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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

Page 11

by BJ Wane

  "Oh my God, Nate." Eve's laugh was breathless, every one of her senses still vibrating with giddy pleasure from both the skydiving and the orgasm. "That was… fucking awesome! I'll never forget it." Bracing her hands on his wide shoulders, she grinned foolishly up at him as he released her harness. "You should've saved this for last because I don't know how you're ever going to top that experience."

  The undisguised look of pleasure on her flushed face and sparkling in her green eyes heightened Nate's already escalated arousal. That daredevil attitude despite her blindness coupled with her open abandonment of pleasure had him turned inside out and he knew he wouldn't wait to have her again. "I'll just have to come up with something, won't I?" he told her thinking of the annual trip he and the guys took to Belize and the sexual fun in the sun they had. "We're out in the field behind the hangars and runway. It's about a half mile walk."

  "If you don't want to have to carry me, then you better turn off these toys," she warned him. He had lowered the speed right before they landed, but not enough to keep Eve off the razor thin edge of another climax. Her breath escaped on a sigh when the pulses dimmed, the lower vibes caressing sensitive flesh just enough to keep her motor running. Sadistic bastard.

  "That should help."

  "Not enough," she muttered darkly as he took her hand.

  Delighted with her, Nate tried to tamp down his own urgency as he guided her back to Fin's hangar where he saw him pulling his plane inside already. Knowing how close to climax she was increased his own pressing need. By the time they reached the hangar, Nate's cock was at risk of having a permanent zipper imprint on it.

  "We're back," he stated brusquely, turning her to face the outside of the building and placing her palms flat against the metal structure. Leaning against her back, he let her feel the rigidness of his cock against her ass. Leaning down, he bit the soft, vulnerable spot between her neck and shoulder. "I want you. Here. Now." His hands went to the waist of her jeans and had them loosened and shoved to her knees along with her panties before she could realize what he was doing. That cock jerking gasp ending with a catch in her throat was the only sound she made when he pulled her hips back then shifted sideways and caressed one round buttock.

  Eve wanted to question him, ask him if they were where no one could see them, but she was so turned on, so needy that she didn't want to take the chance he would tell her something that might make her want to stop this. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right? The warm waft of a breeze that greeted her bare ass when he shoved her jeans and panties down was as stimulating and welcome as his soft caresses over the sensitive skin of her cheek. She should have known the soothing touch was the calm before the storm, but when she felt the snap of leather across both buttocks, the sharp pain took her by surprise. She never heard him remove his belt.

  "Nate! A little warning would be nice," she complained even though the sting had already turned into pleasure.

  Nate ran his fingers over the red slash across her ass. "Now, where would the fun be in that? Is it too much?" Her easy acceptance made him forget how new and inexperienced she was with his brand of sex.

  "No." Eve groaned when his light touch showed her how sensitive that spot still was, but when he landed another stroke right below it, she relished the fiery burn as much as the ensuing pleasure. Bending her head, she let her hair hide her face as he snapped the belt across her buttocks three more times, each painful slash feeding fuel to the fire raging in her spasming pussy and throbbing nipples. The whole scene of outdoor sex with the risk of being seen with her bent over, pants pulled down was positively, excitingly decadent. Until meeting Nate, she'd never known how much fun sex could be when given the chance to let her inner slut out.

  "I can't wait," she moaned when she heard the belt drop, his hands palming her throbbing, hot buttocks sending another wave of painful heat through her. "Please, Nate."

  "Good because I can't either. It's a good thing you're on the pill, sugar, because I doubt if I'd be able to hold back long enough to suit up." Reaching inside her, he removed the small vibrator and replaced it with his cock before grabbing her hips to hold her steady for his possession.

  Three body jarring thrusts had her tightening around him, a fourth elicited a gush of her juices to coat his cock and on the fifth he felt the ripples of her contractions all along the length of his shaft, pulling him towards his own release. "You never cease to amaze me, Eve," he muttered, hammering into her, his balls drawing up tautly right before he came in a torrent of ecstasy.

  Eve knew he said something, but she was caught up in the pleasure of yet another earth shattering orgasm and paid him little heed. It was the sound of Fin's voice that jolted her back into awareness of her surroundings, the lingering pulses of pleasure ratcheting up again when his words penetrated her hazy awareness.

  "I am pleased that you enjoyed your first jump so much, darlin'," Fin drawled, sending Nate a thumbs up from the door to his hangar.

  Eve jerked her jeans up, but Nate's hand tightening on her shoulder kept her from turning away in shame.

  "He just popped around the corner and didn't see that much."

  "He's right, Eve, just enough to tell you you have a very fine ass. Catch you two later."

  "You could've let me know he was there," Eve grumbled even though she wasn't really put out. She'd known there was the possibility of getting caught and she liked that idea, refusing to deny or shy away from the way her body or her mind was accepting and enjoying everything Nate was giving her. She didn't have the luxury of knowing she could have a sexual relationship with any man, especially one as enigmatic and adventurous as Nate.

  "Admit it, sugar, you like knowing he saw us. Adds a secret little thrill, doesn't it?"

