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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 26

by Magenta Phoenix

  “Come and join us. I’m sure Gabriella can shoot you and I’ll claw the bullets out to make it even.” Robert commented with a smirk.

  Holding his hands up in surrender, Raoul shook his head. “I think I will pass.”

  Shaking her head at their banter, Gabriella tossed the blood stained gauze aside as she stepped away. “How’s Athena doing, Raoul?” After Athena had attempted to stop Daren on the roof, Gabriella had worried that the small fox had been more hurt than she’d let on. It appeared here of late that she preferred Raoul’s company to the rest of them. Many of the shifters that worked with Raoul on the compound’s security teased him that Athena had appointed him as her protector, but he denied it every time.

  “She’s fine and so is Eric by the way.”

  Grunting, Robert shook his head at the mention of the wolf. The moment they had returned to the compound the first thing Eric had thought to do was attack Robert for “Stealing his baby,” as he put it. “Please tell me that we’re free of that flee bitten pain.”

  Raoul nodded with a laugh. “Yeah, Eric went back to Ravenwillow last night. Apparently he said he’d had enough of our problems and preferred to attend to his own.”

  “Ravenwillow?” Gabriella asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve never even heard of such a place.”

  “It’s where Eric’s pack lives. Ravenwillow is a small secluded town in Virginia, near the Smoky Mountains.”

  “As if there weren’t enough of your kind running around,” Raoul said with a grimace.

  Turning to glare at Raoul, Robert moved to rise off his stool. Seeing his intention, Gabriella shoved at his shoulders with a firm look.

  “You two play nice.” Turning her attention to Raoul, she pursed her lips. “Not that I don’t enjoy your attempts to antagonize my mate, Raoul; but why are you here?”

  “Oh,” Snapping his fingers as though he’d just remembered something important, Raoul reached behind him, searching for something. Moving towards them, he pulled a brown envelope from his back pocket with a slight smile. Tapping the thick envelope against his palm he held it out to Gabriella. “This is yours as promised.”

  Taking the envelope from him with a frown, Gabriella didn’t even get to look at it before Robert took it from her. “What’s this?” He asked ripping it open.

  “I believe he said that was mine.” Gabriella scolded as she attempted to reclaim it. Holding the envelope above her head and out of reach, Robert looked at Raoul in question.

  “Aria told me that you wanted this as soon as possible. She kept her part of the agreement, its only right that we do the same.”

  Curious at what Raoul was talking about, Robert ripped the envelope open. Inside there was at least four thousand dollars and several forms of identification with Gabriella’s picture on them. What was this? Why would Gabriella want this? Pondering what Gabriella would need such things, the answer hit him like a train and shattered his soul. The deal she'd made with Aria for a new life, a life free of Malca and…him.

  Reaching out, Gabriella snatched the envelope from Robert’s slack hand. Setting the envelope down on the counter beside her, she scratched at her forehead, not meeting either of their gazes. “Thank you, Raoul. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Seeing that he was clearly being dismissed, Raoul nodded and turned to leave. Once Raoul was gone, Robert rose from the stool with enough force to send it falling backward. Pacing away from her, his mind became a chaotic storm of emotions. She wanted to leave? She couldn’t leave!

  “I’ll go get more gauze to bandage your wound.” Gabriella stated as she moved to the door.

  Spinning around, Robert blocked her path to the door with a hard look. Caging her against the bar, he reached past her to pick up the envelope. Holding it in front of her face, he snarled. “You’re not going anywhere until you explain to me why you needed this.” He ordered.

  “Robert—” Before she could explain, he interrupted her.

  “You want to leave? After everything that’s happen, you want your freedom.”

  “Of course not, it’s not what you think.” Gabriella said, attempting to assure him.

  Too angry to listen, he slammed the envelope on the counter so hard that it made Gabriella jump with surprise. “Don’t lie to me! When did you ask Aria to get this for you?”

  Confused, Gabriella shook her head. “Why does that matter?”

