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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 80

by Rebecca Foxx

  If you were a vampire, William thought, you would not be eating that nasty bar food. William nodded in agreement, “Yes, it’s awful.”

  Another of the men grumbled as he sat down, “Why do you always insist on meeting so late at night in such ridiculous locations?”

  William laughed, “My former relations with the KGB makes the Americans nervous. If I were seen meeting with Russian businessmen who are not shy about their KGB relations, it would make life quite difficult for me.”

  “All the more reason to come back to Russia.” Kirill said, “But I will not pester you. This will be our last meeting, William, and soon all of your Russian assets will be closed and a thing of the past. I cannot say the KGB will be pleased with your decision to cut all of your ties to Russia.”

  “I know,” William said, “But that is all a lifetime ago. I am a new man, and despite their unusual qualities, I have found that I rather like Americans.”

  Kirill laughed, “If you say so, William. Now, let us get down to business. We are not night owls like yourself, and we have an early flight tomorrow. Yes, let’s begin.”


  Whitney’s heart was racing as she hurried out of the mansion late one afternoon for a visit to the nearest grocery store as she had told William that she would do that day. The memory of her sexual encounter the night before was permanently implanted on her mind.

  She could not erase her foolish decision. How had that happened? She was a professional. She was the best in the business, and she had slept with the man she was supposed to be spying on. The goal was for her to go under the radar –to remain hardly noticed by Mr. Blake, but she was certainly noticeable now.

  She entered into the grocery store, grabbing a grocery cart as she headed down the bread aisle. She began sifting through bread. “Lovely weather we’re having.” A man behind her said, but she did not turn around.

  “Yes,” She said, “Quite lovely. I saw some sunflowers blooming this morning.”

  “Sunflowers? Or some flowers?” the man questioned, his back to her as he looked at bread on the opposing side of the aisle.

  “Thank God.” Whitney said, recognizing the coded messages, “Tony, you got to pull me out.” She continued mindlessly looking at bread as she spoke, “There was an incident.”

  “An incident?” Tony asked, “What sort of incident? Was your cover blown?”

  “My cover is still safe.” Whitney grumbled, “Tony, I screwed up big time.”

  “What happened?” Tony asked.

  Whitney picked up a loaf of bread, “Damn it, Tony,” she said, “I slept with him.”

  “What the hell?” Tony almost turned around; she could tell by the sound of his feet sifting.

  “You got to pull me out.” She repeated and placed a loaf of bread in the cart.

  “No,” Tony said, “This could work to our advantage. So much for flying under the radar, though. Maybe now you can get him to open up to you, though.”

  “I didn’t sign up to be a KGB guy’s fling.” Whitney said.

  “You and I both know you’ve done worse for this job.” Tony said, and he picked up a loaf of bread and slowly began walking down the aisle and away from her, “Do the job, Whitney. I know you can pull this off.”

  “Fine.” Whitney said, “But if I back myself into a corner, it’s on you.”

  “I can live with that.” Tony was gone.

  Whitney finished her shopping spree and hurried back to the mansion just as the sun was setting. She entered into the kitchen and began putting up the groceries. It became dark, so she turned on a light. When she did, she jumped back in surprise to see William standing in the doorway. “Damn it!” she shrieked, for the man seemed to appear out of nowhere.

  “I’m sorry, Abigail.” He said with a nervous grin, “I did not mean to frighten you.”

  “I have not seen you all day.” She said.

  “I told you, I tend to work more at night. I sleep during the day most days.” He smiled and stepped closer to her. He was dressed in a red robe, and Whitney blushed slightly as he came closer to her. “I wanted to say that I do hope our last interaction two nights ago was not a random occurrence.” His accent seemed thicker than usual, Whitney noticed. She could recall how, after spending weeks on missions in foreign countries that it would take her a while to pick up her own accent again.

  It was always very subtle, but she had always noticed that being around her friends and family again after a long absence always brought her accent back. Had William been spending time with other Russians?

  She decided to take Tony’s advice. She stepped right into him, and she could tell the forwardness surprised him when their faces were suddenly inches apart. “I certainly hope it was not.” She said and placed a hand on his chest. She felt her stomach tighten; she could still feel his pecs through the thick robe he was wearing.

  A large smile appeared on his face, “Good. While I wish that I could stay to spend the night with you once more, I cannot.” He frowned, “I have some affairs to attend to before it gets too late.” He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers, and Whitney felt her head start to spin. “I will be back before morning. Do have a good night, Ms. Petite.”

  “Of course.” Whitney said and watched the man leave the kitchen and hurry upstairs to get dressed.

  She had to fan herself off a bit to get her bearings together, “Hold it together, girl.” She told herself. She heard William leave, and she decided that this was an opportune time to do some snooping. The man had been quite specific about her never entering into his bedroom, so that seemed to be the most obvious place to start.

