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Uncovering Desire

Page 8

by Kacey Shea

  “You know how I told you about the band we are working with over the next few weeks? Well, these are the members of Three Ugly Guys. Derek plays drums.” She gestures to the guy whose arms are covered in ink. I nod his way and he smiles. I catch the flash of silver from inside his mouth.

  “Sean plays bass.” A bigger dude with a shaved head and a few tats of his own nods my way. “’Sup.”

  “Austin plays lead guitar and sings backup vocals, as well.” He steps forward and offers his hand to shake. “How’s it going, man? Nice to meet you. Any friend of Kate’s is a friend of ours.” We shake hands and I can already tell he’s the diplomat of the group.

  Jason pops his head around the hallway. “Kate, let’s wrap up the individuals before we call it quits today. Oh, hey, Jon. How’s is going?”

  “Good. How about you, Jason?”

  “No complaints here. Especially with these superstar clients. Sean, you’re up first.” Sean follows Jason down the hallway.

  Kate looks around the room, brows knit. “Uh, guys, where did Trent go?”

  “He’s waiting for you in your office.” Derek laughs.

  “Why? That’s weird. Did someone tell him to do that?” More chuckles from Derek.

  “Nah. Probably just trying to get you alone. He wants you, Miss Bryant.”

  Austin joins Derek’s laughter. “Yeah, he does. In the worst way. Be strong, Kate.”

  Kate turns and strides down the hallway and I follow. If some douche name Trent tries to make a move on Kate I’m not waiting in the lobby like a loser. As Kate enters her office I’m right behind her, finding Trent lounging on the white couch, grinning ear to ear.

  “I knew you’d eventually have to come in here.”

  “Hey Trent.” Kate smiles her megawatt smile. “I heard you were waiting for me. I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Jon. Jon, this is Trent, lead vocalist of Three Ugly Guys.” He gives me a once over and a nod and I can’t seem to help the words that spill from my mouth.

  “So, you must be the ugly one?” He stands to his full height and gives me a lazy grin. He’s taller than me by a few inches, but I’ve got him beat with bulk. His hair is long for a dude. He runs a hand through it and tucks it behind his ears.

  “Kate, you didn’t tell me you had a jealous meathead for a boyfriend.” She rolls her eyes.

  “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my roommate. For now.” She glares my way.

  “Kate! I need you a sec!” Jason calls from down the hall. She sends me one last warning glower and turns on her heel. Now I’m left alone with the love child of Chris Helmsworth and Adam Levine.

  “So, you’re Kate’s roommate?”


  “You two dating?”


  “Good.” The corners of Trent’s mouth pull into a grin. “Then, you won’t get in my way as I charm the pants off her.” I scowl and straighten my spine to my full height. I take one step closer to this jackass.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” His hands raise in surrender and he backs up a few steps.

  “Whoa! No offense man. I’m sure you’ve noticed what a fine piece of ass she is, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “She’s a hell of a lot more than a piece of ass, so until you grow up or can see that, I suggest you stay the hell away from her.” Trent chuckles under his breath before he steps toe to toe with me. His easygoing demeanor from earlier is gone. He narrows his gaze to meet my own. The air crackles with tension so thick I can almost taste it. My muscles tighten in response, ready and willing to fight if this guy lifts one finger.

  “Challenge accepted, Johnny boy.” The door swings open and my eyes shift to see Kate standing at the doorway, her gaze narrowed as she studies Trent and me.

  “You boys want to pull out your dicks now? Get this over with and see who’s bigger?” Her sassy attitude breaks the tension. Trent laughs and steps away from me.

  “No need, chick. I’m absolutely certain that’s a contest I’d win.”

  “Maybe I should give you a gold star? Come on, they need you again.” She gestures to him and turns. Trent jogs to catch up but I hear them as they walk back down the hall.

  “Sure, you can give it to me on our first date.”

  “I didn’t agree to a first date.”

  “Not yet, but you will.” Their voices fade and I can’t hear any more without following them. Fucker. I don’t like Trent; something about him gives me a bad feeling. He’s trouble, that’s for sure, and I hope Kate realizes it and steers clear.

