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RECKLESS (Nash's Story) (RECKLESS series Book 2)

Page 9

by Ella Col

  “I don’t know. He was in here with Summer. Next thing I know, she is busting through the bathroom door covered in vomit. I found him on the floor like this.”


  I knew he couldn’t handle all that liquor. I should have stopped him. I smack Caydon’s face trying to wake him. “Cay! Cay! Wake the fuck up!” Nothing.

  I try a couple more times. Finally, Caydon makes a slurred moaning sound. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Reece, we’ve got to get him home. I can’t drive him. I have my bike.”

  “I have my car. I will drive him. Help me get him to my car. Then you can meet me at his place.”

  “Okay.” I hate to dump this on Reece. I plan to stay with Caydon and Reece until he’s sober. It’s the least I can do.

  Goddamn, Reece seems nervous. I can feel the intensity of her worries seeping from her pores. “Reece? You okay?”

  Her eyes are clouded over. She definitely is fighting some kind of demon in her head. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she lies. “Where does Caydon live?”

  “He lives in the apartments by Shorty’s shop. I will meet you there.” I promise her.

  “Okay,” she agrees. “Hey, Nash?”


  “Thank you for helping me.”

  “Yep.” If she only knew how much I want to right the wrong.

  Some say my friendship with Caydon is tortured, twisted, and destructive. Although our relationship has baggage, I still will always worry about Caydon’s wellbeing. Despite the harshness of our actions, we were good friends once.

  When our friendship ended, I felt like a part of me had died. From that point forward, my life was never the same. Of course, there are some positives that came from losing the friendship. If I hadn’t lost my friendship with Caydon, I would have never discovered boxing. Boxing is as equally important to me as Caydon is. And I won’t lose him to something as stupid as drinking too much.


  I drive around for what seems like hours. It’s only been about forty-five minutes. My bike continues to circle Caydon’s apartment looking for any sign of Reece. However, she never appears.

  I begin to worry that something happened to Caydon. Maybe she had to rush him to the hospital. Needless to say, I consistently glance to my phone waiting for it to ring or buzz. It doesn’t.

  Determined to find Reece and Caydon, I decide to drive by her house. The twenty-minute ride to her house is excruciating. It’s not knowing what is happening that is driving me mad. As I pull up Reece’s street, I see her car. The rush from my sense of relief is strong. Once I find out if Caydon is okay, I’m going to throttle both of them.

  The last thing I want to do is wake Mark. Instead of pulling into the driveway, I park two houses down and walk the rest of the way. When I reach the front door, I can’t bring myself to ring the doorbell. I jump into the side bushes in front of a bay window to see if I can peer inside.

  At first, I see nothing. Then I see everything…the moment I’ve been working toward. Caydon pulls Reece onto his chest and kisses her. She doesn’t pull away.

  “Good girl,” I whisper to myself.

  I step away from the window and bushes, hoping no one saw me peeking into the window. The last thing I need is for someone to call the police to report a peeping Tom.

  I feel lighter as I make my way home. Throwing Reece and Caydon into each other’s paths was pretty simple. However, when you get involved with something like that, the outcome is always unpredictable. It is a chance I am willing to take. The question is what comes next?



  “Hey. I’m sorry if you are in the middle of dinner or something. I just was worried about you last night when I didn’t see you or Caydon at his place.”

  Reece appears to be upset. “Sorry about that. I couldn’t find his place so I brought him back here. How did you know where I lived?”

  How do I explain everything? I have to start with baby steps.

  “You don’t remember me do you?”

  “Should I?”

  “Man, it’s amazing what eleven years does to someone’s memory. But I never forgot you.” I laugh.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “Reece, we went to school together. Seriously, you don’t remember any of us, do you?”

  She’s thinking long and hard. “Some people look familiar. I just don’t remember when and where I’ve met them. But I think I’d remember your name. It’s not like your name is Joe or Bob.”

  “It’s my last name. My first name is Kevin. No one has called me by my first name since middle school.”

  It’s all clicking. I can see her making the connection in her head. “The little blond girl?”


