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Play With Me

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “No, she won’t.” Daniel leaned over the table. “Olivia’s off the table for you to negotiate. She belongs to us, and if you even think of trying to dispute me, I will tear you down, and bring all of your dirty laundry out for the public to see. I’m sure investors, directors, and businesses would like to know that you use your daughter to manipulate investors.”

  “Also, we have the footage of Carl’s lack of respect. You should be careful who you try to fuck with, mister,” Archer said, pointing at Carl.

  “All it takes is one click of a button, and you’re finished,” Daniel said. “We don’t want you near Olivia, or using her again. Linda will also make sure your mistreatment of her shop and herself will be made public. Social media is an amazing thing.”

  “Fine,” Frank said. “She’s no daughter of mine. She’s thick, stupid, and being with the pair of you has just confirmed it.”

  Archer smiled. “We’ll be putting a restraining order on you as well.” They would put a guard with her. Their woman was going to be protected, and no one was going to hurt her again.

  Ten minutes later, they left the restaurant, leaving the Wests to take care of the bill.

  “Do you think they’ll listen?” Archer asked.

  Daniel had driven them here in his car, and Archer climbed into the passenger seat.

  “I don’t know. We’ll see, but the threat is there. They try to hurt her, and I will make sure they’re torn apart.”

  “You sound so dirty when you talk like that,” Archer said.

  “Shut up. Let’s go and make love to our woman.”


  Daniel opened the door to the playroom, and walked in to find that Olivia had fallen asleep. She was curled up in a ball on the bed, and looked so damn beautiful.

  “Do you think she explored the room?” Archer asked, coming up behind him.

  “Yeah, she explored everything.” He ran his finger down her arm. She only wore her underwear, and he wanted to touch and to taste her. Olivia sighed, and rolled over. Her eyes opened, and the moment she saw them, she smiled.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, baby. Did you have fun?” he asked.

  She lifted up, looking around the room. “I made use of being alone in your room. It has made me curious.”

  “How curious?”

  “Curious enough to play,” she said.

  “You want to play with us?”

  “Yes. I want to play with you, and I want to play in this room.”

  “Then I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  Daniel removed his jacket and shirt, while Archer claimed a kiss from her.

  “I missed you,” he said.

  “I missed you both.”

  He smiled as Archer chuckled.

  “Did you get what you needed done?” she asked.

  “Yes. Your father is not going to be bothering you anytime soon,” Daniel said, coming toward the bed. He unbuttoned his trousers and kicked his shoes off.

  “You spoke to my father?”

  “And your brother. They know we’re all together, and that we’ll take them down if they try to take you away from us. We’re not letting you go, baby. You’re ours to love, to protect, and to play with.”

  “You’re not worried?” she asked.

  “No, we’re not worried. Archer and I can handle whatever they try. Your time of being scared or belittled by them is over.”

  She gave him a smile. “You’re both my heroes.”

  “That is what we are. Your heroes.” He looked around the room before turning to star at her. “Did you explore the room?”

  “Yes. You’ve got a lot of toys. It was hard not to play with them.”

  “Come here,” he said, holding his hand out for her to take.

  Olivia slid to the end of the bed, and took his hand. He held up one of the cuffs that was secured around the bottom post of the bed. Wrapping the cuff around one of her wrists, he did the same with the second, and then tightened the bonds so that her arms were spread wide. Her tits were thrust out, and her breathing had deepened.

  He loved the way her nipples hardened, and he’d not even touched her yet.

  Going to the display of whips, canes, and paddles, he took out the leather coiled whip. It wasn’t too painful, and providing he didn’t use a lot of pressure, it would only sting, not leave a mark.

  “If you want me to stop, say red.”


  He’d left her underwear on, and he pointed the tip of the whip against her nipple. “You please me, Olivia. What I would like more would be you completely naked.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Archer, remove her underwear.”

  His brother came up behind her, and flicked the catch of the bra. Archer held a pair of scissors, and cut the arms of her bra off so that the fabric fell to the floor. The panties were next, but they didn’t get cut. They were easily slipped down her thighs until she was completely naked before them.

  “That is so much better.”

  He waited for Archer to move out of the way, and brought the whip back. Daniel slapped it against her stomach, and she gasped. It wasn’t painful, and he’d not touched her in any places it would hurt. He was a trained professional.

  Using the tip of the whip, he glided the leather up to circle her nipple, watching as it puckered even tighter. Sliding it down, he moved the whip between her thighs, and slid the tip over her clit. Olivia screamed out, opening her thighs even wider. When he’d touched her for a few seconds, he removed the whip, and brought the tip to his mouth, tasting her cream.

  “You taste better than I remember. Archer, turn her around.”

  His brother helped their woman to turn, and secured her wrists to the bed.

  “Are you still okay, Olivia?” he asked.

  “More than okay.”

  Once she was in place, he brought the whip down on her ass, going harder with each hit until there were light red lines across her ass. He wasn’t interested in scaring her. Daniel liked to play, but he didn’t like to cause the pain that became more about fear than pleasure.