  He distracted her by reaching under her shirt and removing the clamps from her nipples, the rush of painful tingling making her gasp in renewed arousal. He calmed her by softly caressing the tortured buds until she inquired breathlessly, "You like having an audience?"

  "My friends and I have played openly for years, so I'm used to it. Now, answer my question."

  She should've known he wouldn't let it slide. "Yes, after I got over the shock, it kind of excited me. Happy now?" she asked peevishly.

  Nate laughed, enjoying her. "Only if you are."


  "I'm having an actual affair," Eve told Holly later that evening as she soaked her tired, aching muscles in a hot bath. "A no strings, no holds barred affair and so far it's exceeded all my wildest fantasies. I'm glad I didn't know what I was missing all these years!"

  There was a slight pause before Holly said, "That's what I get for missing our weekly chat. Who is this guy?"

  Holly's suspicious tone came through the phone loud and clear, telling Eve she had been right not filling her in until now. It wasn't because she'd been too busy or too wrapped up in this thing between her and Nate that Eve hadn't talked to Holly since she first told her about Camille hooking her up with him. She was confused enough about her feelings and the need he had tapped into that night; she didn't want Holly's pessimism confusing her more. Then, when she met Nate again, she wanted to work through her need and the tempting offers he was dangling in front of her without any input from her best friend. She didn't begrudge Holly her over protective, sometimes smothering concern for her. Eve had been Holly's only friend from third grade on despite her attempts to get Holly interested in socializing with others. She nearly went off the deep end, almost as much as Eve, after the accident. Holly's fear of losing her made her cling even tighter to Eve. At the time, she had been grateful for her unfailing support, but in the past few years, since she had been working and living on her own, she couldn't help but again wish Holly would make an effort to befriend more people.

  "Nate's my anonymous hook-up from a few weeks ago." Eve filled Holly in on her trysts with Nate, not leaving anything out except Nate's penchant for spanking and her response to what should be humiliating and painful but was anything but. Listening
to Holly's sexual escapades the last few years, she knew her friend was open and adventurous sexually, but she didn't know how she felt about the whole pleasure/pain thing. "God, Holly. The man's voice alone can make me come, but put it with his tall body that's all muscle and then add toys into the mix and I lose track of how many times he sends me into orbit. I never knew sex could be so… explosive."

  "Hey, I'm the one who got you your first vibrator and gave you your first orgasm," Holly protested.

  Eve recalled all too well the gift Holly had given her after her first college breakup, a life like, eight-inch fake phallus. She also vividly remembered Holly's insistence on showing her how to get the most enjoyment from the thick, ridged shaft and her embarrassment when Holly used her fingers to spread her labia and inserted the dildo herself then fucked Eve to her first orgasm. Their friendship would have been awkward for Eve after that, but Holly's open, carefree attitude toward the whole episode had quickly put them back on an even keel.

  "I remember. I still have that toy but none of the climaxes it's responsible for compare to the one's Nate has given me. Now I understand why you're such a sex-a-holic." The long pause before Holly's cautious answer told Eve her attempt to tease her into being more supportive failed.

  "That's great, hon, it really is. And I can tell you're on cloud nine, just don't let this, whatever it is, go to your head, okay? You know how vulnerable you are."

  Nate didn't treat her as if she were vulnerable or fragile, but Eve kept that thought to herself. Holly was touchy about her over protectiveness, wanting nothing but the best for Eve. The problem was, Holly's best meant remaining alone and insulated away from relationships, especially men who might cause her grief. "It's just sex, Holly," she tried reassuring her with a tired sigh. "That's what we both want and agreed to and I don't see that changing. But God, girlfriend, what that man can do and come up with is freaking awesome. Right now I'm taking Nate's advice and soaking in a steaming hot bath, not that I'd mind any lingering soreness come morning."

  "You'll have to introduce me to this guy when I return to the states shortly, providing you're still together in a few weeks. Maybe he can set me up with his friend who likes to watch. He sounds hot."

  "Maybe. Tell me what you've been up to." Eve ignored the annoying pang she experienced from Holly's veiled insinuation, as if she didn't already know it was a given this relationship was a temporary fling for both of them.

  "You won't believe it, Eve. I actually got to see the royal family yesterday! You should've seen the paparazzi around the palace as they came out. They were like vultures that couldn't get enough."

  For the first time, Eve tuned out Holly's rambling about her adventures and let her mind wander to thoughts of Nate and what he might come up with next weekend that could possibly be as good as climaxing at ten thousand feet. Usually she loved hearing about the things Holly got to see and do, didn't mind living vicariously through her. But now that Nate had gifted her with her own exciting exploits, she was more interested in dwelling on them than on Holly's. He had left her a few hours earlier with a deep kiss and the order to keep next Saturday open for him. Rather than being put out by his high-handed dictate, she discovered a sense of relief he didn't give her any options, that is not if she wanted to keep this affair going.

