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One Night With the Rebel Billionaire

Page 13

by Trish Wylie

  Roane frowned. ‘You don’t think I’m clever enough to understand, do you? I might not have a genius IQ like you do, Adam, but that doesn’t mean—’

  He kissed her to shut her up. ‘I know it doesn’t. That’s not what I meant.’

  ‘So what, then—you’re a spy?’

  The corners of his mouth twitched. ‘Not a spy. It’s much less interesting than that.’

  ‘Then wh—?’

  Another kiss. Much as Roane enjoyed the liberties he was taking to distract her from the subject, she was starting to get annoyed. What was the big deal? Was he really so determined not to let her into a single corner of his life? It wasn’t as if she was going to stalk him all over the country after he left!

  ‘I’ll tell you. Just not now.’ He took a deep breath that brushed his chest against her breasts. ‘Do us both a favour and don’t push.’

  Who was this man? It hit her that she was sleeping with a stranger. Surely that should have scared her more than it did?

  ‘It’s nothing illegal.’

  ‘Nothing illegal.’ He looked amused at the idea.

  ‘Or unethical…’

  ‘Nope; not my style.’

  ‘Or immoral.’

  Adam shook his head, a lopsided smile appearing to addle her thoughts. ‘Good to know you have such a high opinion of me. No—nothing immoral—and you’re pushing, sweetheart.’

  When he reached for her helmet and set it against her breasts she cocked her head and smiled at him to cover up how confused she suddenly felt. A day with Adam was quite the magical mystery tour, wasn’t it? She just wished it didn’t leave her feeling as if he didn’t trust her. ‘So are we visiting Steve and Lucy?’

  ‘No.’ Adam continued smiling as he reached for his helmet. ‘Feed him a couple of beers and you’ll get information about my life I definitely don’t want you knowing.’

  ‘Like stories about women.’

  ‘Among others…’

  Great, and now she was jealous of unseen women who had absolutely nothing to do with her. But they knew him in his new life—which meant they knew him better than she did. Roane hated them for that.

  A thought made her shudder. ‘Have you ever been married?’

  ‘Hell, no.’ He frowned at her. ‘Where did that come from?’

  Roane ignored the frown. ‘Kids? Don’t say not that you know of…’

  ‘If there was even the remotest chance of me having a child I’d know about it—’ the frown darkened ‘—and I’d be there. Want to tell me where you’re going with this?’

  ‘Am I allowed to know anything about you or are secrets part of the deal?’

  ‘What damn deal?’

  She knew she was starting an argument but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from doing it, an emotional cocktail of frustration, confusion and hurt mixing together and forming anger. ‘The “you teach, I learn” deal—the one where you get to fill in a few hours before you leave again.’

  The control he exerted over his anger was admirable, but the muscle clenching on his jaw told her just how much it was costing him. ‘You knew I’d leave when we started this.’

  He was right. She did. By saying what she had she’d just told him how involved she was, hadn’t she?

  With great effort and the performance of a lifetime she buried how she felt. ‘I did. You’re right.’

  After a long moment of tense silence, Adam shook his head, his profile turned to her as he fought some kind of inner battle before looking her in the eye again. Then the soft rumble of sincerity entered his voice.

  ‘I can’t give you more than this. It’s not that I don’t want to. I can’t.’

  Roane blinked at him. She knew he meant what he said, she could hear it in his voice, see it in the intensity of his gaze. Ridiculously she felt as if she would know if Adam was lying to her. How could she know that?

  But what really got to her was she could feel such a strong sense of emptiness in him. It was the most dreadful sensation. She immediately felt the need to make him feel better, to wrap herself around him and stay there until she couldn’t feel it in him any more.

  Pursing his lips into a thin line, he looked away and then back; even the minutest hint of uncertainty in a man so sure of himself was heartbreaking to behold.

  ‘I can give you now.’

  She didn’t hesitate. ‘I’ll take it.’

  His eyes softened to a darker brown than she’d ever seen before, then he nodded. ‘Good.’

