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V O N: The Devourer from the Stars

Page 7

by Tracy Gilmore

  I stood up and exhaled a breath relieved she was not hurt.

  “Captain.” The robot called. Its orbs grazing over me.

  “What?” I snapped.

  “When you showed yourself, were you just as you are now?”

  “Yes. This is what the human created! I can’t believe her mind is so primitive in thought that she could only produce a concept such as this.” I said loudly pointing at the female.

  “Captain, your lower region is missing an item.”

  I looked at myself then back at the robot. “Yes, she informed me and I showed her what mine…”

  “You showed her?” It questioned.

  I tilted my head to it narrowing my vision in reaction to its question. “She wanted to see it.” I growled.

  “Well,” It hesitated. “Captain, I’m sure it was a simple unexpected event to see someone of your species in such a way.”

  It may be right. Her previous impression of me was of a giant snake.

  “Fine. I will find some of the clothing to put on.”

  The robot entered the area with the female. For a moment I was…concerned. Her thoughts continued to be about the heightened activities of her species. The visions of her on her knees before me, with my vessel in her mouth was most invigorating. She went on picturing me eating her but not in the manner of which I was referring.

  My head was deep within her legs and my mouth on her sexual vessel. This was also fascinating. My penis began to vibrate from the thoughts. The longer I was there, the more it pulsated to the point it was beginning to expose itself again.

  I had to escape her vicinity.

  “Captain, are you alright?” the robot asked.

  “Yes,” I exhaled rubbing my damp head. “I’m fine.”

  I traveled down the corridor still having glimpses of her sensual images. They weren’t of me destroying her body but the pleasure she and I would receive.

  I pushed the image back.

  She is nothing more than a simple human to eat once I am home. I told myself.

  Eliminating the connection, I entered the storage room where many of the earth items were. I searched for the attire to cover myself. There was only one thought I needed to have at this moment and I had to tell myself aloud to reaffirm what my mission was.

  “I must get back home.”


  There is much my Captain needs to learn about humans. He does extensive research, but only on a biological level. He has no concern of their cultures as a whole. I placed Miss Mireya on her bed and when I began to leave she stirred.

  “Max, is that you?”

  “Yes, Miss. Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Your Captain scared the shit out of me.”

  “I didn’t notice a loss of bowels on the floor Miss, are you sure you are okay?”

  She chuckled sitting up in the bed. “No, its an expression. Your Captain scared me when he was naked and without out a...”

  I turned approaching her closer. “I have explained to my Captain about how humans have certain extremities. He will be better presentable to you when you see him again.”

  “Oh he was very presentable to me Max. Those strong muscles, sensual eyes, ripped abs and thick legs…mmmm.” She hugged herself moaning pleasurably. “I just wasn’t prepared for him to be….so different.”

  “And you find this appealing about him?”

  “Yes Max.” She replied excitedly.

  “And his desire to take you home to his people is also satisfying?”

  She paused for a moment, thinking more. “No. Not at all. Max, I don’t know what I’m going to do?”

  “I don’t understand Miss. There is nothing you can do.”

  She glanced to me. “Max, there has to be a way off this ship. Can’t you help me?”

  “The containment field here is suitable for you. Anywhere else on the ship and you will not survive.”

  She licked her lips quickly breathing unevenly. “Can’t you fly the ship? You have been on it for so long.”

  “My abilities are not programmed to fly such a craft. I am not permitted in the main control area. The ship is connected to the Captains DNA. Only he can fly the ship.”

  She pulled a strand of her hair, nibbling on it with her teeth. “Can’t you…I dunno talk to the ship. You are a robot, the ship is a computer. You could ask it to show you how.”

  “I am not made for such a connection.”

  I was lying to the human. I had to in order to follow the instructions of my Captain. A quick scan of her body from the Caros stone and I see her blood pressure has risen greatly. She gnawed more of the synthetic strand thinking of solutions to escape and they will not work no matter what she comes up with. I will explain to her in the best way possible.

  “Miss, please understand, there is simply not enough fuel to take you back home. Turning the ship now we would all perish. We would be stuck in space with no control. We could easily drift to a black hole where we would be crushed from the pressure and lost forever.” I gave her a moment to process the information, then gave her a somewhat promising option. “At least on my Captain’s home world, there is a possibility of living longer if there is more than enough to feed his species.”

  Her eyes began to water and her lip trembled. She shook her head. I sat on the bed next to her. I am concerned for her overall health with so much bothering her. I am not used to having an Earth female on board.

  The men we normally capture are too rough, stubborn and fighters. They usually don’t last the trip because of their innate ability to constantly battle with things they don’t understand. The female however, she too is a fighter but she hasn’t fought me. She has been polite and gave me a name.

  “What is wrong Miss?”

  “I don’t want to be eaten Max, I don’t want to be here. Please help me get home. I want to go home.”

  She turned her sorrowful eyes to me. I had never seen such an emotion expressed so closely. The puffiness of her cheeks, the paleness of color in her face. Her eyes red and the tears, which didn’t seem to stop falling, soaked her face and coated her chest.

