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One Night With the Rebel Billionaire

Page 12

by Trish Wylie

  With a low chuckle, Adam turned and lifted his helmet before casually swinging a long jean-clad leg over the heavy duty touring bike with ease. He then kicked the stand back and lifted it upright as if it weighed as much as a feather—which Roane seriously doubted. She briefly wondered why it was he looked so damn good on it while she was standing feeling like a complete idiot. There was just something about a sexy male on a large motorcycle, wasn’t there?

  He held out an arm. ‘Climb on.’

  ‘I bet you say that to all the girls,’ Roane mumbled as she attempted to do as she was told. She wasn’t nearly as graceful as he’d been. In fact it took a couple of attempts and some bouncing around on one foot as she tried to keep her balance. All of which Adam found highly amusing, his sensational eyes sparkling at her when he looked over his shoulder.

  ‘Put your feet up. That’s it. Arms round my waist.’

  All right, so there were certain fringe benefits. Roane was revelling in the sensations of her hips wrapped around his and her breasts pressed tight to the hard wall of his back when he gunned the engine.

  Dear Lord. They could just stay where they were. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan she knew he wouldn’t hear over the loud rumbling purr of the engine. The vibration sent a rhythmical pulse through the seat to her rear, making her squirm her crotch tighter to the seams of her jeans. She smoothed her hands over his taut stomach, squooshed her breasts tighter to his back so she could feel the heat of him through their clothes…Oh, yes…now this was suddenly very interesting.

  Adam’s head turned and she smiled as he raised his voice above the noise. ‘Behave.’

  Roane smiled impishly. She was enjoying her personal sexual revolution. Now that she knew what she’d been missing out on she was determined to enjoy every single second of it. She wasn’t even going to allow herself to think about how brief a time it might be with Adam. All that mattered was the here and now.

  When the bike moved smoothly forwards she clung to him, stomach lurching and heart pounding. They bumped cautiously down the laneway, onto the narrow tree-lined road, and when they hit the better surfaces she started to relax. Okay. This wasn’t so bad.

  She knew he was going slower than he probably did normally but she appreciated the thoughtfulness. He wouldn’t let any harm come to her. She knew that. It was the same blind faith she’d had in him when he’d made love to her—she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Oh, he might be rough-edged, but Adam Bryant had an honourable streak underneath it all, didn’t he? It added to his overwhelming maleness, Roane felt—was a potent combination when added to everything else.

  Women fell for men like him.

  The worrying thought made her focus her mind elsewhere, her gaze taking in her surroundings from a totally new perspective. She’d driven along the Vineyard’s roads a million times, in a station wagon, as a passenger in Jake’s convertible, in her own little compact. But the view from a motorcycle was so very different. She felt closer to nature somehow; a cooling breeze on her face, the scent of freshly mown grass and the salt sea air in her nostrils, the sunlight that danced through gaps in the foliage of the trees creating an arch above their heads. It was glorious.

  Then the trees gave way to the ocean, white foam randomly appearing to froth towards the pale sands of the pristine shoreline. Roane held onto Adam’s strength to lean back a little so she could smile up at the blue skies.

  He threw a smile over his shoulder and she laughed. He’d known she would love this because he knew how it felt. She wondered if he ever got tired of knowing her better than she apparently knew herself. But at the same time she wished she could share her joy of flying with him the same way he was sharing the joy of his freedom on a motorcycle.

  It felt as if she was getting more from him than he was from her. Which begged the question of just what it was he got from being with her beyond sex?

  By lunchtime they ended up in Vineyard Haven. The boat-filled harbour protected by East and West Chop, promontories that formed a natural enclosure for one of the busiest harbours in the heydays of coastal schooners. It made Roane wonder if Adam’s great-grandfather had sailed his schooner from there, with the compass around his neck and his wife waving him goodbye. She smiled at the thought. Then felt an ache at how far back Adam’s connections to the Vineyard went. It was sad, especially when he’d left it all behind without a backward glance.

  They drove past schooner captains’ houses with their bright white porches and heavily laden planters and hanging baskets, then along the tree-lined main street where Adam parked and held out a hand to help her down. Roane was fussing with her hair after removing her helmet when he took her hand.