  “Answer me.”

  Sighing, Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest as she met his hard gaze. “I asked for it the day you claimed me.”

  Like a sword through his heart, her words cut him. Inside his soul, his bear moaned with pain. He would always treasure the day he’d claimed her as long as he lived. But that day she had made plans to escape him, regardless. It was Celia all over again. She had never wanted to be his mate. She had just been biding her time until something better presented itself.

  “The day that I bound us together, you were planning to run off and leave me.” He said accusingly.

  Shaking her head, Gabriella rushed to explain. “No, Robert. It’s not like that. Yes, I was angry with you, but I don’t feel that way now. I love you, you know that. I want to stay here with you.” Desperate for him to believe her, her hands reached up to cup the sides of his face as she clung to him.

  Eyeing her like he’d never seen her, Robert reached up to cover her hands with his own. Roughly taking her hands, he jerked them away from him as though her touch sickened him. “How easy it is for you to say that now,” he sneered, shoving away from her.

  Watching him as he left the kitchen, Gabriella fought to breathe as her heart ached. Rushing after him, she caught up to him as he reached the empty living room. Grasping his arm, she attempted to stop him from walking any further. When he stiffened beneath her hand only to jerk away, Gabriella had never known such a simple reaction would hurt so badly.

  “Let me explain.” She begged with tears in her voice as he headed for the stairs. Stopping at the bottom of the staircase, he took a calming breath before turning his cold gaze to her.

  “There’s nothing to explain. You were right, Gabriella. When I first claimed you, you told me that I would see I had made a mistake. I was wrong in thinking that you were my mate. Use the money and get away from me. You’ve done your job in helping us and we’ll make sure that Malca doesn’t find you like we promised. Hopefully once you’re gone I will see the truth that you wish to explain so badly.”

  Charging forward, Gabriella fought against the pain in her heart at what Robert was telling her. This pain of his rejection was killing her. If only he would listen to her, she could explain that she didn’t want to leave anymore. She wanted to stay here with him.

  Stopping at the bottom of the stairs as he began to climb up, Gabriella charged up the stairs after him. Once on the landing, she ran around him to stand in this path. The look of anger and betrayal on his face nearly robbed her of her words.

  Maybe she had betrayed him when she had asked Aria for that stuff that day. But that day she didn’t see what she saw now. Robert was hers and she was his, nothing could change that. The bond they shared was like breathing for her; she couldn’t lose him and survive.

  “I am sorry, Robert. At first I did want to leave. I was scared and angry that I had no choice, but you have to believe me when I say that I love you and that I want to be your mate.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you are my mate. I want you to leave. It will be best for the both of us. You were right; you don’t belong in my world.”

  “But I belong with you!” She cried out, tossing back the very words he’d said to her. Tears flowed down her face at his look of in difference. She never wanted to be a woman that grovels to a man, begging for love. But this wasn’t right! She loved him! And he did too, she knew it. She had to make him see that she was telling the truth.

  Scoffing, he brushed her arms away. “What did you expect, Gabriella? That us being mates means that we’re suddenly some love fantasy couple? Grow up. Lik
e you; I got lost in the heat of things and now it’s clear we need to go back where we both belong.”

  “You don’t mean that, Robert. You have every right to be angry that I hid this from you. But you don’t mean what you say.”

  “Pay attention, Gabriella. You were a job for me. And while around you I fell for you. But I no longer want you as my mate. I was stupid to think that someone like you would actually want me.”

  Shoving her out of his way, Robert strode for his room. Before Gabriella could stop him, he opened the door only to close it in her tear streaked face. At the sound of the lock engaging, Gabriella fell to her knees on the carpeted floor. Struggling to draw in enough air for her next breath, Gabriella’s pain was torn from her as her heart broke in tiny pieces. Clawing at the carpet, her sobs shook her body.

  It was over. She’d lost the one good thing in her life and she could never get it back.


