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The dark side of red lights

Page 7

by Quelli di ZEd

  It was his/her answer some cold and generic.

  I didn't understand if it were a good or an evil, that sentence could mean everything as nothing.

  «Malaccio has not gone? What does he/she want to say? Have you passed the examination?»

  You/he/she had not perhaps passed him/it but you/he/she had been all right some other times, or you/he/she had passed him/it with the least one and it was not satisfied entirely of the result that would have influenced his/her general average.

  «Yes, yes, the examination at the end I have passed him, even if it was accursedly difficult as the other times.»

  It didn't have a satisfied voice while it was making that affirmation.

  «Be', but have you accepted him the vote? Doing want you can still retry always and to hope in something in more, no?»

  I tried to console her/it, even if I didn't feel her/it sad.

  «But yes from the, at the end I have decided to accept him/it. Also because I don't think I could take more than I have taken today.»

  There was some silence, she was the queen of the suspense, then to a line a cry of joy for a little it didn't break me the eardrums:

  «I have taken twenty-nine, I have broken him the culo this time to that accursed old man!»

  Had passed him/it, and almost with the maximum one of the votes! I believe it that it was to the seventh sky, you/he/she would have been him/it whoever to his/her place.

  A beautiful joke had thrown me, you/he/she had made me worry. I was happy for her!

  An event of the kind owed for strength celebrated being, and so we decided to meet us the evening to toast to its success.

  It was the first time that we saw out us of the library.

  I have to say that I was enough shaken. If I think well it it was my first real exit with a girl in absolute, every other time the exit was only a loss of time in attends him to make sex.

  Besides, when you go out with a girl with which you already know as it will go to end you are calm, relaxed, sure of you. You already know as to behave you, you have accustomed there, you have made him quite a lot times, nothing it frightens yourself, sting straight to your objective, and you know that on the other side you have a person that desires as perhaps yourself you desire her.

  You/he/she had always been this my strength. The girls went out with me because you/they had felt the legends that turned on my account, and they wanted to ascertain that they were true, not because they found me nice or because I treated her in particular way.

  I knew what they wanted, and I knew that in that circle I would never have disappointed her.

  With Giorgia instead it was not this way. From what I knew her you/he/she had never felt to speak of me, neither in well neither in badly, therefore of certain it didn't go out with me to meet one" legend."

  There is also then the fact that had not sincerely expressed never an interest in my comparisons that it purely was not friendly, and me an exit in friendship I didn't even know thing it was.

  Obviously I knew that it was not as if I went out with one friend of mine: to go around to party, to get drunk himself/herself/themselves and to make himself/herself/themselves I boast of his/her own belches and of the own scoregges it didn't seem me the case, therefore I knew how me would not be due to behave.

  But what I instead would have had to do? To go to the cinema? Perhaps too much intimate. Cenetta out? Perhaps too much binding. Done walk to the clear one of moon? Perhaps too much romantic. To the end decided that I would have left to her the choice. To her the first movement! I would have had only to behave accordingly me so that to reduce to the least one the risks of error or incappare in some embarrassing situation.

  I passed her to take at nine o'clock under house, I had the car while she still turned with the half public, and the case didn't seem me to send alone around her with the dark.

  Went out of the front door of his/her building, was very beautiful!

  Until then I had never remained so fascinated by his/her physical aspect, perhaps because I always had him and only it approves some dowdy, to go to study in the library, or perhaps because it was the situation to be changed, or even I was changed really me.

  A lives shoulders black discoveries with some frills that it finished fifty-fifty thigh, two cry shoes with heel not too much tall, a small pochette to exalt even more his/her elegance, a veiling in more than makeup that went to emphasize his/her beautiful features.

  I felt me ridiculous, I was dressed practically normal, from every day, a dark blue jeans and a black shirt, in front of her I seemed a bum.

  We chose the destination, or I did better her choose to her. In a paesino to about twenty kilometers there would have been a small party that evening, with stands full of trifles, music, good food and happy people.

  We immediately started there toward the destination and in mezz'ora we were there.

  The evening procedette in the best of the ways. We joked, we laughed, we told us some our lives, even if obviously I could not reveal so many anecdotes. We were two happy boys that we rubbed of everything and of everybody.

  You were sociable, amusing, happy, intelligent. I would never have thought about being able to find all those characteristics in an only woman.

  Until then the girls that I had met me they were separated in three categories:

  - Ugly and intelligent

  - Stupendous and stupid as hens

  - Ugly and stupid at the same time

  The nice and intelligent category seemed an utopia, a legendary figure, a something that you could see only to the cinema.