  I’m wound up and restless from my little encounter with music man so I walk around Kate’s office, searching. For what, I don’t know. I’m too irritated to sit still and wait. Her laptop sits open at her desk and I glance at the screen. No, not going there. I’m not a total dick and going there would be invasive of her privacy.

  As I walk around her desk I notice one of the middle drawers is ajar about an inch. Bored and curious I can’t help but slide the drawer open. What’s inside has my total attention.

  I plop into Kate’s chair and pull out the stack of prints. A large stack too, I’d estimate fifty or more, and carefully flip through them. Nudes. All of the photographs printed in black and white and of subjects, mostly males, but of all different ages, races, and styles. And though the subjects wear no clothes, they are posed or covered in such a way that doesn’t speak vulgar or pornographic, but more like art that pushes boundaries.

  The photographer has captured feeling and intensity in each portrait. I’m not an art expert or anything, but these are good. I wonder which of Kate’s employers took them.

  “What are you doing?” Kate’s low tone stops my perusal as she enters her office. I stand and set down the photographs.

  “You caught me red-handed. I found these photographs and couldn’t help but look through them. They are really good. Are they going in a show or something?”

  Kate strides to her desk and begins sorting the photos back into order. She laughs softly and shakes her head.

  “Oh, God no. I wish. You like them?” She looks up from under her lashes, a pink hue colors her cheeks and it hits me.

  “You took these?” She narrows her gaze and scowls before she shoves the collection back into her desk with a forceful thud.

  “Don’t sound so surprised! I’m not always a total idiot.”

  She tries to turn away but I catch her arm.

  “Hey, Kate. I don’t think you’re an idiot. These are just really good. Like really good and should be hanging in some art collection. You’ve been holding out on us, Bryant. Do you have any other secret talents I don’t know about?” A grin pulls at her lips and she lets out a giggle.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She wiggles her brows and I grin. Always with the tongue in cheek, this one. I drop my hand from her arm and she moves to pack up her things.

  “I’m serious, Kate. Your work should be in an art show. Does Marc know about these?”

  “No. Jason knows I like to dabble in photography. He’s even modeled for me a few times. But I’ve never told Marc or Steph. It’s just a hobby. I enjoy it, but I am nowhere near talented enough to make a career of it. And that’s fine by me. It’s something I enjoy doing, just for me, not for anyone else. You ready to go now? Sorry it took me so long to wrap up today.”

  I nod and follow Kate out of the office, toward the front of the studio. It’s quiet now. Everyone else is obviously gone for the day, including the rock stars.

  “Not a problem. I was a little early, anyway. So, that band you are working with seems like a pain in the ass.” I reach to hold open the door. Once outside in the blistering heat Kate turns to lock up with her key. The lock clicks and she gives me a knowing smile.

  “Is somebody jealous?” She sing songs.

  “No. I just thought that Trent guy was a bit much, if you ask me.”

  “Is that why you felt the need to get into a pissing contest with my client?” She raises a brow before strutting
to my truck. She’s still wearing the lace and leather outfit from this morning and all I want to do is get her home and peel it from her body. But she’s not mine. I growl and stomp to my truck, then use the remote to unlock the doors. We both climb inside and I start the engine.

  “I mean it, Kate. Stay away from that Trent guy.”

  “Whatever. Let’s just call a truce. So… what’s the story with Alex?

  “Alex is a cool chick. I don’t want to hear you say one negative word about her.”

  “I wasn’t going to. I actually like her and you two seem really close. She must be a good person to break through the Giant Wall of Jon. But why’s she staying with us for the week?”

  “I guess there’s some doctor here that specializes in prosthetics. He works with a lot of VA patients and heard about her case through a colleague, and invited her to come for the week.”

  “So, you two served together overseas?”

  “Yeah, in Iraq.”

  “Were you with her when she was injured?”

