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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 9

by Magenta Phoenix

  Warm, heavy hands settled on her shoulders suddenly, startling her. Gasping in surprise, her gaze locked on to his as her trembling flesh hungrily soaked up the heat of his hands.

  “Let me help you.” He beseeched roughly.

  Gulping loudly, she jerked her head down as his hands gently gripped the edges of her blouse before sliding it down her arms and back. Carefully pulling the material down her injured arm, he tossed it aside before assisting her with the clean blouse.

  As the soft material covered her shoulders, he stepped away as Gabriella quickly took over the task. Once her upper body was covered to her satisfaction, she quickly shoved her dress slacks down her legs. Stepping out of them, she kicked the crumbled pile of clothing at his feet.

  “There,” she said with embarrassment, refusing to meet his gaze. “You have what you want now.”

  While staring intently at her feet, she prayed that he’d just take the clothes and leave to do whatever he’d intended on doing. Gabriella was startled when his face suddenly appeared in her line of sight as he kneeled at her feet. Even on his knees, Robert was still a mountain of a man with his head nearly level with her chest.

  Keeping his hard gaze locked on hers, Gabriella tensed as his large hand palmed the side of her knee only to slide upward to the back of her thigh. She was forced to grip onto his shoulders as his hand moved back down to the back of her knee and lifted her leg up. Placing her bare foot on his thigh, he kept a restraining hand on her ankle as he turned to the side to lift her discarded jeans.

  “Hold on to me.” He gently said.

  Startled, she mutely watched him as he carefully helped her slide into the last item of clothing. Once both legs were in, he gripped the sides of the waistband between both hands. As he rose to his feet, higher he dragged the stiff material up her legs, over her hips and buttocks until they would go no further. Flustered with the feel of his warm fingers brushing against her skin, she attempted to take over the task of the button and zipper, but Robert wouldn’t be shoved aside.

  Her breaths began coming out in short pants as his hand trailed down the front of her open jeans to the zipper. He then took his time drawing the small metal teeth together to the end. A hot shiver of awareness licked at her inner thighs causing her to tremble at his touch. Once he finished she drew in a shaky breath of relief. She didn’t understand her reaction to him, but some much needed space was certainly needed to maintain her sanity.

  “Thank you.” She mumbled.

  Taking a step back, she was jerked to a stop as a strong hand settled about her waist before she was jerked up against Robert’s hard body. Taking the strip of fabric from off his shoulder, he carefully cradled her arm inside it as he retied the sling around her neck. Once he’d finished, she’d expected him to step away, but he did something entirely different.

  Bending towards her, his hand reached out to cup the side of her face, preventing her from looking away. His eyes searched hers as though inside her eyes held an elusive answer that he could almost grasp. Slowly, his gaze dipped to her lips causing her to nervously lick at them. What was he doing? Her heart pounded in her ears as he lowered his face closer to hers.

  Breathing became a distant memory as his warm lips feathered against her own. Gently their lips met with barely a whisper of a touch. So soft that Gabriella almost thought she’d imagined it was happening at all. Then like a flash of lighting across the sky, it was gone. Robert’s arms fell from her like she was burning him. Quickly, he swiped up her bloodied clothes and turned away from her. He slowed his strides long enough to grab his gym bag before striding through the trees and disappearing into the night.

  Stunned, Gabriella found herself frozen in the same spot he’d left her a moment later. What had just happened?

  * ~ * ~ *

  Flying over the underbrush, Robert fled from his mate like demons of hell were licking at his heels. For several minutes more he simply ran as far as his pounding steps could carry him with no care of where he ended up. All he cared about was getting as far away from Gabriella as he could. Coming to an exhausted stop, he slammed his back against a tree before dropping his gym bag and Gabriella’s clothes to the ground.

  Stabbing his hands through the dark turfs of his hair, a snarl of frustration built within his throat. Squeezing his eyes close, he slammed the back of his head against the tree in an effort to block out the images that came flooding back.

