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Love Notes and Football

Page 4

by Laurel, Rhonda

  “I don’t know. Why did she want to have lunch at the stadium?” Morgan bit her lip. Lunch with the wife of the Titan’s owner wasn’t something she did every day.

  “Well, she knew we’d have practice today and that I would drive you.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Just relax and have a good time. You’ll get to see all the grueling stretching exercises and running plays. There will be press around, but they are usually wearing badges.” Seth made a right turn into the stadium and parked in his reserved spot.

  “Good to know.” Morgan took Seth’s hand as he helped her out of the SUV.

  Seth walked her to the front door and handed her over to a security guard. She felt like a kid on the first day of school.

  “Hey Bernie, my wife has an appointment with Mrs. Fontane today. Can you take her to the office?”

  “Sure thing, Seth.”

  Seth turned to Morgan. “I’ll come up to the office after practice to get you.”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “Tell Patton I said hello.”

  As soon as the doors closed, Bernie started talking.

  “Congratulations on the twins.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How’s the little man, Jake? Seth tells me he’s ready to work on the ranch.” Bernie smiled at her.

  Morgan laughed. “Not quite. Seth thinks he’s ready to play football too.”

  “He’s a handsome little fella. Seth had someone put his picture on the Jumbotron last week.”

  Morgan blushed. “He did?”

  Bernie laughed. “Who can blame him? He said marriage and fatherhood are the best things that have ever happened to him.”

  The elevator doors opened, and Bernie escorted her down a long carpeted hallway. He stopped at huge oak doors and knocked softly, waiting for his cue to enter.

  “If you need any help, this is my extension.” The security guard handed her a business card. “The front desk can find me anywhere in the building.”

  “Thanks, Bernie.”

  The door opened and a burly dude stepped back to let her into the luxurious suite, similar to Seth’s private box. A full bar with expensive, top-shelf liquor gleamed from the corner, and on the other side lay a kitchen area. A couple of tables for dining were set across the room, and before the huge, wall-length window, five rows of plush leather armchairs offered a luxurious view of the field.

  “Morgan, how are you?” Jocelyn said as she entered from an adjoining room and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Morgan smiled. “Great, Jocelyn. I love this suite.”

  “Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I live in here, so I made sure Jimmy added all the bells and whistles.” Jocelyn pulled a big gift wrapped box out of a bag and handed it to her. “This is a belated birthday gift for Jake.”

  Morgan took the present. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Nonsense.” Jocelyn waved her hand. “What would you like to eat?”

  “I need to look at the menu.”

  “Just tell Mario what you want and he’ll prepare it.”

  Jocelyn’s private chef emerged from the kitchen area.

  Morgan’s eyes lit up. “I could go for spaghetti and meatballs.”

  Mario nodded and retreated back to the kitchen. Jocelyn continued, “Why don’t we take a tour while lunch is being prepared?”

  “Seth showed me around.”

  “Let me give you the Jimmy Fontane tour.” Jocelyn laughed.

  Morgan linked arms with Jocelyn and walked around the stadium. They stopped on the second level, just above the field. Morgan had a bird’s eye view of the ongoing practice. Seth was talking to the head coach Phil Macon. She waved to Patton, who blew her a kiss. Lamont waved at her, but she pretended she didn’t see him.

  “Jimmy loves this team,” Jocelyn said.

  “I saw the biography they aired on him on the sports network. He’s very passionate about football.”

  “It was more than an investment to him. Football is a way of life, as I’m sure you’ve found out being married to Seth.”

  Morgan nodded in agreement. “I have gained a new respect for it.”

  “Jimmy was elated when Seth re-signed his contract. He loves Seth like a son.”

  “I know he does.”

  “I just wanted to thank you.”

  Morgan turned to face the older woman. “For what?”

  “I know he renewed his contract because of you. He wanted to make you happy.” Jocelyn gave her a knowing smile.

  “No, he really did put a lot of thought into it,” Morgan protested.

  “There’s no shame in acknowledging that a man loves you so much he’s willing to change the course of his life. Grand gestures are almost a thing of the past.”

  “But it sounds like he’s under my thumb, and he’s not. Seth is his own person, always has been.” Morgan sighed. “Renewing that contract was mutually advantageous to both him and the Titans.”

  “I’ve known Seth a long time, and Seth doesn’t do anything unless he wants to. But I also know you were a heavy factor in his decision.” Jocelyn put her arm around Morgan’s shoulders and smiled. “My husband will be happy for five more years, and I have both of you to thank for that.”

  Jocelyn’s cell phone pinged.

  “That’s Mario. Lunch is served. I’m starved.”

  * * *

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your father,” Jocelyn said over lunch. “I now feel like an idiot for asking you here.” Jocelyn dabbed the corners of her mouth with her linen napkin.

  Morgan smiled. “Anything for you. I can make the time.”

  “The trivia game show Match Wits is doing a celebrity segment to raise money for various charities and they will be in Philadelphia taping. I wanted you to head the team.”

  Morgan swallowed the clump of spaghetti in her mouth. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re one of the smartest people I know. It will also be national exposure for your charity.”

  She squirmed in her seat. “National? As on TV?”

