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Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain

Page 76

by Judith Flanders

  Hastings, Warren, 130

  hats: exhibited at Great Exhibition, 19n; straw, 49n

  Haussman, Baron Georges Euge`ne, 109

  hawkers and pedlars, 76-7

  Hawkesworth, John, 198

  Hawkins, John, 379

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 487

  Haydn, Joseph, 349

  Haydock Park racecourse, 435

  Hayman, Francis, 277, 380, 383n

  Haymarket Theatre, London, 293

  Hayward, Ben: All Else of No Avail, 458

  Hazlitt, William, 142, 398n

  Heal, John Harris, 105n

  Heal and Sons (London furniture shop): advertising, 97; furnishings, 115; opening date, 496

  Herapath’s Railway and Commercial Journal, 33-4

  Herne Bay, Kent, 247

  Herschel, William, 233, 346

  Heywood, Benjamin, 479

  Highflyer (racehorse), 427

  Highways Acts (1555, 1835), 70

  Hildyard, John (York bookseller), 54

  Hill, John, 133 & n

  Hill, Rowland, 9, 134n, 152, 229; see also Post Office

  Hingston, E.P.: Amy: or, Love and Madness, 175

  hippodramas, 264, 315-22

  Historical Record of all Horse matches Run, An, 151

  ‘History of the Gentle Craft’, 164

  Hoe printing press, 150

  Hoffmann, Professor: Tips for Tricyclists, 462

  Hogarth, Mary and Ann, 85

  Hogarth, William: Soane collects, 265; Tyers commissions paintings for Vauxhall, 277; Cibber dedicates The Harlot’s Progress to, 323; exhibits works at home, 379-80; gives portrait of Coram to support Foundling Hospital, 382; social background, 384; prints, 389; exhibition of works at British Institution, 393

  Holiday Extension Act (1875), 470

  holidays, 140, 208-10, 470, 498-500

  Hollar, Wenceslaus, 262

  Holley, Ernest Terah, 455

  Hollingshead, John, 301

  Holt, Mrs: Italian Warehouse (London grocer), 49

  Home, Mrs (Warwick Castle housekeeper), 213n

  Home Notes (magazine), 162, 163

  Hook, James, 351

  Hoppner, John, 390

  Horne, Thomas and Susan, 51

  horseracing: reported, 151; books on, 204; at Leamington, 236; as betting sport, 421, 432; development, 421-3, 425-6, 429-31, 433; regulated, 424-5, 428; and stud books, 426-7; and breeding, 427; classic races, 429; associated entertainments, 431; newspapers, 432; results telegraphed, 432-3; admission charges, 433; course enclosure and grandstands, 433-4, 436; financial successes, 435-6

  Horsley, J.C., 485

  hotels: railway, 227-8

  Houghton Hall, Norfolk, 214

  Houlding, John, 449-51

  household possessions, 24, 26

  Howe, Elias, Jr, 90

  Howell, Charles Augustus, 414-15

  Hudson, George (‘the Railway King’), 34

  Hughes, Thomas: Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 459

  Humble, John, 448

  Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 256, 355, 365

  Humphry, Ozias, 214

  Hunt, Leigh: A Book for a Corner, 194

  Hunt, Richard, 21

  Hunt, William Holman: Stephens writes on, 414; The Awakening Conscience (painting), 407; The Light of the World (painting), 413

  Hunter, John, 135

  hunts and hunting, 236

  Hutton, William, 395

  Ibbetson, Julius Caesar, 390

  Ibsen, Henrik: The Pillars of the Community, 340n

  Illustrated Exhibitor, The ( journal for Great Exhibition), 37

  Illustrated London News: on Great Exhibition, 21; piano advertisement, 26; on working class at Great Exhibition, 29, 40; price, 37n; beginnings, 157; advertisements for holiday clothing, 244; advertises shows, 286; notice for W.H. Smith advertisements, 290; on Christmas trees, 471; illustrates Sir Christmas, 475; on Greenwich workhouse at Christmas, 477

  Illustrated News of the World, 157

  Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 457-8

  incomes and earnings: eighteenthcentury, 54, 167; teachers’, 167; journeyman’s, 215; early nineteenthcentury, 398n