  If there was one thing she was good at, it was picking a lock. It took her less than a minute to get into William’s room, and she was quite disturbed immediately upon entering. The room was quite eerie. It was dark, and there were no windows which seemed strange for a master bedroom. The room screamed Russian, mostly due to the enormous amount of furs on the walls and floor.

  There was an enormous bed, but at the foot of it was what looked like a coffin. “What the hell?” she wondered aloud; she nervously opened the coffin, and she was quite thankful that it was empty.

  She noticed a few whips and chains, and she laughed at the thought that this man was probably quite kinky. Who knew? Suddenly she found something that stood out to her. There was a book full of old, very old, newspaper clippings.

  The newspaper clippings were of various murders in and around Russian –all the men were enemies of the KGG, but the actual killer was never discovered according to each clipping. All of the dead men had been completely drained of blood and had been found with strange bite marks on their necks.

  Whitney kept looking around, but she could not find much more. She departed the room quickly, being careful to leave everything just as she had left it, and she locked the door behind her.

  She was unsure of what to think of her findings, but she kept a catalogue of what had been found locked inside her mind for future references.


  William hurried out of his room as soon as the sun set, eager to locate his new housemaid. He had been waiting impatiently all day to see her, and he had not slept well because of his impatience. He was unable to get the round, busty woman with her oh-so impressive curves out of his mind. She had been haunting his dreams.

  He slithered his way down the stairwell, and he spotted his housemaid in the large family room dusting the top of the mantle of the fireplace. “Hello beautiful.” William said as he came up behind her and placed his hands on her hips.

  Whitney turned around and smiled. “Well hello there. I was wondering when you were going to be up. You really do sleep all day, don’t you?”

  “I told you. I am a night person.” He said, pulling her closer to him. He went in for a kiss, but she pressed her finger against his lips to keep him from coming closer.

  “What am I getting into with you?” Whitney asked, and he took a step back.

do you mean?” William frowned. He was honestly hoping to spend another night similar to the night in the car; he certainly was not looking for a long talk about relationships.

  “Who are you, Mr. Blake?” Whitney asked, “I mean, I know this is none of my business, but you just seem so…peculiar? You have visitors at strange hours, and I just don’t know what I am getting myself into.”

  William’s heart was pounding. All he wanted was to pull her in closer for another kiss, but she wanted to have a personal talk. “Abigail,” William reached out to touch her hand, and she pulled away.

  She sighed, and then she stepped forward and placed her hands on his chest. She pressed her lips into his, and William felt himself shutter slightly. “Are you teasing me, Ms. Petite?” William asked, feeling himself slowly start to sink into her embrace.

  “Just tell me what the hell is going on with you.” Whitney said firmly while touching his neck with her fingertips.

  William nodded, falling for her charm. He pulled her onto the couch close to him, and she began to stroke his inner thigh as they spoke. “It was a long time ago, back home in Russia,” William began, “I was a businessman. Nothing special. Mostly investing. The KGB recruited me for a few jobs here and there, but I eventually decided I did not want that life any longer. I left, and I fled to the states.”

  “So you’re not KGB anymore?” Whitney asked.

  “Not really. I still speak with them, but my business associates have warned me that my former counterparts at the KGB are not pleased with my departure.” William looked at Whitney and grabbed her hand that had been slowly working its way up towards his groin, “I do not know what is going to happen now, Abigail. The KGB, they are coming after me. They are coming after me, and they might kill me.”

  “Why?” Whitney asked, “Why would they kill you?”

  “It is a long story, my sweet.” William said and leaned in closer to her. He squeezed her hand, and pulled it further up his thigh to encourage her to continue with whatever plans she had had before he had stopped her.

  “You are quite forward, Mr. Blake.” Whitney said and grabbed hold of him between his legs. Her touch was gentle yet firm enough to let him know she was serious.

  “Are you still interested in me, Abigail?” William asked as she continued to toy with him, “Even after what I have just told you?”

  “I am.” Whitney said and unzipped his pants. “You are quite a curious person.”

  “I suppose so.” William felt his entire body tense up as her hand stroke his cock and her lips brushed against his throat. He gritted his teeth, and he could feel his own fangs pierce the inside of his bottom lip. This woman had his head spinning. “Stop teasing me,” he pleaded.

  She worked faster, but she suddenly stopped to unbutton her work shirt –revealing her enormous breasts under her lacey black bra. He reached one hand at her breasts instantly, reaching his hands around her back to unbutton her bra just as she was taking off her top completely.

  William felt himself falling onto his back, and Whitney took it as an opportunity to climb on top of him after throwing off her pants and underwear. She pulled his pants down just below his butt and sat on him. William cringed excitedly as he entered inside of her; she leaned forward and nibbled on his throat.