  After she was able to find the strength to leave the spot where she’d broken down outside Robert’s room, Gabriella stumbled to her feet. Making her way down the stairs, she paused in the living room to find Aria sitting in by herself on the couch. Her eyes nearly looked as haunted as Gabriella felt. Wiping at the tears that lingered on her cheeks, she moved toward the couch. Jerked from her thoughts, Aria gave Gabriella a friendly smile as she drew nearer. The closer she came Aria seemed to notice the wet streaks down her face.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, scooting over to make room for Gabriella as she slowly lowered herself onto the opposite end of the couch.

  Shaking her head, Gabriella hiccupped. “I want to leave.”

  “Let me get Robert for you.” Aria offered, attempting to rise from her crossed leg position.

  “No!” Gabriella bit out with emotional pain. “I need to leave now. I can’t stay here any longer.”

  Relaxing back down, Aria shook her head, not understanding. “Gabriella, what happened?”

  “I was foolish to think that I could stay here like I was one of you.”

  “You are, Gabriella. You’re Robert’s mate, which makes you one of us.”

  “Not anymore.” She whispered sadly. Rising her head, she sniffed before continuing. “I need to get out of here, Aria. Robert…I just can’t be here anymore.”

  Nodding, Aria leaned back with a pained look in her blue eyes. “Alright, I’ll talk to Doyle about it tonight.”

  Nodding with thanks, Gabriella stumbled to her feet. Ignoring the perplexed looks that followed her as she left the room, she headed for the front door. She couldn’t bring herself to climb the stairs again to crawl into her own bed, not without Robert.

  Stepping out into the night, she wrapped her arms around herself as she began walking. The chilling pain in her heart was suffocating her. She wouldn’t run back to Robert demanding that he listen and believe her again.

  Pushing aside what she would do without him or what uncertainty her future now held, Gabriella continued to walk without paying attention to where she was going. If she would have turned back to look up she would have seen two glowing eyes watching her from above, holding the same pain that consumed her.

  * ~ * ~*

  Standing in the doorway of the main house the next day, Gabriella watched as Doyle spoke with the wolf shifter that had volunteered to drive her to the airport. She didn’t know where she would go, but she knew she had to get away from this place before her weak heart led her to do something foolish.

  Looking down at her bags at her feet, Gabriella fought against the urge to lift her face and look around for Robert. She knew he wouldn’t be there. He’d made his feeling quiet clear after yesterday and there was nothing she could do to change it.

  “Did you know I hate goodbyes?” A voice asked from beside her.

  Jumping with surprise, Gabriella closed her eyes as her heart raced. Opening her eyes, she turned to see Athena standing beside her with a mused expression on her face. Shaking her head, Gabriella turned away to walk into the living room to take a seat on the couch while she waited. Much to her annoyance, Athena had followed her and taken a seat beside her with a smiling expression.

  “What do you want, Athena?” She mumbled as she rested head against the palm of her propped up arm on the edge of the couch.


  “Then leave me alone, I’m not in the mood right now.”

  “You’ll never be in the mood unless it’s with Robert.” Athena commented with a smirk.

  Dropping her hand, Gabriella shook her head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Athena.”

  “I know about pain, Gabriella. I know that one choice can force people down paths that one should never travel alone. I also know that Robert is afraid.”

  Taken aback, Gabriella’s gaze jerked to Athena’s dazed look as her eyes were focused on the ceiling above them. “What do you mean?”

  “About what?” Athena asked with a perplexed expression.

  Growing frustrated, Gabriella waved her hands impatiently. “You said Robert was afraid, what did you mean?”

  “He’s afraid of you.”

  “Me?” She exclaimed with shock. How could such a man fear her? Clearly Athena was just trying to meddle and had no idea what she was talking about.

  “He’s afraid of losing you. He couldn’t protect you from himself and that worries him too.”

  Shaking her head, Gabriella rose to her feet. “I think you’re confused Athena. I did something I shouldn’t have when I was scared of this bond between us and that is why I am leaving. Robert can’t forgive me and he doesn’t want me here anymore.”

