walked in the house.

  “Hi honey,” Jane said as she met her in the kitchen. “Hungry?”

  “Yes, but I want to take a shower first.” Nicole kissed Jane’s mouth softly.

  “Go ahead, honey.” Jane followed her to the bottom of the stairs.

  Nicole went up to the master bathroom and took off her clothes. The warm spray of the water finally began to relax her aching muscles. As she stepped into the bedroom, Jane handed her a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. “Hi,” Nicole said kissing Jane’s lips again.

  Jane sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Nicole put a new set of clothes on. “Busy day?”

  Nicole nodded. “Yeah. Business seems to be growing every day.” She pulled her shorts up. “Mom is thrilled.” Nicole reached for her shirt. “Guess who stopped by just before we closed?”

  Jane shrugged, “Who?”

  “Jessica,” Nicole said pulling the shirt over her head.

  Jane’s face scowled. “Doesn’t that girl ever give up?”

  Nicole grinned and sat next to Jane. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

  “I’m not jealous,” Jane insisted.

  Nicole wrapped her arm around Jane. “Of course you’re not. Let’s go have something to eat.” Nicole held out her hand to Jane. “I love you, Jane.”

  “I love you too,” Jane said finally smiling.

  They went back down to the kitchen and made their plates. Nicole looked up at the clock and was shocked to see it was almost eight o’clock. “I bet you’re thrilled that you got involved with me,” Nicole said pointing at the clock.

  “Honey, I know you have a job to do. Yes, I would love to have more time with you, but you’re in our bed every night. Even though you leave the house early in the morning, you’re always back so we can have breakfast together.”

  “But I can’t pull my weight around here. You’re doing most of the cooking and cleaning,” Nicole argued.

  Jane smiled. “Before you came along, I was alone most of the time. There was no one in my bed who cuddled up to my body. No one to make me feel loved. You do that for me, Nicole.”

  “I hope as the business continues to grow my mother and I can hire more help,” Nicole sighed. “It’s just going to take time to get to that point. I hope you’ll stick with me until I can get more time?”

  Jane took Nicole’s hand. “I will wait for you forever, Nicole. Please have no doubt about that,” she smiled. “Eat before your food gets cold.”

  Nicole hoped what Jane was telling her was the truth. Each day they saw less and less of each other. How long would it rea
lly be before Jane felt she wasn’t in a relationship?


  The summer passed quickly as the business continued to grow every day. Karen and Nicole did hire another high school student to help during the summer months, but it didn’t give them any time off. Most nights Nicole went home hot and exhausted. She couldn’t even remember the last time she made love with Jane and her temper was now growing shorter each day. Karen still wore a smile every day and she seemed to act as if nothing was wrong with the long hours they put in.

  During a lull in business one day, Nicole went out to the picnic tables and stretched out. She fell asleep almost immediately.

  “I think your daughter is worn out,” Helen said to Karen.

  “I know. I keep trying to get her to take some time off, but she won’t hear of it. She not only does her work here, but she’s doing the books too. She pays the taxes and makes out all the checks. Let’s see if we can finish out the day just you and me. Maybe she’ll sleep the rest of the day if we don’t wake her up.

  Nicole opened her eyes wondering how long she had been asleep. Looking at her watch surprised her. She had been asleep for two hours. Nicole walked in the back door of the stand. “Why didn’t someone wake me up?”

  “Because you need to sleep. Helen, Tara and I are doing fine. Why don’t you go home?” Karen suggested.

  “I can’t do that, Mom.”

  “Yes, you can. Besides, the taxes are due and you can go home and work on the paperwork at a decent hour.” Karen began to push Nicole out of the building.

  “Are you sure, Mom?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Now go,” Karen chuckled.

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll be here at five thirty to put the meat on.”

  “Tomorrow is my day to do that. I don’t want to see you until at least ten o’clock.”

  Nicole opened her mouth to argue, but her mother closed the back door before she could speak.

  As soon as Nicole got home, she went upstairs to shower and change. On her way back downstairs, she took the laundry that was in the hamper. She loaded the washing machine and went into the office to work on paperwork.

  It was almost five o’clock before she shut the computer down. She brought the clean laundry upstairs and then came downstairs to start dinner.

  Jane walked into the house at five thirty. “Are you okay?” she asked rushing to Nicole’s side.

  “I’m fine,” Nicole chuckled. “Shocked to see me home?”

  Jane nodded. “Yes. I thought something happened.”

  “My mother sent me home this afternoon to work on paperwork. I think she felt sorry for me after I fell asleep on a picnic table.”

  “You did?” Jane asked holding Nicole’s arm. “You’re completely run down.”

  “Nah. Today recharged my batteries. I also did a load of laundry.”

  “Your mother sent you home so you could get some rest. She didn’t send you home to do housework and make dinner.” Jane’s head shook from side to side. “What am I going to do with you?”

  Nicole grinned. “Well,” she said as her finger went to her chin. “I was thinking today that it’s been too long.” Her right eyebrow rose.

  Jane smiled and moved into her arms. “I was thinking the same thing today.”

  “We’ve got thirty minutes before the pork chops are ready,” Nicole said holding Jane at arm’s length.

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  They both ran for the stairs. Nicole got to the edge of the bed and pulled Jane with her as she fell back on the bed. Nicole nuzzled Jane’s neck. “I’ve missed being with you like this.”

  “I’m here, honey,” Jane moaned as Nicole’s hand reached between her legs.


  By the time Nicole walked into the stand the following morning she was reenergized. “Good morning, all,” Nicole said cheerfully.