  Roane knew she’d take whatever she could get, she was already that addicted to him. She just had to remember not to allow herself to think about the fact that every day had a ‘now’.

  A genius like Adam should have known that too, shouldn’t he?


  IT FELT AS IF Roane was changing something in him.

  Adam had no idea why he’d said the things he had in the Haven. Or why it was he’d felt as if he had to tell her the things he knew he couldn’t. For a brief moment he’d wanted to tell her everything—every last detail. He’d never done that—with anyone.

  It had been a roller coaster of a day. He’d made love to her in the open air as the sun came up, had let her make love to him and been astonished by just how quick a study she really was.

  Then he’d spent the time on his motorcycle excruciatingly aroused by her pressed so tightly to his back. He’d even contemplated keeping driving until they were far away and no one could find them until he’d sated them both.

  More surprising than anything else, he’d had fun with her on their shopping expedition, had felt—happy was the right word, he supposed. Yes, that was it. He’d been happy spending time with her doing something completely mundane, brief as it was. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt that way—if he ever had.

  Then they’d met Steve. He couldn’t risk meeting someone from the city when it was so important Adam hold onto his anonymity. Of course Roane was curious. How could she not be? Especially when Adam couldn’t tell her about his job—not that he wasn’t prepared to; he wanted her to know about the life he’d made for himself. He was proud of that life, of the things he’d achieved. He’d worked hard. But she was too tied to his family—he wouldn’t let her get caught in the middle of the battle looming on the horizon.

  As it was she didn’t think he trusted her, did she? When it had nothing to do with trust—he trusted her. A somewhat miraculous change of personality for someone who trusted as little as Adam did. By holding back from her he’d hurt her—and he’d hated that.

  He’d found himself holding his breath while he waited for her to choose what they already had, because he wanted it. He wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in a very long time.

  Familiar frustration had bubbled inside him like boiling acid for a long while afterwards, even when she’d made her decision so fast. Until the soothing balm that was Roane worked its magic on him and he let himself get lost in a surreal world where for a brief moment he actually felt—content. She was amazing. All the more so because she had no idea of the miraculous effect she had on him.

  He’d never been content a day in his life.

  By the time they got back to the estate he was burning up with the need to demonstrate how she’d made him feel. He wanted to make her feel as good as she’d made him feel. In the absence of words or emotion it was the only gift he could give her.

  But Jake was waiting in the guest house. And Adam barely had time to release the small hand he was holding before a fist made contact with his jaw.

  ‘Jake!’ Roane yelled and stepped forwards. ‘What are you doing?’

  Adam lifted an arm and hauled her back to his side, almost as if he was stating where she belonged. ‘Don’t.’

  He then glared at his little brother. ‘First one’s free. Next one will cost you.’

  Roane tried to pull free, her eyes wide as she looked from Adam’s jaw to Jake’s face. ‘What the hell was that for?’

  ‘Ask him.’ Jake’
s face was dark with anger. ‘Go on. Ask him what he’s been doing.’

  Her wide-eyed gaze swung to Adam, a million and one questions silently being asked in the blue depths. ‘What’s he talking about?’

  Adam knew. Someone had been doing some digging, hadn’t they? But he wasn’t going to let her get caught in the middle, it was the very reason he hadn’t told her himself. ‘Leave. Now.’

  ‘No.’ She lifted her chin and defied his firm tone.

  ‘I mean it. Go.’

  ‘No. She stays. She’s part of it, after all, isn’t she, big brother?’

  Adam felt a wave of anger crashing in on him. ‘She has nothing to do with it.’

  ‘No?’ Jake’s tone was laced with sarcasm. ‘I saw you two in Tisbury. Seducing her is another way of getting at me, isn’t it?’

  Adam didn’t much care for the insinuation, stepping forwards and pushing Roane behind him. He then fought to keep his voice cool and his words as clear as possible. ‘I didn’t do anything to get at you. That wasn’t what I was doing.’

  ‘Then what were you doing?’ Jake stood his ground, his hands bunched in readiness at his sides.