  “I was in the Hummer behind hers.” Kate reaches her hand to cover my right hand. I don’t even realize I’m tapping it against my leg until her soft skin covers mine. I try and relax before continuing. “She was the only survivor from her vehicle. I pulled her from the wreckage while our buddy Will played medic until we could get her to an actual doctor. It was a mess. A fucking mess. She’s tough as nails, though, and a fighter. She never gave up.”

  Kate holds my hand until I pull into my reserved spot at the apartment. She doesn’t speak the rest of the ride but when I cut the ignition she undoes her seatbelt and climbs over the center console to hug me. “Thank you for your service to our country. I don’t think I’ve ever told you, but I’ve always thought it.” She pulls back and twists the opposite direction to pull the door handle. Her words surprise me and fill me with satisfaction. I am and always will be proud of my service, and her acknowledgement honors me.

  Opening my door, I have to take a few long strides to catch up with up her.

  “I’m making dinner tonight if you’d like to join me and Alex. You’re more than welcome.” She offers me a grin.

  “Thanks, but I already have plans. And don’t worry, you don’t have to drive me.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”

  “Good. Oh, and I don’t need a ride tomorrow, either. Steph said she’d pick me up on her way, and my insurance is covering a rental for a week so I’ll pick that up during lunch. Thank you though, for being willing.”

  Disappointment floods me. I don’t like the fact Kate won’t need me for the next few days. And that irks me because what does that say about me as a person. I’m mad because some woman doesn’t need me to be at her beck and call. I can feel my attachment toward Kate growing. It’s disconcerting, unearthing feelings of unease, nervousness, unbalance.

  I don’t like relying on others. I’d rather they count on me. My last psychiatrist chalked it up to deep seated issues of abandonment and disappointment from my parents. I think that’s all a bunch of BS. Just because I figured out that people will disappoint more than not has more to do with what experience has shown.

  Hell, what’s wrong with me? I don’t need to be driving Miss Daisy all week, anyway. I’ve got extra surveillance with Scottsdale PD, a meeting with Kate’s mom, and I’d like to hang with Alex when she’s not meeting with doctors or in therapy. It’s a blessing I don’t have to spend more time with Kate.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Jon.


  My nerves settle as I methodically paint my lips a bright cherry red, and my eyes a blend of earth tones with thick black liner and lashes to match. I’m eager to watch the band perform tonight. Excited for a night out with good friends and co-workers. Trent’s blatant attempts to ensure my agreement to a date over the past few days should’ve been annoying, but I’m enjoying our little game of cat and mouse. The man’s hot. He sports sexual confidence and is funny too. The problem is he knows it. His ego’s bigger than the size of his dick, and from what I can tell by the skinny jeans he rocks, that’s pretty big.

  Finished with my hair and makeup, I slip a little black dress up and over my body, careful not to mess up my work. I slide my feet into my Louboutins, black and white heels with cute ribbon accents. Striking several poses, I give myself a quick once over in the mirror. Hell yeah. I look good. Time to party.

  Opening my door, I start down our hallway, but stop short when I hear the hushed tones of Jon and Alex in the living room. Yes, I’m being nosy, but I have no qualms about snooping. I assume they’re on the couch and quietly inch closer, keeping out of their line of sight.

  “—said I have about a seventy-five percent shot. I’m not giving up. You can’t see a Bouncing Betty so it’s no one’s fault. I stopped blaming God months ago. I’m done being angry. Life sucks ass sometimes, but I won’t let it keep me down.”

  “You’re one kick ass comrade, Alex. I’m glad your rehab brought you out for a visit. I miss it, you know. Sometimes I think I should’ve reenlisted. Stupid that I actually miss the taste of green beans coffee enough to wish for deployment.”

  “Ha! Yeah, that’s some kick ass brew.” Jon and Alex laugh. “How are you really doing, Jon? It’s not easy transitioning back to civilian life. Have you found a counselor here yet?”

  “I haven’t really.”

  “Like you haven’t found a great one yet or you haven’t even looked?”

  I listen closely for Jon’s reply but none comes.

