On The Map: Why the world looks the way it does
Page 35
While every effort has been made to contact copyright-holders of illustrations, the author and publishers would be grateful for information about any illustrations where they have been unable to trace them, and would be glad to make amendments in further editions.
Figures in italics indicate captions to illustrations.
AA 376
accelerometers 373, 379
Acre, Israel 61, 62
Adam 66, 67
Adelaide 234, 235, 239
Admiralty 348
Charts 220, 222, 266
Aegean Sea 49
aethroscopes 189
Andrea Bianco map 71
in the Beatus Map 66
blank spaces in 210–14, 213, 216, 219
and de la Cosa’s map 109–10
Ebstorf map 69
and Gastaldi 84, 143
gold reserves 205
on Mappa Mundi 48, 49
and Hondius 141n
imperialism in 216
Mercator’s map 132
Ogilby’s work 172
as part of Gondwana 260
and the Silver Map 138
in The Times Atlas 152
Vinland Map 92
Waldseemüller map 113
world in three sections 25, 27
Africanus, Leo 207
Agrippa, Emperor 49
Agueras y Arcas, Blaise 435
Aitchison, James 182
Aitsinger, Michael 160
Al-Idrisi, Muhammad 62, 63–5
The Book of Roger 64
Alakabeth: World of Doom 408
Álarcón, Hernando de 121
Aldrin, Buzz 425
Alerte (ship) 252
Alexander Island 265
Alexander the Great 23, 67, 143
Alexandria, Egypt 22, 24, 66, 92
Algeria 218
Allan, Alasdair 432
Allen, Woody 320
Alphadesigner (Yanko Tsvetkov) 439
Alphonso V of Portugal 76
Amazon (retailer) 435
the Blaeu Atlas Maior on 148
Cortés makes first plan of an American city 120
and Hondius 141n
name appears on a map for first time 112, 113–14, 117, 119
name begins to appear on other maps 120
Ogilby’s English Atlas 172
in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 143
Waldseemüller choice of name 119 see also United States
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 388
American Eagle
(Churchman) 162–63, 162
American Psychological Association 370
Ampthill Park 326
Amsterdam 124, 146
Amundsen, Roald 256, 272, 314n, 425
Amundsen microprobe 393n
Amusement Land test 368, 368
Anaximander of Miletus 26, 26
Andrea Bianco 70–71, 70
Angelus, Jacobus 103
Antarctic Circle 263
Antarctic Peninsula 263–64
Antarctic Treaty (1959) 271
Amundsen’s route 256, 256
Discovery expedition in 256, 258–9
Finé’s map 262
in data from Marinus of Tyre 37
land-grab map 271
mapped by satellites 273, 430
Mercator’s map 126
as part of Gondwana 260
Terra Nova expedition 259
Ui-te-Rangiora fable 260
and United States 271, 272, 378n
Antoniadi, Eugenios 391–2
Antony, Mary 32
AOL 428
Apian, Peter 120
Apollonius 23
Apple 434–5
Apple Mac 416
Apple Maps 434–35
in Eratosthenes’s map 28
and Gastaldi 143
Arader, W. Graham, III 352–8, 355, 364–5
Archimedes 23, 29
Arctic 234, 251, 260
Argand oil lamp 189
Argentina 271, 272
Aristotle 23, 28
Arizona 121
Armada 136
armillary spheres see astrolabes
Armitage, Simon 372
Armsheim, Johannes
de 105
Armstrong, Neil 429
Arneson, Dave 408
Arrian 23
Ashford, Mary 200–203, 202
Ashford, William 201
Andrea Bianco map 71
and Columbus 107
Gastaldi’s mural 84
Hereford Mappa Mundi 49
Strabo on 33
Toscanelli’s suggestion 105–6
Vinland Map 92
Waldseemüller map 113
world in three sections 25, 27
Association of American Geographers 367
astrolabes 25
Atkinson, James 70
Atlantic Ocean
Andrea Bianco map 71
and Drake’s Passage 138–9
in Eratosthenes’s map 28
Atlas 14, 140, 142
Atlas Mountains 25
atlases 14, 18
a craze in Venice 143
Mercator introduces the word 140
Blaeu Atlas Maior 149
popular atlas 144
world’s largest 158, 159
Augustus, Emperor 50
Aurea (ship) 241, 251
Austen, Jane 299