  Roane got loose, and before Adam could do anything to stop it she was standing between them. In the face of bristling anger radiating from the two large males she bravely lifted her chin and glared in warning at each of them in turn. ‘Okay. Which one of you wants to tell me what’s going on? Because I swear—I’m ready to cause actual bodily harm if one of you doesn’t start acting like an adult.’

  They both looked down at her, Roane not the least bit fazed by the fact she had to lift her chin higher to continue glaring at them. Under normal circumstances Adam would have smiled, hauled her close and kissed her hard for how beautiful she looked with that much fire in her eyes. She was feisty, his girl.

  Instead he frowned at her. ‘Leave, Roane. It’s the last time I’m gonna say it.’

  But again she defied him. ‘And let you both pummel each other into a pulp? I think not. You’re brothers! Tell me what’s going on.’

  Adam swore under his breath and looked at Jake, repeating his words through clenched teeth. ‘I didn’t do it to get at you.’

  Jake had the guts to laugh sarcastically, which Adam begrudgingly respected him for. They weren’t so different, were they? He’d been known to laugh in someone’s face mid-argument. In fact, if there was a way to escalate things through sarcasm Adam was pretty much the master.

  ‘Okay, then.’ Jake nodded, his eyes narrow and his jaw tight. ‘Let’s just work our way through the facts, shall we? You knew I was head of the company.’


  ‘Then tell me how it wasn’t to get to me?’

  ‘I’m telling you it wasn’t.’

  ‘So what was it, then? To prove you’re the better man? Revenge? To step in and take over? If you wanted the job so bad, then all you had to do was stay—it was yours. It was yours by birth, for crying out loud!’

  That was an archaic notion, Adam thought. The way he saw it, their father was happier with Jake at the helm, Jake was happy being there, Adam was free to do as he chose. The world was the way it was meant to be.

  Roane’s voice rose. ‘Would someone please tell me what’s going on?’

  When Adam remained impassive Jake jerked his brows in challenge and then looked at her. ‘Okay, then. I’ll tell you. The company has been fighting off takeover rumours since Dad got sick. Share prices dropped when I took over—I had to prove myself. Then there were whispers someone had been buying, they’d been buying for years. Small numbers, but collectively they added up to a threat. That’s why I needed him…’ he jerked his chin at Adam ‘…back here to talk about selling his shares to me. Dad signed half the family shares to each of us when he wrapped up his affairs.’

  Adam was still staring Jake down when he caught sight of Roane’s head turning. He could feel her gaze burning into him but he didn’t look at her. He couldn’t take the chance—because if there was so much as a flicker of doubt in her eyes he would feel the need to hit something…

  He clenched his teeth when realization laced her words with disbelief. ‘You were buying the shares?’

  Jake cocked his head to the side and studied Adam with malice. ‘And along with his family shares he now owns the majority. You’re looking at the Bryant who holds the reins. Question is: is he planning on riding the horse—or shooting it?’

  Instead of any of the questions Adam had been expecting from Roane she asked, ‘How did you afford—?’

  Jake smiled at her, but it was anything but warm. Adam silently dared him to say a single thing that would cause her pain. Go on. Give me a reason not to stand here and let you get it all out in one go…

  ‘Didn’t he mention that part? Turns out my big brother is a bona-fide multibillionaire. He could buy the Bryant Corporation with what would be the equivalent of chump change to him. Right, Adam?’

  The room fell into the kind of silence that sat oppressively in the air, Roane’s small voice eventually sounding beside him, ‘Adam?’

  ‘He prefers A.J. these days. Hates us that much he won’t even use the family name, will you—’ Jake stepped forwards and practically spat the word in his face ‘—Jameson? What I’d like to know is what we did to you. Leaving wasn’t enough? You had to work from the outside to bring us down and then come back to use someone who’s more a part of this family than you ever were and hurt her too? What did she ever do to you? Why couldn’t you leave her be?’

  Because it felt right, goddammit! For the first time in his life he’d come home and felt as if he belonged.

  As if he’d come back to her!

