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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

Page 12

by BJ Wane

  Fin laughed at the outright lie. "Fuck you."

  "Thanks but no thanks. You're not my type."

  "Apparently your type is a petite, dark haired blind woman. Do we get a taste of your Eve Saturday?" Dec wanted to know.

  Nate took his time swallowing as he contemplated how far he should push Eve next weekend. He didn't want to scare her off, but he did want to expand her horizons. "She's green, and I mean damn near virginal before I met her, so I'm thinking to keep it light. Just you, Dec, but if you guys can come with someone, that'll get her used to having you around." Imagining Eve's reaction to not only skinny dipping with others, but to two men getting her off had his blood pumping south. "Can you and Katie make it?" Wes was the only one in a steady relationship right now. Of the four of them, he was the most likely to settle down first, so none of them were surprised that he'd been steady with Katie for over six months.

  "Shouldn't be a problem. If not, I'm sure Fin can get someone from the club to join you."

  "Let me know, otherwise I'll let you guys play without me next week. I have a date with a club member who wants a taste of my flogger," Fin told them. "I can hold down the fort for Dec."

  Dec owned a private sex club, and Fin enjoyed the club scene also, at least much more than Nate or Wes since neither of them had a penchant for bondage the way their other two friends did. None of them ever had a problem finding a willing partner to join the four of them at impromptu gatherings like the one Nate was planning for next week.

  "Anything I need to know handling her?" Dec asked, referring to Eve's blindness.

  Nate remembered his unease about her limitations when debating whether to pursue Eve or not. It surprised him to discover those misgivings gone after just two short weeks. "No, Eve is amazingly self-sufficient and she doesn't cower away from much that I've seen."

  "Then I'm looking forward to it. She impressed the hell out of me on that rock wall."

  She'd impress the hell out of him naked, too, Nate thought with an unaccustomed sense of pride. He accepted the out of character feeling with a touch less irritation than what had been eating at him since dropping her off yesterday. Eve was slowly worming her way under his skin and he didn't know how he felt about it. All he knew for sure was he hadn't had his fill of her yet.

  Chapter Eight

  "All done, pumpkin, and just in time," Carl told Eve, picking up his tool box and glancing out the front window. "Your date's here." He'd purposely lingered over tightening the valve under the kitchen sink for her so he could be here when Nate arrived. While both he and Mark approved of what they knew and had seen thus far of the man who had taken an interest in their Eve, they still weren't ready to let their guard down completely.

  "It's not a date, not like you're implying," Eve reminded him while at the same time trying to ignore the leap of excitement that sent her pulse jumping when Carl announced Nate's arrival. "I've told you, it's just sex. Can you find my shoes please?" she asked him as the doorbell pealed. "I seem to have misplaced them."

  "You always misplace them because you prefer to go barefoot. I saw them under the kitchen table. I'll get them."

  Eve breathed a sigh of relief when she heard him head back into the kitchen where she knew her shoes were still sitting under her chair. She didn't like to deceive him that way, but she needed a moment to greet Nate without Carl hovering. She was anxious enough wondering what he planned for this afternoon. The past week had been spent relishing the experiences he had treated her to and anticipation over what he had in store for her today. She refused to let anything or anyone insert a word of caution about guarding her feelings.

  "Hi." Her greeting was soft when she opened the door, the heat of his large body helping to warm the coldness of the dark void she stared into.

  "Hi yourself, sugar." Nate drew her to him by slipping his hand under her hair and cupping the back of her neck, his mouth covering hers as if he was starving for the taste of her. He couldn't remember when he had looked forward to spending time with a woman as much as he had been anticipating seeing Eve again today. At first he fought against the intermittent intrusion of thoughts of her at odd times throughout his day. But by the time mid-week came around and those random thoughts were still popping up, he gave in and just accepted them. He was almost positive this obsession he seemed to have for her was due to the novelty of her blindness, the challenge of coming up with ways to give her not only the sexual experiences she had been missing out on but the adventures she was craving. Those two things were right up his alley, had always appealed to him also, and he had experience in both areas to share with her. That was all there was to it.