  And I had really there instead in front of me one of it.

  They started to pass me for the head you estrange thoughts, I became me account that I desired more her every second. Its charm bewitched me as the song of a siren, I didn't succeed in withstanding her anymore and I knew that if I/you was let me escape that opportunity that the sky was giving me, I would probably have regretted him for very, a lot of time.

  It was not easy however as with the others. In my mind they started to weave one on the other all the techniques of approach that I knew, the whole effect sentences that I could conceive, all the gestures, the movements, the trucchettis that I would have been able to try with her to try to conquer her and every time I told me that you/he/she would not have gone, that would not have worked with her and even I would have made a bad impression and I would also have gambled away that that could be my only opportunity.

  There was middle something more of the simple sweep with a girl, our friendship there was middle.

  I reasoned as a fighetta!

  The evening turned at the end. Too soon for my tastes.

  I had not succeeded in concluding nothing, but however we had passed a beautiful evening. I accompanied again her to house. While I was driving I thought": Ok, has the last opportunity, you have to kiss her/it under the front door of his/her house", after all it worked in the most greater part of the films.

  I was assembled only on that, it was my objective number one.

  We arrived under his/her house. Its front door leaned out on a narrow lane in which you/he/she could pass only one car at a time, and the providence wanted that really at that time another car behind of me it took that street, therefore I would not have been able to stop me in front of its front door and to make to go down her/it greeting her/it from the car.

  I turned to the first intersection, I left the car in the first free parking lot and I intended me to accompany her/it to the front door.

  All seemed to spin smooth!

  To each footstep that we did for reaching the front door my heart beat faster. I knew that we were approaching there to the point of the I don't return where I would have had to do something, and I became more and more shaken.

  We reached the front door.

  «Ok, has arrived» she exclaimed.

  «Already, ended evening» I answered.

  «You/he/she has been really a big beautiful evening, me he/she wanted
us really after this stressful period of study. Thanks endless for your company to for what you have done for me.»

  «But imagine, have not made at all then granché. and however has also made pleasure to me, to lot! That is. it is not that The have invited only out you for you. The wants to say. in short. Thanks also to you of the beautiful evening.»

  I had stammered some, he/she was seen that I was some nervous. You mentioned a smile. Looked at there in the eyes, instants that seemed eternal, were that the correct moment, I felt him/it to me! It seemed done he/she waits for, one of that magic moments where you know that you can never fail. There, in silence, looked at there, one of forehead the other, our proximity was such to have already notched the sphere of intimacy of the other, and since she had not made any gesture to get further meant an only thing: desired that proximity how much me!

  Ok, is the correct moment. I have to kiss her/it!

  «Now I let then you go. You will be tired, you/he/she has been one stressful period. You go home and you see to rest well you for!»

  But what cabbage was saying! Everything of a line gathered me the fear that something could go twisted, and those words automatically went out of my mouth as self-defence to take the distances.

  «Yes, you are right. I think that I will sleep at least ventiquattr'ore of spins! Shortly feel then there! Good night!»

  Its expression slightly seemed disappointed, or perhaps one impression of mine was alone.

  «Good night.»

  I turned me and I started to walk toward the car. Sky that coglione that was! Probably an occasion so you/he/she would not be occurred anymore. I cursed me to every footstep, bofonchiavo as a sclerotic old man and I accused me to be a loser, when to a line I felt a hand that from behind grabbed me for a shoulder, I turned me and in the turn of a fraction of according to I found me his/her lips against mine that granted me the most beautiful kiss that I have ever received!

  Chapter 11

  The relationship with Giorgia went to swollen sails.

  I had never been so much time with a girl, rather, perhaps in all of my life I had never been with a girl, sex apart.

  The first weeks were that that more beautiful it existed to the world, we had a good time, we were together, we made the love. The love! It was not as to sweep, it was something different, stronger, deep.

  I was prepared to do for her anything, every time that I was able I brought her/it to eat in some nice restaurant, or in some romantic spot. Every day a surprise, was what I wanted for her.

  They came me so so many ideas and the fact that we didn't see us every day because of the study left even more me time to think and to contrive again something to offer her.

  Had departed in fourth grade, I was loaded!

  You/he/she has perhaps been that my greater mistake.

  I wanted to offer her world, I wanted that nothing never missed her, but I had not made case twos factors: the time and the money.

  After sometime it was difficult to find new places more and more in which to bring her/it, to give her new emotions; more I went on, more to invent me new things I had to lift my searches to more expensive and exclusive places.