  “Oh, that’s a bad move, my friend. Seriously, you have to talk about the shit that goes on in that head of yours. After the things we’ve seen, the things we’ve done—it’s not something that goes away just because you physically move away from it.”

  “I appreciate the concern, but I’ve got things under control.”

  “I’ll let you off the hook tonight, but let it be known that I don’t agree with the sweep it under the rug coping mechanism.”

  “I hear you, Alex. I do. I’m just not interested in hashing out my feelings with you or anyone right now.” Jon’s voice growls with irritation.

  I take the opportunity to loudly stomp into the room and interrupt their conversation. “Hey, Army, what do you two crazy lovebirds have on the agenda for tonight?” I flash a smile and send Jon a wink. He releases an eye roll and a frustrated breath.

  “We aren’t up to anything. I’ve got to roll out for some surveillance later. Where the hell are you off to on a weeknight dressed like that?”

  “Oh, this little ol’ thing?” I twirl around. Jon curses under his breath. “I’m off to meet friends to see a local band play before they go worldwide. It’s the group we’re working with. Should be a good time, so I know you won’t want to go.” I glance over to Alex who wears a smirk. “Alex, do you wanna come out with me for a night on the town? It’s free cover and drinks for us in the VIP room.”

  “You had me at free. Sounds like a good time. Give me a few minutes to throw something else on?”

  “You betcha.” She walks down the hall and Jon glares my way. He clenches and unclenches his jaw as he stands from the couch.

  “You’re really going out like that?”

  “Why? Daddy doesn’t approve?” I goad him with a pout of my lips.

  “I’m not your daddy,” Jon grinds out.

  “Huh, could have fooled me with how you act. Maybe you would be into that kind of thing? Would you like it if I called you daddy during sex?”

  He laughs and rolls his eyes.

  “Depends. Do I get to spank you?” Now that’s a visual. My spine tingles in response.

  “Only if I’m naughty. And for the record…” I walk directly in front of where Jon stands. We’re inches from each other and my tall shoes have us eye level for once. I lean close to whisper in his ear. “…I’m always naughty.”

  “Fuck!” Jon swears under his breath. He runs his hands through his hair and stomps off toward the kitchen. Seconds later Alex ap
pears from the bathroom dressed in a fitted black tank and black pants. Sexy, yet understated.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Hell yeah! Later, Jon.”

  “Be safe, you two. Don’t get into any trouble. I’m not in the mood to bail you out tonight.”

  “Thanks, Dad!”

  Alex laughs and I join in as we slam the door behind us. Alex is a good time, I can tell already. And I desperately need a night free of my roomie. He occupies my thoughts enough as it is. Tonight, I’m focusing on new friendships. That, and partying with rock stars.

  Alex and I push our way inside Goat Head Saloon, a local dive bar known for its live music. I say dive bar because they actually pride themselves in the title, voted Best Dive Bar five years running. A giant of a man checks our ID’s briefly before waving us inside. The rest of the group is already here, hanging out in the upstairs VIP section of the bar.

  I link my arm with Alex’s and lead her through the crowd to the staircase near the bar. I flash the bouncer a flirty smile. Wow, this guy’s cute. Young. Probably couldn’t grow a beard, but the ink he’s sporting down his arm has me intrigued.

  “Hey there, sexy man. What’s your name?”

  “That’s my line.”

  “Kate Bryant and guest.”

  “ID please.”

  I pass him my license and he scans the list on his phone with a furrowed brow until he finds my name.

  “You’re good. Wrist?” I offer up my wrist as he pulls a stamp from his back pocket.

  “You’re a man of few words. Still didn’t catch your name.”

  “Didn’t give it to you.” He stamps my outstretched arm and motions for Alex.

  “Well, Mr. Top Secret with the bad ass sleeve tats… give me a call if you want to hang out sometime.” He stamps her skin then offers my license back. I replace my ID with one of my business cards. He’s got this dark, brooding thing going for him. He’d photograph beautifully. I doubt he’ll call, though.

  I march up the steps with Alex at my heels.


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