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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 8

by Magenta Phoenix

  Eyeing the ground with hesitation, Gabriella remained standing. “How long will it take before you can get us out of here?”

  Though she’d never know it; with her simple question she’d demonstrated her willingness to trust him. Even if it was temporary, it pleased both his beast and himself. Masking his reaction to her words, he shrugged his shoulders in response. “Probably tomorrow,”

  Gasping, her eyes widened. “Tomorrow?”

  Taken aback by her look of revulsion, Robert nodded slowly. “It’s too dangerous to have anyone looking for us in these woods at night. It would draw too much attention and serve no purpose but to get us all killed. We’ll sleep here and more than likely help will arrive in the morning.”

  Gabriella felt her heart sink like a stone in her chest. Sleep here—on the cold ground with the dirt and God knew what else? To him it may be no big deal, but for her it was unimaginable. She was not a roughing it type of girl. The closest she ever got to camping was staying in a hotel. But then; what choice did she really have? Pushing the unpleasant thought of sleeping on the ground, she found her attention turning back to Robert.

  He stood beside the tree at the top of the incline with his back to her as he peered down below their location. Stretching his shoulders back, he couldn’t hide the obvious wince of pain that came with the simple movement. Had he hurt his shoulder like she did? From what she could see, he didn’t appear to have any wounds from the crash.

  There were dark stains of blood on his jeans and speared over the skin of his arms and hands, but she could see no wounds on him. He claimed not to work for Malca, but her mind kept going back to what she’d seen earlier. Was it possible that he was enhanced in some way?

  “What are you, Robert Mackenzie?” she whispered absently.

  Turning to face her, his eyes narrowed at her softly uttered question. “What exactly are you asking me, Doctor?”

  Gulping down the lump of fear that settling in her throat, she found enough courage to answer. “I saw you,”

  Raising a mocking brow at her, he scoffed. “You saw me? What the hell is that suppose to mean?”

  “When you freed us from the car after the crash, I saw you. You…changed.”

  At the very least she expected some type of reaction from him; a questioning look, a flash of guilt in his eyes, or even a promise of danger towards her now that she knew the truth. But all she got was a blank look as he held her gaze. Then, moving with slow, calculating steps, he approached her. She quickly stumbled back as he came closer. All the while his emotionless eyes held hers prisoner.

  Stopping dropped his gaze from hers as he rubbed at the back of his neck in frustration. Sighing, his gaze softened some as he looked at her once more. “Does it really matter what I am?”

  Nervously, she nodded. “I think I deserve an answer at least.” She said with a shaking voice.

  “Do you?” Sharply spinning around on his heels he began walking away and back toward the slope of the incline. Stopping, he huffed out a breath before turning to glare at her over his shoulder. “Get some rest. I’ll be back when I can.”

  “You trust me not to run off once you’re gone?”

  “I do.” He said with a confident nod.


  “Because you have survival instincts and curiosity.”

  No longer afraid, she strode toward him. Stopping just a few feet from him she narrowed her eyes at him. “And just what is that supposed to mean?”

  Leaning his back against the tree, he crossed his arms over his wide chest with a smirk. “You know deep down that if you run off now with no money, no transport and no idea where you are with several highly trained enhanced soldiers after you, that you wouldn’t last five seconds. I am the best chance you have at getting out of here alive.”

  As much as she didn’t want to admit it; he was right. Not that she’d give him the satisfaction at admitting it. “And the supposed curiosity?”

  “I know what you saw. How you saw me change. Deep down its killing you not knowing the truth.” He said, tossing her a pointed look before pushing away from the tree.

  “Then tell me and I promise to stay put.” She baited with a knowing smile of her own.

  “Not a chance, Doctor.” His hand reached out, gently touching her chin with a soft caress. “But if you’re here when I get back I might just answer a few questions you have.” His hand fell away from her as he turned away and headed down the slope with hurried steps.

  Gabriella watched him until her eyes could no longer hold sight of him. Her fingers covered her chin where his fingers had been not second earlier. Briefly, she smiled. There was something about her so-called captor that intrigued her and she planned to discover what was so special about him.


