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The Highlander Without a Bride

Page 5

by Johanna Maas


  Alec and the rest of the Bruce clan along with his wife Bridget, mounted their horses within the hour after the previous party left the Devon estates. It was a sad and difficult farewell for Bridget who knew this would most likely be the last time she would see her family in a very long time, if she ever had the chance to see them again. The small party left the humid and sunny courtyard moving their mounts beyond the lowered drawbridge and taking the weathered path in a northerly direction. This happened to be the same initial route as the earlier group had taken. They trotted and galloped and made good time as the midday sun reached high overhead.

  Bridget smiled slightly as she was lost in thought and reflected back upon the last time she had taken this course in this direction, being a new bride herself. She considered how her initial uncertainties had blossomed into a real joy that she had found within the loving arms of her husband. While it had not been initially easy, they had found in each other a true and profound happiness and passions beyond what either of them had ever deemed possible. With a slight smile and warmth spreading through her for the magnificent gift of a husband that was hers, she could only sincerely hope and wish that both Marie and Kaye could find this same love and contentedness, too.

  When the Bruce clan had been riding for less than an hour and just as they were beginning to enter the next wooded section of land, a riderless horse came sprinting down the trail and from within the trees. As he thundered beyond the group, the beast was recognized immediately as one that had been ridden by the Lord Hann's men for it sported the family's coat of arms upon its bridal.

  Tor seized the reins of the animal as it attempted to move by as he slowed the beast to a halt. He road near and closely inspected the rear flank for droplets of blood were clearly visible. Tor looked over at Alec with a grave concern within his eyes for there were no markings upon the animal and that could only mean one thing. The blood upon the beast was most likely from its rider. A dread began to grow within his heart for the small and unprepared group that had traveled before them.

  Alec who was also very much concerned, quickly turned to Bridget and said quietly, "Return immediately to your father's keep. We will come retrieve you when we know what is about."

  Bridget looked at him with resolution in her eyes and fear in her heart and simply said, "No, Alec, I will ride with you for it is my sister's family…"

  She stared pleadingly into his eyes, not wishing to argue with him for time was wasting and knowing she could not leave without discovering the truth of the matter. So she begged him further.

  "Please Alec, let us go now for we do not have time to waste. I promise I will stay behind and out of harm's way. But I cannot leave without knowing what has happened to dear Kaye and the rest of her party."

  With those words spoken, Alec nodded knowing time was of the essence and each moment that went by lessened the party's chances, if they were indeed troubled as he had feared. He turned his steed resolutely and the clan raced on, intent upon discovering the Hann family's fate.

  The Bruce clan progressed quickly and as quietly as they could down the path as they moved deeper and deeper into the forest. They were ever scanning and always on alert as they examined the surrounding area for any signs of conflict. As the great oaks continued to thicken before them and the path began to narrow, they spied Kaye's horse in the distance ahead as it was tethered neatly to a tree with no one seemingly about. The clan slowed and Alec motioned for Bridget to move her horse next to Kaye's and wait for his command.

  Bridget nodded, knowing full well that she would comply with his request to ensure Alec and his men could concentrate on their task at hand. Bridget watched in fright as the four warriors spread out silently across the slight rise and moved forward, quietly and decisively drawing their weapons for they were ever ready.

  Tor breached the rise first and a black anger like no other he had ever felt before began to consume the full of him at the sight laid out before his eyes. The Lord Hann and his two men were within the circle of several horses with heavily armed men surrounding. Kaye sat upon a horse and before one of the large men with his hands upon her, her dress gaping open, her breasts revealed with her assault quiet obvious.

  As he stared at the scene before him, he attempted to temper his rage as the man holding Kaye began to dismount. As he moved from his horse he brought her motionless body with him as his hand still encompassed her breast. The large man easily picked her limp form from his beast and with her, moved from the circle of horses. He stepped into the brush that was a few paces behind to where he laid her body carelessly out upon the ground. With a slight sneer, he removed his armor then leaned over and proceeded to lift her skirts with his dark and malicious intentions clear.

  In one swift and silent movement, Tor unsheathed a small sword from his side and as the man stood over Kaye he threw the weapon swiftly forward. With perfect revolution, the large dagger hit its mark squarely as it landed directly and fully in the center of the man's heart, successfully felling him from whence he stood.

  In that instant as the noise of the blade striking flesh and bone coursed through the air and the final breath was forced from the large man, the rest of the dark party were aware of a presence and now on full alert and prepared and ready for battle. The seasoned Scottish Highlanders descended upon the dark men as they heavily wielded their massive swords and felling the unsuspecting intruders from where they stood. Distressed cries could be heard as one by one of the dark men were obliterated and became no more. It took only a few minutes to decimate them, so enraged and so expertly trained were the Highlanders. The six remaining assailants who had overtaken the small Hann party had never stood a chance.

  Throughout the short battle, the Lord Hann and his men huddled quietly and frantically in the midst of the bedlam. They did their best to stay clear of the warring men and not wishing nor being able to contribute to the battle. Fear and panic was written clearly upon their faces as the horror consumed them as they watched the bloodshed and rage ensue all around.

