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The dark side of red lights

Page 6

by Quelli di ZEd

  Then I reunited me to the couple, up to the following break.

  Of a line, we had put there even of accord, we decided that you/he/she had arrived the time to come.

  Beatrice was stretched out on the bed to open legs, Linda to on all four on the floor it held up him with a hand to his/her thigh and with the other one it tightened the sheets while with the language it twirled as a minipimer among his/her legs. I was behind of her, earth knees that I beat her/it to me enjoying me the scene of his/her mouth that went to bang against it will pass her/it of Beatrice to every push of mine.

  Had decided that would have come, would not have made her to wait over, but Linda me precedette of little!

  It started to send forth a series of moans that the ears delighted me more than a concert of Debussy and the vibrations that were created with its cries and its moans they went to stimulate the clitoris of Beatrice that became more and more swollen and turgid.

  Linda had come, Beatrice there was almost, I could not lose a so greedy occasion to contribute to the general excitement.

  I went out from inside Linda and I went me toward the mouth of Beatrice that that invitation accepted to make to enjoy me as the call of a teen-ager to the dance of end year.

  Godette with my taste in mouth. I did as soon as in time to extract him/it from those desirous lips that my giocattolone started squirting all of its happiness really on its face.

  Linda detached from that rotten vagina and you/he/she went to kiss with ardor Beatrice while my sperm still strained her on the face and dirtied her lips.

  The evening had been all right of any forecast we had been able to do, we were all and three satisfied to the one hundred percent of that new experience.

  When we greeted there we had returned to be those usual, the hungry animals of sex had disappeared and we had only returned Linda, Beatrice and Michael, three young people like so many with the head on the shoulders and the brain from dreamers.

  That was the only meeting that we had together all and three. Removed the sfizio, for us it was enough, each could return to his/her own lives, to his/her own histories, to his/her own loves.


  The twenty years I had Passed and I had never known the love. In my cuor I told me that the love in itself didn't probably exist.

  Did my affirmation derive from small but important verifications which because nobody has clearly explained never thing is the love? In short, if you ask thing to a person is the love, or thing in love being means, what emotions try him et cetera, all damage their version of the facts. As it was possible that such a strong feeling, probably the strongest in absolute, didn't it have one standard meaning of his for everybody? What was not you/he/she tried by all to the same way? In short, if I ask different thing to ten people it is the warm one, the cold, the anger, the sadness, the jealousy, all will respond more or less me equally describing me to their words a feeling or an emotion at the equal end for everybody. Because with the love it didn't work this way?

  Because it was so easy to fall in love himself/herself/themselves with someone? Many affirmed that the love arrives when you meet the correct person, that you ago star well, that as nobody treats yourself before, that gives yourself unique emotions and irripetibili. But then as he explains that the people after some he leaves and it comes at times to ignore or worse to hate the other? That person that made you be so much it so absolutely became well unbearable of blank point? And as did he explain that you/he/she could fall in love us so many times in the life and that even every time that a new history was undertaken and fell in love us with someone, then another person met him and fell in love again us as if that of first pits nothing to the comparison and so street? Were there people so as fortunate to succeed in finding every time the correct person?

  No, I was convinced that the love didn't exist, it was only something invented by the poets by the dreamers and by the sellers of chocolates.

  I didn't believe it, had never tried him, however God how much I missed!

  The person with which I maintained the longest relationship, if so you/he/she could be called, it was Linda, but I was not in love of her, I would never have been able.

  I loved her, swept well, but was everything there, for the rest had two different characters, two different lives and would never have been able to bear of more than a couple of days to be together following, let's show up us the whole life! Each of us had to have his/her spaces that were sacred.

  Instead all the other girls for me were alone of the pastimes.

  I would never have been able to be seriously with them, neither they would have been able to do as many with me. They was my toys and me theirs and it went very well this way.

  Someone became some most insistent with me, even he/she wanted to try to deepen better our knowledge, but after some sweep one of the two got tired him some other, and however I didn't absolutely have intention to give up all the others to devote me to an only girl.

  To twenty-three I knew a student Giorgia.

  It was not a girl fluorescent, as a lot of of those to which I had gotten used, rather, everything the contrary. Few less than were tall a meter and seventy, short black hair to caschetto, a face clean water and soap, dressed simple suits, I have never seen her with super suits signed that they cost when one month of salary but even with some rags taken to the market of the used one.

