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Robin and Her Merry Men

Page 4

by Willow Brooke

  Robin narrowed her eyes, tilting her chin up to lock her glare with his. “I was having fun ‘til you came along. Now, let me go if you don’t mind.” Her words were sharp, slicing the tension that grew to a heightened state.

  “I do mind.” Without elaborating, he moved her back into the swirling bodies and forced her to sway to the slow ballad that now played. “Whatever you plan on gaining from this little charade won’t happen. These are good people—too trusting, but pure of heart. I won’t think twice about snapping your little neck and leaving you for the bears to protect them.” He tightened his grip around her waist to get his point through.

  “My gain is their gain. As I said before, I want to help. Your threats mean nothing, Will. Maybe other people cringe in fear when the big bad wolf growls, but I have news for you… I’m not little Red Riding Hood. It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to scare me away.”

  “You’re a spoiled rich girl, Robin Hoode. No matter what stripes you try to wear, your spots will shine through. Go back to your pedestal and leave us alone.” He caught a glimpse of hurt in her eyes and fought the twinge of guilt that arose. It had to be done. She couldn’t get her fifteen minutes of fame by plastering their business across the Sunday paper. This was about the lives of his family and friends—something she would never understand. Playing superhero on the weekends wasn’t helping. It was nothing more than a way to deal with her guilt.

  “And you must be mistaken, Will Scarlet. I’m not asking permission. These people deserve more than your ego. Now, get your damn hands off me. At least not all the Scarlets share your perspective.” Her voice rose above the music, drawing a few stares in their direction. He shoved her away, storming off.

  Will couldn’t handle sitting idly by while a little rich bitch ruined everything. It was time to send her back where she came from and away from what he had worked so painfully to protect. How dare she? This was his home! How could he be the only one who saw through her bullshit? His own damn flesh and blood fell hook, line, and sinker for her sparkling smile and good looks—both of which were probably bought with stacks of cash. She was just like the others—only out for personal gain. He couldn’t take it anymore.

  He trekked back through the dense foliage to where her car was left, turned it around, carefully maneuvering it between the trees and narrow road. Come morning, as she drove out the way she came, he would see to it that it was impossible for her to ever return. There were plenty of logs to fall and brush to drag that would make the road simply vanish. When reporters came dragging in, as he knew would once she ran her article, they wouldn’t find anything.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning Robin woke before sun up, unable to go back to sleep. After Will had left, her night had been pretty much ruined. She didn’t know why he got to her so bad. Granted, he was hot as all get out, but she had been around tons of pompous rich assholes with the looks and the charm without a second thought. On one side, she half commended his loyalty and dedication to preserving their community. On the other side, she wanted to kick the living shit out of him for being so damn blind. While she laid snug in her surprisingly comfy bed stewing over their conversation, in the back of her mind she fought down the feelings that surfaced. Over and over her mind went back to him pulling her into his arms. Did he feel it too? Was that what pissed him off so badly? Or was she hoping that under the jackass and through the rage was desire? Ugh. It didn’t matter. In a couple hours, she would say her goodbyes and leave, back to her life. When she brought back the bounty of her next heist, maybe then he would see her intentions. There was no way he would ever apologize, for that she was certain. Hopefully he would at least be civil to her when she visited. Visited? Was she really going to come back frequently? She adored everyone here, but it was evident she didn’t belong as Will had pointed out every chance he could. Secondly, she'd put them in danger of being found. If she were to ever be followed…

  “What are ye doing awake so early, love?” Franny asked in a hushed whisper.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “Was the bed uncomfortable? I could put ye in one of the kid’s rooms next time ye visit, or maybe let ye have mine and John’s.” It touched her heart to see Franny offering more accommodations given they lived in a tree house.

  Not wanting to offend her generous host, Robin cut her off before she continued. “No, Franny, the bed was perfect. Everything here is perfect. I am so grateful for your hospitality.”

  Franny walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Then what has ye stewing in the wee hours, lass?” Her accent was thicker in her sleepy state, bringing a smile to Robin’s lips.

