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Mobster's Mistress (A Caparelli Family Romance Book 1)

Page 6

by Lara St. James

  “Oh yeah. I know you have a reputation.” I trailed my fingers through his chest hair and felt his heart beating fast still with the palm of my hand. I had spent many years of my life studying the physiological traits of the heart, but I’d somehow yet to master all the metaphorical meanings of what it was like to be in love. I thought I was in love with Richard. At least in the beginning it was good. We were playful, we were almost the perfect pair totally in sync. Then he just got bored it seemed, then he got angry. I knew soon enough Tony would be bored with me soon. It turns out that working most of your life doesn’t really leave much time to nurture a relationship or a fragile male ego. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. “A reputation? What reputation is that?”

  “Well I couldn’t help overhearing the guys talking earlier about you not being able to keep a relationship.”

  “Oh that. Well that’s just ya know locker room talk so to speak. I’m actually a pretty stable guy deep down.”

  “Really. Hmm. So… if you were ranking me, just based on the women you’ve been with, and I’m assuming you can’t count them all on both hands, where would I rank?”

  “Geez, doc. That’s freakin’ loaded question if I’ve ever heard one. Hey listen… um you’re up there, okay.”

  I beamed at him and he wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer to him. He then sighed contentedly and placed a kiss on my forehead. He then looked at me with a serious expression and said, “So… are you sure you’re okay with what went down earlier, I mean with Luciano?”

  I cleared my throat and pulled myself closer into him involuntarily. I hadn’t realized I’d actually shivered until he draped his comforter around my naked shoulders and rubbed them gently. “Yeah. I mean… it happened and nothing happened. You got there in the nick of time thank God.”

  “I really wish Amato had stayed put. I would have ended him for that. Fuckin prick. You too fucking beautiful and good-natured to be treated like that.”

  “Just go ahead and say it Tony.”

  “Alright. You’re too good of a woman to be treated like a whore, there ya happy.”

  “Sigh. I’m just glad you were there. I’m not exactly innocent though. I’ve been with plenty of guys, Richard was just the one to keep me the longest so far.”

  “As far as that goes in my book, he’s no better than Luciano. Any schmuck that puts his hands on a woman deserves to be six foot under.”

  Tony then moved to kiss me softly on the mouth once more before I decided to press him on the subject. “So when you said you’d take care of it…”

  “I’m going to keep you safe at all costs Rachel. Even though we just met I feel a connection with you that I’ve never had before. Fuck I mean for the past two days you’re all I’ve been able to think about. I couldn’t eat wondering what you were doing. I couldn’t sleep knowing that you were sleeping in another bed that was far from my own.”

  “Oh Tony. Wow. I had no clue you were such a romantic. Do you say this stuff to the other women too?”

  “Haha! If you don’t stop—.”

  “You’ll what? Put me six feet under?”

  “Nah… I’ll do more than that.”

  Despite my complete exhaustion I couldn’t just leave it. My body craved this bad boy with a romantic spirit. I threw my legs over him and pushed him back onto the pillows straddling him once more. “What are you going to do now, tough guy?”

  “Oooh you sure you wanna go there, doc? I told you that I’m an all-night kinda guy.”

  “Well it’s a good thing I’m on call, now isn’t it?”

  I didn’t break eye contact with him as I arched my back and dipped my head to his half-hard cock. Now it was my turn to tease my mafia man into submission. “Oh for fuck’s sake…Rachel why do you have to do that for?”

  “Because if there’s a pecking order or a list of women…. I assure you I’m going to be at the top, Tony. You’ll always say I’m unforgettable.” I sucked his cock to a rigid position with my breasts dangling in front of him as he slapped my ass in return. “That’s right, doc I’ll never forget this.”


  After round two, three, and half of round four we both passed out in each other’s arms. Our bodies were twisted into one another and nothing else mattered but the closeness and the feel of each other’s skin. I don’t remember sleeping so well in my life. We were fortunate that Amato didn’t disturb us when he awoke. The housekeepers didn’t bother us either as they went about their daily tasks. I woke up first and stared at the still-slumbering mobster. He was snoring softly and somehow looked innocent and youthful though the bit of light that was cascading through the curtains. His dark hair framed his face and his muscles were finally relaxed. It was hard to imagine this was the man I saw nearly beat his own cousin nearly half to death for his drunken transgressions. He was peaceful and looked serene. I attempted to stretch, but was cocooned in his embrace. Fuck I was stiff and sore. I didn’t want to admit it, but after our fierce lovemaking I ached from head to toe. The ribs didn’t help either. I ran my hands through Tony’s hair and scratched his back, gently. He didn’t stir. I hated to wake him, but it felt as if were late and I desperately needed a shower, some coffee, and a hot meal.

  I tried to slide myself out from underneath the heavy man, but he didn’t budge. For a man who seemed like he was always on edge, he slept like the dead. Frustrated I finally leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Tony. Hey, it’s super late, we better get up.” I was left with nothing but a hollow snore in response. I didn’t know what his reaction was going to be, but I decided to bite the bullet. I yelled in his ear. “Tony! What the fuck? Get up asshole, we’ve got shit to do!” I stifled a giggle as he stirred and rolled over. I quickly planted a few quick kisses on his scruffy cheeks and soft lips. “Ugh. Hey, doc. Um…good morning?”

