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Play With Me

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Daniel glanced at his watch, and let out a sigh. “I want to be married to her.”

  “You’ve wanted to be married to her for a long time. Just be patient.”

  He couldn’t be patient. They had all forgone the usual bachelor parties, and he’d spent most of his time trying to convince Olivia to go to Vegas. She wouldn’t, and after she booked the church, it was a done deal.

  Tapping his foot, the time went by so slowly, and Archer wasn’t helping. His twin brother just kept smiling, and behaving like it was normal to be waiting this long to get married.

  Come on, baby. I need you.

  The music started to play, and he turned in time to see her guard, Paul, walking her down the aisle. Linda stood behind her, and Daniel didn’t care about anyone else, or the fact she’d kept him waiting.

  Paul gave him Olivia’s hand, and he took it, lifting her veil, and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  He didn’t wait around asking her questions. He needed his ring on her finger. The priest started, and the church went silent.

  By the time the priest called for him to kiss the bride, Daniel was ready for it. Cupping her cheek, he pressed his lips to hers, and she moaned beneath his.

  Linda came up and hugged Olivia tightly.

  It wasn’t long before they were being herded outside for photographs, and he made sure that Archer stood on one side of her, while he stood on the other, holding her close.

  “I want you,” Archer said. “I want to do dirty things to you while you’re wearing that dress.”

  Olivia’s cheeks heated, and Daniel chuckled. They climbed into the waiting limousine, and he pressed the button so they had privacy.

  “What took you so long to get to the church?” he asked.

  She started to play with her hands, and he recognized her nerves.

  “I, erm, I found something out today, and I don’t know if you’re going to be too happy.”

  He frowned. “Is this to do with your father?”

  “No, nothing. I’ve not had anything to do with my father,” she said.

  Daniel made sure that Carl and Frank had nothing to do with his wife. Her family had tried to implicate her in the illegal activities, but Daniel had hired the best team.

  Olivia hadn’t been part of anything to do with her family. It didn’t matter anymore. She was a Fields, his wife.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I wanted Linda to go and get you, but she said that you were waiting for me.”

  “What did you find out?” Archer asked, now looking worried.

  “I’m pregnant. I had started to feel ill in the morning, and coffee was making me feel awful. I know it’s stupid, but I put it down to nerves. This morning, Linda was there, and she said something about me being pregnant. It never entered my head. We haven’t used any condoms, so I don’t know why it didn’t enter my head.” She kept rambling. “Linda went and got a test, and I took it. In fact I took three tests, and they all came out positive. I know we’ve talked about having kids, but we’ve never actually mentioned how many kids we’ve wanted, and I don’t know if you want them within the next year.”

  Each word she spoke was just making her more and more anxious. He needed to put her out of her misery, so Daniel slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her.

  She melted against him, moaning. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he deepened the kiss until he was sure she was a little dazed.

  “Stop, you don’t need to worry about anything.” He pressed his hand to her stomach. “We’ve got a little Fields growing. I have to say I’m really excited about that.” He looked toward Archer. “What do you think? Are you happy to be pregnant?”

  “Fuck yeah. This is going to be amazing. It also means you can never leave us, Livy. You belong to us.”

  Daniel wrapped a strand of hair around his finger, and kept her in place. “You’re so breathtakingly beautiful, do you know that?”

  “You tell me every day.”

  “Then you better start believing it.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Are you both really happy about this?”

  “Yes.” He and Archer spoke at the same time, and she chuckled.

  “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’ll make an appointment with the doctor. I think we should hold off the honeymoon until you’re checked over,” Daniel said, to which Archer agreed.

  He knew there was a reason he loved his brother.

  “I should be fine.”

  “We’re not going anywhere until we know for sure. Your health means more to us than a beach.” Archer cupped her cheek, and turned her toward him. He slammed his lips down on hers, and they both moaned.

  They still had their party to go to, and Daniel didn’t know how he was going to be able to handle a party with the need rushing over him.

  “I don’t want to go to the party,” she said. “Can we go home?”

  “No,” Archer said, frowning at her. “We were all for going to Vegas, and it just being us, but you wanted this, and we’re going to see your dream wedding through.”

  Olivia pouted, and Daniel almost gave in.