  It was a common girl as so many, but it had something in more, a light in the look, a desire to live that left you puzzled.

  I knew by chance her in the library. I had to take an examination to the university, and I had need to consult a book. Unfortunately of that text the library possessed only a copy and the destiny he/she wanted that really in that day, in the same library, in the same instant, also she needed the same volume.

  We reached practically together the shelf. I took him/it for first and while I was throwing him/it out of the shelf I felt her that it said:

  «Cabbage! Just what also served to me!»

  I turned me and I saw her/it. To the moment it didn't strike at all me, as I have said it was a girl as so many, of those that result enough anonymous to a first look.

  «I am sorry it. I have to take an important examination in three weeks and I need indeed this book, I would have surrendered gladly otherwise him to you.»

  It made the face some resigned.

  «To who say him/it. Also I have to give us an important examination. Vabbè, patience. Even if of few you have arrived first you therefore it is yours. Good study, then. We see us!»

  It made me a smile to half mouth and it went.

  I felt me some been sorry for that girl, but I was not able it stuffed nothing.

  It was a small almost meaningless siparietto, so much that I was entirely me after a couple of hours forgotten of her.

  The day later I returned for continuing the study not thinking that I would have been able her to see again. This time you/he/she had preceded me. I found her session on a completely absorbed chair from the reading.

  «This time you have arrived before me!» I told her mentioning a smile.

  You slightly shaken the head as if I/you had just brought her to the reality and it looked at verse of me.

  «Hi! Again here also you?» he/she asked me smiling.

  «Already. I had told you him that I have an examination in three weeks.»

  «He/she knows me that this book will create us some problems, true?»

  «He/she knows me. Also because it is not even easy to be understood» I confessed her some puzzled.

  «You are right. There are some passages that really they escape me. Type this here. But does as cabbage do him to understand a thing of the kind?»

  It pointed out with the palm of the hand a page of the book and it had the whole air of whom after only few pages it already hated the authors of the text.

  «Make to see me, even I can lend you a hand.»

  I took her the book from the hands. It was right, it was a part some complicated b
y to understand, I had already passed there and I had lost there some time, but at the end I had come to head of it.

  I explained her what I had understood.

  Did you listen to me party and it sometimes interrupted my explanation with of the" but does it go?" or" ah, here is thing meant"!.

  We stayed for good mezz'oretta to discuss on that text there, to try to understand him/it and comparing our opinions on some a little clear passages.

  To the end among an explanation and the other found us to laugh there and to joke I don't even know me about thing.

  We were found well there, but we knew that we could not read and to study at the same time the same book, even if the part that that day had faced at the end resulted us enough clear we had gone ahead however than we would have been able to singly do.

  We had to find a solution. It came me an idea.

  «You feel, we do this way. Let's put us of accord on the days and the schedules in which we want to come here to consult the book, so we don't risk to come both in the same moment and that one of the two rests somehow rubbed.»

  He/she thought of us a pair of seconds.

  «Yes, you/he/she can be an idea. But my appointments change day after day, I cannot guarantee you that every day I will come to the same time or if I will jump one day to come then in another.»

  I kept on thinking.

  «Let's exchange us the telephone number! We can put later here of accord the day in the library on the schedule of the day, and if then it had to create him some incident or similar we make us a call and we tell the other. Does a good solution seem me, no?»

  A pochino scrutinized me with the look.

  «Yes, it would be a good solution. Always counting that I should give my personal number to an extraneous.»

  It looked me with an accusatory air.

  Had I said something that had him somehow offended? I didn't have any ugly intention, you/he/she had perhaps misunderstood something in my proposal.

  «But it looks that I said only and exclusively to try to come meeting to find a solution there. I didn't have other purposes, I swear!» I tried to justify me.

  From his/her serious expression, all of a line started laughing

  «But from the, I diminish, that was taking around you! For me it is all right. After all with my number it is not that you can go up again to where I live and to come to do the maniac one under my house!»

  I felt as a relief to those words. I started me laughing.

  «Cabbage however, as actress are good! I/you/they have fallen with all the shoes there!»

  We exchanged there name and telephone number and from that day we started first to call by law once every so often us for the change of the schedules to the book, then to consult us on the passages that were not clear and we ended even finally to chat of the more and of the less.

  We came to almost all call us the days.

  It was the first time that I wasted that whole time with a girl without trying the obsessive desire to sweep me her. Said so it would seem an ugly thing, instead it was not him/it. I simply talked to her that whole time because I liked without any second goal.

