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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 25

by Magenta Phoenix

  Stumbling away, Aria fell to her knees as her vision swayed. “G-Gabriella,” She tried to warn as Gabriella now stood two feet from the monster that held Robert’s face.

  Fear had never felt so tangible and heavy in her chest as it did when Robert’s claws lengthened as he approached her. his expression fierce as blood slid down his face from his broken nose. She couldn’t change her mind now, even if she wanted to. There was no other option. If anything could reach the real Robert, it was his mate.

  Holding out her hands to stay him, she attempted to see past the vicious face in front of her. “Robert, stop! It’s us! It’s me!” Behind her she could hear, Raoul moving closer. She didn’t doubt that at that moment he had taken aim. She had to reach Robert and get through to him before Raoul took his shot. “We are not your enemy, Malca is. She did this to you but you do not have to follow her orders. You can fight her.”

  No matter how much she pled, Robert never so much as flinched. Reaching her, Robert’s hand shot out, his clawed fingers wrapping around her throat. Gasping against his squeezing hand, Gabriella refused to give up.

  “This isn’t you, Robert.” she wheezed out. “You’re not a killer! The man I love would never harm his family. I love you, Robert! I’m your mate and I will always fight for you just as you would do it for me. I love you!” Losing air, she scratched at his arm, fighting to get free.

  Above her she watched as the blue glow of his eyes blinked like a light bulb. On and off, his eyes changed. Something was happening. Shaking his head, Robert squeezed his eyes tightly closed. Screaming in pain, his hand jerked away from her as he fell to his knees cupping his head. Stumbling away, cupping her abused throat, Gabriella felt Raoul’s arms steady her before shoving around her with his gun aimed. It was then that it happened. Robert’s eyes snapped open, holding the welcoming sight of his normal hazel eyes.

  She had done it!

  Shoving past Raoul, Gabriella threw herself to on her knees in front of Robert, her arms instantly wrapping around his neck in a strangling embrace. Surprised, Robert’s arms came around her to prevent her from toppling him over.

  “You did it! I knew you could!” she cried out with happiness.

  “What happened?” Robert finally asked as he stumbled to his feet.

  Across the room he watched as Aria assisted in helping Doyle up as he staggered to his feet. Everyone watched him with wary eyes as they moved closer. All Robert could remember was darkness and no matter what he did, he couldn’t find his way to the light. It was even impossible for him to call upon his bear. He had become a prisoner of his own body without any hope. But then there was something, a flicker of light that led him out of the darkness. The light had a voice, pleadeding as love radiated through him.

  “What happened? How did you all get here?” He choked out. Before anyone could answer his question, a murmur of voices behind him caught his attention.

  “The test subject is awake, kill it!”

  The soldiers; that had played spectators just moments earlier, stepped forward with their guns ready. Taking aim at Robert, Gabriella wrapped her arms around his waist as she hid her face against his chest. She couldn’t have just gotten him back to lose him again. Malca couldn’t take her mate from her.

  Before a single gun could be fired, Gabriella lifted her head from Robert’s chest. All around her she could feel a charge in the air. Something shifted around them as the air became heavy making it hard to breathe.

  Turning to look over her shoulder, Gabriella watched as Aria left Doyle’s side to step up beside her and Robert. Just as Robert’s had moments ago, Aria’s eyes began to glow bright like two flaming topaz gems. Holding her arms out at her sides, a blue mist began to seep from her very hands to coil in the air in front of her. Shooting her hands forward, the blue mist shot toward the soldiers and straight into their widened eyes. Their bodies jerked for a moment before going still. Their eyes drifted shut in unison before opening again. Every one of the soldiers mirrored the same eerie glow of Aria’s eyes. With slow and lazy motions, the soldiers lowered their guns.

  Eyes blazing like fire, Aria spoke in a voice too terrifying to be her own. “You will all sleep.” One by one, each soldier’s knees folded from beneath them before they fell to the floor.

  Doyle came up behind Aria just as the hypnotizing glow of her eyes dimmed away to nothing. Falling against Doyle’s chest as his arms came around her, Aria panted as she appeared to come awake.

