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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

Page 14

by Lydia Rose

  “Mom, do you have something in mind?” Nicole asked with a grin.

  “I was thinking we should let Tina take over for us on Saturday and Sunday.”

  “Do you think she’ll be able to handle the weekend crowd?” Nicole asked skeptically.

  “I’ll work with her this weekend and I can see how she does. If she can’t handle it, we’ll try her during the week.”

  Nicole didn’t comment.

  “You said we’ve been doing better and better each week and we’re going to wear ourselves out working six days a week.”

  “Okay, Mom. We’ll give her a try this weekend.”

  “Let me train her. You take off the weekend,” Karen said touching Nicole’s hand.

  “Mom, are you sure? I could help train her too.”

  “No, Nicole. I’ll take care of it.”

  Helen walked in the back door. “Good morning you two.”

  “Morning, Helen.”

  Nicole had thought about her mom’s idea all morning. Now she got her hopes up that Tina would work out because it would be so nice to spend weekends with Jane. Then they could start to share a normal life together.

  The following morning, Karen handed Nicole a small jewelry box. “Open it, Nicole,” Karen said.

  Nicole lifted the lid and was shocked to see a beautiful ring sitting inside. “What is this, Mom?”

  “This was my great grandmother’s engagement ring.” Her smile was wide. “I know you can’t afford to buy Jane a nice ring and I want you to give her this one.”

  “Mom, are you sure? Suppose Jane and I break up?” Nicole asked still staring at the ring.

  “Honey, you can’t go into a marriage thinking it won’t work out. I see the way you and Jane look at each other. There’s a great love there. I have no doubt that you two will be together for a long, long time.”

  “It’s beautiful Mom. How come you have the ring and not Aunt Susan?”

  “It always goes to the first-born daughter.” Karen looked over Nicole’s shoulder. “Do you think Jane will like it?”

  “What’s not to like? She’s going to love it. Thank you so much.”

  Karen patted Nicole’s shoulder. “Just be happy, honey. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

  Nicole walked into the house that evening and saw Jane at the kitchen stove. She dropped the food containers on the counter.

  “Hi honey. Dinner will be ready shortly,” Jane said without turning around.

  Nicole walked up behind Jane and kissed her neck. “I love you.”

  Jane turned around and wrapped her arms around Nicole. “I love you too.” Jane looked at Nicole’s eyes. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine. I missed my girl today,” Nicole said with a grin.

  “Just today?”

  Nicole smiled. “Every day that I’m not with you, I miss you.”

  All week Nicole tried to figure out where she was going to propose to Jane. Should she take her to the beach, a park or just ask her at home. Friday morning, Nicole said, “I’m off this weekend. Is there anything special you would like to do?”

  “You’re off? Why?” Jane asked moving closer to Nicole.

  Nicole went on to explain her mother’s idea about hiring Tina.

  “You mean to tell me that you may be off every weekend?” Jane asked.

  Nicole nodded. “Is that something you might enjoy?” she asked with a smirk.

  “It would be a dream come true.” Jane wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and kissed her deeply.

  “So is there something special you would like to do?” Nicole asked again.

  “I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it,” Jane said with a smile.


  Saturday morning, Nicole was up early to make them both breakfast. She put the plates and coffee on a tray and carried it upstairs. Nicole watched as Jane continued to sleep. She had rolled over and was now sleeping on Nicole’s pillow. Nicole put the tray on the bench that was at the end of bed and got into bed with Jane. She began kissing her neck and bringing her body close to Jane’s.

  Jane rolled back and opened her eyes. “Good morning,” she said with a yawn.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  Jane sniffed the air. “Is that breakfast I smell?”

  Nicole smiled and slid off the bed to retrieve the tray. She placed it in the middle of the king-sized bed and handed Jane a napkin and fork.

  They both sat with their legs crossed eating the meal with gusto. Nicole looked at her lover and said, “You’ve been wonderful in putting up with the hours I’ve been working since we first got together. You’ve never complained that we don’t spend enough time together. All you have ever showed me is love and understanding.”

