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Robin and Her Merry Men

Page 3

by Willow Brooke

  She narrowed her eyes inquisitively, her lips tilting up in a crooked grin.

  “What? Even a man of the cloth enjoys a good bottle of blackberry wine now and again.” He winked at her and helped her up, slowing his pace to stay within catching distance should she tumble again.

  Robin couldn’t help but be in awe of her surroundings. The moss grew up the tree bark and overhead, giving a mystic type feel. The huge trees towered over them, letting her see just how small she was in the world. She had to admit, Sherwood Forest was as close to God as one could get. His work was everywhere. It made her envy them for being in such tranquility.


  Twenty minutes later, they walked up to the ‘camp’. Robin couldn’t believe her eyes. It was like Smith Family Robinson on crack! Beautiful cottages were built high up in the trees, nestled against the trunks. Wooden bridges hung between each, suspended with vines and limbs woven into a beautiful braided pattern. Each home had more than one level, connected together with covered bridges. A pulley system had been hung so water and other items could be raised up with ease. It was indescribable. She had watched fairytales as all little girls growing up, but none compared to this. If it weren’t for the people around, Robin would swear it was the home of fairies or leprechauns. She half expected unicorns and minotaurs to walk by at any minute. Robin was so lost in awe she didn’t hear Tuck talking to her.


  “Oh, uh, what?”

  “I asked, what do you think?”

  “I…wow. This is…breathtaking. Amazing. Beautiful. There are no words worthy enough to describe this. How did you make all of this just from the forest?” She still kept her eyes roaming, soaking in every new little detail she discovered.

  “Bull is a carpenter. And, that guy over there? That’s Tony. He was an architect before forced out of his home. Dave, there by the fire, worked at the lumberyard all his life, with his wife, Emily. Colton and Liz are off to fill the buckets of water, so you can meet them later. Gina is Tony’s girlfriend. The two have been together for years, but she refuses to tie the knot.

  “With the few items we were able to bring with us, we put them all together to create what you’re lookin’ at.”

  Robin couldn’t respond. The fire was actually a rock pit with a stone cook stove and oven made from what she could only assume was the mud cement used back in the olden days and rocks found around. People paid thousands of dollars for outdoor kitchens that didn’t compare to this. She felt somewhat guilty assuming they would only cook on sticks and leaves. It never occurred to her they had household items as everyone else. She spotted the same set of pans she had by Rachael Ray, in the signature bright orange color, sitting atop the stove. Wooden shelving and cabinets had been made to store food and dishes. The ground, though dirt, was swept clean of leaves and pine needles. Children ran around playing games, shooting with their toy guns and dragging their baby dolls through the trees and brush. She looked around and saw a group of people waiting to be introduced and her face heated to a bright red. “I’m sorry…this place is just amazing. I can’t quit looking for fear I’ll miss something. There are even decorative carvings on the homes. This is just not what I expected.”

  A middle-aged woman giggled, extending her hand. Robin shook it, still embarrassed. “I’m Fran. That there is Sara, and over there is Becky. I’ll introduce you to everyone as we go, but don’t worry about remembering everyone just yet. You’ll get to know them soon enough. You do plan on coming back, don’t you?”

  “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Robin. Thank you for welcoming me into your home. And yes, I would love to, thank you.”

  “Aww, don’t think none about it. I hope you’re hungry. Wolf brought home enough deer that we can’t get it smoked and cured fast enough. So, I sliced it up and gave it a good coating of flour and spices and fried it. I guarantee it will be better than any beef you’ve ever eaten.” She winked and walked back to the stove, checking and flipping the food.


  “Aye. My oldest son. He turned sixteen this last winter…hell of a hunter that one is. Takes after his mum.” Her accent made her even more attractive. She was all of five foot three and had curves instead of bones and skin like most women now days. Her long curly dark hair framed her face, accenting her big blue eyes and rosy cheeks. Robin laughed, loving Franny already. She was as genuine as they came.