and Antarctica 271
Ayers Rock mapped 239
Burke and Wills’s journey 235–9, 236, 238
Cook sails to (1770) 263
explorers in 234–5
gold rush (1850s) 234
as part of Gondwana 260
telegraph line 239
and Terra Australis 261
Australopithecus 414
Automative Navigation
Data (AND) 380–81
Automobile Club of America 402
Ayers Rock (Uluru), Australia 239
Azimuthal projection 13, 127, 134, 350
Azores 71
Babylonian world map clay tablet 38, 38n
Bacon, CW 437
Baedeker 302–4, 303, 305, 306, 308, 310
Bahamas 106, 107, 111
Balbao, Vasco Nuñez de 113
Ball, Lucille 320
Banks, Joseph 205
Barber, Peter 53
barometers 182, 189
Barrie, Sir J. M. 311–12
Peter Pan 311
Barrow, Ian J. 193n
Bartholomew (cartographic firm) 154, 209, 404
Bassett, Thomas 208
Bauhaus school 154
Bayer, Hubert 154, 155–6
World Geo-Graphic Atlas 154–56, 155
Baynes-Cope, Dr Arthur David 52, 333
Bazalgette, Joseph 232
BBC 347, 348, 385, 436
BBC Worldwide 376n
Beardmore Glacier 270
Beatrice, Princess 223
Beatus Map 65–7, 66
Beatus of Liebana 65
Beer, Wilhelm 390–91
Behaim, Martin 113, 146
Erdapfel globe 336–38, 337
Beinecke Library, Yale
University 99, 102, 359, 362
Belgian Congo 216, 217, 218
Belgium 160
Bell Rock 250–51, 251
Bellerby, Peter 327–33, 331, 340–46, 342
Bellingshausen, Fabian
Gottlieb von 264–5
Bellini, Giovanni 85
Belwood, Peter 363
Ben Nevis 197
Berlin Conference (1884–5) 218
Bethesda Game Studios 397
Bethlehem 62
Bianco, Andrea 70, 79, 83
Biblioteca Marciana, Venice 75
Bills of Mortality 230
Bing Maps 380n, 435, 436
r, Louis-Gustave 204–5, 209
Bishop’s Head, St Paul’s Churchyard, London 171
Bismarck, Prince Otto von 218
Bissell-Thomas, James 343–44
Bitter River 38n
Bjarni Herjolfsson 91n
Blackberrys 19
Blaeu, Cornelis 147
Blaeu, Joan 147, 148, 149–51, 154, 158, 353
Blaeu, Willem 147
Africae Nova Descriptio 211, 212
Blaeu Atlas Maior 146–51, 149, 150, 158, 160
Blaeu dynasty 146–7, 151, 261, 397
Blair, Tony 58
Blake, Erin C. 74
Bland, Gilbert 363–64
Blaxland, Gregory 234–35
Blessed Isles 130
Blue Guides 304, 306
Blue Mountains, Australia 234
Blue Nile 205
board games 401–3, 403
Board of Ordnance 183, 186
Bodleian Library, Oxford 22
Boetti, Alighiero 440
Bogart, Humphrey 320
Boissière, Gilles de la 400
Bologna, Italy 103, 141
Bookheimer, Susan 423
Booth, Charles 274–8, 285
Booth, Mary 275
Borges, Jorge Luis 426
Bosch, Hieronymus 46
Boston, Massachusetts 122, 166
Bowers, Henry 270
Bowlegs, Captain Billy 248
Bowles, Carrington 183
Bradbury, Ray 389
Brahe, Tycho 147, 389
brain injury 414
brain mapping 410–23
brain expansion and sophistication 414–16
Brodmann maps 417–18, 419, 422
Chris Clark’s child health work 417, 420
Einstein’s brain 410, 413
Human Connectome Project 422–23
Maguire’s research on cab drivers 410–14, 412, 420
MRI scanning 420–21
phrenology 418–20, 419
repairing memory loss 414
tractography 421
Bransfield, Sir Edward 264
Brazil 116, 138
Brettania 28
Brewster, Sir David 267
Briggs, Henry 122, 123, 124
Brin, Sergey 428, 429
Andrea Bianco map 71
and Antarctica 271
‘Baedeker raids’ 303
in the Beatus Map 66
colonial surveys 190–93, 191
and de la Cosa’s map 109
on Hereford Mappa Mundi 48
imperialism in Africa 216
Matthew Paris’s strip map 62
Mercator’s Atlas on 141
Strabo’s comments 33
British Association For the Advancement of Science (BAFTAS) 266, 267
British Empire 164, 339
British Library, London 22, 45, 46, 53, 62, 66, 159, 356, 360, 363, 417
British Museum, London 38n, 52, 95, 98, 100, 101, 135, 269, 333, 440–1
Broad Street water pump, London 226, 227, 228, 229
Broca’s Area 417–18, 420
