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The Loyal Steed: Part Two (The Pleasure Hound Series)

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by Ines Johnson

  "But I could never stop doing this work completely," Jian said. "You and I both, it would seem. We are still orchestrators of pleasure."

  Jaspir preferred Jian's title of orchestrator to Lady Myra's title of whore. "I am that. I may not have bound myself to the Goddess in words, but her words penetrated me."

  "The clever foxes who hear my call will be those who sniff out pleasure like a hound. These loyal steeds are orchestrators of pleasure who will submit their hearts to me and serve my daughters for all of their days."

  Jaspir nodded as Jian recited the creed of the Pleasure Hounds. Jaspir was able to agree to all but the last part of the creed. He'd been happy to serve the Goddess' daughters, but he could not submit his heart to the deity. It belonged to someone else. Stallions made no demands on his heart, only his body.

  "I've given up that other lifestyle too," Jaspir said.

  "Really? I'd love to hear all about it." Jian turned them down the street. "Come. Meet my family."

  "Family? Do you mean to tell me the girl from all those years ago, you bonded with her?"

  Jian let out a hearty laugh. "By the Goddess, no. Come, meet my lady. We'll catch up along the way."

  The front door of the grand house was pulled open by a manservant who smiled congenially at them both, and then bowed. Now one had ever bowed to Jaspir. Only lords and monks received such reverence. Jaspir was neither. He wondered what the manservant would think if he knew a gigolo crossed his cleaned floors.

  "Jian," called a feminine voice. "Is that you?"

  Jian followed the voice to a room off the main hall, with Jaspir in his wake. When Jaspir entered the room, he saw Jian lean over to kiss a pregnant woman. Her brown face glowed up at him with joy. Their hands met on her abdomen. Jian pulled away to reveal his lady... and her companion.

  "Jaspir, this is my wife, Lady Chanyn."

  Jaspir wasn't sure if he nodded his head or said a greeting. His focus would not move from the lady seated beside Jian's wife.

  "It's good to see you again, Lady Merlyn," Jian said.

  Merlyn didn't respond. Her eyes were locked on Jaspir.

  "Lady Merlyn," said Jian. "I'd like to introduce you to my brother--"

  "Brother?" Merlyn asked.

  "Yes. We were brothers in the temple. Though both of us are not under the temple's vows, brothers we remain."

  Jian turned to Jaspir, a knowing look passed over his dark eyes. Jaspir had told Jian and his other two brothers all of his secrets during their time in the Brotherhood. He'd told them about his undying love for a young lady. Jian knew that that was the reason Jaspir couldn't take the vows to the Goddess and thusly, caused him to leave the Brotherhood.

  The stare off between Jaspir and Merlyn was interrupted by the arrival of another male. This male looked around the room and scowled at Jaspir. His look was assessing, as though he believed Jaspir a threat.

  Jian walked over and put his arm around the male. "Jaspir, this is my husband, Lord Khial."

  Lord Khial made no move to embrace hands with Jaspir.

  "Khi, this is one of my brothers. He grew up with me at the temple."

  Lord Khial took his gaze from Jaspir and glanced up at Jian. Something passed between the two and Jaspir saw Lord Khial relax, a fraction. Lord Khial nodded at Jaspir and then turned away, heading directly for Lady Chanyn.

  "I'm headed out," he said dipping down to kiss his bondmate's eyelids. "I'll be teaching a music class at the shelter."

  Lord Khial went to straighten up, but Lady Chanyn caught his face and pulled him down for a kiss on his lips. He grinned and went willingly. Before straightening, he glazed his hand over her belly.

  "Make sure she eats enough meat and lentils," Lord Khial said to Jian. "Growing babes need protein."

  "I will, Khi," Jian answered. His smile was good humored.

  "And try to keep her inside," Lord Khial straightened and went to Jian. "She's already been out in the gardens today for hours."

  "She is right here," said Lady Chanyn. "And she is not a pet to order about."

  "I will try to make her heel," Jian winked at her.

  Lady Chanyn rolled her eyes.

  "Try not to be too late, Khi." Jian turned his attention to Lord Khial. He ran a hand down the other male's bicep. Lord Khial pressed a kiss to Jian's lips.