  “She was a bitch.”

  “She still can be. What happened to you? Where’d you go?” I play dumb.

  “I moved to Florida with my mom. It’s not like I had a life here.”

  I agree with her. If she had stayed, Hannah would have never given her a day of peace. “Reece, I said some things about you to Caydon that I want you to hear from me…unless he has already told you.”

  She shakes her head. “He hasn’t. But it’s not like we have these heart to heart talks, Nash.”

  “I called you a hood rat and a whore. I said it in the heat of the moment. I wanted to hurt Caydon, not you.” I gave Caydon the fuel to fight for you.

  “Caydon doesn’t care about me, Nash. You could call me whatever you want.” She’s clearly upset.

  I laugh again because it is all so absurd. “Oh, Reece. You couldn’t be more wrong. If you think back hard enough, you’ll get it.”

  “What?” She’s in shock.

  “Don’t you remember?” I bounce back from one leg to the other. “Caydon was there the day that Hannah and her friends pushed you to the ground. He was the one that stopped them.”

  “Uh huh.” Reece is dazed.

  “Reece? Are you okay?”

  Caydon pops from behind Reece and glares at me. There’s that connection again, the tingling, annoying feeling that starts in the pit of my belly. He tears his eyes away reluctantly.

  “In the wrong hood, Nash?” Caydon puts his arm on the doorframe above Reece’s head. Hell, I’m surprised he doesn’t pee on her to mark his territory.

  I must say I am entertained by Caydon’s behavior. The dude is jealous, possessive, paranoid, irrational, and all consumed by achieving his mating rights.

  “Just checking on Reece, Caydon.” I pretend like I couldn’t care less. “I see that you’ve made yourself at home. Having dinner with the family already?”

  “It’s none of your business what I do with Reece. I thought I told you to stay away from her…to not even look at her.”

  “She couldn’t carry your sorry ass. And no one stepped up to the plate to help you out. But I did.” You’d think he’d be a little appreciative. “Yet, here we are again, Caydon, at each other’s throats. Why? Because of a girl? You’re a selfish bastard. First, Hannah. Now, Reece. Is it just that you don’t want me to have either of them?”

  “Hannah’s a free woman. Oh, wait. She’s not. Anyway, do what you want with her. I couldn’t give a fuck.” I couldn’t give a fuck, either. If Caydon wasn’t such a hard ass, he would see through all of this.

  “As much as I love hearing you both fight about Hannah, it’s boring me to death.” Reece presses against Caydon’s chest. “Nash just was checking to make sure we made it home safely.”

  Caydon melts against Reece softening for only a second. “We’re safe. Now, go.”

  “What? No, ‘thank you’?” I press.

  “Thank you, Nash,” Reece answers for Caydon.

  “You got your fucking apology. Get lost, Nash,” Caydon bites.

  “Thank you, Nash. You should go,” Reece interrupts before it gets really ugly.

  “If you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to ask.” I let Reece know that I care. I glance back one more tim
e before getting on my bike.

  Caydon is still seething. I’m not worried. He’s got Reece now. With time, I’m sure he will realize who she really is. When he does, all of this will be put behind us.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A few weeks later…

  Training and working. That’s my life now. It’s nice having a goal and responsibilities. I’m thankful for the opportunity to keep busy.

  On one hand, the most terrible and painful incident that ever happened to me was losing Hannah. On the other hand, it is the very best thing that happened to me.

  I think it is strange that I had to reach a certain point in my life where I found myself standing at a crossroads. But that crossroad led me to something I love and am passionate about. I am helping other people with my talent. There is no greater fulfillment than finding your life purpose and serving little kids who want to be like you. I have this going for me.

  My love life, however, is suffering. If I don’t get my stick wet soon, I may go insane. It doesn’t help that I’ve had the awesome, extraordinary honor of watching Caydon and Reece fall in love with each other.

  Much like that night when I met Mark years ago, I find myself wandering the streets. In the back of my mind, I guess I knew where I’d end up…Caydon’s shop.

