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A Christmas Charade

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by Jodi Olson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are

  fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons,

  living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  A Christmas Charade

  Copyright © 2009 Jodi Olson

  ISBN 978-1-934446-59-1

  Cover Design by VIPER

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this

  book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine


  Thanks to:

  Barb Ledbetter: the greatest friend a gal can have. Thanks for all the help you have given me.

  The entire Erotic Ranch: You’re the best darn reader group on the net.

  My readers: Thanks for purchasing my books. Love to hear from you always.




  Jodi Olson


  Jillian Marshall left Big Bear City, California ten years ago and never looked back. She moved to San Francisco to become the artist she’d always wanted to be. Her parents had always told her she’d never make money at it, so Jillian worked odd jobs when she wasn’t studying. Right after college, she sold her first painting.

  Two years ago, one of Jillian’s old classmates, Regan Walters, began sending her letters. She hated that blonde pencil-thin snob with a passion, and couldn’t figure out why Regan was still writing to her. At one time, they’d been really good friends, but then Regan stole Jillian’s boyfriend, Patrick Collins, from her.

  In the first letter, Regan said she’d married Patrick right after high school and had five boys. She also mentioned Patrick owned an auto mechanics business.

  By the fifth letter, Jillian desperately wanted Regan to leave her alone, but instead she wrote back that she was married to the top heart surgeon in San Francisco. What a lie! I don’t even have a boyfriend.

  Then, a month ago, she received her invitation to Big Bear High School’s ten-year reunion. She really didn’t want to go, especially after the way she’d been treated in high school. When she told her best friend Nick about it, he told her she should go; told her to make a vacation out of it. ‘Maybe go skiing, meet a ski instructor and have some wild sex,’ he’d said. So Jillian decided to go. I don’t have anything else to do over the holiday.

  What she needed now was to find a husband to cover up the lie she told Regan. Could she ask Nick to help her out or would it end their friendship? Tonight I’ll discuss it with him when he comes over for movie night. Saturday was designated as their weekly movie night and they’d watch anything from old black and white’s to horror films. He always brought dinner from some take out place and she would pick the movie.


  Dr. Christian St. Nicholas needed to stop thinking about getting Jillian into his bed before it began affecting his job as a surgeon. She was too damned beautiful; when he was with her all he could think about was burying his cock deep inside her.

  Jillian moved in next door to him two years ago, and from day one he was mesmerized by her laughter. They’d started hanging out more than usual the last few months. First, they met for coffee; then, dinner once a week and now, movies every Saturday night; he made up any excuse to see her.

  Nick thought back to the conversation he had with Jillian a few days back telling her to go to her reunion. What was I thinking telling her to meet someone and have wild sex? I want to be the man to touch her and make her scream out my name when I plunge in to her depths.

  The first time he saw Jillian, he’d been outside washing his car and she walked by wearing a pair of tight, blue denim shorts. Her legs seemed to go on forever. Many nights in the last few weeks he’d dreamed of those legs wrapped around his waist while he took her to ecstasy.

  The jeans he wore became tighter thinking about it. He needed to get up and go to the kitchen before Jillian noticed. How will I ever explain it?

  Nick went into the kitchen for a soda; no more wine for me, he needed to clear his head. “Jillian do you want anything?”

  “Yes I want you…”

  What the hell? Did I just hear her right? Does she want to be more than friends too?

  “I want you to come sit on the couch with me. Aren’t you enjoying the movie Christian?” Jillian teased.

  “You know I hate being called that,” he remained in the kitchen so she wouldn’t notice how hard he was at the moment.

  “Nick… is that better?” she laughed. “Now, come sit with me.”

  He rounded the corner and plopped on the couch next to Jillian. Sitting this close tempted him in so many ways, so he reached for the book lying on the table next to him.

  From the looks of the cover, it was an erotic romance novel. He knew she loved to read after seeing her crammed bookshelves, but he didn’t remember seeing anything like this before.

  Jillian was apparently very interested in romance, but Nick wasn’t the least bit interested in a long- term relationship, and he knew she’d be the type to go for that sort of thing. So why am I going to miss her this coming weekend?

  In a little over a week, it would be Christmas and they’d be spending it together. He wondered what kind of gift she might like, maybe some jewelry of some kind? Most women liked that sort of thing.

  His thoughts had drifted so much the movie was over and the credits were rolling on the screen. He needed to get out of there, before he did something that might harm their friendship-he didn’t want that to happen.

  “Jillian, it’s late. I better go. I’ve been going on little sleep the past few nights.”

  “Wait, Nick, I-uh, need to ask you something before you go. And why haven’t you been sleeping?” Concern was written on her face.

  “It’s nothing, just some things on my mind,” he grabbed his jacket from the kitchen chair. “What did you wanted to ask me?”

