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Love Notes and Football

Page 3

by Laurel, Rhonda

  “You will do no such thing.” Morgan elbowed him in the ribs. “Pretty soon these moments will be few and far between.”

  “I know. But it just means we’ll have to be more creative.” He waggled his eyebrows. “We need alone time so we can continue building that football team.”

  “You keep talking like that and I’m going to give you a”—Morgan made a snipping motion with her fingers—“in your sleep.”

  “You won’t have to if Jake doesn’t stop accidentally punting me in the family jewels every time he crawls into bed with us. I feel like I have to wear a jock strap to bed.”

  “Maybe that’s his way of saying he has enough siblings for now.” Morgan giggled and picked up another dumpling.

  * * *

  Jake didn’t inherit Seth’s knack for grooming. Unlike Seth, who paid through the nose for his stylist to give him that flyaway look, Jake came by it naturally. A few swipes of the brush were all he needed, but the minute Morgan turned her back to get his socks, he bolted out of his room.

  Morgan searched the house with socks in hand. She gave up when her cell phone rang and she saw her cousin Izzy’s face on the cell phone display. Jake appeared out of nowhere looking innocent, like he was waiting to see if she’d come after him or answer the call.

  “Izzy! How are you? How’s Tate? Where are you?” Morgan handed her son the socks and pointed him in the direction of the war room where Seth was playing the prototype for the new video game he was endorsing.

  “Slow down.” Isabelle laughed. “First of all, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine. Right now I’m trying in vain to teach my son good grooming habits.” Morgan walked into the kitchen.

  “The sonogram is today, right?”

  “We have an appointment this afternoon.”

  “Call me the minute find out the baby’s sex.”

  Morgan laughed. “I will.”

  “How’s Uncle Curtis? Any improvement since we last spoke?”

  “He’s holding his own. He’s mad because no one will sneak in any contraband food.”

  “Listen, if you ever need someone to hide in the closet with you, I can be on the first plane to Philadelphia.”

  When her mother died, she’d hidden in her bedroom closet for most of the day of the funeral. But she hadn’t been alone. Isabelle had sat in there with her and occasionally had gone to get them food.

  “Thanks, Izzy,” Morgan croaked.

  “And I’ve been meaning to say thank you for whatever you said to Tate to make him come after me.”

  “I didn’t tell Tate anything that he didn’t already know. He finally started listening to his heart. So what’s next for you two?”

  “I took an official leave of absence from the symphony so I could devote time to my physical therapy. Tate is finishing up his album. We’re going to spend as much time together as possible between all that.”

  “Hey! We never got to have that dirty talk we were supposed to have.” Morgan tapped her fingers on the counter.

  “We’ll definitely get to it next visit. Tate’s taking me to lunch. Call me the minute you get out of the doctor’s office.”

  “I will. Give him my love.” Morgan hung up the phone and yelled, “When I get in there, everyone named Jake better have socks on his feet!”

  Morgan walked into the war room. Both Seth and Jake wiggled their bare feet at her.

  “You are a bad influence, Mr. Hot Foot.” Morgan wagged her finger at Seth.

  “You know I find clothes confining.” Seth winked at her.

  “This coming from a man who’s about to model for an exclusive men’s line. That was Isabelle on the phone.”

  “How are our two love birds doing?”

  “Sounds like they’re doing just fine. I wonder what Tate’s new sound will be like?”

  Seth scratched his beard. “No more scandalous ditties in his future, that’s for sure. But I think we’re going to see a whole new side of Tate.”

  “He did work his magic on our song. That’s when I knew there was hope for him.” Morgan sat next to Jake and put his socks on his feet.

  “Hey, if they get married, Isabelle will be your cousin and your sister-in-law. She will be Jake’s third cousin and aunt. And—”

  Morgan held up a hand. “Please stop. Our families are turning into one of those ‘I’m my own grandpa’ scenarios.”

  Seth burst out laughing. Morgan couldn’t help but laugh too. It felt so good to laugh for a change. “How’s the video game?”