  “I don’t know…a little bit of everything I guess. I come out here and feel like I belong somewhere for the first time. You all are amazing. Growing up, we had everything, and I was never happy. Here, when all the bobbles and sparkles are stripped, I’m happier than I have ever been. Will…” Before she could collect her thoughts and attempt to explain in words without giving her feelings away, Franny patted her hand.

  “Don’t mind Will. He has a good heart, but the manners of a barbarian.” She took a breath in a hesitant pause. “He fancies ye, ye know.”

  “Me?” Robin laughed. “I think he wants to pluck out my eyes and hang me for the buzzards. If not that people would come looking for me, I’d be belly up in the river.”

  “Oh pish posh. He is afraid. For us, but also for his feelings. If he trusts ye and something were to happen, he could never forgive himself. Deep down he knows ye are only wanting to do what’s right. But if he admits that, he has to admit to himself he likes ye.”

  “I don’t think so, Franny. Last night…”

  “Last night he couldn’t stand seeing ye dance with Collin. It’s always been a competition with those two. When he had ye in his arms, we all could see through his gruff tough act, love. John caught him when he stormed off but didn’t get a chance to talk to him. He’ll come around. Don’t ye fret, my dear, not for a minute.”

  Robin felt her face heat to a bright neon red and sighed. Did she want him to come around? Was Franny right? Sure, he was attractive, and his dominant ways set her blood on fire. But…they were worlds apart. She lived in the mix of society, him in the secluded forest away from the world. Like her split life, they were polar opposite. “I don’t know, Franny. We are worlds apart,” her voice trailed off with her thoughts.

  “Not as much as ye may think, love. Ye are here, aren’t ye?” She gave Robin something more to think about. With a sweet hug and pat to her hand, Franny walked out of the room, leaving her to ponder as she watched the first glow of morning seep through the window, giving her hope. Maybe there could be room in her life for love—someday. For now she had a job to do, and by the time this job was over, there would only be another. She couldn’t stop. Not until the country had changed back for people to survive. Maybe it wasn’t too far-fetched. Who knows what the future will hold.

  Giving up on sleep, Robin got up and dressed after washing up in the water that had been brought to a bedside washstand. She smiled, loving the nostalgic feel, half enjoying experiencing how things were done two hundred years ago. With candles lit for light and the wee hour sun barely casting in, her reflection was warm and soft. She forgot on so many occasions how feminine she was. Like all women she had areas she wanted to change, like the few extra pounds she carried, and the roundness of her hips. But all in all, she was happy with what the good Lord gave her. It just took moments like these for her to realize it. She slipped into the fresh clothing Sara had so generously lent to her, giggling. A long linen gypsy type skirt was paired with a peasant top, only adding to the trip back in time she was on. The plunging neckline showed off the girls, hiding her troubled spots and accenting her femininity. Wanting to give back, she quietly slipped out to start breakfast.


  With the fresh wild hog bacon and sausage sizzling on the stove along with the eggs, and fresh homemade bread toasting in the rock
oven, she quickly found herself humming and enjoying herself. Collin was the first to appear, offering his playboy smile she was sure kept all the ladies swooning at his feet. “Good morning. I see you are adjusting well.” He cockily leaned up against a tree, watching her every move. She could feel his eyes wandering, so she did what any woman would do—added an extra sway in her hips as she moved, and squared her shoulders ever so slightly, just enough to raise the girls up for a perfect focal point. Now, more than ever, she was glad she wore her good push-up bra. As she bent over to remove the toast, she made sure she faced him, giving him a bird’s eye view of her cleavage.

  “Yes, it’s hard not to enjoy normal everyday tasks in a place like this. I don’t see how anyone could be in a bad mood here.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw him shift, turning to hide the bulge that grew in the front of his jeans. He busied himself stoking the fire and made coffee.

  “I never am.” He flashed a full grin, walking up behind her. “Something smells amazing.”

  “It’s probably the fresh bacon. I’ve never had meat that didn’t come out of a package.” She flipped the thick seasoned strips with a fork, unaware of how close he was until he rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “It’s not breakfast that has my mouth watering.” His warm breath cascaded across her ear, sending an instant shiver up her spine. Before she could react, Collin went hurdling away from her, almost knocking her against the pan of hot grease.