  Raising a hand to his lips, he wiped the back of his hand against his lips. He could still taste her and God help him, he wanted more. She tasted sweeter than all the honey and berries in the world combine. For the first time in his life, he found his undeniable hunger matching his bear’s. He’d had no choice but to flee as he had the second he tasted her—his mate. Within a second, he was struck by a living flame that consumed everything inside him until all he could focus on was her. Even now he could still smell the sweet scent of her womanly scent that only had increased once she’d bared her flesh.

  He groaned in pain as he cock hardened and ached with need at the memory of the soft swell of her breasts and toned limbs. The need to stroke his hands down her thighs and firm buttocks nearly had caused him to tackle her to the bed of grass and dirt beneath their feet. With no other option, he had fled, for her protection and for his own.

  How was he going to survive the night when he knew he’d have to return to her? How would he keep himself from claiming her as his true mate now? This was entirely Doyle and Aria’s fault! Growling loudly in his throat, he kneeled beside his gym bag, unzipping it with enough force to render the zippered unusable. Reaching inside he franticly dug around in the interior until his hand curled around his satellite phone. Once it was powered on, he stabbed at the buttons with restrained anger before pressing it to his ear.

  First thing he intended to do was inform Doyle of the recent changes of events and hopefully arrange new transportation. After that he planned to reap some payback into his brother for putting him in this situation.


  “The answer is still no.” Aria mumbled firmly as she laid back, staring up at the ceiling of their bedroom. Standing in the lit doorway of the connecting bathroom, Doyle tightened his fingers around the doorframe out of necessity. Translation; either strangle his mate or the doorframe.

  “Why?” He practically growled out in frustration. He loved Aria more than anything in this world, but she was seconds away from making him rip his own hair out!

  Rising up on her elbows, she scowled across the room at him. The light from behind him only seemed to highlight the hard muscles along his wide shoulders, thick arms and chest, begging her to lick each hard plane of muscle in sight.

  Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts! She mentally chided herself.

  Jerking her eyes away, she shook her head to clear the tempting sight from her mind. She refused to be swayed on this. He wouldn’t change her mind on this. No way—no how.

  “Because I said no. Deal with it, Yogi” She sniped.

  Stepping further into the room, Doyle smirked down at her as he came to stand beside the bed. Planting his hands on either side of her hips on the mattress, he braced his weight on his arms as he leaned over her. “I can always make you.” He whispered with threat.

  From the dark flicker deep within his eyes, Aria could tell that Doyle wasn’t playing this time. Despite her resolve not to be swayed she felt a shiver of need burn through her. No matter what, she had to remain firm on this.

  “Don’t count on it.” She replied, unconcerned. Slowly his playful smirk widened into that wolfish grin that she knew so well.

  Stay strong, she willed silently.

  “Let’s see about that.”

  Gripping her by her hips, Doyle jerked her to the edge of the bed before pinning her long legs on either side of his hips. Quickly he hands moved to grip her arms and pin them each beside her head as he lowered his weight down on her. The look of feral desire swimming in the depths of his glowing eyes had her womb clenching with ne
ed, despite his underhanded attempt.

  Swooping down, he took possession of her mouth, drawing a groan from her in the process. His lips moved firmly against hers in a dominating dance that she quickly mirrored. When he broke away too soon for her liking, Doyle gasped with desire at the feel of her hips arching up against his straining length. The need for his mate nearly over road his need to see his plan of attack through—nearly.

  “Last chance, Mate.” He warned, his warm breath fanning against her face as he huskily whispered. “What’s your answer?”

  Before she could respond, Aria found herself grinning up at him smugly as his cell phone on the bedside table began to ring. “Saved by the bell,”

  “Don’t count on it.” he rumbled out with warning.

  Releasing her arms, Doyle gave her a pointed look. “Stay just as you are—or else.”

  “Ooh, I’m scared now.” She said mockingly as he moved off her to retrieve his phone.

