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A Christmas Charade

Page 2

by Jodi Olson

  Her arms wound around his neck, and she tipped her head for his kiss. His lips parted, inviting him in, tangling her tongue with his. His arms tightened around her, pressing her breasts against his muscled chest, making her nipples harden.

  His lips moved to her ear and whispered, “How am I doing so far?”

  Struggling to get her breath, she let out a soft moan. Jillian forgot where she was for a moment until she noticed everyone staring at her and Nick. She ran her hand through her hair, “Sorry about that. When he kisses me like that, I forget where I am most of the time.”

  Nick pulled her against him, placing his arms around her as if to protect her. He whispered in her ear again, “Put this ring on before someone sees you’re not wearing one.

  Jillian never thought about having to wear a ring. Where did he get such a beautiful pear-shaped diamond ring? It was exquisite; she couldn’t take her eyes off it. “Thanks,” she whispered, “I never thought about a ring or if someone noticing I didn’t wear one.”

  “For this charade, you owe me Jillian,” his voice was husky with desire.

  Jillian blushed after figuring out what he meant by that.


  “Jillian let’s go to the buffet table. I’m starving and I bet you are too. Knowing you like I do, toast is about all you’ve eaten today.”

  They stood in line waiting their turn when Nick heard Patrick ask Jillian if she would save him a dance later.

  “Sure, I’ll save a dance for you Patrick.”

  Nick was about to say he wanted the first dance with Jillian when he saw Regan pull on Patrick’s arm and whisper in his ear. Whatever it was she said, the look on Patrick’s face told him it wasn’t good.

  After filling their plates with chicken, salad and some cookies for desert, Nick and Jillian grabbed one of the few empty tables.

  A muscle quivered in his jaw when Patrick took the seat on the other side of Jillian. He shouldn’t be angry, but he was. He came all this way to spend time and be with her. What’s wrong with me? I’m acting like a jealous husband. This isn’t a real marriage. Once the weekend’s over, it’s back to the real world.

  While dining, special awards were given out. Jillian’s name was called for the award “most changed.” Jillian beamed as she was handed a trophy by one of her former classmates. Nick hadn’t known what Jillian was like in high school, but she’d changed a lot in the last few years. When they first met, she was still on the shy side, and it took a while to get to know her. But once she opened up some, it got better and better.

  Music drifted from the sound system and when the first slow song began, Nick grabbed Jillian’s hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. “Dance with me, Jillian,” he guided her onto the crowded dance floor.

  His arms clasped around her waist, as she raised hers around his neck. His cheek rested against hers and she sighed.

  Nick ravaged her mouth as they danced, his tongue sending shivers of desire racing through her. Jillian moaned when the song ended and he pulled away to walk her back to the table.

  During the rest of the evening several men asked Jillian to dance and Nick found himself sitting at the table with Regan. His eyes followed Jillian on the dance floor as he heard Regan say, “Why haven’t you asked me to dance, Nick? Patrick is dancing with your wife now.”

  “I see that, Regan, and do you think I should do something about that?” his face was emotionless, but his eyes hard and full of anger.

  Regan moved to the chair next to him, “Did you know Patrick is upset with me right now?”

  “No, and why should I care?” He continued to watch Jillian dance with Patrick.

  “Well, you should care. She is after him, you know.”

  Nick didn’t want to hear anymore. Had Jillian wanted him to come only to make Patrick jealous? If she really wanted that auto mechanic, why did she tell everyone she was married to me? The way she moaned while kissing him told him Regan was wrong, and just out to cause trouble.

  He left Regan sitting alone at the table and walked toward Jillian. When he got within hearing distance, he overheard Patrick say, “Jillian, let’s go some place private; I want to show you how much I’ve thought about you lately.” Nick wanted to tear Patrick limb from limb-until he heard Jillian.

  “Patrick, let go of me now before I make sure everyone watches me knee you in the balls.”

  Nick glared at Patrick, “My wife said let her go. Do it, now, or I’ll wipe the floor with you.”

