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Reckless Rock Star (Cocky Hero Club)

Page 8

by Victoria Ashley

  I shake my head. The only thing stopping me from turning around and punching my truck is the fact that I don’t want to scare Natalie. “I never found out who he was. That’s one of the reasons I refused to give her a second chance when she begged me to take her back. She told me I’d hate her if I ever learned the truth and she wasn’t willing to take that chance.”

  “She sounds like a bitch. I want to kick her ass now, to be honest. She doesn’t deserve you.”

  My lips twist up into a smile when I see that she’s serious. “You’re not going to stun her, are you?”

  She lifts a brow as if she’s thinking about it.

  I laugh and nod toward the driveway. Everyone is out back drinking, so they probably have no idea we’ve arrived yet, unless they happened to see the headlights. “Let’s go introduce you to everyone. I’ll come back later and grab our bags.”

  Before she can say anything, I reach down and grab her hand, lacing my fingers with hers. She stiffens at first, just like at the gas station, but then falls into step beside me as I head through the gravel.

  “We could’ve waited until there were actual people in sight before holding hands, you know,” she mumbles from beside me.

  I have a feeling her feisty side will be coming out a lot here soon, and I need it to. She really has no idea what being my girlfriend entails.

  “You’re gonna have to relax and go with the flow if we want this to look real. If you were my girlfriend, you’d be much closer than you are right now. In fact, you’d be tangled up with my body, unable to keep your hands and mouth off me. Trust me.” Smiling, I pull her closer to me. “This will have to do for now, though.”

  “For now?”

  “That’s what I said.” I stop walking and look down when I almost twist my ankle on a big rock. This is the worst excuse for a driveway I’ve ever seen. “Come here.”

  Without giving her time to react, I scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder, causing a surprised gasp to leave her lips.

  “Madden! What are you doing? Put me the hell down.” She places her hands on my back and pushes up so she can most likely see where we’re walking. “Put me down. Now.”

  Ignoring her demand, I keep on walking, trying to avoid the uneven gravel. “I’m not gonna let you twist your ankle on these rocks. I’ve gotta protect my girl.” I smile, because I know she wants to strangle me right now.

  But hey… if she’s going to pretend to be my girlfriend, then she’s getting the same treatment a real girlfriend of mine would get.

  “You’re just loving this, aren’t you?” she asks once I set her down with a carefree smile when we reach the side of the cabin. “I think I could’ve handled walking on rocks, Madden.”

  I shrug and grip her waist, pulling her against my side. I’ve got to make sure everyone here knows we’re together. Especially Alana. “You can never be too careful, babe.” I give her hip a small squeeze and lean in to whisper in her ear. “Relax, Nat.”

  She takes a few deep breaths, before nodding her head and wrapping her arm around my waist, under my leather jacket. “It’s kind of hard to relax when you’re making me nervous,” she bites out.

  I squeeze her hip again and she stiffens up. “This is making you nervous?”

  She nods and moves my hand higher up her waist and away from the top of her ass. “When you’re squeezing one of the areas I love to be grabbed at… yeah… it’s making me nervous. Your brother’s hand is the only one that’s been there over the last twenty-three months.”

  I stop in place, causing her to stop beside me. I’m not sure why, but that little detail slightly excites me. “It turns you on to be grabbed there by a man?”

  She huffs and pulls me to start walking again. “Just forget I said anything. We’re not going to discuss what turns me on. Not happening.”

  Her hand slightly grips my waist tighter as if she’s preparing for our introduction once we’re standing just feet away from the bonfire.

  Nerves kick in even stronger, and as I look around, I can’t help but to notice that Alana isn’t one of the bodies around the fire.

  “Oh, hell yeah!” Jake throws his arms up once he notices Natalie and me approaching. “You really did make it today like you said. I’m impressed, Parker.” He quickly gives me a one-armed hug, causing me to release Natalie’s waist.

  “I told you I’d be here on Thursday. I meant it. Nothing could keep me away.”