  Plucking the phone up, he immediately relaxed when he saw Robert’s name flash across the screen. Flipping the phone open he pressed it to his ear. “I expected your call yesterday.” He said with a knowing tone.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, Bro. But we’ve got bigger problems.”

  “What’s wrong?” Doyle asked, concern filling his voice. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Doyle felt Aria move closer behind him, silently listening.

  “It appears you may have left a few things out of that file you gave me. Like for instance; you could have told me that I’d be kidnapping a stubborn, uncooperative female!”

  Doyle couldn’t fight the amusement he felt at his brother’s frustration. “We all have our crosses to bear.”

  “Not funny, Bro. This whole scheme of yours and Aria’s has now gone to hell in a hand basket.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “For one; if Dr. Vega was such a loyal servant of Malca, why have I been dodging bullets for the last two days? Secondly, there’s something else going on here and it may complicate things.”

  “When can you get her here?” Doyle asked with a sigh.

  “That brings me to the first reason I called. We lost our transportation.”

  “What do you mean lost?”

  “I mean a group of Malca’s soldiers forced us off the road not far over the Canadian border and we crashed. They’re tracking us on foot and from what I’ve seen they aren’t interested in retrieving her alive.”

  “This proves what I was telling you. Dr. Vega must know something damaging that would force Malca to order a hit on her.” Aria murmured with a look of worry. Meeting her concerned gaze over his shoulder, Doyle nodded in agreement as his hand squeezed her thigh just below her cotton shorts with reassurance.

  “Are you safe, Robert?”

  With a heavy sigh, Robert replied, “For the night—hopefully. But Malca’s soldiers aren’t the only problem here. She’s beginning to get suspicious.”

  “Suspicious? That’s a given from snatching her the way we had to.”

  “No, not about why I kidnapped her. After the accident, she may have seen me.”

  Cursing, Doyle’s hand squeezed the thin plastic frame of his cell phone. This was the last thing he needed to worry about. Keeping their secret from falling into the hands of outsiders was too important. From the time Malca had tortured him months back, Doyle knew that she was aware of the existence of shifters. But who knew what damage it would cause if others under Malca discovered this. The last thing he needed to worry about was his own kind being hunted like his mate, Aria was.

  “Does she know?”

  “I don’t think so. I think she believes I’m just enhanced like Aria.”

  “Good. Keep her guessing for the moment. Tell me where you are and I’ll come and get you.”

  “No,” Robert quickly denied. “The last thing we need is you bringing Aria within breathing distance of these people. Just send someone from the pack and make it quick. We can hold out till morning, beyond that— it’s a gamble.

  “Alright, I will call the compound and make the arrangements. Call if you need to.”

  “I’ll try not to.” Robert grumbled lowly.

  “Keep your GPS on. Raoul can track your signal and we’ll pick you up at daybreak.”

  “Looking forward to it,”

  Murmuring a goodbye, Doyle flicked the phone closed, effectively ending the call before setting it aside.

  “I don’t understand it.” Aria murmured. “Why would Malca be hunting down her own golden goose?”

  “I don’t know.” Doyle said, rubbing a tired hand down his face. “I’ve got to call the compound tonight. I have to see if Raoul can shed some light on this.”

  Rising to his feet, he crossed to the closed door, gripping the knob; he paused. Turning to look back at his mate, he could see the restlessness that hung around her like a dark cloud. Sensing that something troubling was lurking in her chaotic mind, he returned to stand bedside the bed. Tilting her head back, sending the golden waves of her hair tumbling down her back, Aria gave him a brief smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Reaching out, his hand gently glided through the silky tresses above her ear to cup the side of her face. “What’s wrong? Is it Robert?”

  Smiling, she shook her head in denial. “No, I know he will be fine. He’s too much like you not to come out of this otherwise.”

  Smirking, Doyle took a seat beside her, his heavy arm settling around her waist as she curled against his side. “You mean he’s fearless and strong, and irresistible; just like me.” He said arrogantly.