  Incorporated Society of Artists see Society of Artists of Great Britain

  Industrial Revolution: beginnings, xvxvi; and increase in retailing, 44

  International Football Association Board, 443

  Ionides, Constantine, 414

  Ireland, Ann (of Leicester), 173

  Irving, Sir Henry, 312

  Irving, Washington, 241

  Italian Opera, Haymarket, 303n

  Jackson’s Habit-Warehouse, 49

  James II, King, 231

  James, Dr Robert, 135

  Jenkins, William and Son (piano manufacturers), 21

  Jenner, Edward, 135

  Jerrold, Douglas: The Rent Day, 324, 330

  Jews: tailoring in Leeds, 89n

  Jockey Club: formed (1752), 425; facilities, 428; and social exclusivity, 430-1

  John Bull (newspaper), 141-2

  Johnson, Samuel, xv, 42, 216, 223, 379, 384, 390

  Johnstone’s London Commercial Guide, 105

  Jolly, James, 232

  Jolly’s (Bath store), 111, 496

  Jones’s Druggist and Tea Dealer, Birmingham, 58

  Journal of Design, 10

  Jullien, Louis, 367-8

  Juvenile Forget Me Not, The (annual), 489

  Katterfelto, Dr Gustavus, 269

  Kauffmann, Angelica, 380, 383n, 390

  Kean, Charles, 303, 305, 310, 325-6, 333, 335

  Kean, Edmund, 255

  Keepsake (annual), 489

  Kemble, Charles, 310

  Kemble, John Philip, 315-16

  Kempton Park racecourse, 433

  Kendal, Thomas and James Milne, 108, 110, 114, 496

  Kilvert, Revd Francis, 229

  King, William, 80

  King’s Theatre, Haymarket, 295; opera, 347-8

  Kingsley, Charles: on workers’ relief from industrialization, 400; on good health, 453; The Water Babies, 306n; Yeast, 140

  Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, 72

  Kirwan, Daniel, 87

  Kitchiner, Dr William: The Traveller’s Oracle, 223-4

  Klenze, Baron von, 402

  Knight, Richard Payne, 381

  Knight’s Excursion Companion, 203

  Koenig and Bauer printing press, 150

  Lackington Allen & Co. (booksellers), 51

  Lackington, James, 53, 164, 169, 185

  Lady (magazine), 161, 339, 482, 487

  Lady’s Magazine, 159

  Lady’s Monthly Museum (magazine), 159

  Lake District: guidebooks to, 203; discovered by visitors, 215, 217-18; books and views of, 220-1

  Lamb, Charles, 273

  Landon, Letitia E., 398n

  Landor, Walter Savage, 172 landscape, 216; see also Gilpin, William; picturesque

  Landseer, Sir Edwin, 414

  Landseer, John, 399

  Lane, William, 174

  Lang, Andrew: fairy books, 306n

  la Roche, Sophie von, 101, 130

  Larpent, Anna, 55

  Lawrence, Thomas, 393

  Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 29, 325; Nineveh and its Remains, 198, 325

  Leamington, 235-6

  lectures: popular, 269-70

  Leeds: as centre of men’s clothing industry, 89, 91; shops, 106; theatre, 305; concert-going, 372; art exhibitions, 406

  Leeds Mercury, 48, 59, 134

  Legros, Alphonse, 414

  Leicester, Sir John, 406

  Leighton, Sir Frederic, 386n

  leisure: popular development, xvi-xvii, 206; see also recreation

  Lever, Charles, 181, 193, 229

  Lewes, George Henry, 184, 326, 334

  Lewis, David, 112-13

  Leybourne, George (‘Champagne Charlie’), 377

  Liberty, Arthur, 115, 117, 210

  Liberty’s (store): franchise in Beale’s of Bournemouth, 111; style an
d stock, 115-17; opening hours, 210; opening date, 497

  libraries: club and proprietory, 169-71; subscription and circulating, 171-4, 184-5; in schools, 183-4; see also individual cities and towns

  Licensing Acts (1662), 123, 165; (1695), 292; (1737), 292-3, 424

  lifts and escalators: in department stores, 111

  Lillywhite, Frederick: Guide to Cricketers, 204, 442

  Lillywhite, James, and store, 204n

  Lillywhite, John: and rules of football, 442; Cricketer’s Companion, 204

  limelight, 310-12

  Lincoln: shops, 97

  Lindsay, Sir Coutts, 414

  Lingfield Park racecourse, 433

  Linley, Elizabeth (later Mrs Sheridan), 233

  Linley, Thomas, 233

  Linotype machine, 149

  Lipton, Sir Thomas: multiple store, 83-4

  literacy: increase in, 137-9

  Literary Souvenir (annual), 489 lithography, 357

  Liverpool: public transport, 99; shops, 105, 112-13; prosperity, 112; theatres, 296; Philharmonic Hall, 368; concerts, 372; Philharmonic Society, 372; art exhibitions, 405n