  Archer ran his hand up her thigh to squeeze her ass. “Should I take you over my knee? Don’t try to get me to change my mind.”

  She let out a sigh, and Daniel chuckled. “I bet you wished you’d agreed to Vegas right now.”

  They pulled up outside of the hotel where their party was being held. Taking hold of her hand, Daniel helped her out of the back of the limousine. Archer followed close behind them, and when they entered the hotel, they were met with cheers and congratulations. This was the wedding that Olivia wanted, and he was going to make sure she got it. He would fight everyone, and everything to make sure she got what she wanted.

  Linking his fingers with hers, he held her tightly.

  Tonight was the first night of their time together, and he was going to make sure it was a life she never forgot.


  Five years later

  Olivia panted as the contractions grew closer. The pain was intense, and even though this was her fourth child, she still wasn’t used to it. She was alone in the private hospital room while Linda tried to reach one or both of her husbands while also taking care of her three other children. Linda knew that she was with both Archer and Daniel. She’d not been able to keep the truth away from her friend.

  Linda hadn’t judged her, though, and for that she was thankful.

  Where are you?

  Daniel and Archer never left her when she was this close to giving birth. They had left that morning, and had promised to come back. Linda had stopped by for breakfast, and Olivia had been stirring up some pancakes when her water broke.

  The last five years had been the most amazing of her life. Her men had made up for a lifetime of never knowing what affection was. Archer and Daniel took the time to love, care, and touch her. Their children would never know what it was like to grow up in a house without love. Olivia made sure she always held her children, and never pushed them away, like all of her family did her.

  Linda opened the door, and Olivia sobbed. “Where are they?”

  “They’re coming, honey. I promise. They left their cell phones in the car.”

  Olivia collapsed to the bed as another wave of contractions hit.

  “I can’t come in and comfort you, honey.”

  “I know. I know.”

  The nurse came in seconds later, gave her a smile, and checked her dilation.

  Suddenly, the nurse shouted for some doctors, and Olivia screamed as the need to push overcame her.

  “I can’t push. I can’t push. They’re not here.”

  “We can’t wait for them, honey. You’re going to need to push.”

  Archer and Daniel had been there for every single child she’d given birth to. They were her rocks. They helped and guided her through the birth.

  There wasn’t any time, and Olivia couldn’t hold back pushing.

hen this was over, it wasn’t her that was going to get spanked. She was going to push both men over the spanking bench, and she was going to use every single implement of torture, and make sure they knew what she was going through. She’d use the vibrators, turn them on full, and shove them up their asses.

  Olivia plotted, screamed, and howled through her birth.

  Halfway through, the men whose demises she’d been plotting finally arrived, and they each held her hand. They were both pale, and instead of pushing them away, she held their hands as she brought her first daughter into the world. She’d had three boys, and now she had a little girl.

  The nurse wrapped her in a blanket, and handed her back to her.

  The moment she looked into her daughter’s eyes, Olivia didn’t care about the pain. Everything else disappeared.

  “Where were you?” she asked, while the doctors cleared away.

  She was so tired, but she needed to know where her men were.

  Daniel looked over at Archer, and he looked toward his brother.

  “Tell me,” she said.

  Daniel moved toward the door, and left for a few minutes. He returned carrying a book.

  “Archer and I have been working on this for you.”

  He turned the book over, and Olivia gasped.

  Three years ago, she’d been in the kitchen creating recipes, and Linda had been with her, writing everything down. Both her men had advised that she start writing her very own cookery book.

  At first she’d been nervous, and they’d gotten her a computer with a special colored screen for people with dyslexia. She’d finished her book over three months ago, and sent it to Daniel.

  From what she remembered, they were going through it, checking for errors.

  All of that work was now bound into a book.

  “We wanted to surprise you. We talked with a publisher, and when we showed him the book, he loved it, wanted it, and we’ve been working on this for you. He called this morning because he wants you to have a look through it.”

  Archer took their little girl, and she held the cook book in her hands.

  “I was plotting your death for missing the birth.”

  “And now?”

  “Kiss me, please, I love you both.

  Minutes later, Linda entered with their other three children.

  Olivia chuckled as her sons jumped onto the bed, surrounding her. Archer and Daniel were there, and so was Linda.

  It had been five years of amazing love, and she knew there was so much more to come.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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