  Once he pulls away, I turn his attention toward Natalie, and he slowly eyes her over in approval. I don’t blame him. She looks great in those ripped up jeans and snug little leather jacket. “This is Natalie… my girlfriend.”

  Even though Jake knows Natalie isn’t really my girlfriend, I don’t want to say the truth out loud now that I’m here with her. Not even to him. It needs to feel as real as possible for both of us for this to work.

  He nods and reaches out to take her hand, pulling her in for a hug. “Nice to meet you.” Backing away from her, he makes her do a little spin, while whistling, which gets everyone’s attention. “Madden is one lucky dude. Come meet Natalie, everyone. Our boy Madden didn’t come alone.”

  Natalie doesn’t even have time to react before Jess is rushing over and wrapping her arm around her shoulder with excitement. “Madden Parker brought a girl. This makes me so happy.” She motions to all the guys surrounding them. “It’s sort of a dickfest here in case you haven’t noticed. It’s nice to add another girl to the mix.”

  Natalie laughs as she takes everyone in. “I’ve noticed.”

  I shake my head and point around at the guys as they come in closer. “Natalie… this is Jake, Jess, Walker, Seth, and Riley. We’ve all basically known each other since we were in diapers.”

  With everyone jumping up to welcome us, Natalie ends up getting pulled away, everyone wanting their turn to talk to her and drill her with questions of how we met.

  I’m standing here with a huge smile on my face as she loosens up and laughs, making herself comfortable with all of my friends. I like that a whole lot.

  In fact, I’m so into watching her interact with everyone that I don’t even notice Alana until she’s jumping into my arms and hugging me.

  My heart leaps out of my chest when she wraps her hands in my hair and places her forehead to mine just like old times. “I’ve missed you so much, Madden. You have no idea how much I’ve been dying to see you again.”

  She leans in to kiss me, but I’m quick enough to turn my face away that she misses. I drop her back down to her feet before I make that huge mistake again like last year. “You aren’t going to do this shit this time. Were the ignored texts not obvious enough? There won’t be any more kissing me, Alana. Don’t try that again.”

  “Why not?” She sounds surprised and refuses to release my neck, forcing me to pull at her hands. “Don’t do this, Madden. Please. You have no idea how much it hurts that you won’t talk to me. Just give me another chance to prove myself.” Her grip on me tightens, but I pull until she finally releases my neck and takes a step back. “What’s your problem? Why even bother pushing me away when you know you miss me too?”

  She looks past me and notices Natalie. At least, I’m guessing it’s her she’s looking at, because her face is slowly turning from confusion to anger. “Are you serious?” She pushes at my chest with wide eyes. “Did you seriously bring a girl with you? How could you, Madden? This is our place. You can’t just bring some one-night stand to piss me off and get back at me. That’s not fair.”

  I stand here and let her push me a few more times, letting her anger out before I speak. “No, Alana. This isn’t our place. It’s Jake’s, and if we’re going to be coming here every year we need to learn to move on and deal with seeing each other with someone new. And she’s not a fucking one-night stand. We’re together.”

  “You’re a bad fucking liar. We both know no other woman will ever be more to you than a one-night stand. You’ve proven that multiple times. Let’s not pretend otherwise.” She
gives me one last shove and gets up in my face. “I told you I wanted us to work things out and you do this to me.”

  “Really,” I growl out. “You fucking cheated on me. There are no ‘working things out’.”

  “Whoa… break it up over here.” Jake slips between us, and that’s when I look over to see that everyone, including Natalie, is staring at us, and they probably have been this whole time.

  She looks pissed, which is good, because that means she’s playing her part well. It almost looks as if she wants to come over here and give Alana a piece of her mind, but she’s holding back.

  “I apologized for my mistake more times than I can even count, Madden. How long will you make me to pay for it?”

  “Getting caught cheating on a test is a mistake, not cheating on your boyfriend.”

  Alana gives me a hurt look and walks past me. “I need another drink if I’m going to deal with this.”