  Holding the phone to her ear with one hand, she ran the washcloth over her breasts with the other, the tenderness in her nipples igniting a touch of heat between her legs. She didn't know how she could become aroused so soon after spending the afternoon wallowing in the pleasure of multiple orgasms, but her body's reaction to the feel of the soft, nubby cloth gliding over her still sensitive tips couldn't be denied. It must be Nate's unique ways of bringing her to orgasm that had made her so much more aware of her body and what she was capable of feeling. For twelve years she'd had to rely on her other senses to get by, to make up for her lack of sight. But before feeling the way Nate's hard body and hard hand slapping her tender skin could set off a firestorm of pleasure, she didn't know just how far she could go from sensation alone. She was more aware of her body now than she had ever been, an awareness that had her aching already for another round of sex with Nate.

  "Eve, are you listening to me?"

  Holly's sharp, irritated voice interrupted her daydreaming. "Sorry, Holly." Laughing ruefully, she admitted sheepishly, "I started washing as you were talking, and, well, my mind wandered to other things as my hand wandered downward."

  "I've never known you to be so distracted by sex or a guy. Are you sure you know what you're risking getting involved with this man? Do you know anything about him other than he's sexually creative?"

  Eve sighed as her body cooled from both the water's temperature and Holly's words. "To be honest, right now all I care about is making up for lost time and enjoying sex with him for as long as he's interested. I don't need to know anything about him other than, because of Camille's assurances, he's safe to be with. I gotta go, Holly. I'm getting chilled."

  After Holly promised to let her know when she would be returning home, Eve hung up with a sense of relief. She loved Holly dearly. Neither of them had siblings and their close bond had filled that lonely void for each other growing up. But now, Eve couldn't help wishing Holly would at least try to let more people into her life on a regular basis. As much as she cared, Eve sometimes found it emotionally draining being Holly's only friend.


  Nate set his phone to vibrate as he entered O'Dell's, ignoring his father's call. He wasn't in the mood for another lecture on his responsibilities as a Radcliff and sure as hell wasn't going to reconsider and follow behind his footsteps at Alliance. Chances were his parent was probably itching to chew him out for suggesting to his cousins they ought to demand jobs with more responsibility at the family owned business. It was way past time for the Radcliff brothers to join the modern world and give the women in the family a chance to prove themselves. With his continued refusal to join them at the helm, his father and uncles would soon be left with no choice but to put his cousins in their place if they wanted their company to continue to be run by Radcliffs.

  Nate spotted Fin seated with Dec and Wes instead of behind the grill. For the past twenty-four hours, he had been irritable over not being able to put Eve and the good time he had with her yesterday out of his mind. The pleasure he felt when he saw Fin watching them fuck outside his hangar then send him a thumbs up was totally uncharacteristic, which hadn't helped his disposition today. For a relationship that was supposed to be just sex, he ought to be able to set her aside without a thought until he was ready to see her again. But his mind refused to quit replaying the way she had embraced and relished everything he had dished out and how the hell could he not admire both her musical talent and the stoic way she met the challenges of her disability on a daily basis? Everything considered, Eve Sawyer was a hell of a woman, possibly the first woman he would have trouble moving on from.

  That acknowledgement hadn't improved his mood, but he wasn't one to dwell on what couldn't be changed. He was in this thing now, for as long as it lasted, and that meant giving her, and himself in return, as many pleasurable experiences as he could. Despite being embarrassed when Eve discovered Fin had caught them in the act yesterday, she didn't deny or hide from the thrill it gave her. That gave him an idea for next weekend, one that included his friends if they were available. The willing part was a no-brainer. He knew these three very well.

  "Fin was just telling us you were here yesterday with Eve Sawyer. That makes a few weekends in a row, doesn't it?" Wes asked him as he took a seat and helped himself to a nacho chip covered in beans and cheese.

  "Since when do you keep track of who I'm fucking?" Nate swallowed the nacho then chased it down with a swig of the beer waiting for him, eyeing Wes over his glass.

  "Whoa, touchy too. Feeling a noose tightening around your neck, bro?" Dec teased him. Of the four of them, Nate was the least likely to tie himself down to one woman.

  "Keep it up an
d I won't invite you to the little pool party I want to have with her next Saturday, that is if I can get your pool after hours," he said looking at Wes.

  "Sure. We've started fall hours, so I'll close at eight. What'd you have in mind?"

  A waitress arrived with four heaping plates even though Nate hadn't ordered yet. Raising a brow at the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes smothered in cream gravy she set before him, he frowned at Fin. "What the hell is this?"

  "I decided you needed to take a walk on the wild side and try something new. Aren't you tired of ordering the same burger every time you come here?" Fin picked up his burger, the same one Nate usually ordered, and took a big bite, his green eyes laughing at the way Nate scowled at him.

  "I get your breakfast special when I'm here in the mornings."

  "Which means you know how good my cream gravy is since we use the same recipe on our biscuits. Try it, you'll like it," Fin told him without a doubt in his mind he was right. If there was one thing he was confident about, it was his cooking. Well, and his flying. And he was damn good in the sack.

  His scowl still in place, Nate cut into the steak and took a bite, but absolutely refused to give the smug bastard the satisfaction of telling him he was right. "Burger's better," he said around a mouthful of the best breaded steak with cream gravy he'd ever tasted.


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