  Shaking her head, Aria reached up to grip his chin, forcing his head down to hers. “No, I mean he’s stubborn and bullheaded—just like you.” Brushing her lips softly against his, Aria sat up. Her expression changed from carefree to serious in a flash. “If Malca is so desperate that she would but a hit out on one of her own, it means my scheme may have become more complicated.”

  Allowing his arm to drop away, Doyle turned his hips to face her straight on. His brows furrowed with concern. “What do you mean? You said this was the best way to find Malca.” He reminded.

  “And it is. Raoul has gotten nowhere with the disc we found and I refuse to live my life—or you live yours; in hiding or on the run forever. Malca needs to answer for what she has done. But to do that; we need the information that Dr. Vega possesses.”

  Pausing, Aria groaned as she stabbed her hands through her hair. “However; I know Malca. She won’t stop until Dr. Vega is either captured or dead. Plus there’s one thing that could still ruin our scheme to find her.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “There’s a chance that Malca could use Robert and Dr. Vega as a means to locate us.” She admitted reluctantly.

  Stilling at her haunting words, Doyle leaned back. “You mean she could find you here?” At her solemn nod, his gaze flared dangerously. Snatching up her hands, he pulled her close. “I would never let her touch you. I will make sure you are safe.”

  Arching back, Aria scoffed at the man she loved. Even now, he was still adamant about being her knight in shining…whatever. “And how do you plan to do that? By drugging me, sending me off to the compound while you go and get yourself kidnapped again? No, we do this together.”

  When Doyle looked as he would argue, his lips snapped shut instead. Aria knew that Doyle would never agree to her fighting against Malca’s soldiers; he was too over protective for that. It was a trait that she was finding annoyingly endearing.

  Shaking his head slightly, Doyle bent to smooth a kiss along her knuckles before meeting her watchful gaze. “What do you want to do then?”

  “Let’s be prepared for when Robert returns.”

  “Prepared for what?”

  “For anything,”

  Reluctantly, he nodded in agreement. “Very well, we’ll do this your way—for now. But you have to do something for me.”

  Regarding him with a wary look, Aria shifted away until one of her legs dangled over t
he edge of the bed. “What would that be?”

  “You have to give my proposal some serious thought.”

  Distaste flooded her eyes. They were back to this again? Her mind was brought back to their playful argument from earlier that night. When he meant proposal; Doyle hadn’t meant a ring and a wedding. If he had it would have been simpler. No. His proposal from earlier had been whether they should move to the compound permanently.

  The mere idea felt suffocating to Aria. The compound had its perks, she’d admit it, but to her it was a nightmare. She loved the solitude of the cabin. At the compound there were others always watching her—which was the main reason Doyle wanted them there; to protect her.

  Sighing, she moved until she sat astride on Doyle’s lap. Instantly his hands wrapped tightly around her, plastering her against his strong chest. His eyes were watchful as he waited for an answer.

  Brushing her fingers through the long strands of his hair, Aria sighed. “Alright, but—” she said holding up a staying finger at his victorious smile. “—I am only promising to think about it, nothing more.”

  Doyle smiled in agreement. Granted it wasn’t the answer he wanted, but it was a start. Baby steps…he reminded his bear.

  Threading his hands through her golden hair, Doyle tilted her face towards him as he covered her smiling lips with his own in a soft kiss. His lips danced slowly against hers allowing him to savor the taste of his true mate. His bear rumbled with pleasure from deep within as she hands claws at his shoulders with need. Pushing away all thoughts of the dangers that were headed towards them, they lost themselves in each other.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Slouching against the cold dirt wall beneath the overhanging ledge, Robert’s eyes darkened with a scowl as Gabriella moved restless on the pallet he’d made for her. After getting off the phone with Doyle, he felt that his hopes were both lifted and dashed all at once. Rescue would be here in the morning—but how was he to survive the night being so close to Gabriella.


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