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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 24

by Magenta Phoenix

  On the other side of the table, he heard Malca move closer as she pushed a small tool tray beside the table. From what he could see, she didn’t have a tray filled with torture elements, but instead had a long syringe with a thick needle and a glass vial containing some type of bright blue liquid.

  Barely casting him a glance, Malca moved to the head of the table and out of his line of sight. His skin crawled as he felt a heavy metal shift beneath the table. He flinched as two circular bars moved against the side of his neck as a curve bar curled over the top of his head, holding him immobile. Snarling, Robert fought to free himself once more. His claws lengthened beneath the restraining straps, but he was unable to move his hand enough to use them.

  “I don’t care how much you torture me, I will never tell you anything.”

  Moving back to the surgical tray, Malca picked up the syringe and the glass vial with a blank expression. “I do not intend to torture you, Mr. Mackenzie.” Stabbing the needle thought the rubber top of the vial, she began draining the blue liquid into the syringe. “I have no doubt that you didn’t come here alone. This time I plan to be ready.” Setting the now empty vial aside, she held the syringe up with intent.

  “I did come here alone.” he argued.

  “Arianna came for one of your kind before and I have a feeling she will again. Once she does, everything will be put right once again.”

  “I won’t help you capture her.” He snarled out, flashing his lengthened fangs at her, threateningly.

  “In a moment, you won’t have a choice. You should be grateful to serve such a purpose.”

  Attempting to jerk away, Robert was held still by the metal bars as the needle drew closer to his face. Bracing one latex covered hand on his forehead, Robert snarled loudly as the thick needle was shoved through his temple and burning a path in his brain. Fire erupted though is head, causing him to yell out in pain as he jerked beneath his restraints. He fought the darkness that began clouding his vision. As his vision faded, he felt himself slip away until there was nothing.


  Tapping her hand against her thigh, Gabriella felt her impatience nearly explode out of her as they neared Malca’s facility. It had taken all of her willpower not to slam her foot over Doyle’s on the gas pedal to force him to speed. It was taking them too long to reach Robert. God knew what could be happening to him now. As their headlights fell on a familiar sight, Gabriella felt her heart jump with excitement.

  “Stop the car!” She ordered. Before Doyle could do as she said, she was throwing off her seatbelt and jumping out. Running down the road, she ignored the shouts for her to stop as she approached the sight of Eric’s hummer. Not stopping until she reached the driver’s door, she pressed her face against the window. Her heart fell like a stone sinking to the bottom of a river when she saw there was no one. They were too late.

  Stepping back as Doyle, Raoul, Aria and Eric exited the parked SUV, Gabriella shook her head woefully. “He’s not here.”

  Looking past her toward the large facility that loomed up ahead, Aria tilted her chin with indication. “He must have already broken in.” Turning to look at Doyle and then Raoul, Aria moved back to the SUV. “Come on, let’s get in there.” Opening the back door, Aria pulled out a large black gym back that she and Raoul had brought with them.

  Stepping forward with curiosity, Doyle motioned at the bag. “What’s this?”

  “This is our way in.” Unzipping the bag Aria began to pull out items and pass them around. Several of the items where black uniform jackets and hats that Malca’s soldiers wore and fake I.D. badges. Gabriella was the only one that was without a disguise. Looking with curiosity as everyone got a hat, badge, and jacket but her, she spoke up.

  “Where’s mine? If you think I’m just going to sit back while Robert could be in trouble; you’re mistaken.”

  Chuckling, Raoul shook his head as he adjusted the dark cap on his head. “We wouldn’t leave you behind, Dr. Vega. You’re going to be our ticket in.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Shoving her golden braid beneath her cap, Aria shoved her arms into her jacket before explaining. “Picture this; we—”She motioned at everyone except for Gabriella. “—are Malca’s soldiers that have just captured you and brought you back.”

  “Once we get past the main security and into the building it will be up to you two to sniff out Robert. With any luck; he will lead us right to Malca.” Raoul said to Doyle and Eric.

