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The Loyal Steed: Part Two (The Pleasure Hound Series)

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by Ines Johnson

  "The same way that you know when you're close to orgasm, is the same way that you can tell she's close. Her breathing will change. She'll begin to move involuntarily. You can slow her release down by changing speed."

  Jaspir continued the pressure, but his thumb moved in slow strokes around Liam's cock head. The building pressure didn't burst forward, but neither did it recede. It collected like the waters of a dam, crashing against a barrier, near ready to burst, but unable to move forward.

  "Or you could speed up," Jaspir said. But he didn't. "Do you see how good this pressure feels, Liam? This is what you do to her clitoris. Every time."

  Jaspir's fingers stopped moving. His thumb simply kept the pressure at the divot of his cock head. Liam's eyes flew open. Jaspir smiled. It wasn't a smirk. It was knowing, prideful even. Liam had the urge to lean down and kiss the man.

  "Do you understand?"

  Liam nodded once more.

  "You've done well, Liam. I can see you're clear on this lesson. And for that you get a reward."

  Jaspir added his other hand to Liam's cock. With that hand he began to stroke up and down. With the other hand he made quick circles of Liam's cock head. The pleasure was nearly unbearable. Liam came almost instantly. He came and came. His orgasm seeming to last forever. He pumped his hips higher, faster, harder. Jaspir met him stroke for stroke, wringing every bit of pleasure from him until all Liam saw was blackness.

  The last thing Liam remembered before falling back onto the soft mattress and being covered in warm sheets was Jaspir's voice.

  "You will tell me about it next time, won't you Liam?"

  Chapter Four

  Merlyn stared at the test results on her handheld. She should feel elated. This was what she'd always dreamed of; making a groundbreaking discovery that would please her Mother and Grand Mother, gaining notoriety in the world for her work.

  She stood near the window in her lab. Another cloudless day allowed the sun to shine brightly on her handheld. The results were conclusive. Curie 144 was two days pregnant. Two days was enough to detect the gender hormones. The mouse was pregnant with four babies. All girls. Merlyn should run and tell her Mother the good news.

  She looked down at Curie 144 who was separated from her mate, Hawking 193. The two cages sat side by side, only glass separating them. The two kept clawing at the cage, not understanding the barrier between them.

  Merlyn turned and looked behind her at the empty desk. Where was Liam? He was always there. She couldn't remember a day when he wasn't sitting behind her, handing her a culture, or providing her with the calculations necessary for her work.

  Merlyn turned back, reaching for the petals of her plant. The sun's rays had moved from the plant's usual spot and Merlyn wanted to be sure it got its share of attention. But the plant wasn't there. Her plant was in the closet, wallowing alone in the darkness.

  Merlyn got up and went to the closet. When she opened the doors she was first hit with an array of colors from Alyss' discarded paintings. Then she saw her plant. Its petals drooped, it was nearly gone. Merlyn's hands stuttered for only one moment before grabbing it and cradling it in her arms.

  She stepped out of the closet and came face to face with Liam.

  The two stared at each other. Liam, who normally looked so put together and unruffled, looked disheveled. His shirt was wrinkled, as though he'd picked it up off the floor and put it on. His pants were without a belt. His red hair was ruffled as though he'd only swept his hand through it instead of brushing it into its normal style. His face had a glow about it. His lips looked swollen.

  "Where have you been?" Merlyn asked.

  Liam opened his mouth to speak, but then his eyes traveled to the plant in her arms.

  Merlyn had the instinct to hide it behind her back. "It's dying."

  "Do you want to save it?"


  Liam sighed. He put his hands out.

  Merlyn hesitated, but finally she gave him the plant.

  Liam took it and walked into Alyss' closet. He ruffled around in there for a moment before emerging with a bag of crystals and an empty paint can. He went over to his workstation. Merlyn followed behind.

  Liam emptied the crystals into the can and then carefully, gingerly, put the wilted plant into the mixture. "Crystals are good conductors of moisture. They'll keep the plant going for a while, but it needs to be planted somewhere permanent, somewhere its roots can reach out without obstruction and grow freely."

