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Play With Me

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  She gave him a smile. “You and Daniel are spoiling me.”

  “You better get used to it.”

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  “We’re going to our place. It’s time, and I don’t want you at risk with Carl and Frank.”

  “They’re going to be so mad that I’m not there.”

  “I don’t give a shit, baby.”

  “Why do you talk like that?” she asked.

  “Talk like what?”

  “Cursing. You’re a businessman, and both of you talk like that.”

  “We like to take the competition on.” Archer gave her a smile. “We’re no different from anyone else. There are men out there, like your father and brother, who think they’re better than anyone else. Daniel and I were brought up that we’re all the same. No one is better than the other. It’s how I was brought up, and it’s how I expect my children to be brought up.”

  “You want to be a father?”

  “Yes, Daniel and I both want to be fathers. We’re going to be with the same woman, Livy.”

  That woman was going to be her. He would tell her, but he didn’t believe she was ready to face that truth. It was okay for now. He could wait. Archer wasn’t necessarily a patient man, but he’d wait for her.

  Livy looked out of the window. He navigated the roads, trying to keep his patience down, when the truth was, he was so damn angry with her family. She was going to be protected, but their secret wasn’t going to remain a secret for long.

  An hour later he pulled into the grounds, and closed the gate when he saw Daniel’s car was already parked in the front of the house.

  Climbing out, he rounded the car to her side, taking hold of her hand. As he held her close, they made their way into the front of the home. The moment the door closed, Daniel shouted to them from the kitchen.

  Archer would have loved for her to get naked, but in the last week, he’d tasted her food, and right now, he’d prefer her to cook rather than his brother. She was an amazing cook and could have made it as a chef.

  Entering the kitchen, he paused when he saw one counter laden with food.

  “It’s the weekend, and I wanted you to have the pick of what to cook,” Daniel said. “I went shopping.” He moved forward, taking hold of Livy’s hand, and urging her toward the food. “We’ve not eaten, and I want to watch you cook.”

  “Wow, erm, you bought all of this for me?” she asked.

  “Yes, I got it all for you. You’re staying the weekend,” he said. “I want to taste everything you’ve got to offer.”

  “I can’t believe you got all of this for me.”

  “You better believe it, baby.” Daniel gripped her shoulders, and stood behind her. “What do you think? Do you need me to go out again?”

  “No, there’s enough here to feed an army. I should be able to do something.”

  “We need to talk,” Archer said, hating the fact he needed to break up the moment.


  The glare on Archer’s face had Daniel tensing. He was happy that he’d put a smile on Olivia’s face, but with the way that Archer was staring at him, his happiness was going to be short lived.

  “Don’t start cooking until I get back?”

  Last Saturday night after he and Archer fucked Olivia, she’d treated them both to the most amazing meal he’d tasted. She’d cooked in her tiny kitchen as if she was a master, and the truth was, she was. He’d never tasted anything like it before, and couldn’t wait to taste more of what she had to offer.

  “I won’t. I’ve got to think of something to cook.”

  Leaving the kitchen, he followed Archer out toward the hallway. “What’s up?”

  “Carl visited her today at work. It was so bad that Linda was raging. She wanted to put him in his place.”

  Daniel took the card that Archer handed to him. “What’s this?”

  “This is where Livy had to go tonight to have a date with a stranger. According to her, and to Linda, it was a business associate of her father’s.”

  “Fucking bastard.” Daniel felt possessive of his woman. He couldn’t believe a father would do this, but then he should know by now that Frank West would do anything for business. Glancing through the doorway to Olivia, he saw her looking over the ingredients. “How is she?”

  “She’s fine. At first she was upset, and she’s nervous about not being there.”

  “They’re going to know about us, and she’ll be in danger if we let her go back to her apartment.”

  “We’ve got her room set up. We don’t need to let her go home.”

  “Then we don’t. She stays here.” Daniel had hoped to take a little more time with her, but her family was moving them along a lot faster. He didn’t mind, as he already loved her.

  The last week with her had been the best of his life as he and Archer shared her.

  Entering the kitchen, he moved toward the opposite side of the counter.

  “Has Archer told you everything?”

  “Yes. You’re not to listen to your brother.” Rubbing the back of his head, he stared at Olivia. He saw the worry that crossed her face, and he hated it. “I’m not going to make you choose between us or your family, but—”

  “My parents and brother will, Daniel.” She licked her lips, and tucked some hair behind her ear. “I know we’ve only been together a week, and I know it’s only because of a contract, but I’m happy with you and with Archer. I belong here. I know you might not want me for life—”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Daniel said. “Archer and I want to keep you, Olivia.”

  “Damn right we do,” Archer said, coming to stand beside him.

  “You want to keep me?”

  “Yes. I want you to be our woman, not just our submissive. The contract is to help us to come to terms with your limits. I don’t expect you to like everything we do to you. The contract was about learning what you liked, and what you disliked.” The contract had let him know that even though she wasn’t a virgin, she was still inexperienced. He and Archer could change that for her.

  Daniel licked his lips, and he liked the thought of teaching her, of taking things to the next level.