  Jane smiled. “Well, the old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder has been working for me,” she grinned. “Just seeing you walk in the door at the end of the day makes my heart skip a beat. I love the way you leave early in the morning, but always make sure that you came back to the house so we could have breakfast together. The little things you do for me show me how much you love me. How could I complain about anything?”

  Nicole picked up the tray and returned it to the bench. She picked up the ring and hid it in her closed hand. “I love the fact that you gave this farm girl your heart. I love the way you show me you love me every day.” Nicole got up and went around to the other side of the bed.

  Jane turned around and watched as Nicole dropped to one knee.

  “Jane Richards, would you do me the honor of marrying this farm girl?” Nicole’s smile was brilliant.

  Jane pulled Nicole up on the bed. “I would be honored to marry you, Nicole Hanson.” She kissed Nicole’s lips.

  Nicole slipped the ring on Jane’s finger.

  Jane looked at the square cut yellow stone in the antique setting. “This is beautiful, Nicole. Where did you find such a beautiful ring?”

  “It was my great grandmother’s ring. You really like it?” Nicole asked.

  Jane crushed Nicole to her body. “I love the ring. I love you.” Jane pulled back and looked at Nicole. “Thank you.”

  “So where do you want to go today?” Nicole asked as she kissed Jane’s cheek.

  Jane pushed Nicole back on the bed and laid her body over her. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”

  “Are you sure?” Nicole asked as Jane’s hands began to roam.

  “Oh yeah,” Jane said kissing Nicole deeply.


  Jane was lying back on the bed when Nicole’s cellphone rang. She looked at the screen and saw it was Karen.

  “Hi Karen,” Jane said showing the happiness in her voice.

  “Is everything okay, Jane?” Karen asked.


  “Where’s Nicole?” Karen asked.

  “Downstairs getting us a snack,” Jane chuckled. “I said yes, Karen.”

  Karen released a heavy sigh. “You had me worried there for a moment since Nicole didn’t answer her own phone.”

  “Thank you so much for allowing me to wear a family heirloom.”

  “Oh Jane, I couldn’t be happier having you as part of our family.” Karen took a breath. “I hope someday you and Nicole will have a daughter to pass the ring onto.”

  Jane nearly choked. “I don’t think your daughter is ready to discuss children.”

  “I know Jane, but a mother can hope.”

  Nicole waked into the room carrying a tray. “Nicole just walked in. I’ll let you speak to her.”

  Jane chuckled as she handed the phone to Nicole. A daughter, she thought. That was something that had never entered her mind before, but since meeting Nicole the thought didn’t seem so strange.

  “Hi Mom.” Nicole began to chuckle. “Jane and I are very happy.”

  “Have you decided when you’re going to get married?” Karen asked.

  “No, Mom. We really haven’t discussed that.”

  “What have you been doing all day t

  “Uh,” Nicole stuttered.

  “Never mind,” Karen said with a giggle. “I’ll let you get back to your snack. I love you both.”

  “We love you too, Mom.” Nicole disconnected the call. “Well, she’s riding on cloud nine too.” She picked up her glass of iced tea.

  “She said she hoped we’d have a daughter to pass the ring to.”

  Nicole choked on her drink and Jane patted her back. “A daughter?”

  Jane nodded.

  “Is that something you want?” Nicole asked.

  “I couldn’t imagine it before you.” Jane shook her head. “Now I don’t know.”

  “I think we’ve got plenty of time to think about that.” Nicole hoped a real long time. She couldn’t imagine being a mother. Not now anyway.

  “Would you mind if I invited Shelly and Laura for lunch tomorrow?”

  “Of course not.”

  Jane reached for the phone and called Shelly first. “Hi Shelly. Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

  “Paul’s going to a ball game, so I’m free,” Shelly responded with a laugh.

  “How about coming to lunch?”

  “Sure. What time?” Shelly asked.