  "I know."

  "So, why did you put it in the closet?" Liam didn't look at her. He tucked the roots of the plant into the can. His fingers worked gently even though she saw the tension in his shoulders and jaw.

  "I knew I couldn't keep it contained. I thought it was time to let it go."

  Liam chanced a look at her. "I don't mind if you keep it."

  Merlyn frowned. "I thought you hated it."

  Liam reached for a paper towel and wiped his hands of the dirt from the plants roots. "I thought I hated it, too."

  He reached out his hand. Merlyn noted the dirt that remained under his fingertips. Debris under the nails was always hard to clear. They both wore gloves when handling materials. But Liam hadn't reached for the gloves before handling the plant. The dark specs reminded Merlyn of Jaspir's hands from when he was a child.

  Liam reached up and rubbed a thumb over her lower lip. His soft touch lulled her into the warm depths of her dreams.

  "I thought I hated it, too," he repeated. "But if it makes you happy, then I'll accept its presence in our lives."

  Liam's hand snaked around Merlyn's neck. He leaned in close. Merlyn didn't hesitate to allow him complete control of her head.

  "We'll be bonded in less than a month. When we have our own home, we can plant it in our gardens. Would you like that, Merlyn?"

  Merlyn took a deep breath to satisfy her panting lungs and racing heart. Liam didn't wait for an answer. He nibbled at her bottom lip. It all felt so familiar.

  Merlyn closed her eyes.



  Merlyn inhaled and caught the scent of earth on Liam's tongue. Her brain sparked. Liam smelled of Jaspir.

  But --no. He'd just had his hands on her plant.

  Right. His hands. Not his mouth.



  She felt the vibration more than heard the sound. "Where were you all morning?"

  Liam's hand loosened on her neck. "It doesn't matter."

  Merlyn jerked her head back. "Did you even come home last night?"

  Liam sighed, hanging his head. He looked as though he were about to answer her, but then his eyes caught on something on her desk.

  "Are those the results from Curie 144?"

  Merlyn turned her head to peer down. Their bodies were still pressed together. "Yes," she answered.

  "All girls?"

  "All girls."

  "So it worked," he said. "The gender selection and the insemination?"

  Merlyn nodded.

  Liam took a step back, but didn't release her. "How do you feel about that?"

  "It's what we've been working towards all these years. Understanding gene dominance, and now gender selection. We couldn't have done it without your math."

  "That's not what I meant, my lady. What do you think about the artificial insemination procedure?"

  "It will certainly make my Mother and Grand Mother happy."

  Liam nodded. "And it will get you the notoriety that you deserve."

  Merlyn mimicked Liam's nod.

  "Are you interested in having the insemination procedure... between us?" Liam asked. "Or..." He let his sentence trail off, but Merlyn understood its direction.

  She felt her skin heat. She knew Liam couldn't see her thoughts but she felt exposed. She'd never considered whether Liam might want her in that way. She'd never thought of Liam in that way.


  "Because I'd rather not have the procedure... between us." Liam's thumb w
as on her lip again.


  "Did you like it when I kissed you, Merlyn?"

  "Yes. Yes, I liked it very much."

  Liam's hand was around her nape now. This time firm. She could barely move it on her own, but she didn't struggle. The idea of resistance never entered her mind. Liam having control of her head was the most natural thing in the world.

  Liam tilted her nape back so she looked directly into his eyes. "Would you like me to do it again?"

  His words gave her a choice, but his eyes and his hand did not. His lips were on her before she could answer. Still soft, but hotter than before. His tongue touched every corner of her mouth, turning her knees into the consistency of berry jam. Merlyn fell into him. Sparks ignited across her brain. She was sure a brain scan would show fireworks. But still, something niggled at her that she was missing the point.

  Liam's hands traveled down her sides. He pressed her back to the desk. Heat pooled between Merlyn's legs. She was aching for more and it seemed Liam could tell. His hand went to the apex of her thighs, to the center of her need. He pressed his thumb there. Hard.


  "Sorry." Liam said against her mouth. He adjusted the angle of his finger and tried again.

