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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

Page 15

by Lydia Rose

  “Next year?”

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’ll discuss it with Jane tonight.”


  “Hi, honey,” Jane called when she heard the back door open.

  Nicole walked up to Jane and kissed her cheek. “Hi.” Nicole sat down with a thud. “My mother wants to know why we haven’t picked a wedding date yet.”

  “Laura and Shelly asked the same thing,” Jane chuckled.

  “I promised my mother that we would discuss a date tonight. Do you want a short engagement or long engagement?” Nicole asked.

  “What do you want?” Jane asked, putting the problem back on Nicole.

  Nicole rolled her eyes. “Jane, I want whatever you want. I would marry you tomorrow, but I don’t know if you want a big wedding or not.”

  “Oh no. I don’t want a big wedding. I want something in the back yard with Shelly and Laura. Of course, we want your parents and brother. Your friend, Linda and maybe just a few others. Is that something you would like?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Nicole said with a sigh of relief. “This year or next year?”

  “Now that you’re free on weekends, sometime toward the end of September would be nice.”

  “I’ll have to check with my Dad. He gets busy with apple picking and pumpkin season.”

  “We can have the ceremony in the later afternoon to make it easier on him. How’s that?”

  Nicole walked up to Jane and smiled. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

  “Yes, but I never get tired of hearing you tell me.”


  When Nicole’s aunts heard that she was marrying Jane, they wanted to be invited to the wedding. Also, Holly didn’t want to be left out. Little by little the number of people being invited had grown to fifteen people.

  “Hey, it’s still a manageable crowd,” Jane said one evening. “I hired the caterers and ordered chairs for the ceremony. Millie did a nice job on building an arbor for us. We can decorate the arbor with tissue paper because the bougainvillea is just starting to take off.”

  “Tell me why we just didn’t go to City Hall to get married?” Nicole said holding her head.

  “Because I plan on only getting married once and I want family and friends to share our happiness.” Jane put her arm around Nicole. “Don’t worry, it will be painless.” Jane got up from the sofa and came back with a small box. She handed the box to Nicole. “Open it, please.”

  Nicole looked up at her. Inside the box was two platinum rings with a gold trim.

  “These were my parent’s rings. I had them sized for us.”

  Nicole’s eyes filled with tears. “They’re beautiful, Jane.”

  “You gave me your family’s engagement ring and I thought it was only right that I should do the same.”

  Nicole leaned over and kissed her mouth. “I love the way you think.”


  The day of the wedding arrived and the house was filled with people helping. Mark and Paul were setting up the chairs outside and Shelly and Laura were decorating the chairs and arbor for the ceremony. Jane and Nicole were putting out plates and silverware for the dinner. The caterers wouldn’t arrive until after the ceremony. They also made several different appetizers to keep their guests happy until the food arrived. Shelly and Nicole came back into the house.

  “Shouldn’t we all be getting dressed?” Shelly asked breathlessly. “You two can’t get dressed in the same room. Nicole, I put your clothes in the office. Jane you come upstairs with us.”

  Jane and Nicole looked at one another and laughed. “Bossy, isn’t she?” Nicole asked.

  “Always has been,” Jane said still laughing. Jane walked over and kissed Nicole. “I’ll see you in a little while.”

  Nicole went into the office to put the clothes on that Linda had helped her pick out. She would be wearing a linen pair of off white pants with a matching linen top. On her feet were a pair of sandals. She added some make-up to her face and went back outside.

  Her family began arriving and a sign indicated parking on the lot where the old farm stand stood.

  “You look so nice, Nicole,” Karen said as she approached her. “Where’s the bride?”

  “Upstairs getting dressed with Shelly and Laura.”

  Her mother went into the house.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “The yard looks nice, Nicole. Your mother and I are very happy for you,” Hank said softly.

  “Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to Jane and me that we can do this with all our family and friends here.”

  Karen walked into the house and followed the voices upstairs. She poked her head into the doorway. “Don’t you look beautiful!”

  Jane smiled as the other two women stepped away. “Thank you, Karen.”

  Jane had on an off white knee length dress with a blue ribbon around the waist.

  “I see the something blue, but…?” Karen questioned.

  “The ribbon came from a dress of my mother’s so that’s the borrowed. The new are my undergarments,” Jane said blushing.

  “You girls look beautiful too,” Karen added.