  “I guess the afternoon off helped?” Helen asked chuckling.

  “It sure did. I feel fantastic.”

  Karen walked over to Nicole and touched her arm. “We’ve got to do that more often, Nicole.”

  “Why don’t you take the afternoon off, Mom?” Nicole asked.

  “It’s not necessary, Nicole. I’m fine.” Karen patted Nicole’s arm again.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but you have no choice.”

  Helen and Tara were giggling.

  Karen looked at her daughter’s determined face. “Not before two o’clock.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Nicole smiled and put her apron on ready to get to work.

  So the rest of the summer Karen and Nicole alternated taking afternoons off. They never could have done that without the support of their staff.


  “Hey, Jane,” Shelly said coming into Jane’s office.

  “Hey, honey. What’s up?”

  “You haven’t seen my new place yet. Paul and I would like both you and Nicole to come to dinner Saturday night.”

  “I’m not sure, Shell. Nicole usually doesn’t get home until after seven and by then she’s beat.”

  “Aw, come on. It’s just dinner.”

  “Let me speak with Nicole and I’ll let you know tomorrow,” Jane hedged.

  “She’s got you on a short leash, doesn’t she?” Shelly smirked, finally sitting down.

  “No she doesn’t.”

  “Oh yeah. Then how come you won’t come to dinner if she won’t come?”

  “Because I want to be with Nicole.”

  “But you said she comes home beat. She won’t even know you’re gone,” Shelly commented.

  “I don’t care if we don’t do anything as long as I’m with her,” Jane insisted.

  Shelly began to laugh. “Honey, I’m only busting your chops. If Nicole doesn’t want to come, I understand.”

  “I’ll let you know tomorrow.”


  Nicole walked into the house at seven that night. She kissed Jane deeply and said, “Let me go get changed and I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time, honey. Dinner won’t be ready for another half hour.” Jane continued to stir the noodle mixture.

  Nicole rushed through her shower and hurried back down the stairs. Again, she walked over to Jane and kissed her. “Smells good.” Nicole lifted the lid. “Chinese, my favorite.”

  Jane giggled. “Have a seat and I’ll get you a plate.” Jane sat down at the island and said, “How was your day?”

  “Good. How about yours?”

  “Shelly wants me to see her new place. She asked us to dinner on Saturday night.”

  Nicole didn’t comment and continued eating.

  “I told her you probably would be too tired,” Jane offered softly. “I’ll tell her tomorrow that we can’t make it.”

  “Jane, I didn’t say that. I was just going over in my head what time I can get away from the stand.”

  “You mean you’ll go?” Jane asked.

  “Of course, Jane. I like your friends and we could use a night out.”

  Jane got off her stool and grabbed Nicole in a bear hug. She began kissing her face all over. “Thank you.”

  “Was Shelly giving you a hard time?”

  “No. Well…” Jane continued mumbling.

  “I know, Jane. Everyone must think since getting involved with me you’re tied to this house.”

  “Honey, I’m happy to spend my time with you in this house. I don’t have any complaints,” Jane maintained.

  “Jane, I know you don’t complain. You never complain, but I do feel bad that my job doesn’t allow us to have more time together to do different things.”

  “You told me yourself that you’ll be closed before Thanksgiving and won’t open until February. That gives us two months to do whatever we want to,” Jane continued. “I love you, Nicole and that’s all that matters.”

  Nicole kissed Jane’s hand. “I love you too.”


  Jane knocked on Shelly’s door and Nicole fidgeted behind her. “Are y
ou okay?”

  “Yeah. Just a new pair of jeans and for some reason, they’re itchy.” Jane pulled on the legs.

  Shelly opened the front door. “Jane, Nicole, come on in. Thanks for coming over.”

  Nicole walked over to Paul and shook his hand. “It’s good to see you again, Paul.”

  “You too, Nicole. Shelly’s been fussing all day.”

  “Come on you two. Let me show you around.” Shelly led them through the two-bedroom townhouse. “Nicole, I hear you’ve been so busy. I guess your business is turning into a big success.”

  Nicole blushed. “It’s going well, I guess.”

  “Let’s go downstairs. You must be starving, Nicole.” Shelly went toward the stairs.

  Nicole rolled her eyes at Jane and followed.

  “You have a great place, Paul,” Jane said as they came back to the living room.

  “It’s all Shelly,” he pointed out.

  Nicole took Jane’s hand. “Can we help you in the kitchen?” Nicole asked.

  “Sure,” Shelly answered.

  The three women went into the kitchen to finish preparing the meal.

  As they sat at the dining room table eating, Paul said, “Nicole, I stopped by the stand last week. You weren’t there, but I had the best ribs I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Yes, he told me about it when he got home,” Shelly offered with a laugh. “I asked him where mine was and he said he didn’t bring any home.”

  “I’ll send Jane to work next week with some lunch for the three of you.” Nicole looked at Shelly. “How about a sampler platter?”

  “What does it include?” Shelly asked,

  “Ribs, brisket and sausage. The sides are Cole slaw and potato salad.” Nicole smiled. “How does that sound?”

  “Delicious, but forget lunch. That will be my dinner for the evening.” She shook her head. “No wonder your business is doing so well. I can’t wait.”


  Monday morning Nicole and Karen were getting the kitchen set up for customers. Karen looked at Nicole and asked, “Do you remember my friend, Tina?”

  “Sure. She and her husband have the farm down the road from us, right?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes. They’re not doing as well this year and she asked me if we needed any help here. Tina’s a wonderful cook.”


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