  Quickly arming themselves, everyone piled back into the SUV. Gabriella was shoved in the back by herself. Lying on her side, she held her hands behind her back, giving the illusion that her hands were restrained. As they pulled up the security fence, Gabriella held her breath as Raoul lowered the driver’s side window. Aria sat up front with Raoul as Eric and Doyle sat in the back with their heads lowered.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?” A guard asked as he moved toward the driver’s side window, shining a bright light at them.

  Pulling his fake security badge from around his neck, Raoul held it out the window as the cold looking guard approached. “My team and I are here to transport a prisoner to Dr. Malca.”

  Jerking the badge from Raoul’s hand, the guard held it up the light of his torch as he studied it. “I was given no knowledge of this. I will have to confirm this with Dr. Malca.” The man said with a hard tone.

  Scoffing, Raoul shook his head. “You have no knowledge of it because that was how Malca wanted it to be. You can confirm it later, but it’s very important that we deliver this prisoner soon. Malca is waiting on her and I don’t want to have my neck on the line because I was late.”

  Grimacing, the guard handed Raoul his badge back with a hard nod. “Go ahead. I will call a team to meet you.” Turing toward the ten foot tall gate, he waved his arm in a silent signal. With a blaring noise the gate slid open for their vehicle to pass.

  Moving forward slowly, Raoul glanced over at Aria. “Get ready.”

  Coming up the towering building, Raoul pulled the SUV up in front of the entrance as two guards stepped toward them. Unbuckling her seat belt, Aria exited the passenger side just as the two guards reached her.

  Eyeing their rifles that they held, she shook her head. “Don’t worry about those right now. I need your help.” She stated before leading them around the back. “I need you to secure the prisoner, while I help to get my team inside. Malca’s orders,” Unconcerned the soldiers lowered their weapons to their sides as they nodded with understanding.

  As Aria jerked the back door open, both soldiers moved forward to apprehend the so-called prisoner. Acting fast, Aria struck out as the nearest one, stabbing him in the back of the neck with a high powered taser. At the same time, Gabriella jerked her hands from behind her back with a taser of her own and stabbed under the chin of the second man. Like puppets without strings, both soldiers jerked with the force of the tasers before falling to the ground unconscious.

  “Now, Doyle.” Aria hissed out as Gabriella jumped down out beside the fallen bodies. Moving quick, Doyle and Eric jumped from the vehicle with Raoul following. Both Eric and Doyle secured the limbs of the two men with ropes before dragging them off to the darker side of the parking lot.

  After gathering their weapons, Aria, Raoul, and Gabriella moved toward the steel plated door. Raoul’s fingers flew over the keypad as he typed in the security code that Gabriella had given him. With a low buzzing sound the door became unlocked.

  Pulling the door open, Raoul waited until everyone was inside before entering himself. The steel door slammed behind them with a loud echo. Pulling his gun free from his holster, Raoul motioned ahead of them.

  “Doyle and Eric; it’s your turn now.”

  Without a word, both shifters moved forward, stalking down the brightly lit hall. Behind them Aria and Raoul followed with their weapons at the ready and Gabriella following close behind them.

  Anxious, Gabriella squeezed her hands into balls at her sides as she stayed
close to Raoul and Aria. They moved down the empty corridors, taking several turns before both Doyle and Eric came to a stop. Inhaling deeply, Doyle turned to face a door to his left. Just as the entrance, this door was locked by a key pad. She knew where that door led.

  “What’s in there, Gabriella?” Aria asked, nodding toward the door.

  “The holding cells,” She answered, softly. Shoving past the protective wall that was Aria and Raoul, she moved toward the door. Entering the security code again the door unlocked without a sound. Moving into the room, Aria stopped as the men stepped further into the room, holding her arm out, she gave Gabriella a silent look that told her to stay.

  The room opened up into a wide area with two rows of a large collection of containment cells. The cells were placed along the side walls, facing the center of the room. A few light fixtures above lit the room in a soft light, leaving shadows lingering around them.

  The room was so still and quiet that every step they took echoed off the walls while moving down the center of the room. As Raoul, Doyle, and Eric moved forward in search of Robert, Aria reached behind her back to pull out a spare handgun. Meeting Gabriella’s worried gaze, she shoved the cool metal into her hands.