  They were both wearing blue linen dresses to match the ribbon color on Jane’s dress.

  “Are we ready yet?” Jane asked anxious to get back to Nicole.

  “I’ll go check and see if the rest of your guests are here,” Karen offered.

  Karen found Nicole. “Is everyone here? Your bride is getting anxious.”

  Nicole looked around. “Everyone’s here.”

  “Okay. Let’s get everyone seated and you take your place and I’ll get the bride. Who’s starting the wedding march?”

  “Don’t worry, Mom. Holly’s got it covered.”

  Karen went back in the house and found the three women already in the kitchen. “Okay, girls. We’re almost ready. Once you hear the music, you can come outside.”

  Karen went back outside to her seat. Nicole and Linda were standing in front of the arbor. The Minister waited under the arbor. As Karen took her seat, she signaled to Holly to start the wedding march.

  Shelly came out first and then Laura. They stood at the bottom of the stairs and held their hands out for Jane. Nicole’s eyes began to tear up the moment she saw Jane. Jane reached the bottom and her eyes immediately found Nicole’s. Shelly and Laura took her arms and led her down the makeshift aisle to the woman she loved. As Jane reached Nicole’s side, they took each other’s hands.

  “Jane,” the minister said.

  “Nicole, I waited so long to find you and when I did, I didn’t recognize you as being the one. In my blindness I almost lost you. I promise to love you always and to support you in everything that you do. All I ask is that you be by my side and love me too.”

  “Jane, when I met you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I also thought that there was no way that someone like you would be interested in me. Thank you for showing me that I am worthy to love you, and more importantly that you love me too. Please know that this farm girl will love you until the end of time.”

  Nicole saw the tears in Jane’s eyes as the minister said, “You may kiss your bride.”

  Nicole and Jane kissed as the crowd behind them cheered.



  Nicole get out of here,” Karen said trying to get her daughter to go home.

  “I’m okay, Mom,” Nicole insisted.

  “You need your rest. There are plenty of people here to handle the place.”

  Since Mark came home he had grown to be a big help with the restaurant. He was the one to arrive in the morning to load the meat in the smokers and most of the time he worked for his mother and Nicole.

  “Okay, I’m going.” Nicole waved as she went out the back door.

  She got home and went upstairs to take a shower. As she turned the water on in the shower, she grabbed her stomach. “Oh, great,” she said to the empty room. Nicole reached for a towel to wipe up the mess a
nd got into the shower to clean herself up. She came back into the bedroom wearing a robe and picked up the phone.

  “Hi, honey, how are you feeling?” Jane asked.

  “Can you come home, Jane?” Nicole asked.

  “I’ve got two more appointments this afternoon,” Jane paused. “Is everything okay, Nicole?”

  “The baby’s coming,” Nicole said with a giggle.

  “But you’re two weeks early,” Jane said breathing hard.

  “Tell that to the baby.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “Don’t rush,” Nicole said, but Jane had already disconnected the call.

  “Kathy, reschedule my two appointments and cancel the ones tomorrow.” Jane ran to her partners. “The baby is coming,” she called to each of them before leaving the office.

  Jane arrived fifteen minutes later to find Nicole getting dressed. “I’m here,” she said breathing hard. “Are you ready?”

  “Baby, calm down. We’ve got plenty of time,” Nicole laughed.

  “But if something goes wrong, I’d rather you are in the hospital when it happens.”

  “Please call my mother and let her know,” Nicole said, buttoning her top.

  “Karen,” Jane said as soon as she answered, “the baby’s coming.”

  “Okay, we’ll be at the hospital after we close,” Karen said.

  “Tell mom not to come to the hospital because this could take all night. Tell them we’ll call them.”

  “I heard what Nicole said. Go on and call us later.”

  “Honey, would you get the towel I used when my water broke? Bring it to the laundry room.”

  “Okay, don’t go anywhere.”

  Nicole could see how nervous Jane was. “Jane, come here a second.” Jane walked over. “Calm down. Everything is going to be fine.” She kissed her mouth.

  Jane nodded and went to retrieve the towel. “Where’s your bag?”

  “Downstairs.” As soon as Jane left the room, Nicole began going down the steps. Jane was back before she was halfway down.

  “Why didn’t you wait for me?”

  “I’m fine,” Nicole said, but then another contraction hit her. She sat on the steps.