  You/he/she had happened me to talk to a lot of girls, to be to listen to their useless discourses for a lot of time there without it rubbed me of it an accident. There were some times that some girls started to do me some discourses so hallucinated that sincerely after some I detached the brain and I started to think to their breasts of sugar or to their culis of marble. It was enough for me to nod to the correct moment, I didn't have to understand what you/they were saying, also because they were so elementary and stupid discourses that didn't ask for so elaborate answers. Stupid geese without head, too intente to take care of their body to take also takes care of him to feed the brain. But thank goodness to have created her!

  Instead Gorgia was everything the contrary. He/she didn't take care of him so much of the physical aspect. That is it was not ugly, and even dowdy, only her didn't care if a day had put less makeup, or if hair perfectly were to their place.

  It didn't perpetually walk as him same unthreading for George Armani, he/she didn't put make up on him as to go to a marriage, it was simply herself, a girl water and soap.

  To look well at her physically was not badly even. It didn't certainly try to show what had of good person, even it didn't make gym and therefore it was not tonic to the one hundred percent and in summer with the shorts I wear it didn't try to hide that pos' of cellulitis just mentioned, but it was however overall a pleasant girl.

  Or I was convincing only even of it me.

  Usually for the girls you/he/she has been enough only always for me a look to understand if whoever I had of forehead it was or less a type for me interesting. And I didn't change certain idea with the time.

  With her instead every day that passed I discovered a tone of his/her being that I liked. At first a smile, then a particular way of massaging him the hair, then still a look, a gesture, a sentence, a tone of voice.

  Was I perhaps falling in love me? Was it that the notorious love of which all spoke then?

  Perhaps I will never know him/it, also because, as I have already said, a real definition of Love doesn't exist, each has his, and perhaps also I was about to coin mine.

  Chapter 10

  They were the gold capeis to the aura scattered

  what' n thousand sweet knots the avolgeas

  This way Petrarca saw his/her Laura.

  The thick love shows yourself some details of which nobody normally realizes. This was another of the things that you/they had told me on the love, and at least on that I could agree with them. I saw in Giorgia things that I would not have noticed in nessun'altra woman. Even once in the library is sat next to us a cagnaccia that seemed to hardly be gone out of a film of Riccardo Schicchi, half undressed and that it cast me glances ammiccanti.

  I looked only her at an instant, then my eyes were all for Giorgia. I could not risk to lose me certain expressions and certain smiles.

  For some I was afraid of star to become fennel!

  Pian pianino from the phone calls, to the meetings in the library, we also gave to meet us in our leisure time, to drink a beer together or to make two chatters among friends. More than three months you/they were passed by now by our first meeting.

  Three months and had not seen her anchors the gnocca! A black nick on my reputation of sciupafemmine.

  There is to say that in that period I went in bed however already with two or three different women to week, therefore it is not that this big necessity I had to do determined physical exercises, however for me you/he/she has never been a problem to make some extras, rather.

  For a good week I didn't see her/it more in the library and even out. It had to take an important examination and accursedly difficult.

  You/he/she had already given him for well three times, and in everybody and three the attempts you/he/she had not even succeeded in reaching the sufficiency. And to say that however she was one gotten used to bring home feel happy votes, but the subject was quite a lot difficulty and its teacher, from that that sustained her an authentic stupid!

  This time had decided to devote it becomes animated and alone body to the study.

  I called once only her that week, when he/she answered me I understood that it was particularly tired and worn-out, therefore we spoke few and then I left her/it alone.

  Tuesday was the day of the examination the prophetic day of the disappointment or the reward.

  The morning I could not do anything else other than to think about her, as was the examination going? What questions would you/they have done her?

  Toward the two in the afternoon, while I was being on the undecided couch there whether to do me or I lead a saw to deceive the time, a call it arrived to me on the jail cell.

  Was her!

  I went to answer with impatience, trying to assemble me on immediately to interpret his/her tone of voice and therefore his/her state of mind.

  The resu
lt of that examination you/they would immediately have made him known after the term of the test, therefore surely you/he/she was calling me to make the result know me.

  I answered.

  On the other side of the cornet anybody scream of joy and outlet, anybody tear but not even any victorious laughter. It had entirely a normal voice, as if you/he/she had just returned to shop to the supermarket.

  «Then? As you/he/she has gone?» I asked her impatient to know the answer.

  «Eh, from the, malaccio has not gone.»


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