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Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio

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by David Standish

  Burton, Richard

  Butcher, William

  Butler, Samuel

  Byrd, Admiral Richard E.

  Cabot, John

  Canton, John

  Carlyle, Thomas

  Carmer, Carl

  Cartier, Jacques

  Casanova, Jacques

  Cellular Cosmogony, The (Teed and Morrow)

  Centrifugal force, hollow earth and

  Chapman, Walter

  Charles II (king of England)

  Chicago, nineteenth-century population in

  Chicago Medical Times

  Children’s books, hollow earth themes in

  Christian Philosopher, The (Mather)

  Christians, hollow earth beliefs of

  Cincinnati Enquirer

  Circumpolar (Lupoff)

  Civil War

  Clark, P.

  Clarke, René

  Classics Comics, version of Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth by


  Clemm, Mrs. Maria

  Clemm, Virginia

  Cleveland, nineteenth-century population in

  Clinton, George

  Coates, Phyllis

  Cobb, Mrs. Charles

  Cold War paranoia, hollow earth ideas and

  Coleridge, Samuel

  Columbus, Christopher


  Coming of the Saucers, The (Palmer and Arnold)

  Coming Race, The (Bulwer-Lytton)

  Commager, Henry Steele

  Communism, hollow earth stories and threat of


  Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain)

  Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (Fontenelle)

  Cook, Alan

  Cook, James

  Cooper, James Fenimore

  Cooperative communities




  Cope, Edward Drinker

  Copernican theories

  Galileo’s confirmation of

  Koreshan cosmogony and

  Copernicus, Nicolaus

  Cowie, Alexander

  Coxey’s Army

  Crenshaw, Dennis

  Curiosa Americana (Mather)

  Cushing, Peter

  Czolgosz, Leon

  Dahl, Arlene

  Damkohler, Gustav

  Koreshanity and

  Daniels, Mary Everts

  Dante, Alighieri

  Dark Trees to the Wind (Carmer)

  Darwin, Charles


  Daughter of the Dawn, The (Hodder)

  Davis, John

  Davy, Humphrey

  DeCamp, L. Sprague

  Decorator and Furnisher

  Dee, John

  De Long, George Washington

  De Magnete (Gilbert)

  DeMille, James

  DeMorgan, John

  De Plancy, Jacques Collin

  Descartes, René

  “Descent into the Maelstrom, A” (Poe)

  Desert of Ice, The (Verne)

  de Tarde, Gabriel

  Detroit, nineteenth-century population in

  Deville, Sainte-Claire

  Dickerson, Mahlon


  in hollow earth novels

  in Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth


  Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (Baum)

  cover illustration for

  Doyle, Arthur Conan

  Dumas, Alexandre (fils)

  Dumas, Alexandre (père)

  Dumas, Jean-Baptiste Andre


  Earth Sciences History

  Ebelman, Jacques-Joseph

  Edinburgh Review

  Edison, Thomas

  Education, for women

  Edward III (king of England)

  Egyptians, hollow earth beliefs held by

  Eights, James


  Elements of Natural History (Leslie)

  Elizabeth I (queen of England)

  Ellsworth, Solomon, Jr.


  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Emerson, Willis George

  England, Norman conquest of

  English at the North Pole, The ( Verne)



  Erewhon (Butler)

  Eriksson, Leif

  Erik the Red

  Estero (Florida)

  Koreshan community in

  Koreshan leadership depicted in

  Etidorhpa (Lloyd)

  eyeless humanoid depicted

  subterranean pilgrim depicted


  Euler, Leonhard

  Eureka (Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)

  Faber, Gustav

  Fabulous Kingdom, A: The Exploration of the Arctic (Officer and Page)

  Fairman, Henry Clay

  Fanning, Edmund

  Fate magazine

  Fawcett, Edward Douglas

  Feminist science fiction

  Feminist utopias

  Ferdinand (Austrian archduke), assassination of

  Fezandie, Clement

  Fiedler, Leslie

  Field and Stream

  Figuier, Louis

  Fine, Howard D.

  Five Thousand Miles Underground, or The

  Mystery of the Centre of the Earth (Rockwood)

  Five Weeks in a Balloon (Verne)

  Flaming Sword

  Flammarion, Camille

  Flying saucers, addition of, to Shaver stories

  Fogarty, Robert S.

  Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de

  Fort Myers Press

  Forty Years with the Damned; or, Life Inside the Earth (Aikin)

  Franklin, Sir John

  Frazetta, Frank, Dian the Beautiful illustration by

  From Earth’s Center, A Polar Gateway Message (Welcome)

  Fry, B. St. J.