  Shocked, Gabriella shook her head as she fumbled with the weapon. “I can’t use this.” She hissed out as Aria began to move forward.

  “Course you can, it’s easy. Point and shoot. Just try and only shoot the bad guys.”

  “Trust me when I say you don’t want to give her a gun.” Raoul stated dryly.

  From the far side of the room a dark figure emerged from the shadows. Raoul raised his weapon as Aria moved up alongside him. On either side of them Doyle and Eric stood ready to attack. The figure approached the group, stepping into the soft light with unrushed steps. To their surprise the figure across the room was none other than Robert.

  Filled with happiness, Gabriella stepped forward with her hand outstretched. “Robert!” She gasped. He was alright! She smiled as hope filled her being.

  Scoffing, Doyle shook his head as he approached his brother. “You’ve got a lot to answer for.” Doyle scolded.

  Robert didn’t even flinch. With his head bowed, he stood still as a statue. When the rest moved to approach behind Doyle, Eric stiffened and jerked to a stop. Holding out his hand to block Raoul, Gabriella and Aria from moving, he shook his head.

  “Something’s wrong.” He stated gravely.

  Narrowing her eyes, Gabriella watched as Doyle came within reach of Robert. What was it that Eric saw that the rest of them didn’t? Oblivious to Eric’s warning, Doyle continued to move forward until he reached his brother.

  With his eyes glowing brightly, Robert snarled as Doyle reached him. With his claws extended, he attacked. Slashing at Doyle, he threw his brother back several feet.

  “Doyle!” Aria cried as she rushed to his side. Look down at her mate, her breath caught as she saw that Robert had slashed Doyle across his face, leaving blood flowing down his face. What was going on?

  Shaking his head, Doyle jumped to his feet, looking at his brother with confusion. He winced as the slashed wounds across his face slowly pulled together. Wiping a hand as blood dripped down over his eyes, he growled. Why would Robert attack him?

  “What’s wrong with you? It’s me—your brother!” Doyle exclaimed as he took a step toward Robert.

  “He may be your brother, but he belongs to me now.” A smug voice stated from behind Robert. Aria froze beside Doyle at the soft clicking sound of heels that drew nearer. From the shadows, the willowy frame of Malca came to stand beside Robert, but she wasn’t alone. Standing a few feet back were five enhanced soldiers, with their weapons raised they awaited orders from Malca.

  Gabriella watched in fear as Robert remained standing beside Malca, his chest heaved with heavy breathes and his clawed hands clenched at his sides. When Malca’s cruel gaze fell on her and Raoul, she smirked.

  “I had hoped that you two were gone, but that’s a problem I can rectify soon.” Turning to Aria, Malca’s smile turned joyous. She wouldn’t allow her greatest success to escape for a second time. “Arianna, why do you cause me so much trouble?”

  Raising her weapon toward Malca, Aria’s eyes narrowed as Robert snarled in warning. “What have you done to him?”

  Ignoring her question, Malca stepped around her feral protector without worry. “I’d say I’ve reeducated him. Let’s cease this war between us, Arianna. It’s time for you to come back where you belong.”

  “I would rather shoot myself than take one willing step toward you.” Aria bit out.

  Malca’s smile turned cruel as she shook her head with regret. “That’s not your decision, I’m afraid. I will deal with you later, but first time to rid myself of a traitor.” Instantly, her cold eyes falling on Gabriella as Raoul stepped protectively in front of her.

  Snarling in warning, both Doyle and Eric stepped up beside Aria with fangs bared and claws at the ready.

  “If you want to harm this woman you will have to go through us.” Eric said with a growl rumbling in his chest.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Malca tipped her head toward Eric in indication. “How noble of you, however I will not have to do anything.” Turning to the side, Malca clasped her hands together in front on her chest as her kept her eyes on the tense group. “Robert?” She softly uttered.

  The moment that his name left her lips, Gabriella watched fearfully as Robert’s eyes began to glow with a bright blue, abnormal light. The rebirth serum! She had Robert under her control now. Seeing what was happening, Doyle jerked back as if he’d been struck.