  Liverpool Chronicle, 67

  Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 144-5, 194, 225, 430

  Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, 400

  Lloyd, Edward, 174-5

  Lloyd, Sampson, 74-5

  Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Baron, 377n

  Lloyd’s Coffee House, 5n

  Lloyd’s Penny Sunday Times and People’s Police Gazette, 142

  Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper, 140-2, 155, 162, 174

  Locke, James, 221

  Locke, William, 380

  Locomotive Highways Act (1896), 457

  Loftie, Revd William: A Plea for Art in the House, 26

  London: entertainments, 38-9; public transport, 98-100; size and population, 98; shopping districts, 104-5; daily newspapers, 140; tourist attractions, 219, 258-60; spas, 280-1; theatre expansion in, 300-1; musical life, 348-9; saloon theatres, 374; public parks, 437

  London and Blackwall Railway, 191

  London Conductor (guide), 242

  London Courier, 126

  London Library Society, 172

  London Magazine, 217

  London Museum, Piccadilly, 219, 264

  Longman and Broderip (music publishers), 355, 357, 359

  Longman’s (publishers), 191

  Longton Hall pottery, 62

  Lord Chamberlain: and licensing of plays and theatres, 292, 296

  Lord of Misrule, 469, 481

  Louis Philippe, King of the French, 257n

  Loutherbourg, Philippe de: Eidophusikon, 253-6; stage spectacles, 310, 322

  Lovell, Robert, 172

  Lowe, Thomas, 353

  Luddenden Library, Yorkshire, 170

  Lunar Society, 74n

  luxuries: and necessities, 55-6; taxation on, 56

  Lyceum theatre, London, 298

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer-, Baron: sells copyrights to Routledge, 192; Pelham, 189

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron: History of England, 185n, 193

  MacGregor, William, 448

  Macintosh, Charles & Co., 91

  Macklin, Charles, 293-4

  Macklin, Thomas, 391

  McLean, Charles, 15

  Macpherson, James (Ossian), 218-19

  Macready, William Charles, 310, 312, 316

  Madam de la Nash’s Breakfasting Room (puppet show), 293

  Maelzel, Johann, 265

  Magazine of Art, 416

  magazines and periodicals: proliferation, 155; illustrated, 156-7; family, 157, 159; self-improvement, 157; women’s, 159-63; advertisements, 162; see also individual titles

  magic lanterns: in theatres, 310-12

  Magnet (theatrical journal), 376

  mail-order: eighteenth-century, 48

  Male, George, 314n

  Man, Isle of: music in, 250

  Manby Smith, Charles, 101-2, 472, 480, 488

  Manchester: shops, 42-3, 76, 105, 110; size, 98; omnibuses in, 99; concertgoing, 368-9, 372; Free Trade Hall, 368; Art Treasures Exhibition (1857), 369, 408-9; cultural and artistic life, 406-7; horseracing, 424

  Manchester Athenaeum, 32

  Manchester Coffee and Newsroom, 127

  Manchester Guardian newspaper, 146; sports reporting, 154

  Manchester Mechanics’ Institute, 32; Christmas celebrations, 478-9

  Manchester Post Office Directory, 92

  Manchester United football club, 448, 451-2

  Manns, August, 368

  Maple’s (London furniture shop), 105n, 121, 496

  Mapleson, J.H., 367

  Margate, Kent, 242, 245, 247

  markets, 75-6

  Marshall Field (Chicago store), 117-19

  Marshall and Snelgrove (London store), 114; branches, 232; opening date, 496

  Marshall, William, 191

  Marten, Maria, 181n, 285

  Martin, Henri: Hyder Ali, 317, 324

  Martin, John, 325

  Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels: The German Ideology, 55n

  Mary of Modena, Queen of James II, 231

  Marylebone Gardens, London, 280, 350-3

  Masonic lodges, 5-6

  mass market: development, 36, 53-4

  Massey stores, 84n

  Mathews, Charles, 261

  Maybrick, Michael: ‘Holy City’ (song), 365; ‘Nancy Lee’ (song), 365

  Mayhew, Henry: on crinoline, 19; on fear of mob, 28; on street sellers, 77; and shows of murders, 285; 1851: or, The Adventures of Mr and Mrs Sandboy and Family, 22-3, 36

  Mechanics’ Institutes, 30-3, 139, 184

  Mechanic’s Magazine, 156

  medicines: advertised, 134-6; see also patent medicines

  melodrama, 315n, 316, 330-4

  menagerie: in Exeter Change (London), 108; see also Royal Zoological Society

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 242, 473

  Menken, Adah Isaacs, 321-2

  Merchant Shipping Act (1876), 244n

  Mercurius Politicus ( journal), 56

  Methodism: rise of, 6; and education, 139; and football playing, 439; see also Dissenters