  “Wow. It amazes me how easy you all have adapted. Most kids would be lost and in some sort of shock if they had their game consoles and electronics taken away, much less moved out in the wilderness. You have raised four children to be great adults some day, Franny.”

  “Four, pshh. I have seven love. Wolf is the oldest, Shannon is thirteen, Brian is almost twelve, Jared ten, the twins Sophie and Sasha are six, and little Jenna is three months. I swear that man keeps me knocked up on purpose.” She glanced over at Bull who automatically turned to her and smiled. The love that floated through them was what every girl dreamed of. Robin didn’t think it existed, until now. He winked and went back to tending the fire, whistling lightheartedly.

  “Seven! How do you manage?”

  “It isn’t easy, that’s for sure. But, after the first three, it’s all the same. I don’t think I’d know what to do without the brood running around me in circles all day. I’d be bored for sure.” Franny grinned at her shocked reaction. Giving her a once over, she added, “What about you? Any little ones keeping you on your toes?”

  Robin laughed. It was odd to think that at twenty-three some women were working on their second and even third baby. She hadn’t given it much thought. Sure, she wanted kids some day, but that meant finding a husband—which wasn’t in the cards given her back list of failed relationships, or lack there of. “That would mean I’d have to find a husband, and I have yet to find a man who can last longer than two dates. I tend to scare them off for some reason.” Robin strolled around camp with Franny as they chatted, admiring her new friend’s life more and more.

  “Well I can’t imagine why… Do you turn into an ogre when the sun sets or something, love?” Her joking tone was welcoming, making the normally somewhat tender subject easy.

  “No, not that I know of… I think my independent personality comes on too strong for most. Mary says I intimidate them.” She fiddled with pine needles, wrapping them around her finger.

  “And who is this Mary?” Franny’s accent grew thicker at times more than others, and came out almost harmonious. It was refreshing.

  “Mary is my best friend since birth. She and I have been through a lot, but even though we are alike in so many ways, men are her department. I have yet to meet a man who called after a second date, which even making it to number two is rare. Everything seems to be going great, and then nothing. No texts, calls, no explanation. I don’t get stalkerish or clingy like some…don’t talk with my mouth full… I pretty much have given up and am learning to accept the fact I am destined to be alone. As much as I would love kids, I will have to settle on borrowing yours now so you can get a break.”

  “A break? What is that?” Both women giggled, carrying on the conversation as Franny took her around and showed her the different things they had rigged up to make their little community modernized and convenient. All of the different systems they had set up were amazing. From what Robin could tell, all that was lacking was solar panels for electricity. The homemade candles Franny and Sara hand dipped made them unnecessary.

  Robin talked with the others, making friends with them all. There were twenty adults residing there and kids belonging to most everyone.

  It wasn’t long until lunch was ready, and everyone gathered together. The meal prayer was said and everyone sat as a family, discussing things that needed to be done or new ideas to improve. Besides Mary, Robin felt more at ease and comfortable with this group of perfect strangers than she did with her own family.

  Will Scarlet had come back to camp seeming less agitated, sitting at the opposite end of the t
able than her. He hadn’t made a point to speak to her, but wasn’t threatening to kill her either, which was a start. She caught him looking at her a few times but he would turn his head the second she made eye contact. Either Will was still trying to decide if she was worth killing, or he was examining her for the first time instead of the blood red vision of anger as before.

  When the meal was over, Robin fell in with the ladies and helped with clean up, finding it easier than she had anticipated. Water had been drawn and heated to wash the dishes in the two giant tubs that had been made into makeshift sinks. The women had dish soap, which seemed out of place in this little piece of the world where time stood still. She was about to make her leave when Bull walked over. “You are going to stay tonight for the spring celebration, aren’t ya, lass?”

  “Celebration?” She couldn’t hide her curiosity.

  “Aye. Dancing, music, food, and Pastor Tuck’s famous blackberry wine.”

