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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 79

by Rebecca Foxx

  Whitney crossed her arms and leaned back slightly in her seat, “You’re going to have to convince me, Tony.”

  “Let me put it to you this way: both the CIA and the FBI have failed to infiltrate. They called on us specifically because of you. Whitney, this is serious.”

  Whitney sat upright in her seat. He definitely had her attention now, “Damn, Tony, what is it?”

  Tony threw a file on the desk, which Whitney picked up eagerly. She saw a photograph of a couple of dead navy seals officers. She grit her teeth. Tony sighed, “There’s this man named William Blake.”

  “Like the poet?” Whitney joked, but Tony did not find it funny.

  “Yes, I suppose so.” Tony rolled his eyes, “We think he might have a connection to the KGB, but no one has ever been able to nail him. The KGB has committed a few local murders of retired seals, or at least we think it’s them. We can’t be sure what they’re up to at all. We know Blake was a former associate, but we don’t have evidence that he knows anything. We need someone to go in under cover.”

  “What will I be undercover as?” she asked.

  “A live-in maid.” Tony said, “He is hiring someone to clean his mansion. He’s a local billionaire. You are going to be his maid –Abigail Petite.”

  “You must be shitting me. A maid, Tony?” she griped; Whitney looked at the pictures of the slaughtered men, “All right. I’m on it. Sign me up.”

  “I’m glad you said that.” Tony said.

  She looked out into the hall at the agents who were examining their facility, “I was not going to be given a choice at all, was I?” she asked.

  “Nope.” Tony stood, “Head to the debriefing room. You have a lot to learn about this Mr. Blake before we put you in.”

  Whitney took one last angry look at the photograph of the dead navy seals, and she nodded. “Looking forward to it.”


  William Blake stuck out his bottom lip ever so slightly as his new housemaid entered onto the premises. It was midnight, and the moon was just overhead. With a name like Abigail Petite, he had been expecting something different entirely.

  Of course, he was unaware that her real name was Whitney Lawrence, so it had thrown him off quite a bit. William had pictured a skinny white blonde who was wanting to work as a maid in attempt to get close to him, and William would not have really minded that at all.

  Truthfully, William wanted company more than anything else. He had no problem cleaning his own mansion because it rarely got dirty. He did not have a lot of guests. The woman was black and incredibly busty. She had curves and more meat on her bones than what he was normally attracted to, and yet he found himself staring. “Hello, Mister Blake.” She said as she reached the top of the enormous marble stairs that led up to his front porch. She was struggling with her two suitcases.

  He took one from her despite her insistence that she did not need help, “I apologize, Miss. Petite, for having you meet me at such odd hours.” He said, “I work mostly at night, so you might want to try to get onto my schedule otherwise you might be kept up a lot if I ever have company.”

  “Of course, Mister Blake.” She said in her New Orleans accent.

  William caught himself staring at her rear end as she passed by him to enter into the front door. He blushed and forced himself to look away. “Please, take the night off to get yourself settled in,” he began as he led her up the stairwell to the second floor of his mansion. He pointed down the hall to the two enormous doors. “That is my room. That is the one place I would prefer you not go. I like my privacy, so I will clean it myself if it need to be cleaned.”

  “Of course.” She said.

  They continued walking down the hall. He opened up a door, and he watched her as she looked around. “This will be your room. Please, make yourself at home. I will not be around during day. I will most likely be sleeping. Please do not disturb me. Goodnight, Miss. Petite.”

  He closed the door and went back down the long stretch of hallway until he could enter his own room. He closed the door behind him. In the corner was a man tied to a chair, his mouth ducted taped shut, and he was making a lot of noise. William sighed; he had forgotten about this man.

  William had caught the asshole attacking a young woman outside of a bar on one of his nightly strolls several nights ago. He had had the man tied up in his bedroom ever since. If there was one thing William hated, it was a man who took advantage of innocent women. “Oh, shut up,” William grumbled. The man was crying and mumbling under the duct tape. William approached the man slowly. The only reason the man was still alive was because he had just had a feeding right before running into him, but it had been a few nights now. William licked his lips. “I can’t have you making all that noise. We have a guest living with us now.” He said and leaned forward. He bit into the man’s neck, and William could hear the man moan and cry –the sound still muffled from the duct tape. The man was dead within minutes as William drained him of every drop of blood.

  He wiped his lips and headed to his enormous bathroom. It was really a lovely designed bath area, but he rarely used it. He washed his bloody face in the sink, and when he raised up there was no reflection staring back at him. He sighed. He had a lot to take care of while his new house guest was sleeping.