  “I’ve no right to ask, but… Would you go with me to my class reunion?”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. And I’m pretty busy at the hospital”

  “Couldn’t someone else fill in at the hospital? It’s only a few days; Friday, and Saturday and then back home Sunday evening.” Her shoulders sagged, “It would really help me out.”

  “I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow, how does that sound?”

  “Okay, one more thing, Nick,” she picked at her nail polish the way she always did when she was nervous.


  “I-I told them I was bringing…my husband.”

  “Jillian! You’re not married.”

  Jillian grimmaced, “Y-e-a-a-, I know.” She scrunched her eyes, “It gets worse. I told an old classmate I was married-to the best heart surgeon in San Francisco.”

  Panic welled in her throat when she saw the anger on his face. She’d never seen that side of him before. The chill in his voice when he finally spoke overwhelmed her.

  “You made the mess, Jillian, and you’re going to have to clean it up yourself. I won’t be any part of it. My decision’s made. I won’t be going with you. Something’s come up.”

  She jumped when she heard the door slam as he left. Well, I fucked that up! Will he ever forgive me?


  On Sunday, Jillian finished up a painting she’d been working on the last two weeks. Usually she’d get Nick’s approval when
she finished. He always cheered her on, telling her it would sell and not to worry.

  She speed dialed his number and received no answer, so she left a message for him to give her a call when he got home. Evening came and went, but she never heard from him.

  Monday morning, Jillian packed up three paintings she promised the gallery and carried them out the door. She spotted Nick’s Sunday newspaper still lying in front of his door; Sunday was the only day he took the paper due to his workload during the week. He seemed to barely have time to sit and eat a hot meal some days.

  Where is he? She hoped he was all right. With the paintings now in the car, she headed back to lock up her house

  The phone was ringing when Jillian got to the door and she scrambled to reach it, thinking it might be Nick. Maybe he’s calling to tell me not to worry, that everything’s okay and he’ll be home tonight. Jillian was worried; something had been bothering him, even before she’d told him what she’d done.

  Disappointment swamped her when she picked up the phone and it was only the gallery wanting to know when she’d be there. She sighed with relief when she saw the paper gone and Nick’s red convertible parked in the driveway when she locked her door. Maybe he’d come over after he got some rest.

  By Tuesday she felt awful. She still hadn’t heard a thing from him, and now she feared she’d never hear from him again. Perhaps some warm chocolate chip cookies would get him to talk to her; after all, they were his favorite.

  Nick’s hospital surgery schedule varied greatly, and Jillian wasn’t sure exactly what time to expect Nick home. So as soon as the cookies came out of the oven, Jillian placed them on a plate and wrapped them with plastic wrap. She’d take them over to his place and leave them.

  Once she got inside his house, she walked into the kitchen and set the plate on the counter. The sink was full of dirty dishes so she figured she’d give Nick a hand and wash them. Her mind drifted, wondering what Nick would be like as a lover. Was he gentle? Was he demanding? Would he like to have his nipples licked? Whoa, where did that come from?

  No! She wasn’t going there; they were just friends. But why did her mind continue to drift back to Saturday night and the bulge in his pants he was trying to hide? And oh, he was so handsome when he wore a suit.

  And when was the last time you had sex, girl? Two years was a long time, if she didn’t count using her toy.

  Jillian was working on cleaning the last pot when a pair of sexy arms landed on each side of the sink trapping her. She hadn’t even heard him come in the door. He smelled good; not from cologne, just soap, a nice man smell. She didn’t move, she simply breathed, and waited for him to speak.

  “Jillian, what are you doing here?”

  “I brought you some fresh baked cookies. I know how busy you’ve been lately, so I decided to help out by doing your dishes.”

  Jillian turned around to face him and when his full, masculine lips touched hers, she trembled. All last minute thoughts of stopping him disappeared with that shiver. She’d been kissed before, but none had been as good as this.

  His kiss was gentle and confident. When he pulled back, Jillian whimpered. He kissed her again; this time more demanding, his tongue seeking hers.

  “Jillian, I want to make love to you-and I’ve wanted to do that for weeks now.”

  “I want that too, Nick.”

  Nick’s lips covered hers again, as his arms went around her, pulling her close, causing her to melt in his arms.

  Jillian snaked her arms around his neck, and soon her moans were the only sound in the room. Her soft skin, waiting for him to caress, created a fire in him like he’d never known before. No other woman ever made him feel this way. Nick lifted her gently against him as he carried her to the bedroom.

  With shaking hands, he unbuttoned her blouse, then her skirt. The front clasp of her bra was released; the straps sliding down her arms and her panties were pushed down her legs. He picked her up and placed her in the middle of the bed. Quickly he shed his own clothes and lay next to her, covering one of her legs with his. He was on fire as he touched her body.