  “What the…” She turned just in time to see Will standing over Collin, ready to dive on top of him. “Stop! What the hell is wrong with you!” Robin screeched.

  “You! You are my problem! It’s time for you to leave, Robin Hoode, and never come back! Collin—disappear!” Just as Collin growled and stood, both fists cocked, John came barreling out of the house and jumped between the two vicious beasts just in time.

  “Boys! Stop NOW!” His voice boomed, having more of an effect than she expected. Both men stormed off in opposite directions, slinging cuss words at each other. The others had come to see what the fuss was about and stood staring. It was all too much. Before she could cause any more damage, Robin fled.

  “Father, can you show me to my car please? I’m so sorry… I only want to help. Not…this.” Her eyes burned, pooling with tears.

  “No no no, Robin…those two are always at each other’s throats. Please, don’t pay any mind. You have been an absolute delight.” The good preacher wrapped his arm around her shoulders, giving her a friendly hug. Sara and Franny took over breakfast duties, changing the subject and planning where her house should be built next to theirs. She pulled herself together and sighed.

  “I really need to get back. You all have been so wonderful and I have had an amazing time. Thank you.” Robin hugged both women and stepped away.

  “You will be back soon, right?” Sara’s voice was soft and sweet just as she was.

  “Of course. I don’t think I could ever stay away from here.” She winked, hugging first her then Franny. After making the rounds, giving good-byes and forcing down half of a pig that was thrust at her randomly, she finally broke free and faded out of the crowd to Pastor Tuck. He walked her back toward the main road, helping her over the thick briar bushes like a true gentleman.

  “You are gifted young lady. I figured you’d be stuck until nightfall, or you puked from all the food. I’ve never seen them take to someone so fast.”

  “Yeah…they are great. It’s the reason I do what I do.”

  “They are counting on you, Robin. You are a good girl. Please don’t let them down.”

  Robin turned, stopping to look him in the eyes. “Pastor, I will do all in my power to give these people what they deserve. I had my endless cash flow ripped because I didn’t fit in. All of the artificial friendships and stupid social get togethers were enough to gag a maggot. So, when I alienated myself and quit attending my parents poor attempts at matchmaking, my inheritance was put under lock and key and most of my allowance ripped away. Not like it’s a big deal, I work. Which kills them that I have lowered myself to working such a blue collar job and live in a—gasp—apartment.”

  “It sounds like to me that you have succeeded more than you give yourself credit for. You feed yourself, have a roof and clothes on your back. What makes you rich is your heart. In God’s eyes, you are wealthier beyond your comprehension.” He continued walking, holding the branches along the way. The rest of the walk was in silence, besides the occasional ‘thank you’ and ‘watch your step’. Somehow, one preacher managed to justify her doubts that had held her back for so long. She felt like she had betrayed her own blood at times, despite their wrong way of putting riches over the lives of so many. Granted, her family was better than most and donated to charities, but they never got their hands dirty with commoners. It had led her to give her lunch money to the homeless on her walk to school each day, and take leftover dinner to them at night. For as long as she could remember, she had always felt like it was her duty, even if it was one random act of kindness at a time.

  As they neared her car, she had a feeling of regret. Leaving meant going back to the corruption she fought against. At least now she could bring a bounty that would help more than one person.

  “Thank you, Pastor Tuck…for everything. I had more fun than I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Anytime. I will keep you in my prayers for your safe return. We all can’t want to see you again, Robin of the Hoode family. You are a true delight.” He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head in a fatherly way before opening her door. “Drive safe.”

  “I will. Tell everyone I’ll be back, bearing gifts.” She smiled and shut the door, unable to stop the peace the forest brought. But she had a job to do—and nothing would stand in her way.

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks had passed, and tonight was the night. Like her normal amp up routine, Robin blared AC/DC on her stereo, which was an ironic contradiction to the slinky classy little black dress she was sporting with black platinum stilettos. Unlike any others, these had removable heels and velvet bottoms to silence footsteps and for a quick getaway. Her large handbag shimmered with rhinestones but housed an array of nonlethal weapons and tools that would put James Bond to shame. Having connections finally worked to her advantage.