  “Are you okay?” Jane asked looking at her.

  “That was a strong one.”

  They made it to the hospital and they whisked Nicole off to a room. The doctor came in a few minutes later to check her.

  “How are you feeling?” Doctor Thomas asked.

  “I’m ready for my epidural,” Nicole said breathing hard.

  “Let me just check you out first.” She went to the bottom of the bed. “I’ll get you that epidural,” the doctor said removing her gloves.

  Jane held Nicole’s hand and whispered, “I love you, Nicole and I can’t wait to see our baby.”

  Nicole did her breathing exercise as another pain captured her body. “Me too,” she said as the pain subsided. “Why did I agree to do this?”

  Jane laughed. “Because I couldn’t get pregnant.”

  Someone came in a few minutes later and administered the shot. He patted Nicole and said, “That should make you feel a lot better.”

  “Thank you,” both women said.

  Now they watched the contractions on the screen, but Nicole was free from pain.

  It was nearly midnight when they wheeled Nicole into the delivery room.

  “Jane and Nicole, your baby is almost here,” Doctor Thomas said.

  Jane kissed Nicole’s mouth. “I’m so proud of you. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “One more push, Nicole.”

  “Here she is.”

  Jane and Nicole waited for the cry.

  “You’ve got a beautiful baby girl.” Doctor Thomas held her up. She moved the baby to Nicole’s belly and Jane cut the umbilical cord.

  Jane leaned down and kissed Nicole. “Good work, Mom. She’s beautiful.”

  They took the baby to clean her up and returned her wrapped in a blanket and put her in Nicole’s arms. “Hi, baby girl,” Nicole said staring at her and then into her wife’s face. “Welcome to the world, Melanie Richards.” After they married, Nicole changed her name to Richards. The baby’s name came from Jane’s mother.

  Jane smiled as the tears fell onto her face and Nicole handed the baby to Jane. “Your mommy and I are so happy to meet you.” The baby opened her eyes. “She’s got your eyes, honey.”



  “Mommy, Mommy,” Melanie called as she came into the restaurant from the back door.

  Nicole hearing her daughter, crouched down and held her arms open. “Hi, baby. I’m so happy to see you.” She wrapped her arms around the little girl and lifted her up. Jane walked in and smiled. “Hi, honey,” Nicole said kissing her over her daughter’s head.

  “Melanie insisted we stop by before we went home so she could see her mommy and nana,” Jane said with a laugh.

  “Where have you and momma been?” Nicole asked her daughter.

  “Momma bought me clothes.” The little girl kissed her mother’s cheek again.

  Nicole looked at Jane who just shrugged, “She’s outgrowing everything. I bought a few outfits for the colder weather.” Jane touched her daughter’s leg. “Melanie’s going to be tall like her mommy.”

  Karen walked in the back door. “Oh, precious. Come see your nana.” Karen held out her arms.

  Nicole put her daughter down on the floor and let her run to her grandmother.

  “Hi, Nana,” the little girl said.

  “How’s my Melanie?” Karen asked smothering her face with kisses.


  “Are you hungry?” Karen asked.

  “Thirsty,” Melanie said.

  “How about a lemonade?”

  Melanie smiled and Karen led her over to the refrigerator.

  Nicole took in the scene. Her mother was handing her daughter a lemonade with a straw, her wife was at her side holding her hand and she had a thriving business. If anyone had told her eight years ago that she would have a loving wife and a beautiful daughter, she’d have thought they were out of their minds.

  Nicole turned to Jane and smiled before she kissed her mouth.

  “Are you happy,” Nicole asked.

  “Always,” Jane said grinning as she watched their daughter with her grandmother.


  If you enjoyed reading my book, I hope you will leave me a review on Amazon

  Other Books by Lydia Rose

  The Summer of Our Love, Jersey Girls Book 1

  What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? Jersey Girls, Book 2)

  Stay With Me

  The House on the Lake

  The Country Girl

  Coming Home

  Are You the One?

  The Story of Annabelle & Alison

  Love Comes to Alaska

  Family Ties

  The Cruise

  My Heart Wants You

  Somebody Like You

  Lost Memories

  Just What the Doctor Ordered

  Love Isn’t Always Easy, Jersey Girls Book 3

  Return to the Shore, Jersey Girls Book 4

  Taking Chances




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