  “Yes.” Jocelyn laughed. “It’s a nationally syndicated game show.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You can do this. The Queen Titans have volunteered to play, but I’m leery of their motives. I’d like to have someone beautiful, with grace and poise, as a representative of this team, who can actually raise money. I have three charities in mind. Your charity is one of them.”

  Morgan furrowed her brow “Who are the Queen Titans?”

  “Figures you wouldn’t know about it. They are a group of the players’ wives. I need someone to balance out the drama and the opportunists.”

  Morgan wondered why she hadn’t heard of the Queen Titans until Jocelyn started rattling off names. Most of them were women who gave her dismissive looks at the team parties because she wasn’t interested in trading fashion tips and interior design details about the penthouse.

  Morgan knew Jocelyn wouldn’t ask if she didn’t think it was important, but the prospect of being on national TV scared the crap out of her. She still had to ask Michelle to do internet searches of photos of her and Seth because she still didn’t have the stomach for it. But Jocelyn was right. It would be great exposure for her charity, Reading Builds Bridges.

  “OK, I’ll do it. But don’t get upset if I toss my cookies on national TV.”

  Jocelyn chuckled. “Still having morning sickness?”

  “No, that’s my general reaction when I see a camera.”

  Jocelyn laughed. “You’ll be fine.”

  Morgan and Jocelyn brainstormed into the afternoon and agreed to meet again after Jocelyn reached out to a few more people.

  Finally, Seth came to the suite to retrieve her.

  He slipped his arm around her shoulders. “So, how was the lunch date?”

  “She wants me to be on Match Wits to raise money for team charities.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “Yes. The babies started line dancing in my stomach
when they heard the word television.”

  Seth laughed and opened the car door for her. “Well, the Blake men aren’t camera shy.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She hit him on the arm. “How was practice? I saw you talking to the coach.”

  “And I saw Patton blowing kisses at you, and Lamont waved, but you didn’t respond.”

  Morgan raised an eyebrow. “How the hell did you see that? You weren’t even looking in my direction.”

  “I have excellent peripheral vision when it comes to a man trying to get my wife’s attention.”

  * * *

  It had been three days since the bypass surgery and Morgan’s father was recovering well.

  “Hey, Dad.” Morgan said as she put her purse down on the chair and gave him a kiss.

  “There’s my beautiful daughter. Have you ever seen such a radiant pregnant woman?” he asked the nurse changing his I.V. bags.

  “No, I have not Mr. Reed.” The nurse smiled at Morgan.

  “She’s having twin boys, isn’t that incredible?”

  Morgan took the cover off his food tray to make sure he’d eaten his lunch. “If you’re smooth talking, that means you feel good.”

  He smiled at her. “I’m getting there.”

  The nurse finished up and promised to check on her father in an hour. Morgan fluffed his pillows, adjusted the blinds and watered the flowers scattered around the room.

  “So how do you feel?” she finally asked.

  He shrugged. “Like someone opened me up like a Christmas turkey.”

  “If you want to get out of here, you better add more life-affirming words to your vocabulary.”

  “The doctor said I may be able to go home in a few days.”

  “That soon? That’s great. I’ll help Sydney get the house ready.”

  “What’s to get ready?”

  “We just want to make sure you have everything you need.” Morgan narrowed her eyes. “And get rid of everything that’s bad for you. So no more beer, steaks, and anything dipped in butter.”

  “Why don’t you just give me baby food?” he huffed.

  “That would be a sight. The twins sharing a jar of pureed carrots with their grandpa. Can’t you at least pretend to be a good recovering patient? Or is this a prelude to you ignoring the doctor’s orders?”

  “No, I just don’t want people fussing over me. I want to get back to normal.”

  “But things aren’t normal. We almost lost you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Morgan sniffed. “You better not.”

  “I wouldn’t miss meeting my new grandbabies. Jake and I are taking our first fishing trip next summer. I thought it would be nice tradition to start with him. I still have your old fishing pole in the garage.”

  “I think those fishing trips were the only time we didn’t fight,” she said with a laugh.

  “When things get back to normal, I’d like to sit down with you and review my will. You are the executor. I wasn’t prepared when your mother died.”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t think any of us were.”

  “That won’t happen twice. I want to do what’s best for Sydney and all of you. It’s the responsible thing to do. So, is everything alright with you?”

  Morgan took his hand and placed it on a prime kicking spot. “They’re healthy, and I’m happy. So yeah. We’re just fine, Dad.”

  “It always amazes how wonderful that feeling is. When your mother was pregnant with you, if you weren’t kicking, you had her up all night. I thought you would grow up to be a soccer player with insomnia.”

  “Instead you got a bookworm who hated your beloved football.” Morgan giggled.

  Her father gave her a warm smile. “I think everything turned out just fine.”

  Morgan sat on his bed. “Do you have any regrets about your life?”

  “I have enjoyed every day of my life and it keeps getting better.” He patted her hand.

  “OK. What if you could have one do-over? What would you wish for?

  “I wish I could have taken that walk down the aisle with you.”

