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The Highlander Without a Bride

Page 6

by Johanna Maas

  The stunned Bruce clansmen could only stare in silence and disbelief as they watched the small party disappear down the darkened path and further into the trees. They were unbelieving of what they had just witnessed, saddened and most angered for the now known and desolate fate of Bridget's sister. They were all too astonished to move and too aghast to react. The hardened Scottish warriors who had experienced much desolation and destruction in their lives were for the first time ever, rendered speechless.


  Kaye sat stonily upon her small horse clutching at the material of her gown as she moved her horse as quickly as she could behind the three men. Her spirit was crushed and an emptiness was ominously consuming her heart. As she reflected upon the travesties of all that had transpired, she conceded fully that it was just too much to bear and could not completely comprehend all that had come to pass. A surprising calm surrounded her as she thought back upon the horror of her harrowing nightmare. It was difficult enough to think of being accosted and then violated by the dark warrior, but what played most horribly upon her mind was the sound rejection of her new husband. Her heart cried out as she played over and over within her mind her husband's cold words…soiled is what he had said she was.

  Kaye also looked sadly forward to the man called Thomas. He continued to clutch his arm and she could tell that he was in pain as she watched the blood continue to flow slightly between his fingers. While he made great attempts at hardening his face, Kaye realized his injury must trouble him greatly for as she observed him most intently, she detected that he was beginning to lose the control of his beast.

  She realized sadly that her own arms and her fingers began to ache from the constant gripping as she continued to hold the ripped material from the bodice of her dress in place as she attempted to keep herself properly covered. She had ridden like this for more than an hour and her hand was beginning to cramp and tire from the strain of it. The pains were fully encompassing her fingers and agonizingly shooting up her arm.

  She looked ahead dejectedly at the stiff back her new husband before her, the Lord Hann never once turning and never once inquiring after her as he continued to quickly move on. Not once had he thought to ask if she needed any assistance or if she needed to rest. Her heart cried out for the wretchedness of it as a complete understanding of her new life settled heavily upon her.

  Knowing she could not continue on like this for much longer, nor did she wish to enter her new home in such a state, she kicked at her small pony to move herself forward in an attempt to gain her new lord's side. She simply wanted to implore him to stop just long enough so that she could look at his poor man's injury and change into a fresh gown so she could remove the obvious outward signs of her assault.

  She kicked her beast time and again, imploring her mare to quicken its pace all the while decreasing the distance between she and the Hann men. For several long minutes she did so, sadly knowing that her small pony was as fatigued as she. Finally, Kaye gained more ground and secured her lord's side where she forcefully pleaded with him.

  "Milord, can we please stop briefly so that I can change my gown? I do not wish to be seen by your people in such a state as this."

  He never looked at her as he continued to stare directly forward, not slowing his horse and ignoring her as if she were not there or had not spoken. The sadness of the position she found herself in continued to consume her as a boldness that she had never possessed until that very moment suddenly took over. She removed her wearied hand that was holding her gown together and allowed her arm to fall to her side. Without her efforts, the material gaped widely open and effectively exposed her breasts once again to the sunny afternoon and the warm summer breeze.

  Lord Hann nearly gagged at her boldness as he immediately flushed and stopped his horse short. He never looked towards her, but simply stared straight ahead as he now sat atop the motionless horse.

  "Cover yourself!" He spat.

  "Thank you, milord for permission to do so. That is all I was asking."

  Kaye turned her pony back several paces as she moved slightly behind the small party at the edge of the path so that she could switch gowns. She dismounted quickly upon the dirt road and with her horse between her and the backs of the Hann men, she quickly removed a fresh gown from her bag with the intent of replacing her torn one. After her new gown was upon her body and all in place, she looked up tentatively one more time to ensure she was not being watched. She carefully took the medallion that Tor had handed her and placed it securely within a small pocket of her fresh dress.

  Before she placed her tattered clothes within her bag, she tore a long and narrow section from her hem. With it in hand, she approached the injured man. She stood beside him as he sat with a rigid and cold stare looking forward and upon his horse. She touched his thigh to silently gain his attention as she implored him to dismount. He looked at her stiffly, then over to the rigid back of his lord as he returned his gaze to her. With a slight hesitation, he finally conceded and moved to the ground as he did her bidding.

  Kaye wrapped the thin piece of cloth several times around the man's upper arm, tying the ends to hold it into place and in attempt to quell the bleeding. As she quickly and deftly completed her task, he looked down at her a slight nod to acknowledge her thoughtfulness for he appreciated her attentions. When her lord angrily kicked his horse back into motion once again, the man immediately mounted his own beast and moved forward. Within moments, she too, was seated once again upon her own mare and the party was moving in the direction of her new home.

  They walked their horses for what seemed to be a few more hours, unspeaking and unstopping as they forever moved forward. As the heated afternoon sunshine was nearly spent and the sun began to lower in the sky, they crested a slight rise. Kaye's breath caught slightly in her throat for laid out before them was an impressive sight and one with more splendor than she had ever had the opportunity to witness. A sizable estate spread delicately across from them on the opposite side of the valley and perched gracefully upon the notable hill.