  “We don’t want to leave you, or keep you a secret. You’re perfect.”

  “But I’m an embarrassment,” she said.

  “No, you’re perfection, and those assholes you call a family, they’re the ones that should be embarrassed. We want you to be the woman in our lives, and in time, we want you to marry us,” Daniel said.

  Olivia wouldn’t work with being manipulated, and he didn’t want to manipulate her. Daniel wanted to love her. He wanted all of their cards on the table, and for her to know what they hoped.

  “You want to marry me?” she asked, looking at him then at Archer.

  “I’m the oldest one,” Daniel said. “You’d marry me in the eyes of the law, but Archer would also wear a ring, and to us, you’d be married to us. You’d be protected, and bound to both of us, and we’d even put it in a binding contract, if it would make you feel better.”

  Olivia’s open mouth turned into a smile. “Am I dreaming right now?”

  “No. You’re very much awake.” Daniel rounded the counter, and took her hand. “I’ve got a ring for you to wear. How would you feel about becoming my and Archer’s woman?”

  “I’d love it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her body against his. “I don’t want my family. I never have. I only came to you because they were hurting, and I don’t like to see anyone hurting. Carl, today, put it all into perspective for me. I don’t want to be the woman they come to or use. I want to be happy.”

  “We’ll make you happy. You’re not going back to your apartment again.”

  Daniel cupped the back of her head, and claimed her lips. He’d missed those lips. They were so fucking perfect to him, ripe, and ready to be kissed.

  “Archer and I, we’re going to go and see them, Olivia. You’re going to stay here. We’re going
to tell them who you belong to.”

  “They will hurt you.”

  “No, they won’t. If they try, we will destroy them.”

  She pressed her hand to his chest. Olivia didn’t push him away. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Daniel chuckled. “That’s what we ask ourselves as well.”

  They were just as lucky as she was.

  Chapter Seven

  Olivia wasn’t really used to cooking for an audience, but Daniel and Archer made it a wonderful experience. They sat watching her, stealing the vegetables she’d diced up. She’d settled on a chicken stir-fry, which was one of her favorites. It had a lot of vegetables inside, and she just loved it.

  They want to marry you.

  She still couldn’t get over it. From the low that Carl created inside her, she didn’t think there was a chance of her feeling happy today. They had changed that. She was falling in love with them, and part of her was scared to believe her own emotions. After they had all finished the dishes, both men had surprised her by saying they needed to go out. Daniel had taken her hand, and led her upstairs to where she now stood. Archer had given her a key, and each man had told her if she wanted to explore the room, she could.

  Standing in front of the door ten minutes after they had left, Olivia stared at the key. Her curiosity was building, and even though she’d been inside there once before, she wanted to see it again.

  Running fingers through her hair, she took a deep breath, slid the key inside the lock, and turned. The door opened up, and she pressed the key code that Archer had told her. The door finished opening for her, and she stepped inside, flicking on the light. Closing the door behind her, she didn’t bother to lock it. She didn’t want to hide from Daniel and Archer when they returned.

  Placing the key on the small table beside the wall, she walked straight up to the bed, and sat down on the edge. Everywhere she looked was toys, equipment, and more stuff. She pressed her hands down her thighs, then back up again. Her clothing was starting to feel too tight to her, and she stood, slowly removing her clothes until she stood in her bra and panties. Folding up the clothes, nice and neatly, she then started to move around the room. At first she moved to the spanking bench where Archer had showed her with his hand what it was used for. She liked the touch of the leather beneath her fingers. Bending over the bench, she rested her head down. Closing her eyes, she imagined Archer’s hands on her, then Daniel’s. The more she thought about it, the hotter she got.

  When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she got to her feet, and moved toward the row of canes, paddles, and whips. She took out a small leather whip that had a leather loop at the end. It was so light.

  Going back to the spanking bench, she used her hand, and flicked her wrist as if she was spanking someone. She heard the rush of air, and dropped the whip. That would cause pain if it wasn’t handled right. Next, she grabbed the paddle, putting the whip back into place. The paddle had little holes over the main part, and she held it out. The wood was heavy, and she didn’t think it would give her all that much pain and pleasure. Without even trying it out, she placed it back onto the shelf.

  Over and over, she tried out different whips, long ones, short ones, thicker, thinner, each of them having their own texture and feel. Once she finished looking at the bench and the toys, she placed them all back on the shelves, in their right places. Next she looked at the different cuffs, touching the fluffy furred cuffs, the ones that looked like they’d come from a policeman’s uniform, and then some with heavy leather straps around them.

  “What’s with all the leather?”

  There wasn’t as big a collection of cuffs, and so she moved onto the other less fierce looking toys. Well, if dildos and vibrators of many lengths and sizes were considered less threatening. She believed they were. The glass one was really cold to the touch, and there were so many sizes. Some of them were similar in size to Daniel and Archer.

  Just thinking about the men and their dicks had her squeezing her thighs together.

  “It’s okay, Olivia.”

  Going down the selection of toys, she picked up the nipple clamps. Opening them up she saw the small, defined teeth that were supposed to go around the nipple. It looked a little too fierce and painful to her.

