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Play With Me

Page 9

by Sam Crescent


  Daniel whistled as he entered their home. The scent of onion and garlic met his senses, and his mouth watered.

  Closing the door, he didn’t make it three steps before Olivia was throwing herself into his arms. “Have you heard the news?” she asked.

  “What news?”

  “About my family? It’s all over the news. Come and see.”

  After he’d handled the information he had on Frank and Carl West, Daniel had gone back to the office to finish his work. It was a little after seven, and the people he’d given the information to had only had it about five to six hours maximum. She dragged him into the kitchen where Archer was sitting at the counter watching the television.

  Taking a piece of pepper, Daniel sat down and watched the news bulletin.

  “They’ve been laundering money for years, and they’ve even stolen from older people.”

  “It has been confirmed today that the West Corporation has been struggling. Sources can confirm that they have stolen millions of dollars…”

  Daniel watched as the camera showed Carl and Frank West being led out of the office building with their hands cuffed.

  He’d stumbled onto the information by mistake. One of the businesses that the Wests owned, the previous owner had come to him, explaining the facts, and the figures. Daniel hadn’t given it much thought until he started to reach out to other companies who were talking about the same decline of funds yet the companies were recording profits.

  Frank and Carl were trying not to pay their taxes while also pushing illegal money through the system.

  It was big news, and it made Daniel damn happy he’d never wanted to do business with them.

  “I can’t believe it,” Olivia said. “I recognize some of those names. They’re monsters, true monsters.”

  “I’m the one that gave the information to the authorities,” Daniel said. He didn’t want there to be any secrets between them.

  Olivia looked away from the screen to look at him. “You did this?”


  “Good. I can’t believe what they’ve done. They’ve ruined people’s lives, and they don’t care.” She stared down at her chopping board. “I’m pleased you did it.”

  “I could have done it months ago,” Daniel said, admitting the truth.

  She looked back up at him. “You’ve held that information for a long time?”


  “Why didn’t you hand it in when you had the chance?” she asked.

  “We wanted you,” Archer said. “Neither of us knew how to approach you, and we didn’t want to get into a meeting with your father.”

  “You waited for me?”


  Tears filled her eyes, and she smiled. “How did I get so lucky?” She rushed toward them, wrapping her arms around both of them. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  “Shall we do it?” Archer asked.

  Holding Olivia close to him, he watched as Archer lifted the box for him to see the ring.


  He held onto Olivia’s arms, and went down on his knee before her. This was what he and Archer had always wanted.

  His twin brother came to join him, and went down on his knee. She licked her lips, and looked from one to the other.

  “What is going on? You don’t need to get on your knees for anything,” she said.

  “Actually, we do, baby,” Daniel said.

  “There’s something we want to ask you, Livy.”

  “Ask me.”

  He and Archer shared a look, and then turned back to their woman. “You’re the love of our life. There’s no one else we want more than you,” he said, starting off.

  “I should have found a way to claim you all those years ago on your birthday. I didn’t, and I had to wait another three years until I could have you as my own. I’m not going to make that mistake again. I love you.”

  “And I love you,” Daniel said.

  “Would you to do us the honor of becoming our wife?” He and Archer asked her together, never breaking eye contact. Her mouth was slightly open, and he saw the shock in her eyes.

  “You’re proposing.”

  Archer opened the box, and Daniel took her hand. “Please say yes.”

  “Yes, yes, yes, of course, yes. There’s no one else I want.”

  She sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around them.

  Daniel took the ring and slid it onto her finger.

  “I say we ditch the condoms,” Archer said.

  He chuckled. They had been spending a fortune on condoms to be with her. Olivia was as insatiable as they were.

  “Do you want to have children?” she asked, looking from one to the other.

  “Yes, we want to have children, and we don’t care who the father is. We’re going to be one happy family,” Daniel said.

  They got to their feet, and Daniel held her face in his hands, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Next, Archer claimed his kiss.

  “Once we’ve eaten dinner, we’re going to go and play,” Daniels said, taking a seat. He grabbed the remote, and turned off the television. “We don’t need to watch that crap anymore. They’re out of all of our lives, and I don’t expect them to return again anytime soon.”

  Olivia went back to making them dinner, and he watched her.

  Every now and then, she stopped to stare down at her diamond engagement ring. Archer sat beside him.

  “I got to play with her earlier.”

  “Good for you. It means I get her first in the playroom.”

  Archer cursed. “I didn’t make it to the playroom.”

  “See, all good things come to those who wait.”

  Olivia had been a good thing for them to wait for, and he couldn’t wait until they were finally married. He was going to show her a whole new way to live with lots of love and affection. She’d never be worried about getting either.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later

  “I don’t care how long it takes, I want my ring on your finger, and for the world to know who you belong to,” Daniel said, pressing a kiss to her neck. They were sitting in the playroom, and she had over ten wedding magazines open and spread out on the bed. Archer had left to get them some food and drink. It was a Sunday, and they had been in the playroom since the previous night.