  Before he could go on, Franny interrupted, “After, you can sleep in our home. We have plenty of room. The rug rats can pile up tonight. The youngins usually end up shoving me and Bull out of bed and onto the floor anyhoo. Come on, let's go get you situated. Sara will have something you can wear to sleep in.”

  “Franny, I don’t want to put you out. I can leave after if someone can help me find my car. I don’t think I could find my way in the daytime much less at night. The forest has changed since I first got here I think. I don’t know how you don’t get lost!”

  “Aye, it does change. Nighttime is my favorite around here. I always feel like we are in our own little world and get to forget the bad that surrounds us. In a twisted sense, this has been the best blessing for me family. The youngins have never been happier.”

  “I can see why. It’s amazing out here. I’d love to get away from the rat race, but my family even more.”

  “Well then. It is my job to make sure you never want to leave. We could use another woman around here. All this testosterone is hard to keep up with,” she said with a snicker. Franny linked her arm in Robin’s and pulled her away, chattering delightfully.

  Chapter Three

  Once the sun disappeared through the trees and darkness fogged in around camp, the celebrations began. Sherwood Forest had taken on a different feel than in the day. There was an almost spooky calm that settled in as the predators came out to hunt and animals scurried about. Robin knew there weren’t many animals to fear, besides a mountain lion or bear, which were rare due to over hunting their species, but she still got a shiver up her spine nonetheless.

  The festivities were quickly put together with all the hands, kicking off with a bang. The fire pit had been stoked and a wild boar roasted above. Food of all sorts cooked and was prepared, with fresh wild greens and vegetables they had gathered from a garden planted in the meadow not far away. A group gathered with various instruments, and people danced around happily. Out here, they were free. They celebrated life, the earth, and God. Robin hadn’t ever been to a party quite like it, and of all the social celebrations she had been dragged to growing up, this was the best hands down.

  Franny and Bull spun around in a waltz, laughing and swaying to the folk-like music. Everywhere she looked, there was happiness. Pastor Tuck walked up beside her and smiled, handing her a glass. “Here, Robin Hoode. May we toast the riches you have stolen to feed the poor, and hope they covet more of their wares to our benefit!” Robin took the chalice and smiled, raising it to her lips.

  “This is the best wine I have ever tasted!”

  “Ahh. Fruit is a gift from the earth, which any fool can eat, but for which the Lord intended a more divine means of consumption. Let us give praise to our maker and appreciate this glorious bounty by sharing his sacrifice in wine!”

  Robin giggled at his rationalization but in a sense, he had a point. Plus, it was delicious. She watched everyone dancing around and laughing, enjoying her new friends. Deep down she envied them. Pastor Tuck kept her company, conversing about his life before and the blessing God had bestowed on him by allowing him to strip down back to the basics.

  “Some might see us and pity us. But, it is I who feel for them. We have left behind the influences of the world and are back to the primal basics. We are closer to our creator out here. Money and material things no longer matter. For the first time, I am embracing my purpose.”

  Robin thought about it for a moment, pondering on his words. He was right. The world was full of evil and greed. Every day, they were faced with temptations. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to make such a drastic change. Could she be happy out here, secluded from everyone? No Starbucks, no cell phones or laptop, no Facebook or Twitter. In return, she would have real face-to-face relationships, hear the tweets of the birds, and drink fresh teas straight from nature. Granted, they still went to town for supplies when they were able to, but for the most part, the forest supplied everything. More importantly, how bad would her parents freak? She couldn’t ever let them know where she was to protect the others.

  Given her secret profession, it might be her only choice. Sooner or later, the reality was she could only tempt fate for so long. Someday, she would make a mistake and have to run to stay out of jail. If Mayor Sherman Nottingham caught wind of her rebellion, he would stop at nothing to see her locked up in the highest security prison for the rest of her days. Soap on a rope and cornrows while trying not to become someone’s ‘special lady’ weren’t on her top ten things to do.