  Carefully moving through the quickly fading light, Robert began making his way back to the crash site. When he was satisfied that there was enough space between Gabriella and himself, he stopped. Wasting no time he quickly stripped out of his clothes before tossing each item against the protruding roots of a tree. Stepping back, he allowed the spirit of his bear to over take him. Bones painfully snapped and grew as his body took on his second form. Dark brown fur replaced his rough, sun kissed skin as his hands became claws and his face extended.

  Now in bear form, Robert dropped down onto his four legs; his heavier weight caused the earth to tremble beneath him. He instantly felt at ease as he let go of the restraints of his bear. The last few days he’d felt like he were suffocating in his own human skin and now he could finally breathe. A deep moan slipped from his muzzle as his eyes closed with contentment.

  At the sound of movement ahead of him, his sharp eyes snapped open. His eyes glowed with a soft yellow light, cutting through the shadows. Moving forward, he carefully continued the rest of the way toward the crash site. Drawing near to his destination, he tensed as the familiar putrid and sweet scent floated on the air. His lips pealed back in a snarl as a low growl surfaced. Malca’s soldiers were waiting for him.

  Stopping beneath the trees that stood on the edge of the crash site, he remained still. Quietly he waited, using the shadows around him to shield his massive form. Just ahead was his target. However he wasn’t foolish enough to simply charge forward.

  Wisps of silver moonlight fell over the open area, chasing the shadows from the disfigured car. His sharp eyes narrowed as he surveyed the open area. The air had become quiet and thick with the promise of danger. His eyes moved amongst the shadows, carefully searching for anything that would stop him from approaching his target.

  The nose curling scent of Malca’s soldiers was too close to give him any measure of comfort, but where were they? Chuffing out a heavy breath as he could see no visible threat, Robert took a chance and stepped from beneath the shelter of trees. Each step that he took echoed through the silence around him. Just as he was half way to the twisted metal wreckage, the sharp clicking sound of a weapon caused him to come to a stop.

  Turning toward the sound, he watched as a scowling soldier stepped from the shadows with his weapon raised. Robert curled his lip in an aggressive snarl as he saw the soldier’s hands tighten around his weapon as he took aim. He growled as the soldier took another step further into the clearing. Though no single bullet could kill him in his animal form, he wouldn’t be much use to Gabriella if he was weak from injury.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” A voice hissed from behind the aiming soldier.

  Not breaking eye contact, the soldier replied. “Look for yourself, Commander.”

  The grass rustled with movement as another figure stepped into the silvery moonlight. Robert’s sharp gaze fell on Wyatt as he came up beside the soldier. Wyatt eyed his grizzly form grimly and with disinterest.

  Wyatt scoffed with anger. “It's just a stupid bear!” He hissed out.

  Stupid? Did that scum just call me stupid? Robert’s bear whispered.

  Inwardly chuckling, Robert couldn’t help the amusement he found from his bea
r’s offended pride. At least he didn’t say ‘ugly’. He replied back through their shared thoughts.

  “Lower your weapon.” Wyatt ordered in a hushed voice.

  “It could attack—” The soldier began before Wyatt’s harsh tone cut him off.

  “If it attacks we will let it eat you first, dumb shit! Did you even think about if that meathead and the doctor didn’t know we’re still here, they certainly will when they hear gunshots. I’ll be damned if shooting some curious, dumb animal is going to send me back to Malca empty handed.”

  Scowling, the soldier nodded before lowering his weapon. “Yes, sir.” He mumbled, shaking his head with disgust. Turning his attention away from the grizzly bear, Wyatt turned his hard gaze on the soldier beside him.

  “Sweep around and back up toward the main road again to make sure they didn’t try to head that way. The others will do the same from other points.” Silently the soldier turned and strode away to do as ordered. Before heading in the direction he’d appeared from, Wyatt’s hard gaze fell on Robert’s once more.

