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Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain

Page 75

by Judith Flanders

  Christmas cards, 483-6

  Christmas Letter Mission, 486

  Christmas Tree, The: A Book of Instruction and Amusement for All Young People, 489

  Christmas trees, 470-2, 479, 487 chromolithography, 485

  Chunee (elephant), 275 churches: and early football teams, 439-40

  Churton’s (circulating library), 185

  Cibber, Theophilus: The Harlot’s Progress, 323

  cinema: beginnings, 378

  circuses, 282-3, 313

  cities: size and population, 98

  Civil Service Co-operative Society, 82

  Civil Service Supply Association, 81, 497

  Clark, C. and J. (shoemakers), 93

  Clark’s Weekly Dispatch, 142

  class (social): and Great Exhibition visitors, 28-30; and admission to museums and galleries, 398 & n; and sports, 420-1, 423; and horseracing attendance, 430-1; see also middle classes; working classes

  Classical Exhibition, Pall Mall, 258

  Claude glass, 222-3

  Claude Lorraine, 222; St Ursula, 380

  Clementi, Muzio, 359-60, 365 clothes: ready-made, 85-9, 94-7; waterproof, 91-2; for travellers and holidaymakers, 221, 244; for sport, 459-62; see also fashion

  Clowes (printers), 182

  clubs (benefit): friendly societies, 30-1, 81-2; food, 79-80; and co-ops, 80-83; goose 481

  clubs (social): formed, 4-6; cultural and educational, 31, 74n; books and reading in, 169-71; music, 343-5, 348-9, 366, 372, 474; sporting, 425, 428, 430-1, 440-51, 454, 456-7, 462; see also under individual towns and cities

  coal: prices, 73

  Cobb, Thomas, 133

  Coburg Theatre, London (later Old Vic), 300, 319, 329-30

  cocoa: consumption, 56n

  Cochrane Stores (Scotland), 84n

  cock-throwing, 420

  cockfighting, 420

  Cocks, James, 382

  coffee: consumption, 56n

  coffee houses, 5n, 56, 126-7; books and reading in, 169, 171

  Colburn’s Modern Novelists series, 188

  Cole, Sir Henry: and planning of Great Exhibition, 8-9, 11-12, 15, 28; founds South Kensington Museum, 403-4; and Christmas cards, 484-6; Home Treasury, 9; as designer ‘Felix Summerly’, 9; as campaigning journalist, 10-11

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 172

  Collard (piano manufacturer), 361

  Colman, George, 238-9, 379; The Clandestine Marriage (with David Garrick), 25-6

  Colman, George, the younger: Blue Beard; or, Female Curiosity, 315-16; The Quadrupeds of Quedlingburgh, 316

  Colosseum, Regent’s Park, 270, 272

  Combe, William: Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, 198n

  comfort: concept of, 23, 26

  common land see enclosures

  Compton Comedy Company (theatrical), 302

  Concert of Antient Music, 345, 348-9, 366

  concerts: in Bath, 233; public, 343-4, 346, 348-54, 367; and virtuoso players, 365-6; ticket prices, 366; promenade, 367-8; parlour, 374

  Constable’s Miscellany (publisher’s series), 188

  consumerism: development, xv-xvi, 26

  Contour Road Books, 456

  Cook, Captain James: accounts of voyages, 197-8

  Cook, John, 36

  Cook, Thomas: excursions to Great Exhibition, 33-6, 41; on railways and regulation of time, 194-5; Monday tours, 208, 225; organizes excursion travel, 225-9; organizes trips to Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 408

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 190, 259

  Co-operative movement, 80-3

  Co-operative Trading Association, 80

  Co-operative Wholesale Society, 81-2

  Co-operator, The ( journal), 80

  Copley, John Singleton, 387-90

  Coram, Thomas, 382

  Corder, William (murderer), 181

  Cornelys, Teresa, 348

  Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, 344

  Cosway, Richard, 7n, 383 country-houses: visiting, 201-2, 212-15, 392

  Courier (newspaper), 130

  Court Magazine, 221

  Covent Garden (theatre), 238-9, 293, 295-6, 304, 315-16, 319, 327-8

  Cowper, William: Poems, 223

  Cox, David: The Hayfield (painting), 410

  Cox’s Museum, 253, 269

  Cramer, J.B., 359-60

  Cramer, Wilhelm, 348

  Crane, Walter, 487

  credit: at shops, 45; Wedgwood offers, 68

  Cremorne Gardens, London, 280

  cricket: guides and books on, 204-5; and football playing, 440

  Crim.-Con. Gazette, 142 crime: reported in popular newspapers, 141

  Crimean War: newspaper coverage, 141 crinolines, 19

  Crosthwaite, Peter, 217

  Cruikshank, George (illustrator), 159; Life in London, 178; The Bottle, 324; Fairy Library, 306n