  Fulton, Robert

  Galileo, Galilei

  Gardner, Marshall

  Garfield, James

  Garis, Howard (pseud. Roy Rockwood; Victor Appleton)

  Gellibrand, Henry

  Geological Society of London

  Geology, Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth and

  Georgia Female College

  Germanic peoples, hollow earth beliefs held by

  Gernsback, Hugo

  Gilbert, William

  Gilded Age

  Glass, Francis

  Goddess of Atvatabar, The (Bradshaw)

  bockhockids depicted

  lillipoutum depicted

  Living Battery depicted

  Lyone, goddess of Atvatabar depicted

  Lyone’s Aerial Yacht depicted

  map of hollow earth from

  Sacred Locomotive depicted

  Godwin, Jocelyn

  Gorton, George W.

  Gould, Stephen Jay

  Graham’s magazine

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Gratia, Victoria (Annie Ordway)

  Graves, Charles A.

  Gravity theories

  Great Red Dragon, The, or The Flaming Devil of the Orient (Teed)

  Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1838–1842, The (Stanton)

  Greece, hollow earth beliefs in

  Greenwich Observatory

  Griffin, Duane

  Grigsby, Alcanoan O. (pseud. Jack Adams)

  Griswold, Rufus

  Guiding Star

  Guinness, Alec

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)


  Haldeman, Colonel W. N.

  Hale, Mrs. Thankful H.

  Halley, Edmond

  hollow earth theory of

  observations on magnetism by

  portrait of, at age

  Halley’s comet

  Harben, Will N.


  Harmony Society

  Harper’s Weekly

Harrison, John

  Harwood, Guy C.

  Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse

  Hawthorne, Julian

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Hearne, Samuel

  Heinlein, Robert


  Henry IV (king of France)

  Hetzel, Pierre-Jules

  Hicks, Peter

  Histoires extraordinaires (Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)

  Histoires grotesques et sérieuses (Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)

  History and Biographical Cyclopedia of Butler County Ohio

  History of Clinton County Ohio, The

  Hitler, Adolph

  Koreshanity and

  Hodder, William Reginald

  Holberg, Baron Ludvig

  Hollow Earth, The (Bernard)

  Hollow Earth, The (Rucker)

  cover of

  Hollow earth ideas/themes

  Euler’s connection to

  in fiction

  flying saucers and

  Halley’s theories and

  on Internet

  long history behind

  in movies

  mutation of, with changing times

  Hollow Earth Insider, The (Crenshaw)

  Hollow Earth Insider, The (newsletter)

  Hollow earth novels

  Hollow Globe, The; or The World’s Agitator and Reconciler

  Hollow science

  Hooke, Robert

  Howe, Henry

  Howells, William Dean

  Hudson, Henry

  Hudson’s Bay Company

  Hunter College

  Hutton, James

  Huygens, Christian

  Icosameron (Casanova)

  Ignes fatui

  Illumination of Koresh, The (Teed)

  Incas, hollow earth beliefs held by

  Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth (McCoy)

  cover depicted

  Indian mythology (ancient), hollow earth beliefs in

  Inferno (Dante)

  Ingenious Pursuits (Jardine)

  Interior World, A Romance Illustrating a New Hypothesis of Terrestrial Organization &c (Tower)

  Intermere (Taylor)

  Internet, hollow earth topics on

  Inventio Fortunatae

  “I Remember Lemuria!” (Shaver)

  in Amazing Stories magazine

  Irving, Washington

  Isaac Laquédem (Dumas, père)

  Isaacs, Philip

  Isogonic lines

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Frank D.

  Jackson, James Dutton

  Japan, hollow earth beliefs in

  Jardine, Lisa

  Jeannette expeditions

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jentsch, Richard

  Johnson, Richard M.

  Journey from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean (Hearne)

  Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground (Holberg)

  Journey to the Center of the Earth, A (movie)

  Journey to the Center of the Earth, A ( Verne),

  Classics Comics edition of

  deluxe edition of

  French precursors to

  title page from 1874 American deluxe edition of

  Journey to the Earth’s Interior, A; or, Have the

  Poles Really Been Discovered? (Gardner)

  Jules Verne (Lottman)

  Jurassic Park movies

  Kennedy, John Pendleton

  Kilian, Victor

  Kircher, Athanasius

  illustration by, showing global patterns of ocean circulation

  illustration by, showing pockets of interior fire

  Koreshan communities

  children in costumes, depicted


  walkways and plantings in Estero, Florida depicted

  leaders depicted, at Estero

  Koreshan cosmogony, from 1880s edition of the Flaming Sword

  Koreshan Historic Site


  Cyrus Teed and

  Hitler and

  Koreshan Story, The (Rea)

  Koreshan Unity: Communistic and Co-operative Gathering of the People (Jackson and Daniels)

  Koreshan Unity Foundation

  Koreshan Unity in Florida, The (Mackle, Jr.)