  The truth of it hit him like a blow to the chest. Adam had had enough. He lifted his hands and pushed Jake back a step—not with any degree of force, but with enough controlled strength to move him out of Adam’s face. ‘You leave her out of this!’

  It happened in the blink of an eye. When Jake lifted his arm to swing, Roane reached out. Before Adam could move she was on her rear on the floor, a squeak of surprised outrage leaving her lips. He hadn’t hit her, but when he’d swung his arm back from her hold Jake had inadvertently knocked her over.

  Adam saw red.

  ‘Son-of-a—’ He knelt down and reached for her, frustration rising to boiling point when she shrugged away from his touch.

  ‘Don’t touch me, Adam.’

  ‘Are you—?’

  ‘I’m fine!’

  It only marginally appeased him when she did the same thing with Jake when he reached for her. ‘Don’t you touch me either!’

  She struggled ungracefully to her feet and absent-mindedly rubbed her behind as she blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and glared at them both. ‘I hope you feel awful for knocking me on my ass, Jacob Bryant. You’re both pathetic!’ She folded her arms, her cheeks flushed as she fixed Adam with a furious gaze. ‘Is it true? You’re some kind of squillionaire?’

  Adam fought for some semblance of control. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Since when?’

  ‘I inherited some money when I turned twenty-one—from my mother’s estate.’ Hadn’t been much after her lavish lifestyle, but it had given him a start. ‘I dabbled in the markets and commodities—invested—I’m good at what I do. There are patterns I can understand.’

  Jake began to pace.

  But Roane kept looking at Adam as if she was barely aware there was anyone else there. ‘And the shares you bought in the Bryant Corporation?’

  ‘I’d heard rumours the old man’s touch was slipping, so I bought where I could. When Jake took over the word on the street was someone would try a takeover. So I bought enough to make sure it wouldn’t happen unless it was me.’

  Her eyes narrowed. ‘Why?’

  Adam glanced at Jake and saw he’d stopped pacing, his hooded eyes studying Adam with caution. He wasn’t prepared to explain himself to his younger brother. Let Jake think what he wanted.


  He di
dn’t look at her. ‘We’re done here.’

  There was no way to avoid walking past his brother to get to the stairs so Adam straightened his spine, staring straight at him and daring him to make a move.

  But Roane wasn’t done. ‘Go away, Jake.’

  ‘I’m not—’

  ‘Yes, you are. I’ll feel safer if I only have one of you to deal with at a time. But don’t think I’m done with you—’ cause I’m not.’ She took a breath. ‘Adam and I need to talk and he won’t while you’re here.’

  Under normal circumstances Adam wouldn’t have talked to her either after that kind of insight. But she deserved better. So he didn’t say anything as he kept walking, ignoring Jake when he dropped in a low warning, ‘Hurt her and I’ll hunt you down—got it?’

  Said the guy who’d knocked her over? Now there was irony. But Adam shook his head and kept walking. The kid had never known when he was out of his league; he had ended up with dozens of black eyes and bloody noses that had never taught him a lesson in school or at camp. Gutsy but stupid—that was Jake as a kid, and there’d been a time when Adam had found it amusing in an almost affectionate, brotherly kind of way.

  But those days were gone.

  Now he would for evermore associate Jake with the rage he’d felt at seeing Roane on the floor. If she’d been hurt in any way—well, Adam didn’t like to think what he’d have done. Accidental or not—Jake had done it. But then Adam would never forgive himself for inadvertently putting her in the middle. He’d tried not to. He’d tried to protect her. He’d failed.

  Now he was going to have to tell her the answers to everything she asked as penance instead of because he wanted to. Then they’d be done. No more ‘now’. He’d leave and she’d stay and ‘they’ would be something amazing that happened in a few days on Martha’s Vineyard—in his memories, in the past…

  Adam had no idea why knowing that felt so bad.

  Roane waited for Jake to leave, her foot tapping on the floor while she was torn in different directions. She knew Jake hadn’t pushed her over on purpose but she hated the momentary fear she’d felt. Jake had some major grovelling to do and he knew it.


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