  “How did you do that?” Raoul asked with a look of fearful wonder.

  Shaking her head, Aria looked confused. “What did I do?”

  Gently cupping her face, Doyle studied her face with a grim look. “Aria you took control of them—all of them, without touching.

  Looking at the startled faces that stared at her, Aria shoved out of Doyle’s protective embrace. Rubbing a hand over her aching head, she moved toward the unconscious soldiers. Bending down, she swept up one of the solders rifles with a hard look.

  Turning to look back at them, Aria tilted her chin towards Doyle and unconscious Eric. “You guys need to get out of here before more of Malca’s soldiers show up.”

  Frowning, Doyle winced as he took a step towards her. “What are you planning, Aria?”

  Lifting her chin, she answered. “I’m finishing this.”

  “We do this together, Aria.” Raoul said coming to stand between Robert and Doyle.

  “Not this time. Get them out of here, Raoul.” Without waiting for a response, she took off toward the dark doorway that Malca had disappeared through. Growling, Doyle attempted to charge after his mate, but weak from blood loss caused him to stumble to his knees.

  Shoving past Doyle and Robert, Gabriella moved to follow Aria. After what she’d just seen, she wasn’t about to let Aria get taken by Malca’s soldiers. Gabriella followed behind Aria as she rushed down a dark corridor toward several flights of stairs going up to the roof. Above them she could hear the loud engine of a helicopter. Aria’s plan was clear. She was going after Malca.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Ignoring the footsteps that echoed behind her, Aria rushed up the stairs that led to the roof. She knew that Malca must be making a run for it. Not this time. This time, she would kill her with her bare hands if it came to it.

  Her boots echoed as she ascended up the last flight of concrete steps to the large double doors to the roof. Reaching the landing, she kicked the doors open as she stepped out onto the rooftop. Six feet away she watched as Malca walked calmly to a waiting helicopter with a silver briefcase in her clutched in her hand.

  Raising her weapon she shot the briefcase from Malca’s hand. Spinning around with her hair whipping around her face, Malca narrowed her eyes on Aria’s weapon. Taking a step forward, Aria allowed all her hate to boil to the surface. She wouldn’t let her escape for a second time. This ended tonight. Taking aim, Aria was just about to take the shot as she heard a cry from behind her.


  Spinning around with her weapon raised, her hard expression melted away at what she saw. Gabriella had followed her. Shaking from fear, the doctor was held by a soldier with a handgun pressed to her temple. Eyes widening, Aria recognized the soldier from Malca processing facility. It was Daren; the man that claimed to have known her twin.

  “Drop it, Arianna. This woman isn’t of any value to me and I won’t hesitate to blow her brains all over this rooftop. You cannot win this battle.”

  Aria’s hands tightened around her weapon in anger. Behind her was her target. With a simple movement she could end everything, but could she sentence Robert’s mate to death in exchange for Malca’s? Hissing with anger, Aria lowered her weapon.

  “Drop it and kick it away.” He ordered again as he pressed the muzzle of his gun harder against Gabriella head.

  Hate burned in her gaze as she did as ordered. In the corner of her eye, she saw as Malca quickly climbed into the helicopter before it lifted off the roof. Accepting the sting of failure, Aria turned her gl
are on Daren’s smirking face.

  Chuckling in triumph, Daren lowered his weapon from Gabriella before he shoved her toward Aria. Stumbling toward Aria, Gabriella turned to watch fearfully as Daren raised his weapon on the both of them. Slowly approaching them, a dark shadow moved across his face. It was clear then that Daren had no intention of letting Gabriella live—or Aria for that matter.

  “The others will be here soon.” Gabriella said bravely. With a grim look, Aria moved slightly in front of her to shield her from Daren’s evil gaze.

  “It won’t matter if they do. All they will find is your bloody corpse and Aria’s too.”

  Shaking her head, Gabriella moved to stall him. “But Malca wants her alive, you know that.”