  It was a very large and obviously well tended keep with a wide moat and substantial stone walls surrounding the whole of it. The expansive castle was buried deep within the massive walls and perched upon higher ground and appeared to be a full three stories in height. Even from this distance, it appeared very grand as the intricate stone walls gallantly reached upwards and towering into the evening sky.

  This structure was ever so more splendid than her own home had been. The large stone walls surrounding the keep were imposing as the double turrets rose grandly above the expansive courtyard below. But with all that she knew of her Lord, all that had transpired up to this point, she could only look at her new home with a bland sense of calm. For had she been so superficial as to have mere possessions thrill her, she maybe could have been happier. But since she was more intently concerned for her heart, she would have exchanged each impressive turret and each extraordinary stone for a small hovel, if she could just have found a small piece of love and contentment.

  She continued to silently progress forward leaving the cover of the trees fully as she began to cross through the great green valley upon the heels of her lord. A small village began to take shape with many homes and other animal structures extending smartly to their left. Small and mid-sized stone and wood buildings, many with thatched roofs also dotted the countryside. Men, women and children were about, working and playing and many just watching silently as the lord and his party passed by.

  They rode quickly through the pastures and were upon the great and open drawbridge within minutes, their horse's hooves making only slight echoes as they crossed. As the worn party entered through the gates, Kaye noticed how people began to amass along the side of the dirt road as they simply stared at the Lord Hann and at the lady who now trailed behind him.

  They rode beyond the small trade buildings that lined the path just inside the keep's walls and up a slight incline to the castle's majestic and
well tended courtyard. As she rounded the bend, she noted how the square gracefully expanded out before them and was very tailored and very well kept. It beheld expansive green lawns with baskets of fresh flowers placed around and numerous benches laid about, though strangely devoid of all people.

  As they continued plodding slowly forward into the square and approached the large stone stairway, Kaye took note of the ornately carved columns that adorned the extensive and graceful stone walkway. They were bold and rectangular in shape and upon the top of each was a beautifully carved bird, perched gracefully and regally for flight. The gray and worn steps sitting between the carved splendor moved elegantly upwards to massive and ornately decorated wooden double doors that grandly graced the entry.

  As the small party approached and brought their beasts to a standstill at the base of the impressive stairway, the castle's majestic doors opened and emitted a lone English gentleman. He was a man of smallish stature and finely dressed in dark trousers and a long and stately dark jacket. He stopped abruptly upon the landing above.

  "Father! You have returned!"

  The man on the steps above halted as his gaze moved pointedly from his father and directly towards Kaye as he perused her closely with a slight questioning look upon his face.

  Kaye knew that the man standing at the top of the grand stairway was obviously the son her new husband, even if had he not called out his greeting. He resembled the lord greatly for both had the same stature and height and sported the same roundish face. He had an equally slight build and plain features as his father, just many years younger. With a dawning she realized that the man perched above her was most likely very near to her own age.

  "So, this is she?" The man inquired coolly.

  She? How would he know of the significance of her presence when Kaye, herself had not known of her plight until just the previous evening? As she stared at the man upon the stairs looking on in sadness, it dawned upon her for the very first time of the plan that had most likely been known and had been shared, with all characters understanding the whole of the plot but she. With an angriness upon her heart she realized that she had been deceived. She thought sadly of all the Lord Hann's warm declarations of 'destiny' and 'knowing within five minutes that he wanted her fir his wife' must have truly been false and wholly planned. Could all of this have been justly designed with she being the only unknowing and unsuspecting player? If so, then what a fool she had proven to be and so simple of the mind. But why would they do this? What could they possibly seem to gain from this union? For the motives were still quite so unclear to her.

  The lord's son continued to stare boldly at Kaye as his eyes never wavered from her body. An uncomfortableness began to permeate throughout her as an ominous feeling spread for his bold appraisal. From his place above her, he continued to brashly stare as he allowed his eyes to daringly move the length of her and settle brazenly upon her breasts. For long moments they rested as such, before they slowly returned to her eyes.

  Kaye had to control the urge to cover herself and turn and flee as her heart turned cold. Her body remained emotionless at his intense and grievous appraisal. She sat mutely upon her horse as she stared stonily ahead and prayed for a reprieve or a way to exit the proximity of his heated stare.

  Kaye's eyes left the disconcerting man standing on top of the stairs as Lord Hann dismounted from his steed. Without turning to her, he began to move up the steps towards his son as he greeted him rather warmly. Without looking back towards her and turning together, the two men walked into the keep and left Kaye quite alone and still upon her own horse, a sadness now within her heart. She looked around and noticed that only the stable boys were about, collecting the abandoned animals that had been left carelessly discarded by the Hann men.

  Kaye closed her eyes dejectedly as she realized she was now left to her own devices to remove herself from her small pony and gather her slight bag of belongings. With a sigh, she dismounted and began to move her wearied body away from her beast as she quickly ascended the stairs as she heard the door close quietly behind the two men.