  Jillian moved close to Nick, “I think I’ve had enough of this reunion to last the next ten years or so. Can we go now, Nick?”

  Nick led her out into the hall and then out the door of Big Bear High School. Nick knew Jillian wouldn’t be hearing from Regan after tonight, and for that he was happy.


  “Jillian, let’s grab your things from your rental car; then we’ll cancel your lodge reservations. I rented a condo at Big Bear Resort for the weekend. We can do whatever you want; skiing, snowboarding, ice- skating, maybe even horseback riding. There’s an indoor pool and we’ve even got a hot tub on the deck of the condo.” A faint light twinkled in the depths of his black eyes.

  “It sounds wonderful Nick, no one around, just us.” Her eyes came up to study his reaction,

  “What if I just want to be lazy?” “If you want to spend the day in bed or just lounging around, that’s fine too. But we need to get going. The manager said we need to get the keys before midnight or we won’t be able to get them until seven a.m. when they reopen.”

  “What about my rental car?” she grabbed her bag from the trunk.

  “We’ll call the rental company to pick it up tomorrow,” he opened the passenger door for her. As he slid into the driver’s he turned to Jillian, “Did I tell you tonight how beautiful you look?”

  “Yes, you did, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it more than once. Thank you.”

  He glanced her way, even in the darkness he could tell she was blushing. She did that a lot when he complimented her. Jillian surprised him tonight when she stood up to Patrick. His wife was no longer the shy, quiet person he met four years ago. Wait a minute. Wife? Where did that come from? It had only been a charade for the reunion; then again, the weekend was only getting started.

  After ten minutes on the road, Nick looked over at Jillian and saw she was asleep, her head leaning against the glass window. She was beautiful even when she slept. For days after their movie night, he’d tried to avoid her, and it had worked until he came home to find her doing his dishes. She was irresistible and after that first night with her, it wasn’t enough. He needed more.

  Jillian was still sleeping when he came out of the manager’s office after registering. He waited until he’d parked the car in front of the condo to wake her.

  “Jillian,” he ran his hand tenderly along her cheek, “wake up. We’re here.” “The place looks wonderful from what can see, but I wish it was daylight.”

  “See that big window? When you look out tomorrow, you’ll be able see the mountain and the ski lifts too.”

  “Let’s go inside and see what it looks like.”

  “You go on ahead. I’ll bring our bags in,” he handed her the key to let herself in.

  Jillian stepped inside, and flicked on the light switch; it was cozy and rustic looking, with a gas-burning fireplace along one wall, perfect for cuddling. She hoped to be able to get plenty of that in during the next two days. Looking through the rest of the condo, she found the bedroom just as Nick came in behind her.

  “It’s lovely Nick, I can’t wait to see the rest in the daylight.”

  “Another doctor I work with told me about this place and she was right. It’ll be better than staying at the lodge, so much more relaxing here.”

  “Nick, did I tell you thank you yet?” She remembered what Nick said to her before leaving for the reunion. Everyone would have seen right through the charade of her being married to a heart surgeon if Nick hadn’t showing up. She wasn’t a good li

  But he did show up, portraying the doting husband and she got caught up in the moment. No more reunions for her.

  “Jillian, did you hear me?”

  She stood, looking at Nick, her heart racing being this close to him, “Sorry Nick, I must be tired. It’s been a long, exhausting day.”

  “I said you’re welcome, anything for a friend. But as I said earlier, you owe me big time.”

  Her heart hurt a little when she heard him call her a friend. Since they’d slept together, she would’ve thought they’d be more than just friends.

  The kiss at the reunion was much more than two friends giving each other a simple kiss; it was earth shattering. Jillian shivered just thinking about that kiss. She wanted more; she needed more.

  It was as if Nick could read her mind because he pulled her into his arms and his mouth was on hers. He opened her lips with his tongue, plunging inside as he backed her up against the bed. She felt his erection against her stomach, wanted it inside her. No, she needed his cock inside her now.