  She threaded her fingers with his and smiled at the fact he was holding her hand. Pleasure in the simple things, she supposed. More to do with the man attached to the hand, her inner voice admitted.


  ‘We’ll get it to go. Eat at one of the lighthouses.’

  When most of the staff in the small general store greeted her by name Adam shook his head. ‘I had no idea you were famous.’

  ‘Not famous. Friendly.’ She adjusted the basket on her arm and scanned the shelves for fresh rolls, smiling as she added, ‘You should try it some time. When you first meet someone you can be…surly.’


  ‘Uh-huh.’ She found rolls and moved down the aisle, cocking her head and looking up at him from the corner of her eye. ‘And brusque.’

  ‘Surly and brusque.’ He looked back at her the same way, then smiled cockily. ‘And adorable. You forgot to add adorable.’

  Roane snorted. ‘It wasn’t high on my list.’

  Something caught Adam’s attention and he set his hands on her hips to turn her. ‘That’s right. You didn’t like me. I’d forgotten.’

  ‘It’s been four days. How did you forget that fast?’

  ‘You did. You like me now.’

  Good point. Because, darn it, despite the danger she did like him. She more than liked him. It would be so much easier if she didn’t…

  She searched the shelves to see what he was so interested in. ‘What are we—? Oh.’

  ‘Ladies’ choice.’ Leaning down to lower his voice to a deep rumble, he added, ‘Just make sure we have plenty. Think strength and stamina…’

  He had the gall to slap her rear—firmly—making her jump and scowl at him as he walked away. ‘Where are you going?’

  Turning on his heel, he walked backwards. ‘The produce section. Gotta keep our energy levels up.’ He grinned broadly and winked at her. ‘Meet you at the checkout.’

  Smiling, Roane shook her head, then looked back at the baffling array of contraceptives in front of her. It wasn’t something she’d ever spent a whole heap of time looking at in a store. She really wasn’t sure she knew where to begin. A ring caught her attention and she lifted it to figure out what it was—swiftly setting it back down when she read the back. It was official—she was a prude. The thought made her frown.

  Then she considered the possibilities of some of the items in front of her and felt the heat rise in her body. It was because every image involved Adam. He’d turned her from a prude into a sex maniac in one night.

  She glanced up and down the aisle and smiled weakly at someone she knew. Nope. Still a bit of a prude. But she bravely hid a small pack of condoms beneath the bread rolls and silently prayed she could manage to pay for them without blushing. She was a twenty-seven-year-old woman having incredible, mind blowing sex, for crying out loud! She should be holding a parade in the main street.

  Several picnic items later she met Adam at the checkout, a large handful of fresh fruit added to their basket as he charmed the middle aged woman behind the counter with a smile.

  ‘Hi, there—’ he glanced down and back up ‘—Mabel.’

  Roane rolled her eyes, as much at who was ringing up their purchases as the beaming response he got. Well, if the world didn’t know she w
as sleeping with Adam it was going to inside a matter of minutes. Mabel loved a good gossip. ‘Mabel is a sensible married woman with four kids. That won’t work on her.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know, Roane.’ Mable giggled like a schoolgirl. ‘Nothing wrong with being friendly…’

  Adam smirked smugly and Roane couldn’t help but laugh. She’d been the one to tell him to try being friendly after all. It was just a rarity for him to do anything she suggested outside the bedroom.

  He glanced down, cocked a brow at her and shook his head. ‘I’ll be right back.’

  ‘Where’d you find him?’ Mable asked in a whisper. ‘He’s gorgeous.’

  And knew it too. But Roane couldn’t help smiling again, the reason why suddenly hitting her. She was happy. With a pang of regret, she wondered how long it would last.

  ‘We’re friends.’

  It wasn’t a complete lie. They were getting on better than she would ever have imagined. Even more ridiculously she knew she would miss him when he was gone. Surely it was too fast to feel that way? Yeah, thought the girl who’d slept with him after three days. The usual rules didn’t apply to someone like Adam and it seemed to have had a knock-on effect on Roane. She was behaving so completely out of character she felt a little lost for a moment.