  “Yeah, morning was hours ago I’m afraid lover. Come on, we’ve got to get going, I’m afraid the world has missed us.”

  “Nah, we don’t have to be anywhere just yet.”

  “What do you mean? I’ve got rounds to make and you’ve got to run your coffee shop. Plus, I’ve got to make sure Amato’s taken care of.”

  “Well… I’m not the only one who’s a heavy sleeper.”

  He looked at me with a boyish grin and gave me a quick wink. “Dr. Tony decided you needed a sick day. I’ve already talked to Selena. She’s a real keeper that one, you better keeper her close. She’s your ride or die.”


  He began to laugh and I couldn’t help laughing with him, when he was in a good mood, it was certainly contagious. “I called Selena and we had a conversation about what happened last night. She agreed with me that you should definitely take a day off, especially since things with Richard and agreed to let your bosses know you had a family emergency. You may want to call her later though, I’m sure she’d still be happier hearing your voice.”

  “Wow. I get a man that not only wants me to stay the night, but also calls my bestie to let her know I’m okay? How did I get ever-so lucky.”

  “Timing’s everything I suppose doc.”

  Before he could say anything else, I play slapped him on the arm and playfully tackled him on the bed sending pillows falling to the floor. “Hey doc, careful now. You don’t’ want to hurt yourself even more.”

  “I think I’m detecting some fear there. I thought you were supposed to be some big, strong, fearless mob hit man?”

  “I never said I was a hit man. I said I take care of problems. How the fuck did you get hit man out of that?”

  “Well that’s what that means doesn’t it? Ya know ya make people disappear and problems go away?”

  “Hah! That’s only in the movies I’m afraid. When I make problems go away that usually means I’m either writing a check from a bank account that’s not mine, or I’m literally driving someone away.”

  “Say what you want to… but I think you have some secrets you’re hiding sir.”

  His lips twitched up into
a smile and his eyes flashed mischievously. “Oh yeah? Come here and I’ll show you what else I’m hiding. I don’t think you’ll have to search too far to find it though.”

  I kissed him then, biting his lower lip and sucking it into my mouth. “I think I may have some secrets too… I may have to draw you a map though.”

  “Hah! Nah, I’m pretty good at making people talk…especially beautiful young women.”

  “Just how do you plan on doing that?”

  “I’d like to call it sweet torture.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I still don’t know what came over me. Tony was intoxicating and despite the fact that we were both exhausted from our lengthy lovemaking sessions the previous night, I was already wet thinking about the magic he would work with his tongue and his hands and his seemingly forever hard dick. I decided though, I would keep the upper hand in the situation. After all, I gave orders in the ER all the time. It was time he got to know my side that was controlled and precise as opposed to the weaker woman who needed a ride because her ex had stolen all of her money. I crawled on top of him and stretched his arms up over this head. My hair hung down in cascades and tickled the delicate areas of his shoulders and chest. He didn’t seem to mind, nor did he flinch at the first sign of losing control. A versatile man was something I yearned for in my life. I licked his lips and playfully bit his chin before straddling his torso. He cocked an eyebrow at me and said, “See something you like?”

  “What if I do?”

  “What if I put up a fight?”

  “Oh you won’t.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “I know you’re a pussycat, Tony…and if you decide you’re going to be a tiger, I think I know how to tame you.”

  Before he could say anything else, I covered his mouth with my lips again before trailing my hands down to his morning wood. I gently squeezed his member and he groaned in appreciation. I whispered in his ear, “Is this alright?”

  He responded breathlessly, “Oh fuck yes it is. Dammit, Rach… how do you do these things to me? I swear it’s never been like this with anyone else.”

  “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”

  I straddled him and immediately threw my head back, gasping at how unexpectedly fulfilled I’d become. It wasn’t just that he filled me up, he seemed to my most delicate areas that were hidden and only seemed to emerge under the power of his spell. I guess on some level, I’d found myself getting the feels for him too. After waking up to him, I most certainly couldn’t imagine waking up to anyone else. I moved on top of him in a slow rhythm making certain to swing my hips as I did so giving him a show as well. I couldn’t have him thinking about any other woman while he was fucking me now could I? I increased my pressure and sped up my tempo. Suddenly I heard him almost whimper, “Fucking hell Rach! What the fuck are you doing to me?”