  Olivia moaned, leaning against him. Her body was on fire, but she had learned that neither brother would play with her until they were ready. It drove her crazy at times, but she loved it. They knew what they were doing each time they made her wait for her pleasure.

  Since her father and brother had been arrested, she’d been interviewed, and cleared if they had even suspected her. Her own family had tried to forge her name, and blame her for the laundering. Once she signed a piece of paper, and an expert had compared her signature to the one on the documents, her name had been cleared.

  Daniel and Archer had been by her side throughout it all, even when she’d gotten all upset about it. If she’d had any distress about her family, getting that visit from the police had changed her thoughts about her family. They were dead to her, and she wasn’t going back to them, never.

  “I can’t think with your lips on my body.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to think. I want you to be mindless with pleasure.”

  She dropped the magazine and moaned as his other hand stroked over her nipple. The fire he was creating was getting bigger. She pressed her thighs together, and bit her lip.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “We need to make decisions on this wedding.”

  “We don’t. I’d marry you in Vegas, baby. I don’t need a big wedding.” He shoved the magazines to the floor, and she gasped as he took her to the bed, pressing her hands above her head. “I’ve taken my time with you, and gotten your ass ready. Today, I’m going to own it.”

  She moaned. Daniel
had taken a lot of time getting her ass prepared for his cock. He’d used different kinds of dildos to stretch her, and even used his fingers to help widen her, ready for his dick.

  He moved between her thighs, grabbed his cock, and slammed to the hilt inside her. She cried out from the shock of his invasion, and yet pushed up to meet him. It wasn’t enough for her, and yet the pleasure was out of this world. Gripping his arms, she lifted up, and kissed his lips.

  “Fuck, I always miss the best bits,” Archer said, coming inside.

  Olivia growled in frustration as Daniel pulled out of her pussy. “Not at all. We’re going to be spending the whole day playing. I don’t see a need to rush it.”

  Archer placed the tray of food onto the bed, and she saw lots of fruit that was cut up into little segments. He took one piece and pressed it to her lips. “We’re going to need you to keep your strength up, baby.”

  Opening her lips, she sucked the fruit into her mouth, and flicked her tongue over his fingers.

  “She’s playing with fire.”

  “Don’t worry, Archer, I know how to handle her.” Daniel gave her a wink, and she couldn’t help but chuckle. This was what she loved about being with them. They both knew how to make her smile, and did everything they could to do it.

  They had taken her from a miserable existence and given her something to love and enjoy.

  If only she could stop them from mentioning a Vegas wedding. Neither man wanted to wait, and even though Daniel had claimed to be the more patient of the two, he wasn’t patient about this.

  After they had finished all the food on the tray, and touched her constantly throughout breakfast, Olivia was at the point where she couldn’t stand it anymore. Archer wrapped his fingers around his cock, and she covered them with her own, opening her lips, and sucking on the long, hard shaft. She took him to the back of her throat while Daniel prepared himself to claim her ass.

  He’d taken so long to prepare her ass that any nerves she’d once felt of having anal sex had long since disappeared.

  Archer pushed her off his cock, and eased her back over his shaft, so that she was straddling his lap. He pounded inside her for several thrusts until the bed dipped and she knew Daniel had come to join them.

  Daniel crawled onto the bed behind her, and like the first time he teased her ass, Archer held the cheeks of her ass open while Daniel smeared a generous amount of lubricant.

  “I want to claim your ass, but if it is too much for you, I want you to call out red for me to stop, and I won’t go any further.”

  “I don’t mind. Please, I need you,” she said.

  She’d started to have many dreams about Daniel fucking her ass while Archer fucked her pussy. It was verging on obsession for her to have him take her ass.

  The tip of his cock pressed to her anus, and at first, she tensed up.

  He soothed a hand down her back, calming her.

  “Push out, and I won’t hurt you.”

  She trusted and loved him. Pressing out, Daniel pushed inside her so that only the tip had pushed past her tight ring of her muscles.

  Archer kissed her lips and released her ass. He sank his fingers in her hair, and tightened his hold of her head. “Do you like that, baby?”

  “Yes, I need him to go deeper.”

  “It’s going to get tight.”

  “Daniel, fuck me please. I can’t take much more.”

  His hand moved to her hip while Archer held her hair, and he pushed the rest of his cock inside her ass, tightening his hold around her.

  It was sheer heaven.


  Archer watched Livy come apart in his arms. He didn’t care that his brother was the cause of her mindless pleasure. To him, she was perfection, and he would do anything for her. Daniel paused as he was balls deep inside her.

  “We’ve got you, baby.”


  Her pussy convulsed around him, and her eyes were closed.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

  Daniel stayed still inside her.

  “It’s tight.”

  “Do you want me to pull out?” Daniel asked.

  “No. I’m good. It’s fine. I can take it, please, don’t stop.”