  "Ouch." This time Merlyn pulled away.

  Liam backed up, looking utterly confused. "I don't know what I did wrong. I did everything he said."

  "Everything who said?"

  Liam froze.

  The synapses of Merlyn's brain fired one last shot. This time Merlyn was paying attention. She knew exactly where Liam had been the previous night.

  Chapter Five

  The storefront looked unassuming, just as the men inside wanted it to. The sign above the board read Adom's Leaf. In the store windows were an array of female mannequins in colorful, artfully draped dresses. As always, there were no customers in sight. Women paid no attention or coin to males' designs on their clothing.

  Jaspir spied the store's namesake through the glass door. His dark head bent over parchment. Adom looked up when he heard the bell over the door ring.

  "If it isn't the prodigal, himself." Adom came around the counter and embraced Jaspir.

  "Hello, my brother." Jaspir returned the embrace.

  "I didn't realize it was your day off," Adom said.

  "I'll be having many more days off," said Jaspir. "I've terminated my contract."

  "I thought you were a year off from saving enough."

  "I'll have enough funds by the end of the week. I've already signed the land contract."

  "This is great news, Jaspir."

  Jaspir and Adom had trained in the pleasure temple as youths, along with Jian and Adom's bondmate, Emet.

  Adom had an artistic nature. He didn't see the world the same as his other three brothers. He was often caught drawing depictions of the Goddess in his prayer books. When Adom learned of Jaspir's gardening and grafting abilities, the two developed an even closer friendship. Adom felt the agricultural endeavor was an art form; joining together two things that did not originally exist that way.

  Jian was the eldest of the four trainees and his interests were clearly spiritual. That didn't deter the deep friendship Jaspir developed with the male. He always sought Jian's counsel whenever anything troubled him.

  Emet, on the other hand, was the brother Jaspir always approached when he was ready for a debate. Emet loved to argue with the monks about the factual basis of their spiritual practices.

  "But how have raised the funds so soon?" Adom's face turned sour. "Tell me you haven't sold your soul to some elderly matriarch.

  "I haven't. When I leave, it will be as a free man, just like you and Emet. It's actually Emet that I came to speak with. It has to do with his work for the Male Voice."

  "Since when have you been interested in politics or men's rights?"

  "Since last night when I learned that men's basic rights may be taken out of our hands... or out of our pants, as it were."

  Without another word, Adom led Jaspir to the back of the storefront to Emet's office.

  When Jaspir opened his door later that afternoon he saw Liam. The guilty expression on his face confused Jaspir until he saw who stood behind Liam.

  "Ah," Jaspir closed the door behind him. "So we've been caught."

  "I don't understand this." Merlyn had her arms crossed about her shoulders. Jaspir was sure she aimed for anger in her facial expression, but instead it came across as a pout. Jaspir hid his smile. Merlyn didn't like ambiguous data.

  "I've looked at it from different angles," she said. "I've factored in emotions to the best of my abilities. Still, this makes no qualitative sense to me. By my estimation you two are rivals."

  "We were." Jaspir tentatively reached out and then took her fingers in his own. "But we realized our goal is the same. It doesn't make sense to fight someone with a common goal. So we became partners."

  "Partners? In what endeavor?"

  "Your happiness," Jaspir answered. "My greatest wish is for you to be happy, and well-pleased."

  "Then why do I feel deceived?"

  Liam stepped forward. "I wasn't trying to deceive you. I was trying to learn how to please you. Jaspir was teaching me."

  "Why couldn't you simply tell me that?" asked Merlyn.

  "Why couldn't you tell me that you went to see him?" Liam responded.

  Merlyn dipped her chin, averting her gaze.

  "You've never looked past my calculations, Merlyn. I thought if I could make you feel the way he makes you feel then you would see me, that you would want me."

  "I do see you, Liam."

  Liam shook his head. "I've been in your life, right behind you for the last ten years and you've never seen me. Not until I kissed you."

  "Why are you here now?" Jaspir's eyes leveled accusations at Liam. "You must have done something wrong."