  As the last man fell and only after all fates had been confirmed, Tor dismounted and moved quickly in the direction of the motionless Kaye. As he approached, his breath caught in his throat as he looked sadly upon the small dark haired beauty who lay silently upon the ground with the large assailant still partially covering her legs.

  As the enraged feelings grew within his chest, Tor reached down and rolled the bulky and grimy man from Kaye's tiny frame as a fear descended entirely upon his heart for her fate. He adeptly moved the dead man from on top of her and away from her side as he removed the man from her sight. He then hastily returned to her and restored her skirts to their rightful place around her legs to modestly cover her. As best as he could, he reached over to pull her torn gown together over her breasts as he attempted to conceal her within. His fury continued to pulsate throughout his body as he noted the harsh and purple marks that were intermingled with her light ivory skin, the beginnings of bruising to appear from the attack upon her body.

  His heart was thundering within his great chest and breaking for the atrocity that befell this poor lass. With the back of his large hand, he gently brushed her ivory cheek as he silently implored her to awaken. He could only hope that she would be all right as the concern was ever etched upon his face. When she did not stir, he tenderly lifted her head and placed it gently in the crook of his arm as he intently looked into her lovely face. He once again moved his fingers caringly over her flawless skin willing her to awaken and prayed she would soon. He noted with sadness that her lashes were spiked wet from her tears and her cheeks moist with her lips slightly parted as if in a deep slumber.

  With a black anger growing further within for her husband's assured carelessness, Tor turned and peered over his shoulder at the Lord Hann who was still perched unmoving upon his horse with his eyes still wide in terror. Tor was sickened for the spineless man who now called himself her protector, for defending his wife should have b
een his task above all else. Tor knew without a doubt that had she been his wife, he would have fought to the death to protect her and never would have allowed such a travesty to befall her. Tor spoke loudly and in an attempt to reprimand him for his neglect and bring him out of his stupor.

  "Your wife, milord, do you wish not to come forward and comfort her?"

  Lord Hann simply stared down at the Highlander from his position atop his horse quite unmoving with a vacant look in his eyes and his mouth slightly opened. No words were forthcoming as his face began to flush. Finally, he responded blandly, "But…but…She has been soiled…I would not have her now!"

  Tor gawked at the man in disgust as his anger exploded as he spat, "And 'twas you that was supposed to protect her! 'Tis your fault you were not prepared and yours alone that she has suffered so violently!"

  Tor felt a movement within his arms as his black anger coursed through his body and looked down to find Kaye fully awake. Her brow was furrowed and her eyes wholly pained as she lay within his arms and stared dejectedly at her new husband. A full wretchedness completely consumed her for she had awakened and had heard the entire exchange.

  Kaye looked from her new husband and down to her torn gown as the reality of the recent events flooded her mind. She was sickened and saddened as the full of it dawned upon her. She was newly wed and now her husband did not want her and after this assault she was afraid that he would most likely never have her. Her shame and sadness at the loss of her life and at the loss of her dreams was so all consuming and came flooding back upon her. For it was quite obvious that he could not, nor would not have her through no fault of her own.

  The tears of her shame streamed down her face as a nausea began to overtake her for the horror she had been through and for the dreadfulness that had just been put upon her. Her stomach began to recoil as her body began to convulse as she rolled away from the man that held her. She trembled greatly as she began to lose the contents of her stomach upon the ground, humiliating her further still.

  Tor watched in sadness as the petite woman began to physically tremble and her body shudder as she wretched the contents of her stomach as the violations settled upon her. As she rolled from him, he tenderly pulled her long tresses back from her face as wave after wave of nausea coursed through her body. On and on her body quivered as he held her tenderly, his heart breaking for her travesty.

  As Kaye struggled against her ravished body, Bridget came rushing over the hill with Alec close behind. Ignoring the bloodied bodies lying haphazardly upon the ground, Bridget moved quickly to her dear sister and near to Tor who was tenderly speaking and attending to Kaye's needs. For long moments the two nursed and provided her comfort until her body finally and decisively quieted.

  Alec watched as Tor's anger continued to consume him, a rage encompassing him like no other he had ever witnessed. Alec moved closer to his friend and his cousin and watched closely as he held Kaye tightly within his arms. He clearly understood his fury and had oftentimes witnessed his strength and wrath upon the battlefield, but Alec had never observed such anger for the plight of a woman. Alec placed his hand upon Tor's shoulder as he silently implored him to temper his emotions and keep him from doing anything rash.

  Instead it was Alec who spoke next, "If you would not have her now, milord, then be gone. Remove your vile face from our presence."

  Lord Hann did not move. He continued to stare down at the tiny woman, unblinking and gaping intently at his wife as she continued to tremble silently within the large and terrifying warrior's arms. For long moments he sat looking fixedly at her, as he slowly came out of his hazed state. Finally, he pulled his eyes from his wife and turned to gaze at his man who was still seated upon his beast.

  "Get milady’s horse," Lord Hann said insipidly.