  Morgan’s eyes widened. “Dad, I’m sorry. If I hadn’t met Seth on that island and gotten married there, I probably would have been a crazy cat lady. At least, that’s what Isabelle and I had planned.”

  “You married a good man that loves you and you’re happy. That’s all that matters.”

  Morgan hugged her father. She could help him recover from the heart attack, but she couldn’t go back in time and let her father give her away.

  * * *

  “What’s up?” Morgan said as she exited the elevator and walked into the penthouse.

  “Did you get Jocelyn’s email?” Her friend Nina put down her shopping bags by the door and followed Morgan into the living room. After two weeks of nagging, Morgan had finally talked her into participating in the Match Wits show, even though Nina avoided the Queen Titans like the plague.

  “No, I’ve been trying to get dressed for the past hour.” Morgan plopped down on the couch.

  “Wardrobe malfunction?”

  “No. I got tired so I took a nap.” Morgan groaned.

  Nina burst out laughing.

  “That’s not funny. I was totally sympathetic when you were pregnant with Gabby.” Morgan took a piece of candy out of the bowl on the coffee table. “So what’s this juicy gossip you wanted to dish?”

  “Your cousin Charisma volunteered for Match Wits.”


  “I know. I did a triple take when I saw her name.” Nina pulled up the email on her phone and showed it to Morgan.

  “I thought Jocelyn was asking spouses of the players only?”

  “Apparently your cousin has wormed her way into the Queen Titans. I made a few calls to get the dirt, and Charisma has been spending time with the leader of their gang, Ariana Holt. They swore her in as a probationary QT under the guise of playing Match Wits, because Ariana and her BFF, Sanguine Speres, had an argument at lunch last week. It didn’t hurt that Charisma is spouting off that you and her don’t get along. Ariana was supposedly salivating like a rabid dog at that news. See why I don’t like those evil bitches?”

  “Who’s Ariana’s husband again?” It was so hard to keep track of all the players’ wives, particularly since Morgan didn’t socialize with many of them.

  “He’s the center, Deacon Holt. He’s a sweetheart, but Ariana could be Satan’s daughter. Where’s that directory I gave you of all this worthless information?”

  “I tossed it after I got a headache the first three pages in.” Morgan sighed. “I guess I’ll just never qualify for the Queen Titans and get invited to their fancy parties.”

  “Not to worry, you have a good friend who’s a party planner so you don’t need to attend their snooty events. Ooh, which reminds me—guess what?” Nina clasped her hands together.


  “Jocelyn asked me to plan the next team party!”

  “Wow! Congrats! We’ll actually have good food and entertainment this time around.” Morgan gave her a big squeeze.

  “I was shocked. After I came out of my stupor and said yes, two of her friends immediately called and asked if I was available for parties later on in the year.”

  “Nina, Jocelyn just opened a door for you that few have been privileged to enter.”

  “I know. This is great. But I just want you to know nothing will interfere with your baby shower. Because you know you’re going to have one.”

  “I’ve accepted it. You know to keep it low-key and to be discriminating with the guest list.”

  Nina sat down and crossed her legs. “So what are you going to do about Charisma?”

  “Nothing. There’s not enough time in the day to thwart Charisma’s evil plots against me. Jocelyn would probably get rid of her if I asked, but that wouldn’t solve anything. If she wants to pressure Lamont to marry her by becoming a member of the Queen Titans, or the Queen Bees, or whatever they’re calling th
emselves, then she can go right ahead. I have better things to do.”

  “Such as?”

  “There’s a game coming on. I have to pick up Jake and get home so he can watch his daddy smear the Patriots all over the field.”

  * * *

  Seth closed his eyes as the team doctor reviewed the x-rays of his ankle. He knew it wasn’t broken despite the swelling; it had felt more like a sprain when it twisted under him as the big defensive end plowed him into the ten yard line. The first thing that popped into his head when he’d hit the turf was that Morgan and Jake were home watching the game. The last thing he wanted to do was bring on early labor in his wife because she saw him get flattened like a pancake on national television.

  “It’s a sprain. I’m going to get it wrapped up and give you some crutches. You know the drill.”

  Seth nodded. He knew a pair of crutches would go over great when he got home. Now all he had to do was call Morgan.

  She beat him to it. Her ringtone, the song Tate wrote for them, began playing as her face popped up on his cell phone screen.

  “Hey baby,” Seth drawled into the phone.

  “Are you OK?” Morgan squeaked. “Is anything broken?”

  “Just a sprain. I’ll live.”

  “That’s the truth, right? You aren’t shining me on so I won’t worry, are you?”

  “No, I wouldn’t do that to you. Where’s Jake?”

  “Eating ice cream. I needed a distraction since he witnessed his dad become football roadkill.”

  “I wouldn’t call it roadkill,” he huffed as he played with the crutches the doctor left by the exam table.

  “And where the hell was the rest of your team? On a coffee break?”

  “We’ll work all that out in the recap with the coaches.”

  “Did they give you anything for the pain?”

  “You know I don’t like taking medication,” he grumbled.

  “Yeah, unless it’s a double scotch on the rocks. So what happens now?”

  “I’m going back to the hotel to get some rest, if Patton will let me.”

  “Patton still makes those midnight food runs?”


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