  “How about it? Care to see my two left feet in action?” Preacher Tuck cut through her thoughts, holding out his hand in invitation.

  Robin stood frozen, finally snapping out of her shock and nodded with a smile. “I’d be honored, good sir.” She couldn’t help but giggle. He took her hand and led her out into the crowd, swaying her around with grace. Her cheeks hurt from laughing so much. She was having the best time ever.

  Partway through the second song, they waltzed by a scowling Will who sat perched against a tree. He watched her intently, not taking his eyes from her. When she smiled in his direction he stood and stormed off into the darkness. What the hell is his problem? He hadn’t spoke to her since he ambushed her, and as much as she wanted to deny it, it bothered her. Robin had to fight the urge to chase after him and force him to face her, but she refrained. There was no use in letting him ruin her good time. If he wanted to be miserable, so be it.

  Bull and Franny spun in their direction, flinging her into Bull’s arms as Franny spun to Preacher Tuck in step. One by one she was passed off, dancing until her feet ached and her breath came in pants. As the band took a break to refill on wine and food, she rushed to drink herself. The wine slid down her throat, warming her tummy and fuzzing her head. She knew she shouldn’t chug it, but she was dying of thirst. It was nice to let loose and belong. Everyone had done just that—accepted her with open arms and accept her for who she was, not what she had or whom she knew. No one in her life besides Mary fell into that category. It was…refreshing.

  The music struck up once more, filling the air around her. It was impossible not to tap her foot to the catchy beat. Robin no sooner finished off her chalice before another man whose name she couldn’t recall pulled her out on the dance floor, taking her glass last minute and tossing it on the table. “Now that is one way to ask a lady to dance…” she giggled.

  “Ahh…see that’s the problem, Robin, princess of thieves.” His dark eyes danced with amusement, matching his quick tempo and seamless steps. “If I’d have asked, there would be an opening for you to decline. By taking your hand and showing you what a great dancer I am, there is no room for rejection.”

  “A tad arrogant, don’t you think?” Her mouth curved up in a flirtatious smirk, challenging him.

  “No. Confident. Let’s see if your fast footwork from swiping jewels and paintings, extends to the dance floor, shall we?”

  “Might I at least know your name?” Robin gasped when he pulled her flush against

  “You might…then again, you might not.” He smiled, baring his teeth to show a perfect sparkling white smile.

  “Cheeky bastard.”

  “Ahh, now there you are right, ma’lady.” Before she had a chance to continue their little duel, he set her in a set of spins that had her laughing with delight. Around and around he led her, tugging her back against his front at last. With his arm wrapped around her middle, she felt his warm breath along her neck and squirmed. Just as she regained her bearings and thought to give this nameless modern day Romeo a taste of his own medicine, Will stepped in front of her, looking mad enough to Hulk smash.

  “Enough, Collin,” he growled. Once again, she was pulled away without permission, straight into the arms of Mr. Sexy-grumpy-pants himself.

  “I was only having some fun, big brother. Tread lightly, this one might be too much for even you.” He kissed Robin’s hand, keeping his eyes locked with hers. He was sexy in every way possible. The fire reflected in his dark eyes, playing well with the unruly waves that swept over his forehead. Lord help the world if there are more Scarlet boys like these.

  Without further explanation or a single word, Will pulled her tightly against him in a possessive claim, smashing her breasts to his hard chest. From the feel of him, he was as ripped as she first anticipated. His hold was firm, but she didn’t feel threatened or in danger. Instead, Robin felt protected. Ironically, the woman who worked endlessly to help and protect others from the poverty of the world reveled in his somewhat Neanderthal claiming. It could be worse…he could have pissed on her to mark his territory. Where Collin was witty and charming, Will had a mysterious silent dominance that set her blood on fire.

  “What do you think you are doing?” Will growled. It was said more like an accusation than a question. It took a moment for her to collect the underlying meaning, and set her temper off when his implication sunk in. She attempted to pull back to no avail. His grip only tightened around her.


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