  “I do not understand. On your planet, the men treated you unkindly. Your mate was ready to eliminate you if it not were for the efforts of my Captain. Why would you want to go back?”

  “Because I don’t want to die.” She expressed greatly wrapping her arms around me.

  “Your species will die anyway.” I concluded unsure about my reaction to her gesture.

  Her grip on me tightened. “Oh Max. There is a difference between dying unexpectedly and knowing the exact moment of your death. Given a choice, I would rather not know.”

  My sensors picked up on her elevated heart rate. I could feel her muscle thumping hard against my cavity. It is a wondrous sensation. The quick pulses I heard was such a unique rhythm. I brought my arms up to comfort her. She is so soft and warm to hold and smelled of a sweet flower. The cleansing solution we placed her in should have cleaned her body enough to eliminate such a scent but there were small traces of it all over her still. Intriguing.

  I scanned her body to see the muscle pumping rapidly, the valves opening and closing, her lungs expanding and contracting as she breathed.

  Her sobs alerted me to her need. She will be of no use agitated. Scanning her body and making some calculations, I produced a sedative to put her to sleep for some time. Placing my hand on her neck, quickly pricking her skin, I give her the dosage. She inhaled quickly, glancing at me covering the puncture point.

  “Oww, what was…” Her body relaxed as she fell on me. “Max, please…help me.” She breathed as her eyes slowly closed.

  I laid her back on the bed covering her, leaving her to calm down. I know the Captain said she was only cargo and to not to get attached, but I have concerns for Miss Mireya.

  She doesn’t treat me as the Captain does nor is she reminiscent of her priors fighting with me when I approached, attempting to hurt me. She doesn’t refer to me as a th
ing, or an object.

  She treats me the same as....a human.


  I choose some black cargo pants with black boots and a long sleeve thermal black shirt, aggravated I had to change my look to make the female comfortable.

  “I am the Captain of this ship. She does not rule over me. Why should I conform to suit her needs?” I told myself as I paced the storage area.

  Then my mind went back to the fear she expressed when I attacked her for lashing out. I felt the heaviness of guilt weigh upon me. There was no easier way to keep her from trying to escape.

  I stood at a mirror observing the appearance she created. My skin tone was a typical woodgrain color, my head was clean of hair, although it was her image, I disliked the look in comparison to the shape of the head. I noticed the facial hair around the mouth, a thin type of black beard. The jawline she fashioned was a rough wide type. Touching it, it was not a feel I would be accustomed to. Rotating the shoulders, they were smaller than my normal size but manageable.

  I glanced at the thick muscular arms, the hardened stomach and strong neck. She did get some of my best features right at least. I headed to my chambers still in the human form. I rested on my bed reflecting on the actions of the female. She is a questionable one. I wonder if all females ask as much as her.

  I closed my eyes meditating until I was having images of my own world. I have been gone since I was but a youngling. I longed for the free range of the open spaces, the fresh clear air and the abundance of wildlife compared to the confines of this ship. I have walked the hallowed halls for far too long.

  It was out of sheer boredom I came across the robot. I craved the attention of another. The silence of my own thoughts were drowning me to the point I may have charted myself to an unknown destination and allowed the ship to be lost.

  I turned over not finding a comfortable spot but closed my eyes again remembering the lush lands of my home wishing I were there.


  I headed back to the females holding area sensing she was awake. As I approached she tilted her head to the side frowning her face.

  “Do I not look appealing?” I asked extending my arms.

  Her gaze went over every contour of me. She bit on the corner of her lip, then tilted her head back and forth several times. It seems her thoughts were of me being unclothed again.

  “I’m still thinking. What is your name?”

  “Captain.” I said folding my arms.

  She curled up her lips expanding her chest as she let out a hard breath. “That is not what you were called when you were born.”

  Such arrogance. I thought. “The Captain.” I told her firmly.

  “Still not it.” She said lifting her brows to me.

  “Why are you insistent upon knowing my name?”

  “Because then I can determine how you really should look.”

  I rotated my head. “My name is not so easily pronounced.”

  She folded her arms uplifting her large mounds. “Tell it to me anyway.”


  “Because I want to know your name.”

  “How will hearing my name…” I paused realizing the longer I argue with the creature she will be even more determined. “It is V590N7.”

  Her brow wrinkled at the sound. “That’s a weird name.” She smiled but then her face wriggled about for a moment. “How about I just call you….Von.

  “Von. What is this Von?”

  “It’s your name, without the numbers.”

  I gave her selection a quick thought. “I see.”

  She gasped softly then chipped at the corner of her mouth again. “Can I make another change?”

  “If it pleases you.”

  She placed her hand on the barrier, I placed mine where hers was, building a stronger bond between us, and received another image. As I glanced at my reflection, this one gave me what the females call chestnut colored hair; cut close but with long pieces in the front. Not to cover my eyes but to make the upper part of my head itch. I had to upsweep the dangling piece already. My face was changed. I had stubble on my rounded chin going up to my ears and around my mouth.