  Jaspir should have looked away at the heat between them, but he couldn't. It fascinated him. When the two males parted, Jaspir's eyes caught Merlyn's. Her eyes had been fixed on the two males as well.

  Dinner was a happy affair. Lady Chanyn and Jian included both Merlyn and Jaspir in their conversation. All talk steered clear of the unspoken topic in the room that was Jaspir and Merlyn's past. Jaspir had a lovely talk with Chanyn about her garden and her eclectic mix of plants. After the last dish was cleared, Lady Chanyn yawned. With that small sigh, all of the male servants and her husband were at her side.

  Lady Chanyn rolled her eyes again but allowed herself to be led away to bed. Jian embraced Jaspir and made him promise to visit again soon. And then he and Merlyn were alone.

  Jaspir reached his hand out to Merlyn. "I'll walk you out to your conveyance."

  When she placed her hand in his, he realized his mistake. He'd promised Liam that he wouldn't touch her again. He'd promised himself she would never become like Lady Myra and his other former clients. The feel of her hand in his set off alarm bells that tripped along the veins to his heart and his heart began to pound. His nostrils filled with her scent. He couldn't take his eyes, or his hand, off her.

  They walked slowly down the hall and out of the front doors. Once on the stoop they paused. Jaspir did not let go of her hand. Merlyn did not take hers back.

  "Liam kissed me."

  Jaspir played the words over in his head twice. The first time a spark of anger struck. The second time a light of curiosity hit him. "Did you enjoy it?"

  Merlyn blinked. Clearly, that wasn't the response she had expected either. "I... I did."

  Jaspir rubbed his thumb over her pulse. The vein jumped at his touch. "Tell me about it."

  "You want me to tell you about kissing another man?"

  "Yes." Jaspir traced his fingers to the crux of her elbow. "How did it start?"

  Merlyn blinked, but she began to speak. "He began by rubbing his thumb over my lip. He said I had something on my face."

  "Clever of him. And then he leaned in and kissed you?"

  "No, he put one hand at my waist. The other he wrapped around my neck."

  "Good." The male was heeding Jaspir's instructions. "Go on."

  "I... Then he tilted my head up. I was going to push him away."

  "But you didn't."

  Merlyn shook her head. Jaspir stepped closer to her, one hand on her waist, the other at the nape of her neck. Her hands rested against his chest. She didn't push him away.

  "Did he kiss you lightly?"

  "Yes," she nodded. "Light kisses. Just like with you."

  A sliver of pride shot up Jaspir's spine that his lessons had pleased her. Jaspir was so close to her. He felt her breath on his lips. He tasted the scent of her on his tongue. Her words aroused a powerful erection.

  "And then he began to thrust his tongue in my mouth."

  "Tell me what that felt like, Merlyn?"

  Her eyes fluttered shut, her head tilted back. "It was warm, and soft, and wet. A throbbing began between my legs. I pressed them together seeking relief."

  "Did he relieve the throbbing, my love?" Jaspir's mouth was less than an inch away from her. He only needed to dip his tongue out and he would taste her, satisfy the throbbing in both of them.

  "No. He couldn't." Merlyn opened her eyes, and the fog cleared. "My mother interrupted us."

  Her last words were like a cold shower. Jaspir released her and took a step back. He turned from her until his breathing, and his erection, were under control. He'd never had such a powerful erection before from words only. And never from the machinations of another male.

  "You wa
nted him to do more?" Jaspir asked.

  "Yes." Merlyn's voice was wobbly. "Are you angry with me?"

  Jaspir turned, perplexed. "Why would I be angry with you?"

  "Because I let another man kiss me."

  Jaspir took her in his arms. He couldn't help it. "No, my love. I'm not angry." He tucked her head in to the crook of his shoulder. "I want you to be taken care of in every sense of the word. I crave your happiness." Jaspir didn't realize the truth of his words until he'd said them out loud. "It eases my heart to know that he can please you."

  "Really?" Her words were muffled against his chest.

  Jaspir pulled away from her and put her hand on his heart. "The heart doesn't lie." His heart pounded beneath her hand, so hard he saw her fingers twitch with each beat. "This does not change the way I feel about you. I will never stop loving you, but you know that we cannot be together. If I cannot make you happy directly, I'm pleased that he can."