  Nick peeled her clothes off one by one until she was completely naked; her clothes piled in a heap on the wooden floor. He laid her down on the bed. Kneeling between her legs, his tongue circled her clit, which was already hard with need. He licked down her damp slit, before he plunged inside her. Jillian was breathless and trembling with desire.

  “Nick, please…”

  “Please what?”

  “I need you to inside me-now.”

  “Patience baby,” he slipped one hand between her thighs and pushed two fingers inside her while he sucked on her swollen nub. In minutes she was bucking and whimpering. Sensation shot through her entire body as if she was on fire.

  His hands, his mouth, were everywhere pleasing her. Pleasure was bringing her over the edge and she quickly cried out his name.

  Before she had time to catch her breath, Nick stood and undressed. Within seconds, he was back on the bed pushing her thighs apart and entering her with his cock. She held on to his shoulders as he started thrusting harder.

  His mouth curled around one of her nipples, tugging gently at first. Then he bit with more force and she tightened around his cock. Her hips bucked demanding more, but he took it slow, wanting her to come again before he did.

  He moved from nipple to nipple, sucking and nipping, as he met her thrust for thrust. Soon he felt her tighten as her climax exploded through her. Shortly after, Nick called out her name as he came.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close as his breathing returned to normal. He was almost asleep when he heard her whisper his name.



  “I love you.”


  Nick took his time in the shower. After drying off, he walked to the bed and crawled in between the sheets. Jillian’s soft snores told him she was still sleeping. What could he say to her after her confession? I don’t even know for sure what I’m feeling. They’d been friends for years-this was all new to him. The last few weeks, he felt his days weren’t complete if she wasn’t around. Nick needed to be around her as much as possible.

  Soon the sun would rise and Nick found himself still unable to sleep. Later they were going skiing. Years had passed since the last time he’d skied, and even though Jillian had grown up here on the mountain, she’d never learned. She seemed interested when he mentioned ski lessons.

  While Jillian took her ski lessons, he might take some snowboarding lessons. Then Sunday, they’d both get some skiing in together if she wanted.

  Since he couldn’t sleep, Nick decided to dress. Putting on a heavy sweater and jeans, he went to the other room to slip his shoes on. Jillian was still sleeping, so now was the perfect opportunity to make a quick trip to the store to pick up some groceries. They would need to eat something before heading out for the day.

  When Nick returned from the store, he found Jillian up and dressed.

  She was having a difficult time looking at him, so he unpacked the grocery sacks. The sacks were filled with Jillian’s favorite fruits and the bagels she liked so much. He’d even picked up wine, steaks to grill and salad fixings. There would be plenty of food to last them.

  Christmas was just around the corner, which left Nick wondering what Jillian would want for a present. When he asked her last week, she’d told him, ‘Oh nothing really.’

  He’d given her the same answer when she’d asked him. I need to think of something.

  “Jillian, I stopped at the office on the way back and set up times for our lessons. Do you want breakfast before we go? We need to head out soon.”

  “Sure, I’ll just grab an apple while I finish getting ready.” A few minutes later, she walked out of the bedroom wearing her coat, hat and gloves.

  Nick left Jillian waiting on her ski instructor outside the ski lift. The instructor would take her up on the lift to the bunny hill for novice skiers. They agreed to meet up in an hour.

  Nick stood far enough away so Jillian couldn’t see him. He took one look at the instructor and decided he wasn’t going snowboarding after all. The instructor couldn’t seem to keep his hands off Jillian. Was she enjoying it? It sure looked like it; and that bothered him more than he thought it should. Curses fell from his mouth as he watched the instructor lean in to kiss Jillian. He started walking over to them, but stopped when he saw Jillian push the guy into the snow. That’s my girl!