  Her soft moan echoed in his mouth when he sucked on her tongue, the feel of her small, petite body molding against him having its usual effect. Before he could get carried away, Nate released her and stepped back, keeping his hands on her hips. Her tee shirt today read, 'Sarcasm is the body's natural defense against stupidity' and was the same emerald green as her eyes, the writing in bold black lettering. "I have to ask; how do you know which saying you're wearing?"

  "I don't," Eve admitted, glad he felt comfortable enough to ask her such questions. "I keep them in a single layer in my drawer and just go down the row until they're all washed and put away again."

  "They're gifts from Mark and me," Carl interrupted, stepping into the foyer carrying Eve's shoes. "Here you go, Eve, right under the table where you left them."

  From his tone, Eve knew Carl was onto her ruse. "Thanks, Carl. I'll just run up, put these on and grab a jacket and I'll be ready."

  "Wait a minute, Eve." Turning to Carl, Nate said, "I like the shirts. The sayings suit her and her circumstances. If you'll excuse us, I need to help Eve with something before we go."

  "And what do you have planned for today?"

  "Carl!" Eve loved the guys dearly, she really did, but sometimes their overbearing attitudes were as bad as Holly's over protectiveness.

  "Fine, pumpkin," he relented in the face of her embarrassment. "But be careful." This he aimed at Nate as he turned to go.

  Nate gave him a silent nod, his arm a brief touch of assurance, which seemed to do the trick, before turning back to Eve. "Show me where your bathroom is, Eve."

  Her frown held suspicion when she looked up at him, asking, "Why?" as she tried to remember if she had cleaned it up this morning.

  Taking her elbow, Nate started up the staircase. "One would think by that look you don't trust me, sugar."

  "I don't, so, again, why are we going to my bathroom?" Which was a lie, she did trust him, but that didn't mean she wanted to be kept in the dark about what he had planned. In her bathroom. Before they left for another sexual adventure. Her body was already reacting to his nearness, her anticipation of what was to come making her willing to go along with whatever he had planned with hopes of getting a little relief from the ache that had been building all week.

  "Just for a little grooming before we leave." He caught a glimpse of her double bed covered in a peach and brown satin comforter before they entered her attached bath. The brown tile floor and shower were brightened with peach towels and sink accessories, everything matching to perfection, the colors complementing each other and making him wonder how much was her doing or someone else's. "You like a lot of color," he commented as he unsnapped her jeans and lowered the zipper.

  "My mom and best friend, Holly, helped me. What are you doing? I thought we were leaving." She was all for having sex before they left if that was what he wanted, but somehow she didn't think that was the case, especially when he pushed her jeans and panties down to her ankles but made no move to lower his own pants.

  "Step out."

  She held onto his arm as she lowered then kicked her jeans aside then let out a startled yelp when he lifted her onto the counter right in between the two sinks and ran his palms up her thighs until he got to her pussy. A tug on her black curls had her face warming, raising her suspicions and apprehension about what he had planned. "Nate, what
exactly are you planning?"

  "I'm going to remove your pretty curls. I love a bare pussy and I have a feeling you'll love it too. Where's your razor?"

  Eve pointed to a drawer as she struggled not to voice her objection. The thought of being so bare, nothing shielding the most sensitive, most private part of her body was making her feel vulnerable in a blatantly exposed way, much like she did when Nate insisted she leave her glasses off when with him. The man was determined to remove all her barriers of protection and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

  "Is this necessary?" she asked when she heard him turn on the faucet and felt the steam rise.

  "Necessary, no, desirable, most definitely. Spread your legs." Nate laid the warm, sudsy cloth over her curls, giving her face close scrutiny. This was the first time she had shown hesitancy over something he wanted to do and he wondered why. Most women loved ridding themselves of their pubic hair; then again, Eve had no idea how much her pleasure would be enhanced by being able to feel every touch of his fingers and mouth on her denuded flesh. "What're you worried about, Eve?"

  "Nothing. Go ahead." She wasn't about to expose her sensitive feelings like he was slowly exposing her sensitive skin with each slow swipe of her razor. "That feels funny," she commented to keep him from digging for more.