  He worked her ass, back, and thighs for a good ten minutes before he dropped the whip. Archer was on the bed, rubbing his cock as he watched Olivia. Going to their toys, he grabbed a dildo and some nipple clamps.

  Throwing the clamps to Archer, Daniel stood behind her.

  The moment he touched her, she moaned, leaning back against him. “Do you like to play?”

  “Yes, I love to play.”

  “Good. Archer is going to put some clamps on those tight little nipples of yours. You’re going to love it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled, and nodded for Archer to get started. The moment Archer placed his lips around her first nipple, Daniel plundered his fingers into her tight cunt. Using his thumb, he stroked over her clit, and Olivia screamed as the clamp went around her first nipple. Daniel didn’t let up his stroking as the second clamp was placed over her nipples. She looked so damn beautiful, and he didn’t want to stop playing with her.

  Archer moved back on the bed.

  “I want her,” he said.

  Removing the cuffs from around her wrists, Daniel urged her up the bed.

  By the time they had both crawled up the bed, Archer had rolled a condom over his cock.

  “I’m going to get this beautiful ass ready, Olivia. You’re going to take both of us very soon.”

  Chapter Eight

  Olivia would do whatever her men wanted her to do. She needed them, craved them, and what they were doing to her mind and body, was earth-shattering. Archer took her hands, and guided her over his length. She bit her lip, moaning as she slowly slid over his cock, taking him to the hilt within her.

  His hands moved to her hips and gripped her tightly.

  “Now that is a sight I’m going to get used to.”

  She smiled down at him. Her nipples still held the clamps, and they stung a little. The pleasure building inside her was by far st
ronger than any pain. Even the hits from the whip hadn’t hurt. Daniel had been very careful with her.

  These two men were really working their way into her heart. They were willing to protect her from her own family, and for that alone, she loved them. It was nice to be protected for a change, rather than afraid of what it meant to be exposed to her family.

  Archer lifted her off his cock, and slammed her back down. She cried out, feeling him all the way to the hilt inside her, hitting her cervix he was so deep.

  “Fuck, your pussy is heaven, baby. I love you, and I love your body. You’re never getting away from me, from us.”

  Daniel wrapped her hair around his hand, and tilted her head back. “You hear that, baby? He loves you, just like I do, and we’re not going to stop. You belong to us now, and when you belong to us, we never let you go.”

  “I want that. I love you both as well. I don’t care what other people will say. I love you both, and I want to belong to you.”

  She screamed as Daniel released the clamps on her breasts. In the next second Archer’s lips were around her nipples, sucking away the pain. The rush of blood to her nipples had created a mixture of pleasure and pain that she wasn’t sure if she could handle. It was too much, and yet it wasn’t enough. She needed more, and ground her pussy onto Archer’s dick.

  “Our woman’s hot, Daniel.”

  “She’s going to be getting hotter.”

  Daniel left the bed, and she whimpered, missing his warmth at the back of her.

  “He’ll be back.”

  Archer slammed up inside her, drawing her back down on his cock, and she cried out at the instant rush of arousal that rushed over her. It was amazing, and the feeling was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Daniel came back to the bed, and Archer moved so that she was leaning over him. He moved his hands down to her ass, and spread her wide.

  “Look at that little asshole. It’s begging to be fucked, and I can’t wait until I can slide my dick inside you,” Daniel said.

  Something cool and slick touched her asshole, and she squealed, glancing behind her.

  “It’s okay, baby. Daniel’s going to be getting your ass ready to take his cock. He won’t fuck your ass tonight, but he will soon, and you need to be ready for him.”

  Archer held her close, and Olivia rested her head on his shoulder while Daniel played with her ass. He started to slide the lubricant over her ass, and something hard touched her anus, pushing.

  “Relax, Olivia.”

  She tried to relax, and take a deep breath. The pressure increased at her ass.

  “Push out.”

  Following his instructions even with her face heating, the hard dildo pushed past the tight ring of muscles in her ass.

  “Good girl.”

  Daniel rocked the dildo inside, giving her time to grow accustomed to the length of the cock inside her.

  Slowly he pushed it inside and then out, then back inside, and out. Over and over, he repeated the process so that more of the fake cock went inside her.

  The pleasure increased, and it wasn’t long before Olivia was rocking back against him, needing him to go deeper, to slam his cock further inside her.

  He didn’t rush it, and she was thankful for that. Archer also found a pace that also prolonged her arousal.

  “That’s it. You’re taking the whole of the cock. Take it deep, baby. You don’t know how hot you look. It won’t be long until you’re taking my dick up that hot ass. Fuck, it looks so good.”

  “He’s touching his cock,” Archer said, whispering against her ear. “It looks so good that he can’t do anything else but watch himself fuck your ass.”

  It was all too much. Archer licked then sucked on her neck, and she came apart, riding his cock as she rode out her orgasm.

  “So beautiful. So perfect,” Daniel said.

  In the next moment, Archer groaned, slamming deep inside her. His cock pulsed inside her, and even with the condom between them, she felt his release.

  Daniel finished last, spraying her ass with his release. When it was over, Daniel pressed against her back, and kissed her neck.

  “You’re the woman we’ve been searching for all of our lives, and we’re never letting you go.”