  “Come around noon,” Jane said thrilled that she had one yes.

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. Say hi to Nicole.”

  “Sure and give my best to Paul.” Jane now dialed Laura. “Hi, Laura.”

  “Hey, Jane. This is a nice surprise.”

  “Would you and Sandy like to come to lunch tomorrow? Shelly’s coming too.”

  “That will be great. We’d love to.”

  “Come around noon.”

  “Can I bring something?” Laura asked.

  “Just yourselves,” Jane laughed. “See you then.”

  “All set?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes, and now what am I going to serve?” Jane asked jumping off the bed.

  “Honey, we can throw some steaks on the barbecue.” Nicole suggested.

  “No, I think I have a pork roast in the freezer.” Jane grabbed her robe. “Let me just go check.”

  Nicole laid back on the bed and laughed at Jane’s excitement.


  Sunday morning, Jane was puttering in the kitchen seasoning her roast and adding potatoes to the pan.

  “Nicole, would you run down to the farm stand and pick me up some Jersey tomatoes? Maybe some string beans too.”

  “Sure. I wanted to stop in at the other stand to see how it was going with Tina,” Nicole said already walking toward the back door. “Anything else?”

  Jane looked in the refrigerator. “An onion too.”

  “Okay, call me if you think of anything else.” Nicole opened the door. “What about dessert?”

  “Oh my god,” Jane’s hand went to her head. “I completely forgot about that.”

  “Calm down, Jane.” Nicole came back into the kitchen and kissed Jane’s mouth. “I’ll pick up a pie. What kind?”

  “Apple, please.”

  “Okay, call me if you think of something else,” Nicole laughed as she went out the door.

  Nicole knew Jane was excited to be entertaining her business partners who were her best friends. Nicole walked in the back door of the barbecue pit. “Hey, everybody. How’s it going?”

  “Nicole, what are you doing here?” Karen asked.

  “Jane needed some things from Mark’s place. We’re having her business partners over for lunch.”

  “Nicole, you remember Tina.” Karen pushed Nicole toward Tina.

  “Sure. It’s good to see you again Tina. How do you like it so far?”

  “I can’t thank you enough for giving me this opportunity.” Tina took Nicole’s hand and shook it up and down for several minutes.

  “Hey, you’re doing me and my mom a big favor by coming to work here. This is the first weekend I have had off in longer than I can remember.”

  “Tina’s catching on very quickly,” Karen said smiling.

  Nicole went toward the front of place and walked over to Helen. “How’s it going, Helen?”

  “Good. I think Tina’s going to work out very well,” Helen smiled.


  Karen called from the back, “Nicole, go enjoy your day. Get out of here.”

  “Okay, Mom. I’m going.” Nicole walked toward Mark’s stand. “Hey, Mark.”

  “Hi, Nicole. What can I get for you?” Mark asked.

  “Jane wanted a few things.” Nicole grabbed a couple of plastic bags and picked up the things Jane requested. She walked over to the register.

  “You’re not paying me for these things,” Mark said as he waved her off.

  “Is mom still supplying you with pies?” Nicole asked.

  “Yep. Help yourself.”

  Nicole went over to the refrigerator and took out an apple pie. “Mark, let me at least pay for the pie.”

  “Can’t let you do that,” Mark smiled. “How’s Jane?”

  “She’s good. I asked her to marry me yesterday,” Nicole grinned.

  “I’m sure she said yes.”

  “She did, thankfully,” Nicole laughed. “I better get back. Thanks, Mark.”

  “Anytime, Nicole. Say hi to Jane for me.”

  Nicole walked into the house finding an empty kitchen. She put the bags down on the island and went in search of her love. She found her in the walk-in closet in their bedroom. Nicole stood by the doorway watching as Jane moved through the clothes with a rapid pace. She could hear Jane mumbling, but couldn’t distinguish the words. “Is everything okay?”

  “I don’t have anything to wear,” Jane grumbled.