  “There are a few flaws to work out, but I’m sure they’ll fix it.”

  Morgan looked at the screen. It was strange to see the animated likeness of Seth running around. “Babe, it’s almost time for the doctor’s appointment.”

  He turned off the screen and scooped up Jake. “Get your shoes, kid. Time to go see Uncle Jared.”

  * * *

  Morgan couldn’t understand how Seth was so perfectly calm while she felt like bouncing off the walls. She squeezed Seth’s hand as the nurse ushered them into the exam room. She changed into the soft cotton gown the nurse gave her while Seth paced around the room like he was getting ready for a game.

  “What is this?” Seth pointed at a speculum on a tray.

  “That is a woman’s worst nightmare.” Morgan tried to get comfortable on the exam table.

  “Kind of looks like a duck’s bill.”

  “Well I don’t like it when it quacks at my cervix.”

  Seth continued perusing the room. “There sure are a lot of instruments and doodads in here to look at a woman’s…naughty bits.”

  “Really? We’re on our second child and you can’t say the word vagina?”

  Seth took a seat on the stool next to the table and pulled the blanket over her. “A rose by any other name…”

  Morgan rolled her eyes at him.

  “You know it doesn’t matter to me if it’s a boy or a girl,” Seth said, coming to her side and taking her hand. “Nothing would change. I just want another healthy, happy baby.”

  “Everything would change if we had a girl.” She put her arm behind her head.

  “No, it would not.” He rubbed her belly.

  “You get all soft and mushy whenever you spend time with Gabby. She has you wrapped around her little finger.”

  “She’s my goddaughter. It’s my job to spoil her.”

  Morgan gave him an expectant look.

  Seth laughed. “OK, I admit one look at those adorable brown eyes and I’m toast.”

  “I rest my case. I don’t think you’d be running football plays by your daughter during bath time.” Morgan narrowed her eyes.

  “Hey, I added some girl names to our list. By the way, some of the guys would like to provide their input on baby names.”

  She shook her head. “It’s bad enough the whole family wants a say. We’re not adding your crazy teammates to the mix.”

  “Some of them aren’t so bad.”

  “How many names?”

  Seth pulled the list out of his back pocket. “Thirty-five.”

  “Let me rephrase that. How many names that don’t sound like an appliance, a car, or a video game avatar?” Morgan folded her arms over her chest.

  Seth looked at the list for a moment. “Eight.”

  “I don’t think so. Tate wants something that’s easy to use in a song. Tyler and Channing keep coming up with suggestions that sound oddly like pirate names, and Robert wants some crazy hybrid of all my brothers’ names.”

  “You know,” Seth said, stroking his chin, “Patton’s sister named her kids after the places her children were conceived.”

  Morgan chuckled. “Somehow, I think the name Walk-In Closet Blake would be setting our child up for failure.”

  Dr. Fenwick entered the office. “Well, hello there! Seth, how are you? Ready for the new season?”

  “Sure am, doc. I think it’s going to be the best season ever for the Titans.” Seth beamed.

  “I like your enthu
siasm. You know my husband and I have season tickets. He actually cried when he found out you extended your contract.” The doctor laughed as she pressed buttons on the sonogram machine.

  “I’m fine Dr. Fenwick, thanks for asking,” Morgan mumbled. “I’ve been eating right and I feel great.”

  Seth smiled. “You and your husband are always welcome to join my family in our suite at the stadium.”

  “Thank you! He’s going to pass out when I tell him the news. How’s training going?” Dr. Fenwick shook her head as she snapped on a pair of rubber gloves.

  Morgan glared at the doctor. “I thought we were here for a sonogram?”

  “Morgan, I see you’re right on the time with the mood swings.” Dr. Fenwick smiled and pulled back the blanket. She grabbed the tube of clear jelly and squirted it on Morgan’s rounded belly.

  “Yikes, that’s cold!” Morgan tried to sit up.

  Dr. Fenwick stuck her tongue out at Morgan and picked up the transducer. “Just relax.”