  Beyond that, Jaspir was pleased that he was the orchestrator of her pleasure.

  Chapter Three

  Liam stood in the center of Jaspir's room. His money had paid for him to bypass the waiting room, and he was admitted down the hall immediately. Many of the stallions tried to get his attention, whistling and making suggestive comments about what they could do for him. Liam rushed to Jaspir's door, but not before noting that he still felt no pull to any of the other men.

  Liam felt a bit disappointed at the empty room. He knew Jaspir wasn't there. The concierge had said as much, after grilling Liam about his connection to Jaspir.

  He was thrilled with his progress with Merlyn. The thought of the kiss they shared made his cock hard. But he was also anxious. He knew that Merlyn would accompany her mother to the Sisterhood to present their findings soon. The Sisterhood would debate the matter for some time before taking any action. Liam did not feel confident that the council of women would decide in the favor of men.

  If the insemination trials began, it could spell the end to bonding between men and women. And it would be, in large part, due to Liam's mathematical finds. If he had known that was Lady Angyla's end game from the beginning, he would not have worked so hard to make headway in Merlyn's research. He was certain Merlyn hadn't known of her mother's ultimate goal. He'd seen the shock on her face when the older woman announced her intentions. He'd seen the reluctance in her eyes after they parted ways that evening. That gave Liam hope. Hope that maybe she wanted a traditional bond and all it entailed.

  Merlyn had been absent from the lab all morning. Likely preparing the presentation for the Sisterhood with her mother. Liam knew he didn't have much time to make his next move with her.

  He looked at his watch. He'd been in Jaspir's room for hours. Where was the male? Perhaps he'd taken the initial payment and left, he was a scoundrel after all. It would be the perfect revenge. Liam had him kicked out of his home, which landed him in this place. But all of his things were still as they were the night before. Some were strewn over the floor.

  He might as well be of use while he was here. Liam began tidying up. He picked up a pair of silk pants. He folded them and then placed them back inside Jaspir's chest of drawers. He saw that many garments were unfolded. He emptied the drawer and went to work. Before long each drawer had been visited.

  Once done, he scanned the room. At the window was a plant box with the most unusual flowers. Liam remembered the garden of grafted plants that graced Lady Regyn's backyard. People had come for miles to see the colorful wonders. Liam never understood the draw of foliage or the joining of two plant species that had no business being together. He was glad when the spectacle was mowed down and replanted with edible crops. The field was much more practical afterwards.

  Footsteps sounded out in the hall and the doorknob turned. Jaspir didn't look surprised to see Liam standing in the middle of his rooms. His brow did rise at the flower petal Liam held in his hand.

  Liam released the plant. "I kissed her."

  Jaspir nodded, taking off his over coat. "Tell me about it."

  "I did everything you said. I rubbed her lip lightly, and then I grasped her neck to gain control of her head."

  Jaspir nodded once more. "Did she gasp?"

  Liam thought back to it. "Yes. Yes, she did. It was a breathy gasp. A moan like your first taste of berry pie."

  "Good." Jaspir's voice was a purr. His shirt fell to the floor. Liam couldn't help but look at the man's bare chest.

  Jaspir prowled slowly towards Liam. Liam took a step back, but his heel paused before contacting the ground. In the end, Liam returned his foot to its original place.

  "Then what?" Jaspir's voice was low, making Liam think of a lion toying with his prey.

  "Then--" Liam cleared his throat. Jaspir's hands were at the buttons of his pants. "What are you doing?"

  "As you're teacher," Jaspir popped the first button open, "I'm checking your homework before we move on to the next lesson. Tell me, what did her face look like when she knew you were coming in for the kiss?"

  Liam watched Jaspir's fingers work his pants' buttons. "She looked surprised, but then her pupils dilated, and..."


  Liam's gaze went back up to Jaspir's. There was desire in the other man's eyes. But somehow Liam knew it wasn't for him.

  "This is getting you aroused, isn't it? Hearing about my exploits with her."

  Jaspir shrugged. "What do you care? As long as it gets you what you want."