  Cruikshank, Robert (illustrator), Life in London, 179

  Crystal Palace: houses Great Exhibition, 3, 17, 26, 37; moved to Sydenham, 282-3; concerts at, 368

  Cubitt, Thomas, 11 & n

  Cullwick, Hannah, 475

  Cumberland, Richard, 295

  Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of, 278

  Cushman, James, 25

  cycling: as sport, 453, 455-6; popularization, 455-9; journals, 458; dress, 462-3

  Cyclists Touring Club (CTC), 456-7, 462

  Czerny, Karl, 360; see also music, pianos

  Dadd, Richard, 306n

  Daguerre, Louis, 266, 270; see also photography

  Daily Advertiser, 7

  Daily Chronicle, 119, 147

  Daily News, 147

  Daily Telegraph: price and sales, 147; sports reporting, 154; advertisements, 162

  Dam, H.J.W.: The Shop Girl, 340

  Dance, George, the younger, 390

  Dance, Nathaniel, 383n

  Darley, Thomas, 426

  Darwen News, 444-6

  Darwin, Erasmus, 74 & n

  Darwin, Susannah (née Wedgwood), 69n

  Davenport, John & Co. (store): low prices, 54

  Davies, John, 448, 452

  Davy, Sir Humphry, 172, 474n

  Day’s Library, 187

  Defoe, Daniel, 51; Complete Tradesman, 106

  department stores: beginnings and development, 85; display, 101; middle-class appeal, 110; quality and range of goods, 111; service departments, 112-13; purpose-built, 113; annual sales, 118; in plays, 340; sell theatre tickets, 340; Christmas grottos, 490-1; opening dates, 496-7; see also shops

  Derby: size, 45-6; football match, 438

  Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, 14th Earl of (earlier Lord Stanley), 11

  Derby Philosophical Society, 74n

  Derry and Toms (London store), 113, 496

  Destouches, Philippe Néricault: La Fausse Agnes, 238

  de Vere, Pauline (lion-tamer), 283

  Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 226

  Dibdin, Charles: The Blackamoor, 357

  Dibdin, Charles, the younger, 179

  Dibdin, Thomas, 240n, 329

  Dicey, William, 124, 130, 133, 176

  Dickens, Charles: and Sala, 88n; cheap editions, 190; promotes panorama of Mississippi, 273; on bill-sticker, 287; on Christmas, 468-9, 572; Bleak House, 215; A Christmas Carol, 183, 208n, 473-5, 481, 490; ‘The Cricket on the Hearth’, 330; David Copperfield, 309-10; ‘The Haunted Man’, 272; Martin Chuzzlewit, 190; Oliver Twist, 190; Our Mutual Friend, 143n; The Pickwick Papers, 188-9, 483

  Dilettanti, Society of, 380-2

  Dilke, Charles W., 8

  dioramas, 266-8

  Dissenters: rise of, 6

  Dodson, James: Antilogarithmic Canon, 138

  dogfighting, 420

  Doncaster: horseracing, 424, 430, 436

  Douglas, Canon John, 197

  D’Oyly Carte Company, 299, 302

  Drake, Francis, 423

  Dramatic and Musical Directory, 367

  Draper’s Record, 117, 491

aking, 88-9

  Dressmaking at Home (magazine), 162

  drug companies, 134-5

  Drury Lane Journal, 255

  Drury Lane theatre see Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

  Dryden, John, 344

  Ducrow, Andrew, 317-19, 321, 324

  Dulwich Gallery, London, 398

  Dumas, Alexandre, pe`re, 322n

  du Maurier, George, 26

  Dundee Evening Telegraph, 155

  Dunlop rubber company, 455

  Dussek, Jan Ladislav, 355, 365

  Dyche, Thomas: A Guide to the English Tongue, 138

  dyes and dyestuffs, 7-8

  Eagleton, Edward, 59-60

  Early Closing Association, 211

  Early English Text Society, 31

  East India Company: imports tea, 57

  Easthope, Sir John, 430

  Eastlake, Charles, 403

  Eclipse (racehorse), 427

  Edgeworth, Maria: The Absentee, 298, 300; Belinda, 323; Ennui, 107, 218n

  Edgeworth, Richard, 172

  Edinburgh: clubs, 6; public transport, 99

  education: of masses, 139; magazines, 156

  Edwards, Annie: Leah: A Woman of Fashion, 186

  Edwinstowe’s Artisans’ Library, 184

  Egan, Pierce, 153, 232; Life in London, 178, 179-80

  Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 219, 252, 264, 270, 272, 274-5, 285