  “I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt. You’re not entertaining royalty.”

  “I know, but I wanted to look nice,” Jane sighed.

  Nicole walked into the closet and went through the racks. She handed Jane a white pair of shorts and a pink tank top. “How’s this?”

  “Would you like me to wear these?” Jane asked holding the hangers.

  “Yes, I would. You’ll look beautiful as always.” Nicole kissed her mouth. “I’ll go cut up your tomatoes and onions for the salad.

  “Thank you,” Jane called out as Nicole left the room.

  “Women,” Nicole said as she went down the stairs.

  The three women arrived together. “We thought it would be better if we all came together,” Shelly said as she walked into the house.

  “I’m glad you could come over,” Nicole said as she ushered everyone into the house. “Come on in the kitchen and I’ll get you all something to drink.”

  The three women hugged Jane as they entered the kitchen.

  “Thanks for coming over,” Jane said smiling. “Sit down, please,” Jane pointed to the stools.

  Nicole poured the three women a glass of wine and handed Jane one too. As Jane moved her hand, Shelly jumped off the stool.

  “What do we have here?” she asked reaching for Jane’s hand.

  Jane chuckled. “What does it look like?”

  “Are you two engaged?” Shelly asked glancing at each woman.

  Jane smiled. “Yes. Nicole asked me to marry her yesterday.”

  The other two women were off their stools and congratulated both women.

  “That’s a beautiful ring,” Laura said.

  “It was Nicole’s great grandmother’s ring.” Jane looked at the ring proudly.

  “We’re very happy for both of you,” Laura said with her arm around Sandy.

  “I never thought I’d see the day that Jane Richards was this happy. She fought me every time I tried to set her up.” Shelly shook her head and chuckled. “I never thought she’d find anyone that was good enough for her.”

  “That’s because I was waiting for Nicole to come into my life. One look at her and I knew I was hooked.”

  Nicole choked on her wine.

  “Okay, so I played it cool, but I was attracted to you the first time I met you. When you carried my bags to the car, I
thought you were too good to be true.”

  “You don’t believe her?” Shelly asked.

  “She fought me too. Jane may have been attracted, but I wasn’t in her class,” Nicole said with a chuckle.

  “But you won her over,” Laura added.

  “We won over each other,” Jane said quickly as her hand went to Nicole’s waist.

  “So did you take Jane some place special to propose?” Sandy asked.

  “Uh,” Nicole began to respond, but Jane interrupted.

  “Nicole brought me breakfast in bed. We ate our breakfast and then Nicole got down on one knee and proposed,” Jane said taking Nicole’s hand.

  “Very romantic, Nicole.” Shelly’s hand went to her heart. “Can you give pointers to Paul?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “And I’m sure, you spent the rest of the day in bed?” Laura asked with a giggle.

  Jane and Nicole looked at each other and laughed.

  “You did,” Shelly said shocked. “You two definitely have to give Paul lessons in being in love.” She shook her head and looked at them. “All day?”

  Jane and Nicole just continued to giggle.

  “It’s been a while since we’ve done that,” Sandy said holding Laura’s hand.

  “You too,” Shelly said as her mouth opened in shock. “Apparently I’m doing something wrong.”

  The other four women began to laugh hysterically.


  “Mom, so Tina did well this weekend?” Nicole asked as she arrived at work Monday morning.

  “She was fine, Nicole. She got along with Helen and Tara and I trust her to take care of our business.”

  “That’s a relief, Mom,”

  “So you and Jane had a good weekend?” Karen asked.

  “We had a wonderful weekend, Mom. I am so happy that we’re going to be spending weekends together.”

  “Have you set a wedding date?” Karen asked.

  “No, Mom. It didn’t come up all weekend.” Nicole shrugged. “We just got engaged. What’s the hurry?”

  “I just thought you’d like to get married in Jane’s yard or our yard and you’d want to do that before the weather turns cold,” Karen tried reasoning with Nicole.

  “Maybe we’ll get married next year.”


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