  He needed to dump the bar creeps body before morning. There was always so much he had to deal with living in such a crowded city. It was not like back home in his tiny Russian town. In Russia it was much easier to feast. Much easier to hide the corpses. Much easier to be a vampire.

  He could not reminisce much longer. He had work to do –not just the hiding of a body. He had meetings and such with his fellow businessmen. He licked his lips, and he got right to work. He was distracted though. He could not stop thinking about his new housemaid. He was surprised at himself, so he did his best to write it off as a mere case of infatuation. He needed to concentrate on the work at hand.


  Whitney was doing some late night snooping when she heard a large banging noise coming from one of the mansions garages. A part of wondered if William was injured. The last thing she needed was for the guy to get hurt while she, a government official, was hiding up in his home.

  She darted through the main hall and down one of the long stretches that led down to one of the garages. She flung open the door, and she was greeted by an awe-inspiring sight.

  William was just standing up after removing some parts out of the engine of a red 1969 Dodge Charger. Whitney froze as she took the opportunity to size up the shirtless man. She blush as he stood upright and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow, leaving a hint of grease on his forehead.

  He wiped his hands with a rag, and he smiled at her. “Hello,” he said with a bit of surprise in his voice, “I did not expect to see you on this side of my home so late at night.”

  “I heard a crashing sound.” Whitney said, realizing then that she was staring, so she forced herself to avert her eyes from his impressive chest and finely-toned stomach. He was not the typical man she would go after; she preferred men of her own color. The only white men she had dated had been tall and dark, and while William Blake was certainly tall he was far from dark.

  His skin was white, almost white as snow, but that was the last thing she was paying attention to. His tight blue jeans with a hole on his right knee showed off a little bit of scraping from crawling around under his car. His big hands showed proof of a hard-working man. Whitney had assumed that, being a business man billionaire, he would not have ever seen hard labor.

  “Oh.” He laughed, “I dropped that.” He pointed beside the car where an engine was lying.

  “You picked up a car engine? That’s impossible.” Whitney said.

  He laughed, “How would you know?”

  Whitney rolled her eyes and came over to the car. She looked to see that a brand new engine had been placed. She looked around for a piece of equipment that surely must have been used to exchange the engines, but there were none. “You pu
t this engine in here by yourself? There is no way.”

  “I’m stronger than I look.” He said and stretched his back, “Although, it probably was not my best idea. My back is killing me.”

  Whitney instinctually reached in and began toying around with the car, and he raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have it hooked up right, Mr. Blake.”

  He came up behind her and glanced over her shoulder, “And just how do you know how to work under a hood?”

  “My father was a mechanic.” Whitney said, “I played around his shop a lot when I was a kid.” She leaned back and smiled, “Start her up.”

  William walked around and cranked up the car, smiling excitedly to hear it purr. “Well, what do you know?” He turned off the car and came around to her. “I’m impressed. I’ve been trying to get that engine going for a year now.”

  “Well,” Whitney smiled, “Let me know next time you have a project like this going on in your basement. I might could save you some time.”

  He smiled, “Want to go for a ride?”


  He laughed, “Come on, let’s go. Don’t tell me you don’t want to ride in a 69’ Charger.”

  “You got me.” She said, and she willingly climbed into the car with him.

  They drove around town. With it being past midnight, the streets were fairly deserted. They wound up taking the car a little ways out of town to see just how fast it could go on the open road. William rolled down the windows, and Whitney laughed as he sped rapidly up and down the empty road.

  Eventually William became more daring, and he went off the side of the road and did a few doughnuts, kicking up dirt, before stopping under a lonely tree. It was close to two in the morning as the two of them sat in the car laughing.

  “I can’t believe you finally fixed my Dodge.” He said.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t put a shirt on before we came out here.” She said, still having a hard time looking away. “I have to say, Mr. Blake, I’m quite surprised at you.”

  “You expected a stuck up rich guy who locks himself away in his office all day every day?” William asked, “Please, you can call me William, Ms. Petite.”

  “Well then, you can call me Abigail.” She said.

  “You’ve turned out to be a bit of a surprise as well.” He said, unbuckling so he could turn to face her. “Who would have thought my housemaid knows about cars?” Suddenly William laughed, “Pardon me if I’m being a little rude here, but you’ve been staring at me all night.”

  Whitney blushed and looked away, “Oh, well…”

  “It’s all right.” He said and scooted over slightly in his seat, “I’ve been staring at you too.”

  Whitney felt her throat tighten. She tried to find words, but she felt stuck without anything to say. She looked down in embarrassment. You’re not being professional, she told herself, and you’re not here for a relationship or a fling. You’re here to get information.

  A thought suddenly occurred to her. Could she perhaps get more information through a relationship? Or through being a maid who went unnoticed in the background? Either way would likely work. Plus, she was starting to feel a burning between her legs from the intense desire she was feeling.