  Eidophusikon, 253 & n, 254-6

  electricity: for jewellery and clothing, 312n; for theatre 299-300

  Eliot, George: Adam Bede, 185, 206

  Eliot, T.S.: The Waste Land, 143n

  Elliot, Obadiah, 72

  Ellis, Sir Henry, 402

  Ellis, John, 34

  Elliston, Robert, 236

  Elssler, Fanny, 298n

  Ely: shops and retailers, 43n

  Ely Pamphlet Club, 170

  Empire Music Hall, Leicester Square, 378

  enclosures: Select Committee on Public Walks (1883), 436; common land reduced, 436-7; General Enclosure Acts (1836), 437; (1845), 437; recreation and open space, 436-7; opening of Epping Forest to the public, 437; public parks, 437

  Engels, Friedrich, 105n; see also Marx, Karl

  Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, 161-2

  engravings see prints and print-sellers

  Entr’acte ( journal), 376

  Epsom racecourse, 435

  Era (weekly), 154, 376

  Erard, Pierre (piano manufacturer), 20

  Evangelical Magazine, 274

  evangelicalism: rise of, 6, 138-9; and education, 156; on theatre, 274; and decline of concerts, 354

  Evans, D.H. (London store), 121, 497

  Everett-Green, Constance, 457

  Evill, John (of Bath), 85

  Ewart, William, 401

  Exchange Coffee House, Manchester, 126

  Exchange and Mart (magazine), 161

  excursions and excursion travel, 225-9

  Exeter Change, Strand (London), 107-8, 255-6, 275

  extravaganzas (theatrical), 308-9, 312

  Factory Act (1833), 138, 208

  Factory and Workshops Act (1867), 210

  Fairbairn, Thomas, 407

  Fairbairn, William, 408

  fairies: in the arts, 306n

  fairs, 76, 207-9, 282-4, 294

  Farington, Joseph: Views of the Lakes, 221

  Farmer and Rogers (London shawl warehouse), 115

  fashion: and supply and demand, 26; affordability, 87; magazines, 159-62; for holiday wear, 244-5; see also clothes

  Father Christmas, 475-6, 478-9, 490-1

  Felkin, William: The Exhibition in 1851, 14

  Fenwick (Newcastle store), 106, 497

  Festival of the Golden Rump, The (play), 292n

  festivals, 208, 470

  Field, Henry Ibbot, 365

  Field (magazine), 152

  Fielding, Copley: The Mull of Galloway (painting), 410

  Fielding, Henry, 293; Amelia, 184n

  Fieschi, Joseph, 257 & n

  fireworks displays, 279, 350, 368

  Fitzgerald, Percy, 323, 377

  Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 399

  Flatow, Louis, 413

  Flaxman, John, 265, 383

  Flying Post (newspaper), 128

  Folkard (grocer and tea-dealer), 17

  food: for lower classes, 79; riots, 79; see also clubs (benefit), grocers, multiple stores

  football: books on, 205; origins, 438-41; clubs, 440-51; rules, 441-2; organization, 443-4; professionalization, 444-6; attendance, 449-50; club financing, 450-2; clothes, 458; improved equipment, 463-4; outfitting, 465; see also individual clubs Football Association: formed, 442-3, 446-7

  Football Field and Sports Telegram, 155

  Football League: formed, 448

  Foote, Samuel, 293; The Quadrupeds, 316

  footwear see shoes and boots

  Forget Me Not (annual), 489

  Fougt, Henry, 356-7

  Foundling Hospital, London, 344, 382, 398

  Fourdrinier machines (paper-making), 148

  Fox, Charles James, 379

  France: daily newspapers, 124; paper manufacture in, 148; excursions to, 227

  Franklin, Benjamin, 156

  Franklin, Sir John, 261n

  Fraser’s Magazine, 140

  Frederick, Prince of Wales: death, 351

  Free Society of Artists, 383

  Freeling, Francis, 144

  French Revolution: and demand for necessities, 55-6; and atheism, 138-9

  friendly societies see clubs (benefit)

  Friendly Societies Act (1793), 31

  Frith, William Powell: Derby Day (painting), 324, 413; Life at the Seaside (Ramsgate Sands (painting)), 413; The Railway Station (painting), 324, 413