  Jillian told the instructor she wasn’t interested in him when he spoke of them getting better acquainted. So when he tried to kiss her she pushed him away. Suddenly learning to ski wasn’t what she wanted anymore. Why did Nick even talk me into this whole thing? First, the reunion; then this guy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I should’ve have just stayed home. And last night, after having amazing sex, what had she done, but spoken those three little words. All she got from Nick was SILENCE! Maybe in time she’d hear those words from him, at least she hoped so.

  She smiled as Nick approached; she’d take whatever Nick had to offer, even if it was only for a short time. It was better than nothing. While it would hurt if he ended their so-called love relationship, she’d go back to being friends only if that is all he wanted. She couldn’t bear to lose him altogether.


  The weekend flew by with all of the activities Nick scheduled for them. He taught her to ski. They both attempted snowboarding and ended up lying in the snow, giggling more than anything. Playing in the snow, having snowball fights and building a snowman were highlights of their limited time. By the time they returned to the condo, they were exhausted. The evenings were spent sitting in front of a cozy fire in each other’s arms, listening to Christmas carols on the radio.

  “Did you have a good time here Jillian? “

  “Yes Nick, but I don’t think skiing is for me. It’s so beautiful up here I really wish we could stay longer.”

  “Me too, but I have surgery on Tuesday. We’ll need to head back in the morning.”

  “And I need to get back to painting. The gallery already wants more; when I was there the last time they asked when I’d have more ready. After New Years, they want to talk about doing another showing of my work.”

  “That’s wonderful sweetheart.” Nick kissed her gently on the lips.

  She barely broke the kiss when she whispered, “Kiss me again Nick.”

  “Baby, take your clothes off. I’ll take you to heaven by the fire.”

  Jillian stood near the fireplace and slowly unbuttoned one button at a time on her pink sweater. Nick watched her intently as she released the last button. He groaned as she opened the edges of the pink, wool pink sweater revealing her soft skin. She opened the gap a little more, teasing him, before letting it fall in a heap on the hardwood floor behind her.

  His eyes roamed every inch of her body, “Come stand in front of me baby.” Her fingers traced a line down her body, between her breasts and to her tummy, “Do you want to help me take off my jeans, Dr. N
ick?” Slipping her fingertips down her belly and beneath her denim waistband, she popped the snap open. Slowly, she pulled down the zipper, just enough to expose the top of her blue bikini panties. Her hips rotated as she began pushing the jeans down, knowing it was driving him crazy.

  “Oh baby, do you know that you are killing me here?”

  When her jeans lay beside her sweater, she wore nothing but the pale blue panties-and a smile.

  Before she had time to think, he was off the couch and she was in his arms. Shoving her against the nearest wall, his hands roamed over her naked flesh. He caught her wrists with one hand and raised them above her head. Leisurely, his other hand traced the length of her arms; his fingers grasped the dark curls of hair at the nape of her neck, forcing her head back. He kissed her lips, her throat, and breasts.

  Breathing hard, he released her momentarily to strip out of his sweater and jeans. He forced her back against the wall, spreading her thighs apart with his leg. His hands slid under her hips, cupping her butt as he lifted her to wrap her legs around his waist. She draped her arms around his neck as he drove into her.

  “Damn it Jillian, do you know what you do to me? I can’t get enough of you.”

  Jillian ran her fingers through the light dusting of hair on his hard chest, savoring this special moment. The pounding of her heart raced along with his. He thrust into her again and again. Shortly she was shuddering with a powerful orgasm and he lost all control. As he was about to release his seed, he gave her one last drugging kiss.

  Jillian trembled from the force of her orgasm and Nick carried her into the bedroom. They lay together, she curling up next to him as close as she could get.

  In the morning, they showered together, lathering each other with soap; then making love again against the tiles, while still wet and slick.

  An hour later, Jillian and Nick were packing their suitcases when she remembered the ring he gave her at the reunion. Should I give it back to him now, or wait until we return home? Did he buy that ring a few days ago or had it been intended for someone else? As far as she knew, he hadn’t been dating anyone for months or she would’ve known about it.


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