  She gained the top of the landing and reached for the door's handle, pulling hard and throwing the great door wide as she permitted her access to the rooms within. With a foreboding, she crossed over the threshold and onto the landing inside as her breath caught in her throat as she peered over the elegant hall as it stretched out vastly before her.

  The chamber was huge. The room had great stone walls stretching a full three stories high inside and gracefully adorned with many fine tapestries displayed about. Their deep and varying colors and themes warmed the otherwise surrounding cold stone walls. Numerous ornate golden candelabras were also attached about between the wall-hangings, many lighted and shining with their brilliance emerging in the fading afternoon light.

  Over the massive hearth was a grand painting and was a much larger than a life-sized portrait of the lord, himself. He was seated atop a great black steed, a much younger version of his current self. He was nobly staring straight ahead with the grasslands depicted beautifully and lushly in the background.

  The head table which was near the hearth was elevated nearly three times the height of the one found in the Devon's home. It also had marvelously tailored cloth runners of a deep blue and gold. The numerous tables upon the hall's floor were exquisitely made with soft multicolored hardwood tops that were inlaid with intricate carvings. Instead of benches lining the tables upon the floor, individual chairs were placed neatly about, an extravagance of which she had never heard.

  Kaye stood uncomfortably within the large door's entrance, not knowing what to do or where to go. Her husband and his son had clearly exited the room long before she had a chance to enter, leaving her no instruction. Awkwardly, she looked about and waited patiently while she contemplated her next move.

  In the distance, Kaye heard a slight fall of footsteps upon the stone floor. Within moments, an elderly female servant who sported what looked to be a permanent scowl upon her face, exited from a doorway at the far end and proceeded to move through the hall and in her direction. She walked forward and stopped just a few paces before the bottom stair, her expression quite cold.

  She looked up, meeting Kaye's gaze unwaveringly and quietly stated, "Milady, if you will come this way."

  The servant did not hesitate nor wait for Kaye as she turned on her heel and began to walk through the stately chamber. She proceeded up the graceful staircase to the second story and what she supposed were the family rooms above. Kaye quickly followed as she now dutifully trailed behind. The servant moved down the long and darkening hallway as she paused before one of the many finely chiseled doors and silently bid the lady entry.

  Kaye moved into the indicated spacious chamber that was as lavishly ornamented as the great hall below. Adorning the room was a great bed, several trunks and a wardrobe on the far wall. The bed was graced with a great canopy, its white and lacy material endlessly cascading downward elegantly from the wooden expanses above. Matching blankets and intricately embroidered linens along with several large pillows graced the massive bed, itself.

  Each of the pieces of furniture was magnificently carved and inlaid with various types of wood. The wardrobe was of darkened oak and the two trunks that flanked either side were a perfect match. Their gracefully carved edges and large presence were quite impressive and spoke of great wealth.

  Kaye looked to the massive and now empty hearth that was located directly across from the large bed. Two dainty wooden chairs flanked it, their backs generously and marvelously extending several feet above the floor. They each had an exquisitely embroidered cushion to match in a deep blue and were laid smartly upon the seat.

  She heard the door close quietly behind her and when she turned, she realized the servant had exited the room and left her quite alone in the darkening and lonely chamber. With a feeling of remoteness she noted a small tray with breads and cheeses had been left for her sitting upon the side table.

ye unaffected by the magnificence around her, looked about at the grand furnishings as a sadness in her heart continued to consume her. She breathed deeply of the lavender scent that permeated within the room as she battled the tears that were beginning to accumulate within her eyes. The events of this last day continued to plague her, for overwhelm her, they most assuredly did.

  She walked slowly to the lone small window across the room that stood opposite the door and peered out into the open countryside as the darkness began to encompass the land. The ground was lushly green and the far off distant trees stood boldly and majestically, their beauty wholly unappreciated by her. As Kaye gazed out she barely noticed the splendor of the estate as she contemplated her situation as the quietness and the loneliness of the room resounding heavily within her mind.

  As the silence stretched onward and the emptiness consumed her, Kaye heard the noise of a key grating heavily within her door's lock. She stared in horror at the entryway on the other side of the room as a new phase to her poignant reality dawned. She moved silently across the chamber with a new weight upon her heart, as she placed her small hand upon the worn handle. She gazed sadly at the door hoping to dismiss this new and wretched fear, but as she turned the ornate knob her reality was obvious for it was unyielding and immovable within her grasp.

  This was the latest reminder of the harsh certainty she now found herself in. For not only did her new husband not want her, but she understood fully that he also did not trust her. She was now quite sealed within her own chamber and this yet another devastating blow to her person. She realized most grievously that she was not only unwanted, but a prisoner within her new home.

  With a sure sense of grief, she moved slowly to the large bed expanding before her. She climbed up and lay down upon it as she rested her wearied body in its center, fully clothed. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself as the grief consumed her and the tears began to build within and slowly cascade down her cheeks. Her plight simply became too much to bear as an emptiness was now filling her and the misery now pinched at her heart.


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