  Archer reached between them and slid his fingers across her clit. She whimpered while he and Daniel cursed. Her pussy, and he guessed her ass, tightened around them both.

  “I can’t take much more of that,” Archer said.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he started to thrust up and out of her. Her cream made it easier for him to pound inside. Daniel didn’t move at first, and it was only when Livy started to beg him to move that he did. Archer gritted his teeth as her pussy went unbearably tight.

  The sound of Daniel spanking her ass echoing around the room, followed by her cries of pleasure, had Archer close to release. He fucked her harder than ever before, going deep inside her. He and Daniel set up a pace that took them both to the brink of pleasure.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last,” Archer said, pushing inside her a final time, and filling her with his cum.

  She wrapped her arms around him, and Daniel went at her ass, fucking her hard.

  Archer soothed her back, moaning as her pussy twitched around his flaccid cock. His cum dripped down the sides, and out of her.

  On the final thrust, Daniel screamed out, and came within her. It was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen, and Archer couldn’t wait to do it again.

  “That was the best thing ever,” Daniel said. “You can have any wedding you want, just promise us that you will never run away.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere else. I love you, both.” She kissed his shoulder.

  “I’m going to go and get the bath ready,” Daniel said. Archer held her close as Daniel pulled out of her.

  From the heated look in his brother’s gaze, he was witnessing their cum spilling from the lips of her pussy and ass.

  Seconds later, Daniel moved toward the en-suite bathroom.

  “I love you, Archer. I love you both.”

  “I know, baby, and we love you.” He kissed her cheek, moving her into a more comfortable position.

  Lifting her into his arms, he moved to the edge of the bed, and Livy wrapped her entire body around him.

  She finally pulled away, and what he saw in her eyes had a lump forming in his throat.

  “If you want to get married in Vegas, then I’m more than happy to get married there. I don’t need anything fancy.”

  Archer shook his head. “You deserve fancy, and you’re going to get fancy.”

  “What about you? I won’t be married to you.” She pushed out her bottom lip.

  “Daniel’s a few minutes older, which is why you’re marrying him. In the eyes of the law, you can’t marry me, but here,” he pressed his hand to her chest, “we will be married to each other.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I couldn’t pick between the two of you.”

  “You’re not going to. We both love you, and we’d never make you choose, no matter what.”

  “The bath is ready.”

  Lifting her up in his arms, Archer carried her through to the bathroom, not caring that she was a little heavy. To him, she was perfect with her wonderful curves and generous tits. He did love sucking on her tits, and he’d even fucked them, decorating her chest with his cum.

  Settling into the large tub, Daniel joined them, and Livy moved toward him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” Daniel stroked her cheek, sinking his fingers into her hair.

  There was never any jealousy for him when he watched his brother touching her. This had happened for as long as he could remember, but with Livy it was different. “Thank you for trusting me to take you.”

  She smiled. “I hope you want to take me again, and again. I never knew it could be like this.” She turned to look at him. “And I know it’s because of the two of you.”

  Reaching out, he stroked her hand down her back, and enjoyed the wa
y she moaned at his touch. He would never get bored of her, no matter how long they were together.

  “So, while we’re in the bath, I think we should talk wedding,” Daniel said, tugging Livy to his chest.

  “You never want to talk wedding,” Livy said.

  “We’re in the bath, and I want to give you a chance to rest, so I will talk wedding.”

  “I want it to be in a church,” she said.

  “Well, I want our wedding to be in Vegas. We could be married before next week,” said Daniel.

  Livy burst out laughing, and Archer chuckled. “Livy’s only going to get married once, so I think we should get married in a church,” he said.

  “You’re being a spoilsport,” Daniel said.

  “I’ll be married once, and then we can do whatever the two of you want to do for our anniversaries,” she said.


  “Well, it has to be within reason. I don’t ever want to go diving in shark infested waters, or go to the rainforest, to discover disgusting, horrible, spiders that eat you whole.” She scrunched up her nose, and shivered. “Yuck.”

  “How about an anniversary where you don’t wear clothes, neither do we, and we spend the whole week playing with each other.”

  “Just playing?” she asked. Her eyes dilated, and he knew he’d caught her attention with that.

  “Just playing, and fucking, and making babies.” He stepped between her thighs, claimed her lips, found her heat, and fucked her while Daniel stroked her.

  She could have whatever wedding she wanted, providing he and Daniel got the anniversaries of their dreams.


  One month later

  “Where is she?” Daniel asked. He was getting annoyed, and he didn’t like how many people were there. This was Livy’s dream wedding, and he couldn’t fault her on what she wanted. In the last couple of months he’d come to see, like he’d known, that she wasn’t the kind of woman who relished material things. She liked to help others, and he’d been with her when she helped out at the homeless shelter.

  “She’ll be here. You’ve got to give her time. Linda’s with her, and I know they arrived at the church.” Archer stood by his side, and nodded toward the crowd.


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