  Then Adam dumped a load of things into their basket and looked her straight in the eye.

  Almost in slow motion Roane managed to forcibly drag her gaze away from the intense heat radiating off him. She looked down at the basket, stifling a groan and immediately feeling a wave of heat rise on her cheeks as she looked at Mabel’s smiling face.

  Who lifted the first bumper pack of many and rang it up on her till, without saying a single word. She didn’t have to. The condoms said it all.

  There was a loud crunch beside her and Roane glared at Adam as he chewed a mouthful of apple and spoke with his mouth full, waving the apple at Mabel as he stared at Roane. ‘And this, Mabel.’

  Roane continued to glare at him as he reached for his wallet. She was going to kill him.

  Outside in the sunshine she lifted her chin high and informed him, ‘You are in so much trouble right now.’

  He swallowed another mouthful of apple, studying his surroundings as they walked. ‘You’ve never actually bought condoms, have you?’

  ‘I’ve bought them discreetly.’ She scowled at him, her cheeks still ridiculously hot. ‘I haven’t felt the need to announce to the entire island that I’m having—sex!’

  When she looked around her and lowered her voice to hiss the word ‘sex’ at him he stopped and turned to consider her with hooded eyes. ‘People have sex every day. If they’re lucky they get to have it…’

  He lifted a hand and made a show of counting his long fingers, the corners of his devilishly sexy mouth twitching as he gave up, dropped his hand and added, ‘Lots.’

  When she couldn’t stop looking at his mouth he tossed the half-eaten apple in a nearby receptacle and placed his hands on her hips, tugging her closer. ‘In our case they only stop out of necessity. And, sweetheart? If I have my way—which you know I will—you’ll be buying plenty more of that very necessity pretty damn soon. So you need to get used to it…’

  Roane’s jaw dropped. ‘Are you kidding me? We just bought enough for a month.’

  ‘No, we didn’t. Couple of weeks’ worth—tops.’

  Ridiculously even the fact he was handing her a couple of weeks made her heart soar. ‘Is that a fact?’

  Adam nodded firmly. ‘It is.’

  Roane managed a shaky breath as he lowered his head and kissed her. Oh, Lord, she was in trouble. She couldn’t possibly feel something so strong for him so fast. It wasn’t how things were supposed to be.

  His hand lifted, his knuckles brushing a strand of hair from her cheek when the wind caught it. Then he stepped closer, forcing her to tilt her head further back as he deepened the kiss and sought entry with the tip of his tongue. There it was: the instant spark—the spiralling knot of desire. The need to have his body joined to hers. If anything it was even stronger than it had been twenty-four hours ago, because now she knew what came next. She knew what it was like to have that warm mouth and his large hands on her body. How it felt when he pushed inside her. She could practically feel the weight of his body on hers as he drove her to the edge and beyond.

  How was she supposed to survive without it now she knew what it felt like with him? How was she supposed to breathe without it hurting when he left? When every breath she currently took was filled with his enticing scent as he stole her heart piece by piece.

  She knew nothing about him. Nothing.

  She was falling for him. Hard.

  When he lifted his head she forced a smile onto her face and gently extricated herself from his hold to step around him. ‘Well, in that case…’

  She bit her lip and smiled impishly over her shoulder. ‘There was this ring thing in there that I think might have possibilities…according to the back of the pack it’s for him and her…’

  Deep laughter erupted from his chest as he reached for her hand and yanked her back to him. ‘We don’t need it. Haven’t you learned that yet?’

  Laughing in reply, she stumbled as he slammed her body into his, his feet spreading wider to balance them both. ‘And here I thought you liked it when I got adventurous. I don’t remember you complaining when I—’

  ‘Afternoon, Roane.’

  Adam lifted his head as the owner of the voice passed them, Roane looking to see who it was. She scrunched her nose up and closed her eyes. ‘Hi, Peter.’

  When she opened her eyes Adam’s were filled with silent sparkling laughter. ‘Who was that?’

  ‘My bank manager.’