  For a second, Robert thought he saw a flicker of recognition in his cold eyes. Could Wyatt know that he was a shifter? According to Doyle; during his time in Malca’s lab, she had known what he was. Could her soldiers know as well? Before he could consider the possibility too long, Wyatt’s lingering gaze fell away before he strode away.

  Robert’s eyes slid closed as he breathed with relief. That was close. Not wasting a moment, he moved toward his initial target. His calculating eyes quickly surveyed the damage as he plotted what to do next. When the car had landed, the trunk had been bent inward. This would make getting at his supplies and Gabriella’s bags nearly impossible.

  A plan quickly formed in his mind. Firstly, he knew was that he couldn’t do anything in his current form, he would need to change back to make his plan work. With a deep inhale, he knew that he was alone for the moment. He had to be quick. Moving without delay, he forced his bear to recede as his bones snapped and shrunk back to normal size. He winced against the pain as he returned to his human form.

  Naked and exposed, he went to work. Shoving his hands between the rippled metal of the trunk, his hands tightly gripped the edges before giving it a savage jerk. His jaw clenched tightly at the loud thundering sound of the bent metal before forced apart. Once it was open enough, with one hand holding the wrenched trunk open, his other hand reached in to jerk out the three bags. Allowing the trunk door to fall back into place, he stumbled back as he called upon his other form for a second time. After shoving his wide head through the long strap of his supply bag, allowing the strap to settle around his neck, he bent down to grip Gabriella’s two smaller bags between his jaws.

  Having what he’d come for, he spun around and took off toward the cover of trees. His powerful legs urged him on as his ears picked up the sound of Malca’s soldiers moving toward the car. Rushing forward he pointed his snout to the dark sky. The luring and calming scent of Gabriella pointed in the right direction and urged his bear forward.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Wincing, Gabriella reluctantly sat down on the packed dirt beneath the rocky roof that hung overhead. Several times in the last hour she’d told herself to ignore everything and make a break for it. But before she got more than a yard from the shelter, she found herself turning back around as Robert’s words rung in her ears.

  He was right. She had no one to call for help, no money, no transportation, and not to mention the team of enhanced soldiers trailing after them. As much as she hated to admit it; her best bet to getting out of this alive was to stick close to Robert—for now.

  However; that wasn’t the only reason that she was willing to stick to him like glue for the moment. After what she’d witnessed—his unexplainable strength, his glowing eyes or the claws, she found her curiosity was stirred. If she was forced to stay by him, she planned to yank any information she could from him to explain what she’d seen.

  Smiling to herself at the new prospect, she ran her free hand through her rumpled hair with a tired sigh. The sound of a twig snapping nearby had her freezing as shuffling footsteps moving through the grass quickly followed. She couldn’t tell if the pain in her chest was her heart pounding or refusing to beat at all. Was it Wyatt? Had he found her?

  Moving slowly, she rose onto her trembling legs and exited the crude shelter. Remaining in the shadows, she searched for some clue that someone was there with her. Though she saw nothing, she couldn’t deny how her chest began to tighten with panic. What should she do? Should she run?

  Attempting to calm her racing heart and trembling hands, she silently assured herself that it was more than likely just an animal. Turning around, Gabriella headed back into the meager shelter. Before she could reach it the sound of heavy footsteps behind her had her jerking to a fearful stop. Holding her breath she remained still, fearing that any movement would give away her position. Without warning a rough hand clamped over her mouth as another wrapped over her free arm and around her waist in a constricting hold. Her scream was muffled by the hand as a hard body pressed against her back, making it all too clear that she was trapped. Struggling to free herself, she fought against the strong embrace that held her with no success. She squeezed her eyes closed as fear took hold of her, coiling around her like a snake. She flinched against the feel of a pair of warm lips that brushed gently against her ear.

  “If I were really one of Malca’s soldiers, you’d be dead right now.” Robert rumbled out against her ear.

  Instantly, her eyes snapped open at the sound of Robert’s voice. Without thinking of the consequences; she bit down on the hand still covering her mouth with a savage force.