  “Jillian, I’m aching to be inside you. For weeks I’ve dreamt of this moment.”

  “I have too, Nick.”

  He ran his fingers along her neck, over her shoulders, down her breasts. His mouth sought her breast; his tongue caressing her sensitive, swollen nipple then moved on to the other, giving it loving attention as well.

  “Nick, please hurry.”

  As he moved between her legs, he placed them over his shoulders. His head lowered, his tongue sought the heart of her desire. He licked her slot and thrust his tongue in her chasm. She moaned. She begged. He had to get inside her now, so he rose on his knees. His cock pressed in to her, rousing her passion as his grew stronger. His hips plunged forward, meeting hers.

  He set a smooth rhythm that quickly escalated as they each succumbed to the fire that consumed them. Jillian reached her peak, as a series of convulsions claimed her. Then Nick’s body stiffened and he followed with his own climax.

  Kissing her forehead, he brushed aside the damp hair that clung to her cheek. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close to him.

  Jillian lay still, thinking about what just happened. Nick is an amazing lover, so tender and gentle. She had never felt this alive before. Only three more days until she had to leave for the reunion; she hoped Nick would change his mind and pretend he was her husband for the weekend. Soon her eyes started to close as she thought of what it would really be like married to Nick.

  The rest of the week was magical. They’d spent as much time as possible together, given the demands of Nick’s job. Friday morning, they had just finished making love and Jillian watched Nick get dressed. She wished they could stay in bed a little longer, but she had to hit the road soon or she’d miss her flight.

  “Nick,” she sat up, letting the sheet fall to her waist, hoping to seduce him. She needed to ask him again if he’d be her husband.

  “Jillian, as much as I’d love making love with you again, I know what you’re trying to do. I haven’t changed my mind. I won’t lie and tell strangers we’re married when we’re not.”


  Jillian climbed the steps leading to the door of Big Bear High School. Not being in any hurry to get inside, she took her time. She didn’t even know why she came in the first place. Except for those few letters from Regan, it wasn’t like she still talked to anyone who graduated from her class.

  Once inside, she walked toward the auditorium where the reunion was supposed to be held. On the way, she passed the band room. She still remembered the first time she peeked in the little window and watched Patrick, her first crush, play his saxophone. She had loved taking messages to teachers because then she could sneak a peek at him every day.

  Would Patrick be coming to the reunion? Regan hadn’t mentioned whether he was coming or not.

  During high school, Jillian had few close friends. She hadn’t kept in touch with any after high school. Actually she’d never heard from anybody-until Regan wrote her.

  The reception table was just outside the door to the auditorium. She grabbed a nametag and pen, wrote her name, and stuck it to her chest on the right side. When she backed up she bumped into a blonde overweight male.

  She turned and stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was behind me.”

  “Jillian, you sure have grown up since high school, and wow, you look great.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if I sound rude, but do I know you?”

  “It’s me…Patrick?”

  “Oh my, you’ve, uh, really changed. Where’s Regan?” Jillian couldn’t believe how much he’d changed in ten years. Back then, she thought of him as a blonde god. Now he looked old and worn out.

  “She’s in the little girls room, should be back any minute. We’ve both been looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “I wasn’t planning on coming, but got talked int
o it. I’ll see you later on,” she walked away and went inside.

  The room was full of men and woman; she didn’t recognize any of them. Why didn’t I stay home? Her shyness prevented her from approaching people that she didn’t know. Usually they came up to her to start a conversation first.

  She recognized Regan coming her way from a distance. The hair was a different color, but the loud voice was the same. Jillian could only hope time would move fast, she was bored and missed Nick.

  “Hello Jillian, it’s so good to see you,” Regan exclaimed.

  “Regan how are you?” That was as far as Jillian got in the conversation as Regan’s voice droned on with the happenings in her life.

  Jillian’s mind drifted to thoughts of Nick. She was falling for him hard. She wondered where they would go from here. Would they go their separate ways when she got back to San Francisco?

  She was so lost in thought that Jillian didn’t hear Regan ask her if she made good money painting for a living. Suddenly a hand, massive and strong, spun her around. Jillian gasped and then smiled for the first time that evening. Nick was standing right in front of her.

  “Nick, what are you doing here? I thought you were tied up in surgery all day?”

  “I was, but one got moved to next week, so I thought I’d surprise my beautiful wife.” Nick winked.

  Gorgeous wasn’t even the right word to describe how he looked that evening. He was wearing his black suit, and the red silk tie Jillian gave him on his birthday. Her breath hitched every time he looked at her. Nick was unlike any of the men she’d seen tonight, or any man she’d dated in the past. Sex with him was amazing. What she’d give to leave with him right now, take him back to the lodge and make love to him all night long.

  Before Jillian could get a word out, his lips touched hers. Before she closed her eyes, she saw the look of envy on Regan’s face.


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