  The bell on the shop door jingles. I catch Caydon and Reece in an intimate moment. Reece hurries to cover up as Caydon shelters her.

  “What can I do for you, Nash?” Caydon is annoyed. Hell, I’d be annoyed, too.

  “This is a tattoo shop. I came to get a tattoo.” I slide into the chair making myself comfortable.

  Caydon pauses as he continues dressing himself. “Shorty isn’t here. You’ll have to come back.”

  This is going to be harder than I thought. “You’re on the clock, right?”

  “Did you come here to fuck with me?” Caydon slams his tray up against the counter.

  “Despite what you think, Caydon, I don’t go out of my way to fuck with you. I just want a few words tattooed on my forearm.” I remain calm even though inside I’m nervous as hell.

  “Fine. You have to be some kind of asshole to let me tattoo you. Aren’t you afraid that I might tattoo ‘fuckface’ or ‘dick’ on your arm?” Caydon huffs.

  “Caydon, we both know that you aren’t that kind of guy.” I want him to remember the kind of friendship we had once. If we are going to hash it out, we need to be alone. “Are you sticking around, Reece?”

  “Can I trust you two to be alone?” Hesitantly, she questions both of us.

  Together, Caydon and I answer, “Yes.”

  “I’m leaving. Lucky, for you, I have loads of shit to do. But, know this…if I hear that you fought I will kick both of your asses. Got it?” she threatens. She points her finger in Caydon’ s face. “And, so help me god, if you tattoo something inappropriate on his body, you will have to deal with me.”

  Caydon kisses her and touches the tip of her nose with his finger. “I love you.”

  Reece floats away, leaving Caydon and me alone.

  “She’s a keeper.” I’m being a smartass. “Step out of line and she’ll put you in a headlock.”

  Caydon wipes down his tray preparing for my tattoo. “If you continue to talk about her, I will hold you down and tattoo ‘Motherfucker’ on your forehead.” Caydon throws a piece of paper at me. With a grin on my face, I write the words down and hand the paper back to Caydon.

  “Let me get to work on this. It shouldn’t be too hard to tattoo ‘I’m a pussy’ on your arm.”

  I lie back in my chair with a shit-eating grin on my face. Mostly, I do it because I know it is getting to Caydon. The other reason is I know Caydon had to see the words I want written on my arm. He has to know what the words mean. He used to say these words to me over and over again. It never gets easier. You just get stronger.

  Caydon presses the stencil to my arm and begins working without saying a word. Midway through, Caydon asks me look at it.

  “Looks good, man. You’ve come a long way. I remember when you would do garage tattoos at parties in high school. They were good times.” I try to extend the olive branch.

  “It was a long time ago,” Caydon doesn’t take the bait. “I assume you like this, and I should keep going.”

  I shake my head. “We were friends back then.”

  “Like I said, it was a long time ago.”

  “So, it was easy for you to lose me as a friend? Because it hurt more for me to lose you as a friend than it did for me to lose Hannah to you.” I let it all spew out.

  Caydon throws his gun down on the tray and stands up. His tray spills. “Is that why you came here, man? To remind me of the fucked-up shit we did to each other? Why? Because you see that I’m happy now? We’re fucking even now. You took Reece from me. I took Hannah from you. It’s not my fault Hannah turned out to be a shady whore. If she fucking wanted you, she would have chose you. But she didn’t. The bitch came after me,” Caydon is wild with anger. “And I recall you telling me that I didn’t deserve her. Well, did you ever think that maybe she didn’t deserve me?”

  Hannah doesn’t deserve either one of us. “She didn’t. Deserve you…I mean,” I confess. “Hannah kept me at her beck and call, too, Caydon. She wasn’t just sleeping with you. I know you don’t want to hear that. But it’s true.”

  I had to take the chance. Sure, he can kick my ass for fucking his girlfriend but I want to come clean.

  “You fucked her?” It doesn’t seem to faze him.

  I nod slowly waiting for the information to set in. “For the record, I felt horrible after the act.”