  Well, fuck me. Looks I’ll be needing quite a few of those tonight too…



  When I looked over and saw some beautiful blonde chick in Madden’s arms, hugging him, it had my heart racing and my blood pumping with anger.

  Seeing her legs wrapped around his body as if she owned him made me want to go over there and rip her back by her hair. She doesn’t even deserve to see him, let alone touch him after the way she broke his heart. The fact that she doesn’t see that only pisses me off. She had her chance with him and she ruined it. She needs to back off and stop playing with his heart. She’s already hurt him enough, and I don’t plan on letting her rip his heart out again. Not if I can do anything to stop it.

  I’m trying my hardest not to walk over there and blow up in her face for the simple fact that I don’t want to upset Madden and give him a reason to break down right here in front of us all. He hasn’t seen his ex in a year, and I can’t even begin to understand what he might be feeling right now. I need to play this cool and let him react first.

  All eyes are on Madden as he stands there with his jaw tense, watching as Alana walks away and disappears into the cabin.

  He waits until she’s completely out of sight before he stalks over to me and places his lips against my cheek for show—his way of publicly apologizing for the scene I just witnessed—before he takes off into the woods.

  “I think we could all use a drink right about now. I’ll get you started while Madden takes a breather.” Jess sounds nervous as she wraps her arm around mine and begins pulling me away from everyone toward the cabin.

  I try my best not to focus on Madden as he disappears beyond the tree line, but I can’t seem to take my eyes away from where he just disappeared. It reminds me of his little breakdown back at Logan’s the other night. I hated the way it made me feel—useless. I feel like I should be helping him right now or something. “I should go talk to him.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I know it must be hard to watch, but trust me, it’s best to just give him a few minutes to adjust.” She pauses to exhale. “I hope this doesn’t scare you off. They have a long, complicated history, but I’m sure you’ve heard all about it. He has a right to be angry with her. I’m sure a little air will do him some good.”

  “Yeah… you’re probably right.” I step into the cabin and look around as Jess goes straight for the kitchen, hoping that Alana isn’t anywhere in sight. She isn’t, which relaxes me a bit.

  “Please don’t be pissed over this. Alana really had no idea you two were together, and as far as she believes…” She turns to face me while pouring a couple of mixed drinks. “Madden will never be over her. She’s used to seeing him with random girls on social media all the time, but he’s never brought another girl here before. This is all new for both of them. I can’t imagine being in your shoes, but I hope you understand and give this place a real chance, because you must be really special for Madden to bring you here. I’d love to get to know you. I’m sure all of us would.”

  “Understandable. I get it.” I reach for the drink when she hands me one of the cups. I immediately take a sip, feeling as if I need one now. My emotions are all over the place, and I seriously don’t know how to act. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all. As far as I’ve been told, you’re all very important to Madden.”

  Jess eyes me over the rim of her cup. She can sense my awkwardness as I eye the closed door in front of us that Alana most likely disappeared behind. “She’s here, but things will calm down. I promise. I hate to say it, because Alana is my friend, but she needs to see that you two are serious or she won’t back off. I hate how she hurt Madden in the past and I want more than anything for him to be with someone who won’t hurt him that way. Madden is a good guy. I’d like to see him happy. Ever since Alana decided they’re not over, she makes it hard for him to move on. Maybe this year will be different. With you here, I’d say we’re off to a good start, so please don’t pay any attention to her when she’s rude.” She smiles. “Let’s go join the others, shall we? I’m sure Madden will be back soon.”

  “Wait.” I take a sip of my drink, keeping my eyes on Alana’s room. “Which room is ours?”

  She offers an apologetic smile and nods toward the door right next to the room I want to be far away from. “Sorry, sweets. Jake refuses to give up the master, so unfortunately, you’ll be right next door to Alana. But don’t worry. Things will be fine. Come on.”

  When we walk outside the first thing my eyes land on is Madden carrying the suitcases with his guitar case draped over his shoulder. His face is void of any emotion as he walks past us and into the cabin.