  Koresh (Cyrus Teed)

  Kosmos (von Humboldt)

  La dame aux camélias (Dumas fils)

  Lamekis, ou les voyages extraodinaires d’un egyptien dans la terre interieure

  Land of Nison, The (Regnus)

  Land of Terror (Burroughs)

  Land of the Central Sun, The ( Winthrop)

  Land of the Changing Sun, The (Harben)

  Lands Beyond (DeCamp and Ley)

  Lane, Mary Bradley

  Last Days of Pompeii, The (Bulwer-Lytton)

  Last Lemurian, The: A Westralian Romance (Scott)

  La terre avant le déluge (Figuier)

  Leave It to Beaver

  Lee, Ann

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Le monde avant la creation del’homme (Flammation)

  L’Enfant, Pierre

  Les Aventures d’Arthur Gordon Pym (Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)

  Les fleurs du mal (Baudelaire)

  Leslie, Sir John

  Letters to a Princess of Germany (Euler)

  Levin, Harry

  Le voyage au centre de la terre (de Plancy)

  Lewis and Clark expedition

  Ley, Willy

  Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, The (Paltock)

  Life magazine

  Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose, A (Glass)

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lippershey, Hans

  Literary Life

  Lloyd, John Uri

  Lockwood, Ingersoll

  Lockwood, Mary Ann

  Lolita, Editha

  Lomas, George

  London Royal Institution

  London’s Great Exhibition of 1851,

  Loneliest Continent, The (Chapman)

  Longitude Prize

  Looking Backward (Bellamy)

  Lost World, The (Doyle)

  Lottman, Herbert R.

  Loud, Mrs. St. Leon

  Louisiana Purchase

  Lowe, Mary P. (pseud. Jack Adams)

  Lupoff, Richard A.

  Lyell, Sir Charles

  Mackenzie, Alexander

  Mackle, Elliott, Jr.

  Madison, James

  Magazin d’education et de récréation

  Magnes (Kircher)

  Magnetism, Halley’s interest in

  Manifest Destiny

  Man in the White Suit, The (movie)

  Mantell, Gideon

  Maps, by Gerardus Mercator

  Mariner’s Chronicle, The (Gorton)

  Marshall, Archibald

  Marshall, John

  Marvel Tales

  Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

  Mason, James

  Mather, Cotton

  Mather, Increase

  Mayans, hollow earth beliefs held by

  McBride, James

  McClure, Doug

  McClurg, A. C., Publishers

  McCoy, Max

  McKesson, Charles

  McKinley, William

  Melville, Herman

  Mercator, Gerardus

  Micrographia (Hooke)


  Middle Earth, of Tolkein


  Miller, Perry

  Miller, William Amos

  Mills, Mrs. Mary C.

  Milne-Edwards, Henri

  Milton, John

  Mizora: A Prophecy (Lane)

  Mole People, The (movie)

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat)

  Montez, Lola

  Moore, M. Louise

  More, Thomas

  Mormon Church

  Morrell, Benjamin

  Morris, William

  Morrow, Ulyss
es Grant

  Morse, Samuel F. B.


  Mother Goose in Prose (Baum)

  Mount Holyoke College

  Movies, hollow earth themes in

  Mr. Oseba’s Last Discovery (Bell)

  “Ms. Found in a Bottle” (Poe)

  Mundus subterraneus (Kircher)

  world map from

  Musée des familles

  My Bride from Another World: A Weird

  Romance Recounting Many Strange

  Adventures in an

  Unknown World (Atkins)

  Napier, Alan

  Napoleonic Wars

  Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe),

  Dirk Peters, as imagined by artist René Clark

  illustration of boat adrift in

  Verne’s sequel to

  Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a North-West Passage (Ross)

  Narrative of Four Voyages, A (Morrell)

  National Association of Mental Science

  National Intelligencer

  National Woman Suffrage Association

  Nazis, hollow earth ideas and

  Nelson, Victoria


  Nequa; or, The Problem of the Ages (Adams)

  Nevins, Allan

  New Age utopias

  Newark Evening News

  New England Mind, The: From Colony to Province (Miller)

  New Race, The (Seigmeister)

  News from Nowhere (Morris)

  Newton, Isaac

  New York Daily Tribune

  Northern polar “verge,” illustration of, in Harper’s Magazine (1882)

  North West Company

  Northwest Passage

  Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires (Baudelaire’s translations of Poe)


  hollow earth


  Noyes, John Humphrey

  NWSA. See National Woman Suffrage Association

  Oberlin College

  Oersted, Hans Christian

  Officer, Charles

  Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications journal

  Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

  Oldenburg, Henry

  Oneida community (New York)

  Ordway, Mrs. Annie G.

  Owen, Sir Richard

  Page, Jake

  Palmer, Nathaniel B.

  Palmer, Ray

  Paltock, Robert

  Panic of 1819

  Panic of 1873

  Panic of 1893

  Pantaletta: A Romance of Sheheland ( Wood)

  Paradise Lost (Milton)

  Parrish, Maxfield

  Parry, William

  Paul Clifford (Bulwer-Lytton)

  Peary, Robert

  Peck, John Weld

  Pellucidar novels (Burroughs),

  series covers depicted

  Pendleton, Benjamin


  Petermann, Augustus

  Pfaelzer, Jean

  Phantom of the Poles, The (Reed)

  Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Newton)


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