  Fuller, Francis, 8

  furniture: wooden, 23

  Furnivall, Frederick, 31n

  Fuseli, Henry, 390

  Gaiety Theatre, London, 340

  Gainsborough, Thomas, 382, 384, 390, 393

  Gallery of Illustration, Regent Street, London, 275

  Gamage’s department store, 488, 491

  Gambart, Ernest, 411-13

  gambling see betting

  Garraway’s Coffee House, London, 56

  Garrick, David, 237-40, 302, 327, 379

  gas lighting, 301

  Gaskell, Peter: Artisans and Machinery, 419

  Gastineau, Benjamin, 251

  Gastrell, Revd Francis, 236-7

  Gay, John: The Beggar’s Opera, 348

  General Enclosure Acts (1836) and (1845) see enclosures

  General Evening Post, 130

  General Stud Book, The, 426-7

  Gentleman, Francis: The Stratford Jubilee, 240

  Gentleman’s Magazine, 353, 469

  Gentlewoman (magazine), 162

  George I, King: court, 347

  George II, King, 349

  George III, King: bathes at Weymouth, 230; awards pension to Handel, 233n; takes waters at Cheltenham, 235; supports Concert of Antient Music, 345; celebrated in music, 351; as art patron, 383, 385, 393

  George IV, King (earlier Prince of Wales and Regent): death, 145; in Bath, 233

  Géricault, Théodore: The Raft of the Medusa (painting), 268

  Germany: piano manufacture, 364

  Gibbon, Edward, xvi, 379

  Gilbert, Davies: Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern, 473-4

  Gilbert, W.S.: 299, 302; ‘Bab Ballads’, 457; Iolanthe (with Sullivan), 300, 306n, 312; The Mikado (with Sullivan), 116; Patience (with Sullivan), 11, 116; Utopia (Limited) (with Sullivan), 339

  Gilpin, Revd William: Essay on Prints, 216-17, 223, 388

  Gissing, George: ‘A Daughter of the Lodge’, 458

  Gladstone, William Ewart: and National Gallery purchases, 403

  Glasgow: clubs, 6; public transport, 99; shops, 106

  Glasgow Evening Times, 155

  glass: for shop windows, 100-1

  Glovers (Southampton store), 110

ey, Sir Dan, 250

  Godwin, William: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, 167

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Sorrows of Young Werther, 220n

  Goldberg, Cornelius, 58

  Goldsmith, Oliver: death, 135; in Johnson’s club, 379; on Reynolds, 384; Goody-Two Shoes (attrib.), 133; The Vicar of Wakefield, 184n, 353, 409

  Gomersal, Edward, 319

  Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de, 4

  Goodwood racecourse, 435

  Goupil (French art dealer), 412

  Gower, George Granville-Leveson- Gower, Earl (later 1st Duke of Sutherland), 392

  Graham, Dr James, 135-6

  Graham, Mrs (balloonist), 281

  Grand Tour: and art appreciation, 380

  Gravesend, 242

  Gray, Thomas, 203

  Great Exhibition (1851): planning and organisation, 3-4, 6-9, 11-12, 21-2; aims and contents (exhibits), 12-21, 23, 27; subscribers, 12; popular appeal, 16-17, 259; souvenirs and mementoes, 17-18; lack of prices, 27; entrance prices, 28-9; working-class visitors, 28-30, 33-7, 40-1; accommodation and lodgings for visitors, 34-5; temperance and, 34 & n; books, guides and associated amusements, 37-40; construction of, 37; attendance figures, 40, 259; advertises travel guides, 223; Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, 21; Popular Guide, 29; see also Crystal Palace

  Greeley, Horace, 14-15, 25

  Greenaway, Kate, 487

  Greenburg, C. (tailor), 96-7

  Greenwich: as zero meridian, 195n

  Greenwood and Batley (engineers), 90

  Greiner, George Frederick, 20

  Grenada, 54 & n

  Grieve family, 310

  Grimaldi, Joseph, 305-6, 310

  Grimm brothers, 306n

  grocers: sell tea, 58; trade, 78-9

  Grocers’ Weekly Circular and Price List, 78

  Grosvenor Gallery, London, 116n, 414

  guidebooks, 200, 202-4, 223

  Gye, Frederick, 60

  Halifax, Charles Montague, 3rd Earl of, 381

  Hallam, John, Dean of Bristol, 172

  Hallé, Sir Charles E., 116n, 369, 372, 471

  Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 136

  Hamilton, Sir William, 65 & n, 136, 397

  Hampstead: tea gardens, 281

  Hampton Court, 259

  Ham’s Muslin and Linen Warehouse, Strand (London), 85

  Handel, George Frederick, 277, 343-6, 352; Messiah, 344-5, 347, 358, 365; Music for the Royal Fireworks, 350

  Hanover Square Concert Rooms, London, 348

  Hanway, Jonas, 57

  harlequinade: and pantomime, 306-8

  harpsicords, 354-6, 360

  Harris, Augustus, 312

  Harrison, James, 358

  Harris’s of Whitechapel, 97n

  Harrod’s (London store): Gent’s Club Room, 112n; window displays, 119; opening hours, 210; opening date, 496

  Harrop, Sarah, 347

  Harvey Nichols (London store): advertising, 97, 496


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