  "I did what you said--"

  "Tell me," Jaspir said to Merlyn.

  "He kissed me," she said. "Just the same as you did. But then his hands went... lower."

  "Tell me what his hands did down low."

  "Jaspir..." Merlyn looked away.

  "Tell me."

  "He pressed them between my thighs."

  "Soft or hard?"

  "Hard," she said the word with a hint of distaste.

  "And you didn't like that?"

  Merlyn shook her head.

  Jaspir puzzled. He'd been certain she'd need a firm hand.

  "The fabric of my dress hurt me."

  "Oh," dawning cleared for Jaspir.

  "What did I do wrong?" Liam asked.

  "You left her clothes on." Jaspir looked between the two. Merlyn and Liam stood apart. Liam tucked his hands behind his elbows. Merlyn's fingers clutched at her loose dress. "This time you'll take her clothes off."

  Both Liam and Merlyn stared. Neither of them moved. They both stood stiffly, uncertain of their own bodies.

  "Merlyn." Jaspir reached for her once more. This time she hesitated. "Liam came to me and presented a problem that required scientific inquiry."

  Her eyebrows quirked. "What was his problem statement?"

  He had her now. "You." Jaspir said. "He wanted to understand why you had harbored feelings for me so many years after we saw each other, and to see if he could replicate those feelings for himself."

  Merlyn glanced at Liam who swallowed and didn't quite meet her eyes.

  Jaspir continued outlaying his methodology in the language that they both understood. "Liam hypothesized that he could gain your feelings if he observed me. Together, we designed a study of three trials. In the first trial, I taught him how to kiss you. Those results were positive, yes?"

  Merlyn nodded.

  "In the second trial, I tried to teach him how to touch you. But it appears some of the data was misinterpreted. I'd like to give him better instructions on the procedure, so that we have a successful outcome. Will you help us?"

  Jaspir watched the expressions cross Merlyn's face. He felt certain s
he wouldn't be able to resist the scientific experiment aspect of his proposed seduction.

  "What do you need me to do?" she asked.

  "Go to the bed," Jaspir commanded.

  Merlyn looked over her shoulder at the bed. Then she turned back and looked between Jaspir and Liam. Finally, she slipped off her shoes and sat on the bed. "In the first trial, early this morning, Liam kissed me first," she said. "Does that make a difference to the data?"

  Jaspir grinned. "Liam."

  Liam tore his gaze from Merlyn to peer at Jaspir. Jaspir inclined his head towards Merlyn. Liam went over and knelt before her. He took her head in his hands. Something passed between the two. Jaspir waited for jealousy to consume him, but it never came.

  Liam's mouth met Merlyn's and her eyes fluttered closed.

  "Remove her gown, Liam."

  It took Liam a moment to relinquish Merlyn's mouth. He reached for the buttons at her bodice. One by one, he popped them open. Merlyn's eyes were owl wide, her breath trembled, but she didn't stop him. With the last button opened, Liam pushed the sleeves off her shoulders.

  Merlyn sat before them, her brown skin gleaming, interrupted only by two angular pieces of white cotton; a bra and panties. Liam appeared unsure of what to do next.

  Jaspir stepped up to his back and leaned towards his ear. "Reach behind her, you'll feel a clasp. Undo it."

  Liam did as he was told. When the bra was unleashed, he pulled the fabric off to reveal two mounds of perfect breasts with dark nipples. Both men inhaled at the sight.

  "Rub your thumbs over her nipples," Jaspir said. "But do it lightly."

  "Earlier you said to be firm with her," Liam said.

  "Not right now."

  And so Liam did. Merlyn's eyes closed, her head fell back.

  "That's it," Jaspir encouraged. "Light circles."

  Merlyn put out a hand to Liam's chest, but it wasn't to stop him. It was to steady herself.

  "How do you feel, my love?" Jaspir asked.

  Merlyn's eyes were pleasure-glazed when they found Jaspir. "The sensations are overwhelming. I feel warm and throbbing all over."

  "Then the procedure is working. Lay her down on the bed," Jaspir said.


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