  My finances were not boundless.

  I studied, I had to maintain me and the time that I had available it allowed only me a small lavoretto part-time as waiter three evenings to week. Of certain the money that I earned hardly served to make to arrive at the end of the month to me. I had put aside some mite in the period in which I offered payment sex, and they were not few, but of certain they were not endless, and plain pian my finances were made more and more miserable.

  I didn't succeed in proposing anymore you post her new, she said that her didn't care, that was enough her to be with me, but for me it counted a lot instead.

  We came to allow not only us a cenetta in a very expensive ristorantino week, then, later not very, also that was starting to become excessive.

  It was my first true love story, and I wanted to live at the most her.

  I needed money.

  Linda had not taken a lot never in liking Giorgia, and for two motives. The first one was that she had never seen of good eye the histories" series", it found her stupid and you destine to end sooner or later in bad way, therefore so much was worth to grant him some small adventures and to have a good time him until him was young. The second was that from when I was with Giorgia, Linda and I we didn't go together in bed, therefore besides the fact to lose a fun that we sometimes granted us we had also lost a sort of intimate complicity between us.

  Giorgia didn't know anything of my libertine precedents, and he/she didn't know above all anything about what had been between me and Linda.

  A particularly rainy day I found only me, in the house, to fix the wall waiting that some sort of illumination came to mind on the as to be able to find the money that would have served me to live with some more than breath.

  The grey one of the sky and the incessant one to fall some rain didn't help certain the my moral.

  Giorgia that week was studying as a crazy, it often happened her when it drew near to an important examination, and it didn't suit me to disturb her/it.

  Definite so to call Linda to make two chatters.

  We spoke some cazzate various, then the discourse changed, I started to speak to her of my problem and of my lack of money.

  For her it was easy. It said that among my legs there was the greatest gold mine that she had ever seen, I had only to restart to exploit her/it.

  It didn't suit me to face that discourses and her he/she knew him/it, but he/she is seen that every time that I told him him I became less and less convincing because she kept on speaking, and I was more always to listen to her/it.

  An evening I was to the cinema with Giorgia, a calm seratina to base of coke cola and popcorn, the maximum one that lately we could afford, when the telephone started to ring.

  I had removed the suoneria to see the film without disturbing anybody, and Giorgia didn't acknowledge anything. I gave an eye to the telephone. It was Linda.

  I didn't answer her, of anything had wanted to speak you/he/she would have been able me to quietly call me at the end of the film.

  After different attempts of call it arrived to me a sms. I gave him a glance.

  I have found the solution to yours

  problems, call me as soon as you are able.

  Kisses! Linda:)

  Surely it dealt with some stupidity, or of a joke, despite all I could not do anything else other than to think about that message for the whole first part of the film.

  And if indeed you/he/she had found a serious way to make to earn me something in more? And if you/he/she had known someone who would have been able to offer me some profitable place of employment?

  I could not stay for a long time with that thought, also because I was not understanding anything of the plot of the film to strength to become enraged the brain with this history.

  In the interval I told Giorgia that I would have gone to bath and to wait me there. Just gone out of the room taken the telephone and I called Linda.

  «Then, of thing you wanted to speak to me? What is this history?»

  «Ciaaao, stallion! Have started answering me of it of time! What is it, were you making yourself climb on from your fantina?»

  It didn't bother me the way of joking of Linda, only this time I had neither the desire nor the time of it. I brusquely answered her some.

  «I don't have time to lose with these cagates, they are to the cinema, there is the interval and Giorgia it waits me in the room.»

  Its tone did him some most serious.

  «Ok, ok, not to heat you. I was calling only you because I love you and I have tried to move to help you to me, and I have perhaps found a gold mine all for you.»

  Incuriosendo was me.

  «Of what he treats, explain me everything how much but be concise, I have to return inside and I don't have a lot of time.»

  «Be', him from the case that has known a p
erson. to woman, that is said very interested to you.»

  I had already understood of thing him it treated and it didn't interest me.

  «Still with this history? I have told you that I have ended to make the marchettes» I told her with altered tone.

  «Hey, it brakes, there is no need to get excited. Are you you that you have told me that you needed money, no? This time doesn't deal with sweeping him some arrapatas chronic for few change, there is very more in dance.»

  A thing was certain, Linda has never been too much intrusive in my respects, if I told her that I didn't feel like usually doing something you/he/she didn't do me him to repeat twice, therefore if you/he/she had called me to speak to me of that thing you/he/she owed really to be more us under something.


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