  Tears spilled from Morgan’s eyes when the grainy picture of the baby appeared on-screen. Seth’s hand tightened around hers.

  “The heartbeat is strong. The baby’s a good size.”

  “So doc, what are we having?”

  “Some people opt to wait until the baby is born for the big reveal.” Dr. Fenwick smiled.

  “Is this your first day meeting me? I sent you a picture of Jake’s bowel movement because I couldn’t wait for an appointment.”

  Dr. Fenwick chuckled. “I tell that story at cocktail parties.”

  “Doc, Morgan and I are decorating the nursery and it would be nice to have a color scheme.” Seth laughed.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  Seth looked at Morgan, who nodded in agreement. “Yes.”

  Dr. Fenwick studied the screen again. “Wait a second.”

  “What’s wrong?” Morgan gulped.

  “This is delightful news.” Dr. Fenwick’s eyes were glued to the screen. “You’re going to have not one but two more quarterbacks in the family.”

  “Twins?” Morgan bit her lip.

  “Are you serious?” Seth said.

  “I wouldn’t kid my favorite quarterback.” Dr. Fenwick winked at him.

  Seth ran a hand through his hair. “This is great news! Thanks, doc.”

  “What are you thanking her for?” Morgan huffed. “I had something to do with it too.”

  “Of course you did. You were the inspiration for the conception.” Seth leaned in and kissed her.

  “You two love birds are sickening. I’ll meet you in my office.” Dr. Fenwick left the room.

  Seth sat in the chair with a silly smirk on his face. Morgan hit him on the arm.

  “Baby,” he said in a warm tone. “What was that for?’

  “Twins,” she said, slightly shocked.

  He grinned. “Twins.”

  “Now is not the time to give yourself a pat on the back. We have to…”

  He stopped her with a kiss. “Enjoy this moment.”

  “I love you.” Morgan sniffed.

  “I love you too.”

  * * *

  By the time Dr. Fenwick answered all questions they had, the couple left the office and headed to the car ready to spread the word to family and friends.

  “So I guess the Blake theory holds up after all?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Stop gloating.” She laughed. “It’s going to be sheer chaos with three different personalities running around the house. Toys everywhere. But I do draw the line at football practice indoors.”

  “Sounds like heaven to me.” Seth smiled. “Let’s go tell your dad and Sydney the good news.”

  The cabin of the SUV filled with the sound of the phone ringing. It was an incoming call from Teri-Lyn. Seth hit the button to answer the call. “Hey, Momma.”

  “I couldn’t wait. Boy or girl?” Teri-Lyn said excitedly into the phone.

  “Boy. Well, two boys.” Morgan beamed.

  “Did I just hear you say two boys?” Teri-Lyn gasped.

  Seth laughed. “That’s right.”

  “Woo-hoo!” Teri-Lyn yelled.

  “Congratulations.” John Jacob’s deep voice reverberated around the car. “That’s great news. I have two more grandsons to spoil.”

  Suddenly Isabelle, Tate, and J.J.’s voices could be heard yelling congratulatory words.

  “Is everyone there?” Morgan quipped.

  “Teri-Lyn and I were so anxious to find out what you were having, we decided to throw an impromptu party,” Isabelle said.

  Tate laughed. “You really are trying to make the rest of us look bad.”

  “Sounds like Uncle Tate needs to play catch up—” Morgan chided.

  Tate’s coughing muffled Morgan’s words.

  “We’re on our way to the hospital to share the news with Sydney and my dad,” Morgan said. “I promise we will call back when we get home.”

  “OK! Love you both so much and thank you for making me a grandma again!” Teri-Lyn ended the call.

  Seth caught Morgan’s hand as she fastened her seat belt. “I’m sorry you didn’t get your baby girl.”

  “Are you kidding me? I just want a healthy baby and we’ve been blessed with two.”

  He kissed her, then leaned over and kissed her belly for good measure. Then he pulled out of the parking spot and headed for the hospital.