  “It’s not you that he has to forgive, Gabriella. You can’t run just because he growls at you.”

  A part of Gabriella wanted to believe that Athena was right and that Robert needed her now just as she did him. Even though the pain in her heart tried to tell her otherwise, this was what she needed to do. She would continue to expose Malca and lending her help to Raoul and Aria as they worked to find her again, but she would have to do so without Robert.

  “I’m not running.” She whispered just as Doyle stepped through the open door with Aria at his side.

  “Gabriella, my friend Cedric has agreed to drive you anywhere you wish to go, if you’re ready.”

  With a solemn nod, Gabriella moved toward the door. When Doyle attempted to take her bags for her, Gabriella shook her head. She had to do something to keep her weighed down in her decision. She knew this was wrong, but what choice did she have?

  Athena’s words repeated in her mind like a broken record. Deep inside herself she knew that she belonged here with Aria, Raoul, and the shifters; but she refused to stay where she wasn’t welcome. What if Robert was right and she wasn’t really his mate? How would she survive if she saw him fall for another?

  Deep inside herself she felt a shift of anger at the thought. After handing her bags to Cedric as he met her at the car, her hand reluctantly slid up to cover her mating mark. Following her movement, Doyle came striding down to her with a hesitant look. Coming to a stop in front of her, he held out a hand in offering.

  “You don’t have to go, Gabriella. I know my brother. His pride is wounded but he will get over it. It’s not possible for mates to live apart like this. He’s not in his right mind; please don’t make any rash decisions right now.” He begged.

  Smiling softly, Gabriella shook her head. “I love Robert more than he knows, Doyle. But even I know that this is for the best. I can’t stay here if he doesn’t want me.”

  “What will you do when you transform? You two need to fix this. It’s not right for a human to go through the change without their mate.”

  “I will worry about that if I need to.” She stated stubbornly. Turning to climb into the back seat of the car, Doyle placed his hand upon her car door before she could close it.

  Reaching into his pocket, Doyle pulled out a paper card with is a number scrawled across it. “This is my number. I want you to call if you ever need anything.�

  Nodding, Gabriella took the card from him and shoved it in her pocket without looking at it. Once she was free to do so, she would throw it away. She had to forget this place. She had to forget Robert if she was to live without him.

  Closing the door, she put on a brave face as she waved goodbye to Doyle and Aria. As the car passed through the gates of the compound, she closed her eyes against the burning tears of regret. She would give anything to feel his arms around her just one more time, but sadly that would never happen. As a lone tear slid down her face, she bit he lip to keep from ordering Cedric to take her back.

  Goodbye Robert…

  * ~ * ~*

  Watching as the car carrying Gabriella left through the tall gate of the compound, Aria shook her head as she came to join her mate. “Is there nothing we can do?”

  Grimly, Doyle shook his head. “It’s against pack law to get between a mated pair’s disputes unless I am asked to. Robert and Gabriella have to find their own way, just as we had to.”

  Shaking her head, Aria turned and headed back up to the house. Moving as fast she was able with her shoulder brace restricting her movements, Aria charged up the stairs toward Robert’s room. Doyle might be willing to stand back and let his brother hide, but she wasn’t.

  Coming to Robert’s door, she didn’t even bother to knock but simply let herself in. Swinging the door open, Aria froze at the sight that greeted her. The room looked like a war zone. The bed was broken into large pieces. The dresser had suffered the same fate as clothes had been left to lay in shredded taters across the floor. A section of the bedroom wall had been attacked and torn apart, leaving a mess all around.

  Beneath the section of the gutted wall was Robert. Sweaty and shirtless, he sat with his back pressed against the wall with his arms braced on his bent legs. Blood stained his torn fingertips. He never raised his head to acknowledge her presence as she stepped into the room. His eyes reflected the misery that she knew drove him to destroy everything in sight.


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