  Metropolitan Railway (London), 100

  Mexborough, John Savile, 1st Earl of, 293

  Michelin, Edouard, 455

  middle classes: earnings, 85 & n; patronize department stores, 110; sports, 452-3; and family gatherings, 474

  Middlesbrough football club, 447

  Middlesex Chronicle, 150

  Midland Sporting News, 154

  Millais, Sir John Everett: Bubbles (painting), 418

  Milne, James, 108

  Milner, Henry, 319; Lucius Catiline, 329

  Minerva Press, 174

  Mississippi River: panorama, 273-4 mistletoe, 473

  Mitchell’s Library, 187

  Molsom and Son’s Piano-Forte Saloon, Bath, 364

  Moncrieff, William Thomas, 179, 268n, 330, 332

  Mondays: as unofficial day off (‘St Monday’), 208, 210, 225

  Monthly Magazine, 126, 171

  Moore, Thomas, 199n

  More, Hannah, 137-8

  Morgan’s Coffee House, Bath, 127

  Morley, Henry, 339; The Journal of a London Playgoer, 338

  Morning Post, 132, 147

  Morton, Charles, 375, 412

  Moses, Eleazer (later Elias), 94

  Moses, Isaac, 94

  Moses and Son (Moses’s Wholesale Clothing Warehouse), 94-5

  Moss, Edward, 377

  Mother Goose (pantomime), 307

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 346

  Mudie, Charles Edward, 184, 191

  Mudie’s Circulating Library, 184-7

  multiple stores: beginnings 83-4

  Munday, Messrs, 11-12

  Murray, John (publisher), 192, 199-200

  Murray’s Family Library (publisher’s series), 188

  museums: purpose, 399, 404; see also individual museums and galleries

  music: at seaside resorts, 249-50; club
s, 344-5; festivals, 344, 347; sheet (printed), 344-5, 354, 356-9, 365; amateur performers, 346-7, 356, 358; professionalization, 346-7, 365, 372, 376; publication, 353; popular and working class, 372-4; see also concerts; music halls opera; pianos

  Music Hall Provident Society, 376

  music halls, 297, 372-8; see also individual cities

  Musical Antiquity Society, 474

  musical instruments, 354

  Musical Society, 343

  Musical Times (magazine), 365

  Myra’s Journal, 163

  Napier, Jo., milliner and tea dealer, Thirsk, 58

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: represented in shows and exhibitions, 263-6, 278, 319; and Auguste Vestris, 298n

  Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 415

  National Cyclists Union, 456-7

  National Gallery: opening hours, 211; founded, 400-1; management, 402-3; attendance, 403

  National Gallery of Practical Science (Adelaide Gallery), 270-1

  National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church of England, 139

  nature: appreciation of, 216

  navvies, 29 & n

  Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount, 136; burial in St Paul’s, 258

  Nesbit, E.: Five Children and It, 458

  Netherlands (Holland): coffee consumption, 56n

  New Bath Guide, 133

  New Brighton, Cheshire, 250

  New Musical Magazine, 358

  New Place, Stratford on Avon, 236

  New Prose Bath Guide, 234

  New Satirist (newspaper), 142

  New Strand Subscription Theatre, London, 298

  New York Tribune, 14

  Newberry, John, 133, 135

  Newbury racecourse, 434

  Newcastle-upon-Tyne: shops, 105-6, 110

  Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 154

  Newcastle Journal, 106

  Newmarket: horseracing, 421, 424, 430-1, 435

  Newport, Shropshire: general store, 47

  News of the World, 140, 142, 155

  Newspaper Press Directory, 163

  newspapers: readership, 85n, 126; beginnings, 123-5; prices, 125, 142-3; taxed, 125; distribution and delivery, 127-9, 144-6; advertisements, 130, 132-8, 150; contents, 130-2, 141, 150-1; parliamentary reporting in, 130; circulations, 137, 140, 147; popular, 140-2; fictional contributions, 143-4; tax abolished, 146, 150; and paper manufacture, 147-8; mechanized typecasting, 148-9; proliferation, 150; sports reporting, 151-5; see also individual titles

  Nicholson, William, 418

  Noble, Francis, 173

  Nollekens, Joseph: The Conversation Piece (painting), 354

  Norfolk, Henry Charles Howard, 13th Duke of, 437

  Northampton: Masonic lodge, 6

  Northampton Mercury, 124, 130

  Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount, 121

  Norwich: clubs and societies, 5; theatre in, 294


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