  * * *

  The nurse informed them that Curtis was napping and Sydney had gone for a walk on the grounds.

  “You go see Sydney,” Seth said. “I’ll sit with your dad.”

  “OK.” Morgan headed off in search of her stepmother.

  Seth flipped through the magazine but he wasn’t really reading. He was thinking about lunch with Robert and Jared the previous day. Charles was on his way home from Germany and was expected to arrive on Friday. They’d all agreed some changes would have to be made when he returned home. Curtis kept a meticulous home, so they’d agreed to rotate landscaping chores and would insist that he hire someone to do any repairs that three of them weren’t able to do. Jared had brought up the possibility of their dad and Sydney living in a retirement community, but they all knew their father would blanch at the idea of giving up his home.

  Curtis opened his eyes. “Seth.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve been better. Jake isn’t miserable at home without his bunny, is he?” He touched Jake’s bunny, which was on the bed.

  “We had a backup cousin of Benny’s in the toy chest.” Seth smiled.

  “How did the sonogram go?”

  “We’re having twin boys.”

  Curtis chuckled. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations. Morgan wasn’t too upset that your theory is holding up?”

  Seth laughed too. “No, healthy babies are all that matters.”

  “You get a reprieve. The day Morgan was born, all the parenting rules changed.”

  Seth nodded. “Well, maybe there’s a baby girl in our future.”

  “If she’s anything like Morgan, you’ll have your hands full for the rest of your life.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  “I’m glad to get some good news today. I have to have bypass surgery. I don’t want to tell Morgan anything that would upset her.”

  “Morgan would really prefer people not try to protect her by keeping secrets. She nearly tore Jared a new one when she found out he hadn’t told her about your illness. I think it brings back all the bad memories associated with her mother’s death, and how alone she felt.” He gave Curtis a soft smile. “I know you just want to protect her. But she’s not a child anymore.”

  “Your first instinct with your children is to shield them from pain. I’m still doing it and she’s married with children.”

  Seth cleared his throat. “Sir, I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a long time. I want you to know I’ll always put her and our children first. Nothing is more important to me than my family.”

looked at Seth for a while. “I know. That’s the reason you’re still a Titan. A man who makes a decision like that will take good care of my little girl.”

  * * *

  “Hi Sydney.” Morgan caught up with her stepmother sitting on a bench outside on the grounds. “Needed some fresh air, huh?”

  “Your father fell asleep after eating his lunch so I decided to get a cup of coffee. How’s my Jake?”

  “He misses you something terrible. He wakes up every morning asking if you’re coming to pick him up. He asked me to give you this.” Morgan reached in her purse and pulled out a drawing.

  “My grandson has talent.” Sydney smiled. “Is he warming up to your cook, Kara?”

  “He’s fine with her, but I have Nina and Michelle on standby just in case. So what did the doctors say about the tests they did yesterday?”

  “You first. How was the sonogram? Boy or girl? Teri-Lyn and I have a project to start.”

  “Twin boys.” Morgan waggled her eyebrows.

  Sydney beamed. “Isn’t that wonderful? Two miracles at once.”

  “So you can go ahead and press that Grandma Bat Signal or whatever it is you and Teri-Lyn plan on doing.”

  “This is great news, especially right now. It will lift your father’s spirits.”

  “I have an idea. Why don’t you come stay the night with us? Jake would love to see you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Now my turn. What did they say about dad?”

  “There was a lot of damage to his heart. He needs bypass surgery.”

  Morgan squeezed her hand. “Dr. Berman is the best cardiologist in the country. If he says it’s necessary, then that’s what needs to be done. I’m sure he’ll give Dad the very best care money can buy.” But she wasn’t sure if she was trying to reassure Sydney, or herself.

  Chapter Three

  “Do I look OK?” Morgan shifted in her seat and fiddled with her navy blue dress.

  Seth flashed a reassuring smile. “You look beautiful. Why are you nervous? You’ve had lunch with Jocelyn before.”


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