  "Funny good, I hope," he said, recognizing a closed door when he saw one. She was more than willing to give him her body, but that was all. The irritation he felt at that was out of place and uncalled for. They both started this fling for sex, and that was all he wanted he reminded himself sternly.

  Nate usually left this chore up to the woman, but he liked performing this intimate task for Eve, liked knowing he would be the first to see and feel the soft flesh of her bare labia and her response to those heightened sensations. "There," he announced when he had removed every hair he could see. Wiping her off with another warm cloth, he looked at what his handiwork revealed. Soft, plump folds, pink from the warm cloth, were a tempting sight, but not as tempting as the glimmer of moisture lining her exposed slit. "Tell me what you think." Bending his head, he took a slow lick up her slit then over the soft flesh of her mound.

  The soft rasp of Nate's tongue caressing her newly bared flesh sent a jolt through Eve, the instant pleasure making her gasp and clutch the edge of the counter. Rough fingers danced lightly over sensitive skin, warming her blood, sending it flowing through her veins like molten lava, threatening her control. The wide pads of his thumbs spread her labia. She automatically tried to close her legs against being so exposed, but Nate's wide shoulders kept her right where she knew he wanted her. "Oh, God, Nate." She trembled when his tongue slipped inside her and grazed tantalizingly over her aching clit. She wasn't about to tell him he was right, but she had never felt anything so stimulating, so arousing as his mouth and fingers moving over skin that had never been exposed to a man's touch.

  A finger joined his tongue, probed and stroked deep while he kept lashing against her swollen bud. His rough face scraped against her inner thighs, his warm breath wafting over her flesh as she felt his touch all the way to her core. Letting go of the counter, she found the silky strands of his thick, wavy hair and sifted through them. Remembering Carl telling her his hair was the color of sun bleached sand, she formed a mental picture of what he looked like with his face buried between her legs. That image, combined with the voracious onslaught of his mouth and finger, had her arching into him, crying out with the first tremors of her climax only to be brought down by him backing away before she could let go. The rude, abrupt departure left her shaking in denial.

  The air felt cool on flesh left damp from his mouth and tongue, but did nothing to lower the heat of her aroused state and anger at being left dangling unfulfilled. "Why're you stopping now?" she complained incredulously.

  His deep, satisfied chuckle preceded his lips taking hers in a deep, probing kiss, one where the taste of herself heightened her simmering arousal, frustrating her even more.

  "That doesn't answer my question," she grumbled when he stepped back, now leaving her lips tingling as much as her unfulfilled pussy.

  "You need to save your strength, we have a busy afternoon and evening ahead. Fuck but you're pretty, Eve," he told her, stepping back and watching her folds unfurl, revealing her distended, still swollen clit and the pink, glistening lining of her vaginal walls. "Do you remember what a budding flower looks like?"

  "Yes, of course," she replied testily, wondering why he was talking about flowers when she was so frustrated.

  "Think of soft, dewy petals unfurling to reveal the pretty pink bloom. That's what you look like."

  "Oh." Another warm blush spread over her face at the surprisingly poetic comparison, her irritation with him forgotten in the wake of the odd compliment coming from him. "Uh, well, thanks, I think. May I get dressed now?"

  Nate was thinking his new favorite past time was finding ways to fluster Eve. She blushed easily, but she also recouped from her embarrassment quickly. Lifting her down, he swatted her ass then handed her her clothes, chucking her under her chin. "Meet me downstairs when you're ready and bring your swimsuit."

  Eve rubbed her butt wondering what it said about her that she loved the quick pain and lingering pleasure of that smack and the way he dictated to her regarding their sex only relationship. He gave her no time to question him or herself. It was either agree or say goodbye, which made her acquiescence a no-brainer for her. She hadn't been swimming in ages, but the thought of going with Nate excited her. Wasting no time, she threw her clothes back on and went in search of her swimsuit.

  Nate stepped outside to see both Carl and Mark pretending to work in their garden. Smiling at the obvious ploy, he met them half way when they started over to him.