  Scoffing, he shook his head. “Do you really think I’m going to let another Koski replace me? I’ve breached as well and I won’t be taking orders from the likes of some weak minded soldier like you, Arianna.” As he raised the weapon, Gabriella watched as behind him a flash of red fur flew from the open doorway to land on his back. It was a fox. Instantly the fox latched down on his jugular vein, growling as it attacked.

  Surprised by the sudden attack, Daren cried out in pain as the small needle teeth sank into his flesh savagely. Ripping the animal free from his back, Daren threw the hissing creature toward the wall beside the door. Hitting the wall, the small red fox, whimpered as it fell to the ground. Looking at the poor animal, Gabriella’s eyes widened as the fox’s form became as thin as mist, transforming into the form of a woman with the same red hair. It was Athena!

  Taking the chance given to her by Athena’s distraction, Aria charged toward Daren. Grabbing his weapon wielding hand, she jerked it to the side as she attempted to get the weapon from his hand. Recovering from the attack, Daren gripped Aria’s left shoulder with his hand. Clenching his hand tightly over her shoulder bone, Aria cried out as he crushed the bone with little effort. Losing her hold on his arm, Aria fell to her knees as she held her shoulder. Gabriella watched in fear as Daren foot kicked out, nailing Aria across the face and sending her crashing to the ground on her back.

  Rushing forward she wrapped her arm around Aria as she attempted to lift herself up. Above them, Daren cursed as he wiped away the blood on his neck from Athena’s bite. “You know, you’re almost as persistent as your brother, he never was easy to take down. When the rebirth drug wore off of him and he breached, Malca ordered me to kill him. She may say you are her greatest achievement, but Tyler was greater.”

  Spitting out a wad of blood to the ground, Aria glared up at him. “You killed my brother?”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “I only wish I had. But I’m sure he will show himself soon.” With those haunting words, he took aim again. Aria’s pounding heart came to a painful stop at his words. This had to be wrong. Everything she knew and remembered told her Tyler was dead…right?

  “Are you saying Tyler is alive?” Gabriella asked with confusion. “It was reported that he was killed Thailand.”

  “One thing that Malca prides herself on is exploiting people’s weaknesses. Yours Aria; was the love of your brother. Don’t worry, he’ll join you soon.”

  The sound of footsteps thundering up the stairs drew Gabriella and Aria’s attention just as a shot exploded through the air. Jerking, Aria expected to feel the burning pain that would bring her end. But there was nothing. Looking up she watched as Daren staggered back, his gun tumbling from his hands as he fell to the ground.



  Both the voices of Robert and Doyle rang out as they rushed onto the roof with Raoul trailing behind them. As Raoul bent to check the bleeding wound at Athena’s temple, Robert and Doyle rushed to their mates. Gabriella cried with relief as Robert enfolded her into his arms. Looking at stunned Aria, she was surprised as she shoved away from Doyle to fall beside the man that had nearly killed them.

  With a hiss of pain from the movement of her shoulder, she ripped Daren’s dark shirt down the middle to expose wound. Pressing her hands against the wound as dark blood pumped fiercely through her fingers she shouted at Daren.

  “Where is he? Where’s Tyler?”

  Daren’s words gargled as blood foamed between his lips, with one last choking breath; his heaving chest sank in and didn’t rise again. When Doyle came behind her, Aria shook off his comforting hands.

  “NO!” She shouted with anger as tears trailed down her cheeks. Furiously she pounded against Daren’s still chest. “No! No!” Her breath hitched as she attempted to get his heart beating again.

  Ignoring her attempts to fight him off, Doyle pulled her away from the body. Holding her tightly against his chest, uncaring of his still healing wounds, he held her immobile as sobs tore from her throat. “I’m here, Aria.” He whispered as she continued to cry and fight against his hold.

  Unable to catch her breath as her soul wept, she felt herself go limp against Doyle’s protective embrace. Opening her tear filled eyes, she looked down at the bloody body at her feet. What had just happened haunted her. If what Daren said was true; it meant Malca had lied to her three years ago.

  Tyler hadn’t died on that mission in Thailand—he was alive.