  “Ouch! Damn!” Hissing out in pain, Robert yanked his now bleeding hand from Gabriella’s mouth. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Like I would need to tell you, now let go of me, jerk!” She bit out.

  “Keep your voice down.” He whispered harshly against her ear. Letting go of her with a rough jerk, he caused Gabriella to stumble forward. Spinning around, she turned her displeasure on the dark silhouette that she knew to be Robert. “You bit me,” He stated with an accusing tone.

  “Grab me like that again and next time I’ll do something worse.”

  Bending down, he retrieved something off the ground with a smooth motion. Smirking, he stepped into the moonlight. “I look forward to next time then.”

  Rolling her eyes, Gabriella scoffed at his flirting words. “Did your mother drop you as a child?”

  Without replying, Robert shook his head with amusement as he strode past her to their small shelter. Staring after his retreating form, Gabriella’s eyes dropped to see the three bags that he carried. Slung over his shoulder was her laptop bag while his gym bag and her other bag was clutched in his hands.

  Hope exploded in her chest at the welcoming sight of her bags. Part of her had to restrain the urge to snatch her bag from off his shoulders to check the condition of her precious laptop. The moment he left her alone with it, she would be sure to give in to that impulse.

  “Come here.” Robert firmly commanded. Jerking her eyes from her bag that hung by his waist, she took a hesitant step towards him.

  Not waiting for her to take the last step towards him, Robert’s hand snagged her by her wrist before jerking her in front of him. Nodding with satisfaction once she was before him, he immediately jerked the laptop bag from around his neck before tossing it to the ground. Gasping in dismay, Gabriella reclaimed her hand. “Be careful! That bag is very fragile.” She hissed out, gesturing with her hands to the bag at his feet. Ignoring her, he tossed his supply bag down beside it before jerking the zipper open on her second bag. Digging amongst the various items inside, he withdrew a pair of jeans and a black blouse with a frown.

  “Here,” he stated, shoving the items at her with a careless motion. “Put those on and give me the clothes you’re wearing.” When she simply gave him a confused look, he sighed. “Do you need help undressing?”

  “Why do you need my clothes?” She asked warily.

  “I am going to lay a false trail for our friends and I need something of yours to do it, now hop to it.” he said, waving an impatient hand toward her.

  Holding the clothes to her chest, Gabriella took a cautious step backwards from him. “You don’t really expect me to undress in front of you.”

  Closing his eyes briefly, Robert sighed heavily, rubbing a frustrated hand over his face. “What would upset you more; the idea of me seeing you in your underwear or those soldiers catching up with us?”

  Biting down on her bottom lip, Gabriella took a moment to consider his words. As much as it irked her to admit it, he was right—again. This was no time to worry about her modesty. If planting their dirty and bloody clothes far away would keep them hidden for just a while longer, then she could live with that.

  “I suppose there is no point in asking you to turn around, is there?” She mumbled hesitantly.

  Shaking his head in a silent reply, he took a step closer to her. Her eyes widened at his approach and when he came to a stop inches from her. Frozen like a statue, she waited to see what he would do next if she still refused to do as he ordered. Robert had already proven to be a man of actions and few words. Strangely, she found she liked that about him.

  Under her watchful eyes, his hands slowly moved toward her neck like she was a wild creature that would become easily startled. Moving at the back of her neck, his fingers began untying the makeshift sling. Once done, he carefully helped her lower her sprained arm.

  “I’ll tie it back once you’re dressed again.” he whispered, tossing the ripped material over his shoulder.

  When he moved to assist her with the buttons of her ruined blouse, she pulled away from him with a scowl. Taking the hint he allowed his hands to drop as she began the process one handed. Keeping her eyes trained on her feet, she fought against the heat that flooded her face as each button slipped free. She could practically feel the brush of his gaze upon her as the edges of her blouse parted. Undoing the last button, she felt her heart hammer in her chest as the edges of her blouse fell back to reveal her boring, white cotton bra. If her heart began to race any faster she was sure she would be seconds from a heart attack.


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