  “Yes, Dr. Malca?” Robert answered in an emotionless voice. His glowing eyes focused straight ahead, unseeing as he was locked in a trance state.

  “I want you to kill everyone in this room except for Arianna. You must protect her at all costs. Is this order understood?”

  Without blinking, he replied. “This order is understood.”

  Turning around, Malca moved past Robert and headed toward the dark doorway ahead. The soldiers along the back wall stood with their weapons at the ready. They turned to give Malca their attention when she stopped in front of them. Looking back over her shoulder beyond Robert, Malca’s lips drew tight in a displeased look.

  “Once the job is done, secure Arianna and get her ready for transport. I need her ready for phase two as soon as possible.”

  “What of the test subject?” A soldier bravely asked.

  Without hesitating, she answered. “Kill it.” Not bothering to stick around to watch, Malca disappeared into the shadows and vanished from sight. Everyone stood perfectly still as the sound of Malca’s clicking heels grew dimmer until it was silent.

  * ~ * ~ *

  “Do what you have to do, but try not to kill him.” Doyle hissed out as he tore his pants from his body. In a second, his bear exploded from him taking form. Standing on both hind legs, Doyle roared in challenge at Robert as he moved toward them with unrushed strides. The moment Doyle fell onto all four legs and charged forward, Eric followed suit and shifted quickly.

  When both shifters where nearly upon him, Robert shifted as well. Snarling dangerously, he attacked. Savagely, his jaws latched around Doyle’s shoulder with brutal force when Doyle’s head slammed into his chest, driving him back a few paces. Roaring in pain, Doyle swiped out with his claws to free himself as Eric closed his teeth around one of Robert’s hind legs.

  Striding forward, Aria fired, striking Robert in his shoulder with deadly precision. The pain of the bullets tearing though his muscles was enough to push him over the edge. With one powerful swipe, He sliced Doyle chest open, causing him to leap back.

  Hopping back to a safe distance, Doyle’s bear moaned in pain as he turned toward Raoul and Gabriella. With no more strength left; his massive form fell to the ground, shaking the floor. Within moments, his dark fur faded away like mist until only Doyle torn, naked body was lying on the ground.

  Gasping, Gabriella shoved past Raoul’
s protective frame to fall at Doyle’s side. Blood ran in rivers from the deep slashes on his chest. Pressing her hands against the wound she attempted to slow the bleeding. She understood now that shifters were fast healers, but blood loss would still be a risk for their kind.

  Lifting her head, she turned to watch the battle that raged on. While Aria and Eric were still attempting to bring Robert down, Raoul moved closer to Gabriella and Doyle, ready to protect them if Robert came at them. She watched in horror as Robert’s bear grabbed Eric by the back of his neck, making Eric’s wolf cry out as his teeth sunk deep. She was positive that Robert would have killed Eric if it hadn’t been for Aria in that moment as she fired off more non-deadly shots.

  Tossing Eric aside like a rag doll, Robert sent Eric flying though the glass door of a containment cell. Crying out as his battered body struck the hard ground, Eric laid unmoving in a bed of broken glass. Blood from his wounds quickly began staining his black and white fur.

  Keeping his glowing eyes fixed on Aria, Robert slowly returned to his human form. Uncaring of his nudity, he snarled at Aria as she tossed her now empty gun at him. Rushing at him, Aria threw herself at him, both of her booted feet slammed into his chest as she fell backwards. Landing with her hands striking the ground as her arms stretched over her head, she flipped back up onto her feet as she waited for him to attack again.

  “This is never going to end unless he kills us all.” Raoul hissed out. “There’s no stopping whatever Malca did to him.”

  As his words repeated in her head, Gabriella’s bloody hands slid from Doyle’s healing chest. She knew what she had to do. It might not work and it might kill her. But it was the only way. Standing to her feet, she gulped in fear as Robert’s murderous gaze fell on her. Rushing forward, she evaded Raoul’s grasping hands as he attempted to stop her.

  Seeing Gabriella, Aria attempted to put herself in Robert’s path as his focus shifted to her. Swinging her fist, Aria nailed him from beneath his jaw and succeeded in breaking his nose. A roar of fury rose from his throat as his hand shot out, backing hand Aria.


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