  Ah indeed. But she didn’t care, her chin jerking upwards as she huskily demanded, ‘Kiss me.’

  Another chuckle of deep laughter vibrated his chest and Roane smiled at him. She loved it when he laughed. But the firm kiss he gave her was all too brief and then he was slinging a long arm over her shoulders and tucking her into his side, lowering his head to her temple to promise her, ‘Later.’ He steered them towards the motorcycle. ‘Let’s go build up an appetite first…and I don’t mean for food…’

  Roane leaned her head back against his shoulder, moving her arm around his lean waist and hooking her thumb under the belt loop of his jeans. ‘We’re having an early night, though, right?’

  He chuckled again. ‘I’ve created a monster.’

  Roane was laughing with him when another voice sounded, ‘A.J.? It is you. Thought so. What the hell you doing here, man?’

  Adam changed in a heartbeat, releasing Roane and frowning at her before he stepped forwards and shook the fair-haired man’s hand. ‘Just visiting. Didn’t know you knew the island.’

  ‘Wife’s folks have a holiday place here. You should come out and see us. Lucy would be glad to see you.’ He looked pointedly at Roane. ‘Bring your girl over. Hi—Steve Rowland. I do business with A.J.’

  Roane shook the hand that was offered to her. ‘Roane Elliott.’

  ‘Roane—lovely name.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She let go of his hand and stepped closer to Adam, looking up at his unreadable expression with a lift of her brow. ‘How long have you known A.J.?’

  ‘Too long.’ He laughed as he looked at Adam. ‘I meant to thank you for that last tip you gave me. You were right on the money—as always.’

  ‘No problem.’ Adam placed his palm on the small of Roane’s back and exerted pressure to nudge her forwards. ‘We’ve got to go. Tell Luce I said hi.’

  ‘Stop by. We’re in Oak Bluffs. You’ve got my cell.’

  ‘Do. Bye, Steve.’

  ‘Bye, Steve.’ Roane leaned her head to one side to smile at him as she was firmly ushered away. ‘Nice to meet you.’

  ‘You too, Roane. Make him bring you along.’

  ‘Oh, I will.’ She looked up at Adam with open curiosity when they were a few steps away, ‘A.J.?’
br />   ‘It’s how most people know me.’

  ‘What’s it stand for?’

  He didn’t look the least little bit pleased to be telling her, ‘Adam Jameson.’

  ‘Middle name?’ She hadn’t known that. The clench of his jaw made her smile. As middle names went she didn’t think it was all that bad. But it obviously bothered Adam.

  ‘And mother’s maiden name.’

  The words had been said on a flat tone that made Roane wonder what the problem was. Then it came to her. ‘You don’t use the Bryant name, do you?’


  They stopped beside the shining motorcycle, Roane frowning in confusion. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because it’s easier.’

  And because when he left the island he hadn’t just left his home behind? He’d left everything. Had he really hated his father that much?

  Roane’s voice was low. ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘I wouldn’t expect you to.’ He shrugged, opening one of the storage cases at the back of his bike to stow away their purchases.

  Reaching a hand to his outstretched arm, she gently squeezed to get his attention. ‘Then make me. Did you really hate them that much?’

  His gaze focused on her hand. ‘Who?’

  ‘Your dad—Jake—everyone who has the Bryant name. People would say the name opened doors for you…’

  The words seemed to make him more tense than he already was, his spine straightening as he dropped his arm to his side and freed her hand. ‘I’m not interested in opening those doors. Never was. I don’t make my living piggybacking on a name. I do it my way.’

  Instead of being intimidated by his change back to the surly man she’d met just days ago Roane stepped closer, her hands lifting to his waist and her voice still soft. ‘Okay. So what do you do?’

  He smiled, but his eyes were serious. When he spoke his voice shimmered with authority, hinting that whatever it was he did he did from a high position. ‘I dabble in whatever interests me. And I do it well.’

  Meaning he didn’t want her to know.

  The sense of rejection must have shown in her eyes, because his hands immediately lifted to frame her face, his thumbs tilting her chin up as he leaned down to look into her eyes. ‘It’s complicated.’


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