  William groaned loudly. His hands shook from excitement as she slowly moved her hips up and down. She had an incredible amount of control over those busty hips of hers. He was squished slightly under her, but he did not care. His legs were trapped in his own pants, but he enjoyed the entrapment slightly so long as she was the one trapping her.

  He groaned loudly; he could not do much movement under her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her chest down on him. He moved one hand up to play with her breasts and another down to touch her backside. She sat up suddenly and began to get him out of his dress shirt. When his chest was revealed, William could see a more than pleased look on the woman’s face. She came back down and kissed his chest.

  He reached both hands around and touched her lower back. She giggled slightly, “Your hands are always so cold,” she said.

  He tried not to laugh. I am the undead, he thought, of course my hands are cold.


  “I’m telling you, he’s not KGB,” Whitney said into the phone as she hid out in her room to make a call to Tony, “But he used to be involved.”

  “That’s all the confirmation we needed, Whitney,” Tony says, “You are to abort immediately.”

  “That’s it?” Whitney questioned, “You just needed me to confirm he used to be possibly involved? What kind of mission is that?”

  “Did you find anything… unusual lying about his home?” Tony asked.

  “Well, yeah,” She said, “He has a coffin in his bedroom. That was pretty weird. And there were some newspaper clippings of these weird murders.”

  “Weird bite marks on the neck, right?” Tony asked.

  “How did you know that?” Whitney asked.

  There was a long pause, “Listen, Whitney, you got to get out. There is more to this than meets the eye.”

  “You better level with me right now, Tony.” Whitney warned, “Or I’m staying put.”

  “If you stay put, you’re going to get caught in the cross hairs. Get out now!” Tony shouted from the other end of the line.

  Whitney gritted her teeth, “What are you not telling me, Tony?”

  “It’s above your paygrade, Whitney.” He snapped.

  “Tony, I swear, you better start talking.” Whitney snarled.

  Another long pause. Finally Tony spoke, “We are working together with the KGB to take this guy out, Whitney.”

  “Excuse me?” Whitney practically screamed; she had to remind herself to keep her voice down, “You’re working with the KGB?”

  “And if you don’t get out before we go in, you are going to get hurt. We are sending in a team of our agents alongside some theirs to take him out.” Tony snapped, “So you have got to get out now while you still can. This man is dangerous.”

  “Why?” Whitney questioned, “Why is he so dangerous?” She heard a knock on her door, so she quickly hung up the phone and hid it away. “Come in!” she chimed, and William entered into the bedroom.

  He closed the door behind him. The two of them had just made love on the couch downstairs, but he was ready and eager for more. “I cannot stand the thought of being away from you for even a moment.” He said and hurried to her.

  Whitney bit her bottom lip. She could not believe how deep she had managed to get. The character she was playing, Abigail Petite, was in love –and so was Whitney. He kissed her, pulling her into a tight embrace as he did so, “William…” she moaned slightly, still trying to decide her next course of action.

  “Take off your clothes,” he begged, clearly ready for round two.

  Whitney could not resist. She stripped down for him, and he backed her into the bed. He pushed her onto her back, her legs hanging off the foot of the bed. He removed his own clothes and hovered his cock between her legs as he stood at the foot of the bed. He stroked his cock at her clit, teasing her terribly. Whitney gripped the sheets and bit her bottom lip to keep from squealing in her own excitement. “William!” she called out, and he fell into her, sliding easily from her natural moisture.

  He worked his mouth around her nipple, and they perked up terribly from his touch. There was something quite different this time from their first two romantic encounters. It was entirely about her; she could see it in his eyes as he worked his best to give her complete satisfaction.

  While prodding her with a tremendous amount of force, he moved one hand down to provide additional stimulation. His free hand gripped one of her wrists above her head, and she swooned over how strong he was.

  “I want you to feel pleasures you never have before.” He said, and Whitney felt her toes curl up in anticipation. He pressed himself into her with as much force as he could, and she felt her feet come off the ground as she slid
back on the bed slightly.

  Whitney’s inner core burned from the intense pleasure, and she gasped and cried out loudly with each of his powerful motions. “Oh God!” Whitney screamed, exciting the man even further.

  He grabbed hold of both of her wrists and held them down above her head; he leaned forward and pressed his chest against hers, whispering in her ear, “Tell me what I can do for you. Tell me anything, and I will do it. Tell me what you want from me!”

  “Just keep going!” Whitney pleaded, and he did.

  William came inside her, but he did not stop his movements despite his own exhaustion. When he pulled out he proceeded to pleasure her further with his hands and his tongue until she was nothing but a shuttering frame of extreme pleasure, so full of ecstasy that she could hardly keep her bearings together.


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