  “Well, I guess she played both of us. It doesn’t matter, I got what I really wanted in the end…Reece.”

  I scratch my chin deep in thought. “Yeah, you did. Not me. I lost Hannah to Griffin or Greg…whatever the fuck his name is. You barely can stand to be in the same room as me. It’s fucking awesome to be me.” I hate being weak and admitting that I’m lost.

  “Do you love Hannah?” Caydon pities me.

  “I thought I did. I mean, it had to be love if I bought all of the shit she sold me, right?”

  “I’m not one you should take advice from about love. I thought I loved Hannah, too. What I have with Reece isn’t even in the same category. So, I doubt I loved Hannah.” Caydon eases himself back in his chair. “I can tell you this…Hannah is only concerned about herself. If she were really concerned about either one of us, she would have left both of us alone. Our friendship would have survived, and she would have gone off to college to marry someone just like her dad.”

  I stare at the floor. No…this is on me. I did this. If I could only go back and stand up to Hannah, none of this would have happened. I’m ashamed of myself.

  “Man, I’m sorry about Hannah. I’m sorry I got involved with her to begin with. I’m sorry I hurt you.” I might as well get everything off my chest.

  “I’m sorry I blamed you for getting me in trouble in elementary school. And I’m sorry that I didn’t thank you for helping Reece when I got so damn drunk on my birthday.”

  I should feel better. There’s just so much weighing on my mind. “Thanks, Cay.”

  “Now, are we done with our little bitch chitchat? I’d like to get this tat done.” Caydon laughs.

  “Well, I thought we could talk about our hair. How do you get yours so shiny?” I’m just fucking with him.

  “You’re a sick fuck.”

  “That…I am,” I snicker.

  Caydon continues putting the finishing touches on my tattoo. “How is boxing going?”

  “How do you know about that?” I ask.

  “Just because we haven’t talked doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s been going on,” he enlightens me. “I noticed the changes, Nash.”

  I smile to myself. Caydon did care all this time. “It’s going well. I’m entering a huge competition next year. I’m hoping it turns into something long term. And I’m working at the gym.”

  “I thought I sa
w you while I was working out with Reece’s dad. You were with a bunch of little kids.”

  “Yeah, Mark is my trainer. He got me the job.”

  Caydon shakes his head. “Maybe you can put in a good word for me. He’s been working my ass off at the gym. I think he likes to punish me for being with Reece.”

  “Well, he’s a tough trainer. He’s doesn’t take any shit.” I laugh. “I can’t imagine what my sessions would look like if I was fucking his daughter.”

  “Of all of the girls I could have ended up with, I choose the girl whose dad could kill me with his bare hands,” Caydon scowls. He rubs the ointment over my piece and applies the plastic wrap.

  “Well…well…well. Caydon finally admits that someone else could take him. You didn’t challenge Mark to a fight?” I’m just fucking with him. No one in his or her right mind would try to take on Mark in the ring.

  “Fuck no. Are you crazy?”

  Caydon and I laugh and catch up just as if we haven’t lost a day of our friendship. I’m so happy that I almost forget about the hole that is in my chest.

  “What’s next, Nash? What are you going to do? Please tell me you’re done with Hannah for good.” Caydon becomes serious.

  “I wouldn’t touch that slutacious snob ever again,” I vow. “I hope she fails every final she takes at school.”

  “Her finals are going to be as easy as she is. If she doesn’t pass, her dad will just pay the school off to pass her.” Caydon has a point.

  “To be honest, I wish I’d never have to see her again,” I admit.

  “Why do you have to see her?”

  “My family is invited to her engagement party. My dad is making me go.” I’d rather be circumcised all over again.

  Caydon smirks, “If I were you, I’d go and make her squirm the entire time you are there. I’d make her think you are going to blow the whistle on her.”

  “That’s a great idea. Maybe I will.” Yeah, that’s going to happen. “What do I owe you for the piece, man?”

  “Nothing. It’s on me.”

  “Thanks, man.” I know Caydon could use the money. That’s how I know that he has forgiven me fully.


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