  She hoped not.

  Olivia had fallen in love, and she didn’t know if she could handle them getting rid of her. The very thought had her terrified.


  Three weeks later

  “Thank you, Paul,” Archer said, ending the call. He left his office and made his way toward Daniel’s. It had been three weeks since they had staked their claim on Livy. Three perfect, blissfully happy weeks. They hadn’t stopped Livy from working, and she was currently in the florist shop with Linda. She also had a guard with her in case her family tried anything.

  When they weren’t working they spent their time exploring the playroom. Livy’s enjoyment in the playroom, and her need to play, had shocked both him and Daniel. They hadn’t believed she would love to play as much as she actually did. She’d wanted them to try out all of the toys and the equipment on her. Much to his enjoyment, she loved the feel of his hand on her ass when she was on the spanking bench. Archer wasn’t going to complain, as he loved spanking her round ass.

  For the past three weeks, Daniel had also been preparing her ass to take them both at the same time.

  It had been an amazing few weeks, and a busy one. They had moved Livy out of her current apartment, and moved her in with them. She had her own room but had yet to sleep with it.

  Livy liked to sleep between them, and if they weren’t in the playroom, they were in either his or Daniel’s room.

  Her need for affection at times made him angry. Archer loved showing her affection. She was the love of his and Daniel’s life, and anything she needed, he was more than happy to give her. What annoyed him was the thought of the life she’d had to live before she moved out of her family home.

  Entering Daniel’s office, he stayed silent while his brother finished on the phone.

  Taking a seat, Archer took out his cell phone, and started to play a game to entertain himself. He hated waiting around, but he had to do what he needed to in order to get work done.

  “Okay, let me know. Thank you,” Daniel said, ending the call. “There a reason you’re here, and not working?”

  “Paul called. He had to stop Carl from entering the florist shop.”

  Daniel sighed, rubbing at his temple. “Okay, we’re going to end this once and for all.”

  “Livy is flourishing under our protection, and I don’t want to lose that.”

  “I agree with you. I don’t want her to be given a reason to withdraw back into herself,” Daniel said.

  “We’re going to have to alert the necessary people of their money-laundering.”

  “We don’t know if it’s laundering money, Archer.”

  Raising his brow, Archer chuckled. “Fine, we don’t know if they’re laundering money, but the people we give the information to will know exactly what is going on.”


  “Okay, I’ll handle that now. Will you pick Olivia up?”

  “Of course.”

  They took turns in picking their woman up, and he didn’t mind spending time with her. He loved being around Livy.

  Once he finished with the business meeting with his brother, he finished off his work before heading out to the florist. By the time he pulled up outside of the shop, Linda and Livy were leaving work.

  The two women said their goodbyes, and Archer waved at Linda. Livy jumped inside the car, and he gave a nod to Paul.

  Daniel would handle the threat of Frank and Carl.

  Livy hadn’t talked much about her family when they were together, and it didn’t appear as if she missed them, which was a good thing.

  He drove them both home, and Livy was chattering about the displays she’d been doing. The one thing he’d discovered about Livy, she was great at creating beauty. The florist work helped her artisti
c nature, and in the kitchen she was a master.

  Archer couldn’t recall a time when he and his brother had eaten so well. She loved to cook and to bake. They had even taken in her cookies to work, and the staff loved them. Everything she did was so good.

  Entering the home, he placed his hand behind her back.

  “Do you want me to get naked, Sir?” she asked.

  “No. I want you to feed me first.”

  They liked her to get naked the moment they entered their home. However, if she was cooking for them, they didn’t want her to get hurt, so she wore clothes.

  Livy chuckled. “I love cooking for you and Daniel.”

  “And we both love you cooking for us.” He gripped the back of her neck, and slammed his lips down on hers. “Fuck, baby, I don’t know what I want first, your pussy or your food.”

  He moved her into the kitchen, and when he couldn’t stand it, he lifted her up so that she was on the counter. Opening her thighs, he pushed her skirt up, tugged down her panties, and found her wet heat. Quickly, he grabbed a condom, and rolled it over his length. They needed to get some shares into a condom factory or something. With the number they used, they should be getting money back.

  Slamming inside her, they both groaned, and Livy sank her fingers into his hair. Holding her hips, Archer fucked her hard, going as deep as he could. He shoved her shirt up, and pulled her tits out of her bra so that they sprang free. Archer watched them bounce as he fucked her, going hard and deep inside her.

  “Love your pussy. Love fucking you, and I’m never going to stop. So fucking perfect.”

  “I love you, Archer. I love you so much.”

  He increased his fucking, until all they could hear was the slamming of their bodies together.

  Claiming her lips, he reached between them, and teased her clit as he fucked her harder.

  Livy came apart under his arms, and he followed her with his own orgasm. When it was over, he was shaking. This was what she did to him all the time. They had to marry her soon. There was no way he was risking her walking away from them.

  “I love you, Olivia West.”

  She gasped. “That’s the first time you’ve said my name.”

  “I know.”

  “I love you, too.” She cupped his face, and kissed him deeply. They had to marry her. He couldn’t have it any other way.


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