  Sitting on a stool in the kitchen, Robert gritted his teeth together against the pain as Gabriella forced him to hold still. A thin trail of blood flowed down his bare chest as his mate attempted to extract another of Aria’s bullets from the night at Malca”s New York facility. It had been two days since they’d returned from failing to kill Malca and Robert was finding that not only him, but his bear as well was tense with worry.

  Not because of how he’d left Gabriella handcuffed to the bed; of course, though she had forbid him from using such tricks in the future. What was weighing heavy on him was the knowledge of what he’d almost done, not only to Doyle and Aria, but to his mate as well. He’d nearly killed everyone that he held dear and the worst part was that he had been powerless to stop it. If it hadn’t been for Gabriella reaching through to him, he would have.

  What would this mean for them? Would she see him as weak? So weak that Malca had been able to influence his mind and take his will from him. Why would she stay with him after that? Why would she stay when it was obvious that he couldn’t even protect her from himself?

  “I don’t see why you couldn’t let Dr. Pavel do this.” Gabriella grumbled as she attempted to extract a bullet from the incision on his shoulder that she’d been forced to make.

  Shifters ability to heal themselves was one of their greatest abilities, but it could also be a nuisance. Ignoring all previous attempts for doctoring, Robert’s wound had healed around the bullets from Aria’s gun. To leave them in would risk infection. So here he was; forced to have his mate cut each one out.

  “I don’t like that man touching me.” He said with a wince as she pulled the third bullet free with the bloody tweezers in her hand. Dropping the last bullet in the tray on the bar, Gabriella jerked off her bloody latex gloves with a huff.

  “This seems to be becoming a habit with you. I suddenly see a future of me removing bullets from you.” She stated dryly.

  “Don’t forget about having to wait on me hand and foot while I recover.” Robert teased with a knowing grin.

  A choking laugh escaped from her smiling lips at his words. “Even I know you don’t require that, Robert. So, you’re out of luck there.”

  “Such a cruel mate I have,” he stated mockingly

  Picking up the last gauze pad, Gabriella shook her head at him. “Not as cruel as you deserve.”

  All humor fled his face at her words. With a woeful expression he studied her concentrating face as she wiped away the blood from his reopened wound. “I wish I could take it back.” He murmured.

  Lifting her eyes from his wound, confusion flooded her. “What do you mean?”

  “That night I left. If I had just waited; Malca wouldn’t have gotten that stuff in me.”

  “And if you had; there’s
a chance we all would be dead and Aria would be imprisoned once more.” Sighing, she went back to her job of cleaning his wound. “I don’t like what happened, Robert. I don’t even like what you did when you left me here, but we’re alive and that’s what I intend to be grateful for.”

  “Malca got away because of me.” He argued. Why was she so understand? He was so furious at himself that he couldn’t stand it. He wanted her to yell at him for putting her in danger, for being too proud to see that she had a right to fight her own battles. He wanted anything but this.

  Pressing her lips together, Gabriella shook her head with disagreement. “Malca got away because of me, Robert. I followed Aria onto that roof and it was because of me that she had to choose.” Pausing for a moment, a look of concern clouded her eyes. “How is Aria?”

  Rubbing at her arm in comfort, Robert frowned sadly. “She’s fine. Dr. Pavel said that Daren broke her shoulder, but it will heal. She won’t even talk to me, Gabriella. Nor will Doyle.”

  “Daren told her that Tyler; her twin is alive.”

  Shocked, he reeled back at her words. “Do you believe him?”

  Raising her hands with indecision, she shrugged. “I don’t know what I believe. I know that according to Malca’s files that after the mission in Thailand, all the soldiers that received the rebirth serum were suppose to be terminated. Tyler was one of those. I pray that he is alive, but I fear for what that could mean for Aria. There’s no telling whose side he’s on if he even is alive.”

  Regret tore through him at this. He could only imagine how helpless his brother must be feeling, what he must be going through with his mate. Aria would want to discover what had really happened in Thailand and in doing so it would lead her down the path of her vengeful past. It would destroy her.

  “You know if you wanted someone to torture you there are easier ways.” A sarcastic voice called from the open doorway of the kitchen. Turning toward the voice, Robert saw Raoul as he leaned lazily against the doorjamb.


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