  "We'll have you know we checked you out," Mark said without preamble.

  "And?" Nate already figured Eve's friends had learned what they could about him.

  "And you're somewhat of a playboy who likes to piss off his wealthy parents," Carl said, nudging Mark to lighten up. They both agreed it was good to see Eve getting out with a man even if it was just for sex. "Eve says this thing you two have going is just sex, which is fine for some people, but we want you to know Eve's… special. We don't want to see her hurt."

  Why the hell the comment about sex only was beginning to irk him so much he didn't know, but it wouldn't do to hint to these two this thing between him and Eve could be something more eventually.

  "I'm thirty-nine, so naturally I've had my share of women and yes, I like entertaining myself by pissing off my parents whom I have nothing in common with, much to their dismay. What goes on between Eve and me is our business, but I appreciate your concern for her and agree she's special." Turning at the sound of her coming out, he raised a brow inquiring, "Is that all, gentlemen?"

  "Fine, okay," Mark grumbled when Eve frowned upon hearing the three of them talking. "Have a good time."

  "Were they giving you a hard time?" Eve asked Nate when he took her canvas bag that held her suit and towel from her and steered her toward the curb.

  "Not at all," he answered easily, opening the passenger door. "And you're the only one as of late who gives me a hard time."

  He took her hand and laid it against his still semi-erect cock and Eve squeezed him, giving him a cheeky grin. "You're the one who called a halt upstairs," she reminded him.

  "Get in, Eve, before I show your watchdogs how I discipline sassy dates."

  Eve quickly settled into his car, not willing to see if he was serious or not. "So, swimming? I'm assuming at an indoor pool." She had barely clicked her seatbelt before they were pulling away.

  "Indoor and other than Wes, Katie and Dec, all to ourselves by the time we use it. Dec was with me when I saw you rock climbing and Katie and Wes have been a couple for a few months now. But first, we'll have about an hour of daylight to take another ride."

  Eve latched onto the mention of riding again so she wouldn't obsess over what Nate had planned afterwa
rd. She wasn't sure what it meant, having his friends join them tonight, but from Nate's easy acceptance of Fin catching sight of them outside his hangar last week, she couldn't help but wonder if he was planning on introducing her to more exhibitionism later. The idea reignited her arousal, making her even more eager to take another ride with Nate.

  The smell of leather and hay and the soft clop of horses moving around greeted her as Nate led her into the stables. God, how she'd missed riding these past twelve years. Eve wished now she hadn't waited so long to get back in the saddle. At first, it had been her parents discouraging her, as well as Holly, out of fear for her, she knew. After she graduated grad school, got the job at the school for the blind and moved out of her parents' home for good, her well-meaning neighbors continued the cycle of fretting over her. It has only been since she turned thirty a few months ago and announced she would pursue her old interests with or without anyone's support that they all had given in. They must have sensed her determination, because her parents, Holly, Carl and Mark had been very supportive ever since. To give credit where credit was due, however, she had to admit she wasn't sure how far she would have gotten if Nate hadn't barged into her life and taken over controlling not only her sexual experiences, but the more adventurous feats she wanted to try.

  "Eve, it's nice to see you back," Wes greeted her at the stable doors. "My head groom suggested Sadie Mae for your solo ride. She's a small, gentle mare I think you'll like."

  Eve recognized Wes's voice but instead of addressing him, surprise, along with a touch of unease and disappointment had her turning to Nate at her side. "I'm not riding with you?"

  "I broke the ice for you, Eve. Just like limiting yourself to walking around the corral, riding with me won't get you what you want. You'll do fine."

  He squeezed her hand and that small bit of confidence and encouragement was all she needed. Running her hand down Sadie Mae's sleek neck, her soft muzzle nudging her affectionately, gave her another nudge of encouragement. The mare's head wasn't much higher than hers, her shoulders and withers small boned. Wes was right; she was the perfect size for her. Laughing when the little mare knocked her back into Nate in her eagerness to get the sugar cube she was handing her, Eve tilted her head up and back, demanding with enthusiasm, "Help me up, Nate. Daylight's wasting!"


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