  While looking down at her lap, she suddenly felt William reach out and brush her dark curls out of her face. She felt incredibly unattractive in that moment. She was wearing baggy working pants and what on most women would be an oversized white button-up, but she filled it out due to her large breasts.

  She caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror, and she smiled slightly –realizing she was actually rocking the housemaid look. The next thing she knew, William was climbing on top of her in the passenger’s seat. He pulled the lever that sent the two of them backwards, and he rushed to get her shirt unbuttoned.

  Despite normally being an absolute professional, Whitney did not stop him. He looked at her black bra and licked his lips. His hand went under her bra and began to play with her nipples, “My God, woman!” he practically shrieked as he looked her up and down.

  She worked to kick herself out of her pants and underwear, and he pulled his cock out of his jeans –far too eager to get himself completely out of his pants. He pressed himself into her, and Whitney instantly felt an erotic high from his touch.

  Whitney touched his chest and panted slightly with his movements. She propped her legs up on the dashboard, and he wound up sliding back slightly until his feet were in the floorboard, and he could more easily move his hips in and out.

  He leans forward and began to kiss her cleavage, gripping one breast with one hand and reaching down with his other hand to provide her with additional stimulation. Whitney ran her fingers through his hair. “Faster,” she groaned, and he was quick to oblige.

  He moved speedily, and he began to kiss her neck. Touching his lips to her neck tempted him. He exposed his fangs, thinking that he would bite into her and feast. “Oh, William…” she groaned when his teeth brushed against her skin, and he hesitated.

  He pulled back for a moment and looked her in the eye. “You’re amazing.” He said and resisted the temptation to himself a meal. Instead he reached around her lower back and pulled her hips up to get a better angle.

  Whitney felt her eyes roll into the back of her head for a moment as she orgasmed, and she was certainly not quiet about it. The car shook, and the two of them climaxed. They drove back to the mansion without ever getting dressed. He kissed her several times in the garage before she finally retired to bed.


  William caught himself touching himself while he feasted on his latest victim –a young white woman who had killed four people last year over a break up but had gotten away with it because of her daddy’s money.

  These are normally the kind of people William preferred to devour. He was in the back room of a local bar, enjoying his latest feast. He was not normally turned on when he feasted on women, but he had been thinking about his housemaid.

  The woman collapsed finally and he tossed her aside after completing his meal. He wiped the blood from his face and sat back in a chair. A man, a fellow vampire, entered the room and removed the body of the young criminal. He was left alone, and William used the opportunity to attempt to alleviate his erection.

  Ever since his interaction with his housemaid in the Dodge Charger, he had been quite erotically charged. In addition to that, he had had a terrible blood lust. The curtains to the backroom opened, and a young bar maid entered –bringing him his usual: a shot of scotch on the rocks.

  “You all right, Will?” the young vampire asked, inviting herself to sit beside him while he attempted to hide his erection. She noticed, and he instantly felt humiliated when she aid, “Well, hello there!”

  “Not funny,” William twisted in his seat to hide it. Slowly, it became less obvious.

  “You have a blood lust for a woman, don’t you?” the female vampire asked, “You don’t normally get so excited from a feeding.”

  “Perhaps I do.” William said, “Or perhaps it’s something else.”

  The bar maid raised an eyebrow, “Something other than a blood lust? My, my, Mr. Blake, are you in love?”

  “I’m not quite sure, to be honest.” He sighed, “Perhaps I am. Are my human counterparts here yet?”

  “You know, you should really stop having your meetings with human businessmen here. One day, someone is going to have a snack on one of your comrades.” The woman stood, “I will send them back here as soon as they arrive.” She left him to his own thoughts.

  He could not fathom the idea of being in love with a human he had just met, but he would not dismiss the thought entirely. He could have easily fed on her, but he had chosen not to. He rarely chose not to when given the opportunity.

  Did he have feelings for this random black woman he had just met? She was a big, beautiful creature –and he could not deny that he was quite attracted to her. I suppose opposites attract, he thought.

  The curtains o
pened, and a group of businessmen in suits entered. They spoke in thick Russian accents not unlike his own. “Gentlemen!” William stood and shook each of the men’s hands. “Welcome to America. I do hope your trip here was a swift and comfortable one.”

  “Certainly.” The lead man of the entourage said as he shook William’s hand, “The KGB misses you. You were their favorite supporter, but now you hide out behind your money in American bars fucking American women, no?”

  “I have relations with many women,” William said, “Not just Americans. It is good to see you again, Kirill.”

  The man nodded and everyone sat. “The food here is terrible.” The man named Kirill said.


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