  I panted as I moaned, “Sweet torture, you son of a bitch… oh fuck Tony… you’re amazing!!” I continued my perfect rhythm, grinding hard on top of him, until I felt myself on the brink of cuming once again. I didn’t even pull back this time, I could tell that he was ready too and as I spasmed around him, I felt him spill his seed and suddenly go flaccid. He groaned and swore once again. He immediately took my hand within his own, though and sat up, pulling me into his lap and inward to an embrace and I sat still shaking. “Shh… I’ve got you doc. Wow. Fuck you’re so fucking amazing, Rach. Come here.” He pulled my head down onto his shoulder where we sat motionless, catching our breaths for a few minutes. After holding me until I stopped shaking, he tilted my head back and looked directly into my eyes. I was pleased that he didn’t say anything. After all, there weren’t words for what I was feeling anyway. I don’t think there were any words for what he was holding back either. Tony pulled me into a deep kiss and held me close, neither one of us stirring until he sat back and extended his hand. “Come on babe, we both stink.”

  I was pleasantly surprised to find an assortment of shampoos and soaps waiting for me in Tony’s massive walk-in shower. “I didn’t know what you used, so I just had the housekeepers bring stuff. I hope they did okay.” I hugged him in response and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “It’s perfect. Thank you, and I’ll have to leave them a thank you note. Your family has been exceptionally generous to me since I met Amato. I’ll pay you back for your kindness one day.”

  “Wow. That sounded a lot like business talk doc. This isn’t just business anymore… you realize that right?”

  I realized that I had sounded cold, like this was just some type of a business transaction. It was too late for that. By sleeping with Tony I had crossed a line. I didn’t know what had come over me. Now Amato was not only a conflict of interest, but if things went south with our budding romance, I could face some serious professional repercussions from it. Fuck. What had I been thinking? I cleared my throat and as Tony turned on the water and adjusted the temperature I stepped into the shower. I felt the warm water hit all of my muscles at once and immediately felt a pang at my ribs. I inhaled sharply and Tony looked at me, his face lined with concentration. “What is it? The ribs sore?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t really feel it until just now. The pain was a shock, that’s all.”

  “Well… I’ll help you wrap them again once we’re finished and then it’s brunch in bed. No questions asked.”

  “Hey…who’s the doctor here?”

  “Again… I’ve had my share of injuries. I think you need some legitimate rest without any interruptions.”

  He pulled me close to him under the water once again. I had to agree with him. I’d call Selena and give her an update after checking on Amato and I’d actually listen to the man who seemed to have my best interest at heart. I watched him lather his hair and step under the spray. I didn’t think he could look any better than what he already did but seeing him dripping wet with his hair soaked, I felt heat rising through my body again. I was like an addict with this man. He knew it too, and that was always dangerous. “Hey… come here and I’ll do you.”

  “Hah! You promise?”

  “Not like that. Damn I didn’t think you women were like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Always up for it.”

  “You’ve never met a woman like me, Tony. Remember that.” I let him pull me into the spray with him and felt the water running down my back as he turned me around. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he guided the water to soak my long hair. He seemed to like running his fingers through my hair. I made a mental note not to cut it … for a while at least. He then soaped up my hair, lathering it in the shampoo. It was a vanilla blend, which was sweet and seemed to be clarifying as well. I was thankful for that considering the ordeals I’d been through the past couple of days. I’m sure it smelled of dirt, blood, the hospital, and our sex. He was gentle as he massaged my scalp and I felt more relaxed in him arms than I’d been for the entire time Richard and I were together. “Are you okay?” I fought back a wave of longing as I nodded. I had a glimmer of hope that somehow it could always be like this but at the same time I knew that life had a way of destroying happiness. “Yeah. This is wonderful, Tony. Really, I could stay like this forever.”


  Despite my pleas and a few pouty lips, Tony and I both got dressed. He checked his messages and quickly got dressed. Apparently one of the cappuccino machines at the shop was on the fritz so he had to go either write a check or see if he could fix the machine on his own. I watched him pull on a bright blue polo shirt and slip into a tight pair of jeans, which did nothing to quell the desire I already had growing once more for him. “Hey, Rach… don’t let the sheets get too cold while I’m gone. This shouldn’t take long.”

  “Take all the time you need, after all you’re a hard-working man. That’s a quality I admire.”

  “You need anything while I’m out?”

  “Not unless Amato needs something from the drugstore. If he does, I’ll text you.” He gave me a quick kiss on lips before making a qu
ick exit, grabbing his keys and his phone. “Don’t’ wander away while I’m gone.”

  “Not a chance, after all you said I could be a lazy lady today, remember?”

  “Yes. Behave yourself while I’m gone. I’ll know if you aren’t cooperative.”

  “Hmm. I do like trying your patience.”

  “You’re walking a thin line lady…” I pulled him back to me by the loops on his jeans and grabbed his bulge once more for good measure. “Go fix your steam machine. I’ll be around.”

  I heard him curse as his phone dinged again. He shut the door behind him quickly before I could tease him anymore and I heard him quickly walk down the stairs. In Tony’s absence I decided that I would go ahead and at least take some vitals on my patient. I chided myself for not being up any earlier to ensure he had a restful night, but at the same time, I knew that my face would betray everything about my relationship with Tony. I didn’t have a poker face, especially when I was in love. At least … I hoped I was in love, I didn’t even know at that point if I had ever truly been in love with anyone in my past. No one made me feel as if I couldn’t live without them, not the way Tony did at least.


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