  Kaye watched her husband intently as the words he had spoken slowly and most dejectedly registered within her. He did not want her, but he wanted her horse? The confusion played across her face as she watched her husband closely. With a sudden and sickened realization of his statement, his meaning dawned and became more clear. No…he did not want her, but he would take her with him anyway?

  Kaye could do nothing but stare in misery and dread at her lord as realization spread fully through her. His icy stare and cold eyes spoke volumes and chilled her straight through to the center of her being. He despised her and felt that she was now soiled, so any possible happy life or hope she had thought to have would most likely be no longer. A hollowness consumed her and now broke her will as it completely shattered her dreams most decisively.

  After looking at him for several moments, Kaye took a deep breath as she resigned herself to her dire situation. She knew that she had pledged herself and had given her oath before her family, before her country and before her God, to love, honor and obey this man. A pledge she could not, and would not, take lightly. For her honor and her duty were all that now remained and the only things that she had left within her of any true value. So, obey is what she was determined to do.

  With a knowing sadness and a determination like no other she had ever felt, she was resolved to do as she was ordered. She was now quite determined to obey her husband. She looked up into Tor's eyes as his arms still surrounded her and made a move to rise.

  She quietly said to him as a sadness flooded throughout her body, "I must go."

  He looked down at her completely astounded and unknowing how to react for he assumed he could not be hearing her correctly. For what she had been through, for what her new husband had said. But as she continued to look into his eyes pleadingly and nodded her head slightly, he knew that he had no right to intervene for this was but her decision to make, though imprudent he was thinking she must be.

  Tor had a new understanding and appreciation for this woman he now held within his arms. He admitted that he had to admire her will and steadfastness for this clearly was a woman who would live by her duty, though misguided he believed her to be. She was proving to be a woman Tor knew to be proud, but in the best sense. Whether he agreed or not with her decision, he understood without a doubt that it was only hers to make. He knew he had no right to speak out or to attempt to sway her pronouncement, so comply with her request, he must.

  Tor dejectedly helped the shaken Kaye to rise fully. As he did so and unbeknownst to any within that slight clearing, he carefully pulled a small medallion from his own pocket. It was a coin he had inherited from his family and kept with him always. He circumspectly pressed it firmly into her palm as he briefly closed his own large hand around hers.

  As he set her upright and upon the ground, he looked into her eyes and leaned in and whispered for her ears only, "If you find yourself in need of my assistance, just send this to me and I will come."

  She pulled her hand from his and felt the coolness of the object he had pressed into her palm. She placed her hand with the medallion over her heart as she grasped at her bodice in an attempt to conceal herself and it, within.

  Kaye looked one more time deeply into his striking blue eyes and nodded slightly, silently thanking him for his sudden kindness but knowing that this would be perhaps the last time she would ever see this considerate man. With a wretchedness upon her heart, Kaye realized forlornly that less than one day before she had been afraid of his massive size and feared his ways. Now she was looking upon him with a thankfulness for saving her life and a gratitude for protecting her from a most horrible fate. He had comforted her in her most needful hour and for that she would always be grateful. She gazed at him sorrowfully, knowing that her duty was to her husband, her life with her new lord, and obey him she must.

  Kaye turned from the Bruce clansmen and looked across at the small grouping of the Hann men as they gathered themselves making ready to depart. None appeared to show any concern for her nor sadly did her lord for the man who was wounded.

  Her new husband turned to the injured man as he spoke loudly, "Thomas, be sure to take one of the blackguard's horses to replace your own and two
of the others."

  Lord Hann, still seated upon his horse turned and looked directly over to Alec as if to justify his claim. He then pulled a small bag from deep within his coat and threw it down upon the ground. When it hit the earth in the center of the small clearing, the coins rattled loudly within as they reverberated into the otherwise silent afternoon.

  Kaye looked up in shock and in devastation, her eyes wide in revulsion as the sound of the coins echoed within the stand of trees. In sheer distress and misery she realized that he was paying these Highlanders for his own protection, that hers was of no import. For he had not brought those coins forward to save her from the assault of those wretched men.

  Lord Hann spat, "Payment for your troubles. The rest of the beasts are now yours."

  After speaking those words, he turned his own horse in the direction of his home. He did not look back again as he coldly made the assumption that his party would dutifully follow.

  Kaye closed her eyes in misery and in deep embarrassment and was mortified for the sure greediness of her husband as she was distressed by his lack of honor. It was obvious he was to be more intent upon holding onto and gathering wealth then protecting or comforting his new bride. He even disregarded his own man's obvious wound.

  With a deep breath, she began to walk slowly over to her mare with a new found wretchedness within her breast but knowing she had no other choice. As she moved to make her way to her pony, she felt a light touch upon her waist as Tor lifted her effortlessly as he assisted her onto her mount.

  Tor looked once again and deeply into her eyes as he spoke softly, "Remember, if you need me do not hesitate..."

  As she secured the reins within her grasp, she gazed down forlornly one last time into his eyes as she attempted a small smile for his kindly gesture. Knowing her time was short and she could tarry no more, she then turned away as she hurriedly followed the Hann men. Kaye desperately attempted to hide her sadness and her shame and her all consuming grief.


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