  Robin was one of the few rare women who needed little to stand out. Her long auburn hair had a natural beauty that took little to look phenomenal. Her large blue—green eyes sparkled with just the minimal amount of makeup, hypnotic to anyone who stared into their depths. She had always seen herself as plain, but others saw the raw magnificence she held. As she leaned over the bathroom counter with a mascara wand in one hand and a curling iron in the other, there was a knock at the door. She glanced at the clock, noting the thirty minutes she had before it was time to go, and huffed. The knock was a little harder the second time, rattling the picture she had taken in Tuscany on her last visit she took with the family. She ran to the door, sliding in her stockings on the wood. After she unlocked the four dead bolts and swung it open, the scowling Mary stood, tapping her Gucci clad toe. “Please tell me you aren’t still getting ready. If we want to get in and setup before the crowd is too thick, we need to go, Robin!”

  “Stuff a sock in it. I’m almost done.” She ran back to the bathroom, picking up where she left off. Five minutes later, she waltzed out with her shoes in hand, grinning. “See? All done.”

  “Only because you can get away with minimal makeup and a brush run through your hair. It took me over an hour on hair alone! Bitch.” She giggled, hurrying to the door.

  “I just don’t care like you do, Mary. See these shoes? I bet I could have bought fifty pair with the same amount as you spent on the ones you are wearing. And, no one will know the difference.”

  “I found these on sale,” Mary pouted. She had always been the fashion diva of the pair, using her wealth to splurge at any given chance and had restocked Robin’s wardrobe whenever she could get access. It had always dro
ve Mary nuts at the knock-off or ‘non-designer’ clothes she wore.

  Robin laughed, knowing that their ideas of ‘on sale’ were worlds apart. “After you…” She held open the door, extending her arm in a mocking bow. Mary grunted and walked out, stopping to wait while she locked up. Mary’s heels clanked on the pavement to the car, echoing against the buildings. She stopped mid-step, staring at Robin.

  “Why are your shoes not loud? Do they not have soles?”

  “Of course they do, and are going to heaven for being so cheap.”

  “Smart ass, you know what I mean.”

  “Velvet. The heels pop off for a fast escape too.” She popped up her foot, and pushed the sides, slipping off the heel.

  “Wow. Who knew they had a line of Charlie’s Angels apparel.” She glanced down at hers, wrinkling her nose. “I paid over fifteen hundred for these and all they do is ruin if I step in a puddle.”

  “See? Maybe you should take shopping advice from me once in awhile.” She giggled, getting into the driver’s seat. Mary shook her head and slid in, shutting the door just as Robin took off.

  The drive was short, given Robin had a lead foot that broke the sound barrier for the entire trip. By the time she stopped for the valet to park, Mary’s fingers had to be pried off the door handle. “Come on. Don’t be such a drama queen.”

  Mary rolled her eyes, clenching her teeth together to keep from making a scene. “Note to self—always take my car,” she mumbled under her breath. Once they entered the grand entrance at the Vancover mansion, Robin winked.

  “You know what to do. Showtime.”

  “Be careful.”

  “Always.” Robin grinned goofily and snuck off, leaving Mary to dazzle Mr. Vancover and the other aristocrats in the crowd. Mary was great at turning on the charm, and could play people, especially men, like a fiddle. While she chatted and giggled flirtatiously, Robin found her way to the trophy room of sorts that housed all of the Vancover fortunes put on display to show off. The light was off, leaving only the showcase lights to give her sight to navigate the large room. She stayed to the shadows and out of view from the few cameras setup for security, weaving her way around until she found it. The Hope Diamond. Its position under the thick glass did it no justice. She gasped at its beauty, pausing a moment to show respect. It was magnificent and a true one-of-a—kind treasure. Once she shook the mesmerized feeling, it didn’t take long to cut the glass and remove it. Carefully she wrapped it in a satin sash and tucked it in her bag with a grin.


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