  Placing them back on the shelf, she blew out a breath and walked to the cabinet beside the wall. Opening it up, she found a selection of blindfolds, oils, lubricants, and even candles. The candles hadn’t been used, and looking at the lubricants and oils, they hadn’t either. All of the equipment looked clean and new.

  Taking hold of a blindfold, she slid it over her eyes testing it out. She didn’t see anything, and within a second, she removed it.

  The playroom helped to calm her nerves. Archer and Daniel had gone out, and yet part of her knew they’d gone to meet the man whom she was supposed to be dating. When she had figured that out, her nerves had gone into overdrive, and she’d not been able to stand it. Coming here had elevated her nerves, and now she was relaxed, and not worrying about what was going to happen.

  Moving back to the bed, she lay down, and stared at the door. She would wait for Archer and Daniel to get back, and then they could play.

  Closing her eyes, Olivia slowly drifted off to sleep, knowing the two men in her life would take care of her.


  Archer walked toward the maître d’—whom they both knew as Benjamin—with Daniel by his side. He couldn’t wait to get this show on the road, and then move on.

  “Hello, Mr. Fields, I don’t have a reservation for either of you,” Benjamin said. “When did you book it?”

  “Actually, Ben,” Archer said, “we’re here to meet someone instead.” He handed over the card that Livy had given to him, which Ben took, frowning.

  “Erm, I’ve been made aware that this is for Olivia West.”

  “Yes, I understand. You see, her asshole of a father believes he can boss her around. Livy belongs to us, and I want them to see that she’s not a target for them to practice on anymore. Livy belongs to me and to my brother, Daniel.”

  “I don’t want any trouble,” Ben said.

  “We’re not here to give you trouble. We’re in tight with the manager. He’s aware we’re here, and he’s thankful. It would seem the Wests use this place to push Livy around, and no one likes it anymore. We’re here to put a stop to it.”

  Ben’s small cell went off, and Archer saw it was the manager calling. Smiling, he knew he could rely on Thomas to make sure they got through. Seconds passed, and Ben disconnected the call.

  “Please follow me, gentlemen.”

  They followed Ben through to the main dining room. Archer spotted the man they were going to see from a mile away. He was older than Livy, possibly even older than Archer and Daniel, who were thirty-five years old themselves, and the man had a reputation for being a bastard. Archer recalled that Sean Ridge had been married four times before, each wife leaving him on grounds of abuse. Of course, all the other details had been cleaned up so no one could actually say anything.

  Money was a powerful thing, and made sure a lot of people stayed quiet.

  “Here is your table. May I get you anything?” Ben asked.

  “There has been some mistake,” Sean said.

  “No, there hasn’t,” Daniel said. “That’s all, Ben. You may leave.”

  “What the hell are you doing at my table?” There wasn’t a lot of love lost between them and Sean.

  “You expecting Livy?” Archer asked.

  “Is this some sick joke?”

  “No. When are the West men coming?” Daniel asked, clearly wanting to get this show on the road.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I’m not interested. What the hell is going on?” Sean tried to get Ben’s attention.

  “So you don’t know they’re planning on interrupting your date.”

  “Look, I was told that Olivia wanted to have dinner with me. I’m doing them a favor. It’s what she wanted.”
  Archer saw that he wasn’t lying.

  “I happen to like Olivia, okay. She’s a nice girl, and if she wanted a date, then I was happy to oblige her.” Sean shrugged. “I’m not interested in anything else.”

  Staring at his brother, Archer saw the wheels in Daniel’s mind turning.

  “Well, according to Olivia, whenever she’s on a date, her brother and father join you for dinner, and make sure you don’t have a choice but to agree to whatever deal they want,” Daniel said.

  Sean cursed. “I’ve turned them down as they went to tear down my shipping business. I’ve refused. Look, I don’t want any hassle with the Fields or the Wests. I’m here out of manipulation.”

  As if they had been called upon, Carl and Frank West approached the table. They were all happy smiles, but the moment they saw him and Daniel, that smile was gone.

  “We were expecting to see Olivia,” Frank said.

  Sean didn’t say anything. In fact, he looked mightily pissed off right now, and Archer was pleased it wasn’t directed at him.

  “Take a seat,” Daniel said.

  Sitting back, Archer folded his arms, and simply watched the drama unfold.

  “You told me Olivia wanted a date,” Sean said.

  “She di—”

  “Don’t lie to me, West. I mean it. Business doesn’t start with lies, and it doesn’t start with manipulating your daughter. I know I’m not the best man when it comes to my women, but no one hurts my daughters.” Sean looked angry. “You take care of your own.” He rubbed his lips with the napkin. “I’m not interested in whatever is going on here. Olivia didn’t want to go on a date, I believe you. Excuse me.”

  Archer watched as Sean left the restaurant.

  “Sit down,” Daniel said, directing his instruction at the two men who were looking shocked.

  Carl and Frank sat down opposite them.

  “The control you have over Livy ends tonight,” Archer said. “She belongs to us.”

  “My daughter will do as she’s told. She’s a good girl like that, and if I tell her to leave you, she will,” Frank said. His face was red, and the rage had him simmering.


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