  “That’s better.” She smiled.

  I looked directly into her eyes. “Are you sure this is satisfactory to you?”

  “Yes. Wait. Your eyes aren’t right.” She indicated with her fingers.

  “And that matters because?”

  “They are your eyes, it’s the one unique feature about everyone. Maybe if I imagined what I saw at my place then your eyes would be there.”

  “Try again then.”

  She did the motion again and when she opened her eyes she gasped taking a step backwards. She was startled. Her breaths were shorts puffs, I could hear her heart beating faster. Her gaze darted several times between me and the floor and she blinked repeatedly. Soon she was taking in deep breaths, calming herself.

  Her gaze came to me and she swallowed slowly. When she looked at me longer she came closer then nodded at what she saw. I too was surprised at the reflection. My eyes are larger than the humans, at least twice their size. I do not have lashes so when I blink its an internal function.

  “Satisfied now?” I asked holding out my arms to get her final approval.

  “Yes. My name is Mireya.”

  I snorted a laugh darting my head at her. “You are an interesting creature.”

  “Why do you keep referring to me as a creature? I am a human being. A person. Not some pet or frozen meal for you to take home and eat.” She said as her nose wrinkled up.

  I sighed reiterating her original purpose. “I don’t know what fantasies you have been telling yourself but this is not a dream. As I told you before, you are not on some benevolent mission to save the universe. You are to be taken to my home world where you will be prepared resembling the buffet places you often frequented.”

  Those brown spheres widened at me. “You can’t be serious!”

  “What reason would I have to lie? My species eats humans, you were chosen for such a feast. You are to be a part of a great ceremony.”

  “You mean your wedding?” She curled her lips up crossing her arms hunching herself on one leg.

  “Wedding?” I questioned her wording.

  “Yes, your robot told me about it. I am to be some type of wedding meal. Well guess what mister, this is not something humans do. We are not savages!”

  Her elevated tone at me is not one I will tolerate. “My people are not savages either! Just as you go in search of a meal to take to your family to consume, I am simply doing the same thing.” I enforced to her. “I am traveling back to my home world. I scanned the area for a sufficient source to feed my people and Earth has more than enough.”

  “How can you say such things?! People don’t eat people! What have you got against humans anyway?”

  The screech in her voice caused my ears to perk up even more. I was breathing deeply to control the rage she is evidentially pulling out of me. As I stood next to the cell, the scent I encountered before tickled my senses.

  It was sweet sour mix with a hint of fruit. I was hungry for her. This wall only provided the resistance. I was being teased by the walking meat stick. And her mouth shooting off about what she doesn’t know is breaking my will.

  “Other than the fact your species doesn’t come with enough pieces, I have nothing against them. And in case you have forgotten, I am not a person! I only look this way because it is comfortable for you to see me,” I said tapping hard at the glass right where her head was wishing I could really see it bob back and forth from the point. “Get it through your thick cranium, what you saw in your apartment is but a glimpse of the horrors outside of your planet. You are lucky I am taking you with me as opposed to the Suuwok ingesting you. There are other beings, creatures out there your mind is unable to comprehend and they will not be as nice or as understanding as I am.”

  Her face crunched up and she made a loud huff. Her thoughts were erratic. Imagining the fighting
of the men, preferably me again, and then the viewing of people eating people. What she invented was true savagery. It made me hungrier and my stomachs growled in agreement.

  Skewing a human while they were still alive then slow cooking them and pulling the meat off when it was done. Some people were eaten raw, very unhealthy and unsanitary. It was morbid to see but made my stomachs growl to try it.

  I will have the robot cook one up. Alas our meals are killed in such a way it does not disturb the flavor. She then thought of some alien being covering a human’s face smothering them while its tail coils around their neck choking them. After a stasis period another creature would emerge from the humans’ chest. This was a waste of food. The creature could have at least ate the human internally before erupting out.

  I can assure you when making another trip through this galaxy, that’s if I would risk getting on another ship again, I will not be picking up another female. They are too much trouble, too much of an annoyance and too talkative. She ranted on more then began to hit the barrier again.

  “I am not going to be some buffet for you or anyone else!” she screamed. “You and your kind can go to hell as far as I am concerned!”

  “Captain, is there a problem? I was alerted to the high sensor readings of…” The robot paused as it noticed the female and I were caught in a glaring trance. “Captain, are you alright?”

  Ignoring the questions of the walking electronic, I held my breath. Inhaling her scent any longer and I would break the barrier. I reached for the Caros control device from my pocket activating it by rubbing my thumb across the top. It was egg shaped, black in color with a gold pattern of commands engraved around it.

  I had to pick one of these up because of the many times before the humans would fight with the robot or find a tool to use to cause themselves harm. In her case, it was to close her mouth before I killed her.

  “You will stop your infernal need to yell at me!” I informed her showing her the control. “Listen very carefully. This device allows me to do what I just demonstrated, shutting-your-mouth. Now just in case you don’t understand what that means, I will spell it out for you. I. Can. Control. You.”


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