  With all of his buttons undone Jaspir's pants slid off his hips.

  "It looks like it's getting you off, too," Jaspir smirked.

  Liam's temper raged as hot as his cock. "I don't even like you."

  "I don't care for you either. I only care that you please my lady."

  "She's my lady. I will be her husband."

  Jaspir's hand reached for Liam's pants. He jerked Liam to him using the other man's belt. Jaspir's eyes cleared like clouds moving away to reveal sunshine. When he spoke, it was quiet as the dawn. "I understand that, Liam. I understand that you will have a life with her. You'll hold her at night and see her at dawn. You'll have children with her. You'll grow old with her. But that doesn't mean I will ever stop loving her. It's who I am. And this," Jaspir motioned between both of their cocks. "This is all that I can give her. So, yes, I get pleasure hearing that she was pleased; that what I taught you pleased her."

  They stared each other down.

  Until finally, Liam said, "She tasted like berries."

  Jaspir grinned. "Yes. She does."

  "Though I don't think she had any at the time."

  "No, it's just her natural scent. Amazing, isn't it?"


  They both grinned in memory.

  "But we have a problem." Liam stepped out of Jaspir's grasp. "We've been studying the reproductive systems, trying to understand gender selection."

  "I know; I've been following her research."

  "You have?"

  "Of course," Jaspir said. "She's studying dominant genes and how traits are passed from parent to child. Recently she's switched her research to the science of gender selection."

  Liam nodded through his astonishment at Jaspir's grasp of their work. "Well, we've found something. Something big."

  Liam walked over to the bed, and sat down. Jaspir followed.

  "We've been able to identify the difference between female and male spermatozoa," Liam continued.

  "That means triads can now choose the sex of their unborn child," Jaspir said. "This is great news. She'll be heralded for this."

  Liam sighed.

  "Why aren't you elated for her?"

  "Her Mother wants to use our research to begin artificial insemination."

  "I don't know what that is?"

  "It's implanting the sperm directly into the uterus. No male needed. Or rather, no penis needed."

  Jaspir's mouth rounded in an O of understanding. He was a penis for hire after all.

  "They're bringing the matter before t
he Sisterhood in a matter of days," Liam continued. "They'll likely debate it for a few months before bringing it to the full chamber. Trials could begin as early as next season."

  "That gives us plenty of time."

  "For Merlyn and I, maybe. But what about the rest of mankind?"

  "Your job is to worry about Merlyn and her pleasure."

  Liam opened his mouth to protest, but Jaspir cut him off.

  "Now, on to today's lesson."

  Jaspir reached once more for Liam's pants, unbuckled the belt, and pulled them down. Liam let out a moan as his cock sprang free, its attention pointed straight at Jaspir.

  "The first thing we learn in the temple is the similarities between men and women."

  Jaspir grasped Liam's cock just below the head. Liam let out a sharp exhale.

  "Both men and women share this bit of anatomy." Jaspir's finger rolled over Liam's cock head. His fingers came away sticky with moisture. "The only difference is that a woman's is smaller and it's tucked at the apex of her labia. It's called the clitoris."

  Jaspir released Liam's cock and got right in his face. Liam groaned at the loss of contact. Jaspir waited until he had Liam's full attention.

  "You do not ever enter Lady Merlyn without first worshiping at her clitoris. Do you understand?"

  Liam immediately nodded his head. He was certain he would agree to anything to feel Jaspir's hands on him again.

  "It's truly not hard to please a woman. She enjoys the same pleasure as you do."

  Jaspir made firm circles around Liam's cock head. It wasn't long before Liam began to pant. His eyes rolled in his head.

  "Most often women need a lighter touch."

  Jaspir's thumb barely grazed Liam's cock head, forcing Liam to lift his hips for more pressure.

  "A light touch makes them yearn for you, just like with the light kisses that I taught you."

  Liam thrust to get to Jaspir's thumb. Finally, Jaspir gave Liam the pressure he sought.

  "In Merlyn's case I would advise you to be firmer. Otherwise she'll be in her head, thinking about what you're doing instead of feeling it."

  Liam felt his balls grow heavy, heavier actually. His release was imminent.


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