  Not knowing what to say or do, I follow Jess back to the fire, feeling uneasy. Even though everyone is trying to make conversation with me, I can’t keep my eyes from looking at the cabin, waiting for Madden to walk out.

  It’s only been five minutes, but I’m feeling a little overprotective of him at the moment, worried that Alana is getting to him.

  “…here he comes!” His friend Jake throws his arms up as Madden steps outside. “Hurry up, dude! The party doesn’t start without you and you know it.”

  A small smile forms on Madden’s lips as he slips his arm around my waist and brushes his lips against my neck. The gesture causes my heart to do a little jump inside my chest. “Hope you’re ready,” he whispers. “It’s going to be a long six days.”

  “Awe. Aren’t you just so fucking sweet, rock star. Stop making me look bad, dick.”

  He laughs into my ear and grips my waist tighter as Jake teases him. His grip on my waist has me tilting back my drink, needing some liquid courage to get through this night. “I see Jess got you a drink,” he whispers next to my ear. “What is it?”

  Before I’m able to answer him, he wraps his hand around mine and pulls the cup to his mouth to take a drink.

  The fact that he makes sure to place his lips right where mine just were causes my heart to speed up for some strange reason.

  He clearly did that on purpose for his friends, yet it still excites me. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to his brother being a germaphobe and never sharing anything like that with me, which makes no sense.

  “Want me to get you one?” I ask, my heart racing as he leans in to take another drink. The way he’s looking at me over the cup has me swallowing to moisten my dry mouth. “We don’t have to share. I’m sure it’s weird for you…”

  “It isn’t,” he says immediately. “I don’t have a problem sharing, or placing my lips where yours have been. I’m not my brother, Nat.”

  His comment has me clearing my throat and taking a step back. It suddenly feels as if we’re standing too close and I need some space to breathe.

  He’s not his brother.

  He’s nothing like him.

  Being here is going to show me just how different they truly are, which makes me nervous. I don’t know why that is, but it does.

  I can feel Madden stiffen beside me at the sight of Alana making he
r way over to join us by the fire pit. Everyone quietens down as she pulls up a chair, takes a seat, and brings her cup to her lips. “Let’s not all stare at once,” she mumbles. “Someone pass me the marshmallows.”

  Seth grabs the large bag and tosses it to Alana. “Roast one for me too, babe, will ya?”

  “Yup, might as well.” She’s speaking to Seth, but her gaze is clearly set on Madden. “Anyone else want one? We all know how much you love S’mores and how I make them for you.”

  “Nope, but I think I’ll make one for Natalie,” Madden says stiffly. “Jake, toss me the other bag.” He holds his hand up and catches the bag that Jake throws our way.

  He keeps his eyes on me the whole time he’s preparing the stick for the fire. It’s as if he’s trying his hardest not to pay attention to his ex’s reaction.

  Before I know what’s happening, I’m pulled down into Madden’s lap and he wraps his free arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him. The feel of the natural bulge in his jeans pressing against my bottom sends my heart into overdrive.

  This is not the lap I’m supposed to be sitting in.

  I push back the urge to jump out of his lap, even though I want nothing more than to elbow him in the ribs for the unwanted surprise he just gave me.

  “Sorry, but I have to do this,” he whispers into my ear, handing me the S’more he just made. “She’s set on proving you’re nothing but a one-night stand I brought here to piss her off. I need to show her otherwise.” I suck in a small breath as his lips lightly brush across my neck. They’re so close. Too close. “Please, save kicking my ass for later.”

  “I don’t know if I can. You’re too damn close. I can feel your dick pressed against my ass, Madden. Not cool. Not cool at all.”

  My words trail off when he tosses the stick aside and his lips press against my neck. The kiss is gentle, yet it’s so sexual the way he moves across my skin that I find myself squeezing his thigh when he does it for a second and third time. As if that’s not enough, him slightly hardening beneath me has me gripping his thigh even tighter, unsure of how to react right now.


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