Brodmann, Korbinian 417–20, 422
Brontë, Charlotte 231–2
Brussels geographical conference (1876) 216
Buddhism 65
Bukhara, Uzbekistan 78
Bunyan, John 174
Burdwood Island 262–3
Burke, Robert O’Hara 235–39, 236, 238
Burke and Wills (film) 239
Burton, Charles 391
Burton, Richard 210
Burton Bay, Mars 391
Bush, George W. 58
Butler, Paul 15–16
Byrd, Admiral 268
Byron, Lord 299, 300
Byzantines 39, 66
Cabinet War Rooms, London 328, 347, 350
Cabot, John (Giovanni Caboto) 83, 105, 110
Cabot, Sebastian 83
‘cadastral’ maps 183
Caernarfon Castle 48
Caesar, Julius 32, 33
Cagnoli, Antonio: Traité de Trigonométrie 181
Caillié, René 214
California 138, 163
Drake in 137
as an ‘island’ 121–4, 123
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Caltech) 86
California Map Society 122
‘calottes’ 344
Calvin, William 415
Cambridge University 363
Camden, William 150, 179
Cameron, David 328
Cameroon 218
Canary Islands 130
Cannibal Islands, The 111
Cansay (Quinsay; now Hangchow), China 79
Cantilupe Pilgrimage Complex 54
Cape Adare 268
Cape Anne 268
Cape Canaveral 375
Cape Christie 268
Cape Cod, Mass. 122
Cape Comorin 192
Cape Cotter 268
Cape Crozier 259, 269
Cape Downshire 268
Cape Evans 269
Cape of Good Hope 106, 139, 213, 260, 261n
Cape Hallett 268
Cape Hooker 268
Cape McCormick 268
Cape Moore 268
Cape North 268
Cape Town 256
Cape Verde islands 83, 130, 138, 338
Cape Wood 268
Caquard, Sébastien 316–17, 318
Carpaccio, Vittore 85
Carpini, John de Plano 91, 92, 95, 96, 97
Carroll, Lewis 125, 426
Carta Marina 119
Cartographic Journal 316–17, 367
as both art and science 104
digital 197, 317, 319, 432, 433–4, 443
emergence of French ‘scientific’ school 151
Eratosthenes’s work 25
first copyright 174
first great German contribution to 105
golden age of 144
period of flamboyancy and ornamentation 151
romantic 268’ new commercial artform 146
cartouches 13, 103, 144, 148, 172, 179, 211
Cary, John 183
‘A New Map of Africa, from the Latest Authorities’ 207
Casablanca (film) 314–15, 315
Caspian Sea 25, 28
Cassini, Giovanni Maria 339, 353, 390
Globo Terrestre 339
Cassini de Thury, César-François: Description Géométrique de la France 181
Cassini family 181, 186
Carte de France 184, 185, 186
Castillo, Domingo del 121
Cathay 78, 79, 106, 111
Catherine of Aragon 326
Catherine of Braganza 173
Cazones 138
Ceylon 33
Chabrol, Claude 320
Champlain, Samuel de 360
Chanceaux, France 61
Chandler, Nancy 371
Charles, Prince of Wales 51
Charles II, King 151, 171, 173, 173
Charleston 304n
Chartwell, Kent 327, 328–9, 331–3
Charybdis 48
Cheffins, C. F. 228
Cherry-Garrard, Apsley 269, 270, 271
The Worst Journey in the World 269, 270, 391
Chevalier, Nicholas 238
Chile 138, 271
Chimneys, The 262–3
Ch’in Shu 81
the Blaeu Atlas Maior on 148
and Columbus 106, 107
first included in map data by Marinus of Tyre 37
and GPS 378n
isolationism 81
‘The Map of China and Barbarian Lands’ 81, 81
‘Maps of the Tracks of Yu The Great’ 81–2
and Marco Polo 78, 79
Ogilby’s work 172
prospects of exploration 79, 81
and the Silver Map 138
in The Times Atlas 152
in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 143
cholera 223, 224–6, 225, 227,
228–30, 232
Christie’s auction house, London 181–2
Christopher, St 111
Christy, Miller 138, 139
chronometer 106n
Chu Ssu-Pen 82–3, 82
Churchill, Sir Winston 327, 328, 329, 331–5, 347–51, 349
Churchman, Joseph 162
Cinnamon Country 28, 34
circumnavigation of the earth
Drake’s (1580) 135, 136, 139
first (1522) 113, 137, 138
civic maps, earliest 26
Clark, Chris 417, 420, 421