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Mobster's Mistress (A Caparelli Family Romance Book 1)

Page 7

by Lara St. James

  I knocked softly on Amato’s door, and heard him fumbling around. I hazarded that he was probably out of bed looking over his books, or attempting to do some other type of business work. He wouldn’t have expected me at that time of day, which was good. I always enjoyed catching my patients in the act of disobeying doctors’ orders. “Is this a bad time, Amato? I can come back if need be.”

  “No…no you sweet lady, come on in.”

  I found Amato had situated himself back in his hospital bed and was fumbling with the television remote. “I was just trying to find some news on this blasted television. You know this time of day there’s never anything on but judge shows and endless advertisements. I don’t need a Spin Mop, I have housekeepers, ya feel me?”

  “Haha. Yes. I know exactly what you mean. How are you feeling?”

  “Well I’m glad I finally got some sleep. Are you okay after the incident with Luciano last night? Again, I apologize on behalf of my family.”

  “Now don’t you worry about that Amato. You had absolutely nothing to do what that. That was all a very drunk Luciano’s fault. You couldn’t have prevented that or known it was going to happen. I’m fine and that’s the bottom line.”

  “Good. Now I will worry a bit less. I must confess though for some reason I’m agitated today and I don’t know why, just one of those bothersome feelings.”

  “Hmm. When did it start?”

  “I don’t know I guess maybe half an hour or so ago.”

  The old man did look paler than usual and there were beads of sweat lining his forehead. I felt the top of his head and he didn’t seem to have a temperature, but I did want to check his vitals just to make certain. After all, in my experience stress could cause a multitude of things to go wrong in the body. “Okay, Amato. Here we go, open up.” Amato complied and allowed me to stick the thermometer under his tongue. The device beeped and I recorded the numbers on his chart. He wasn’t running a fever, which I was grateful for. “Okay, you know the drill I’m going to check your blood pressure now and listen to that ticker of yours, is that alright?”

  “Fine. Do your worst, doc.”

  I took my time taking Amato’s blood pressure, but at the same time I was quite troubled by the result. I took it a second time, with a mechanical cuff, just to be on the safe side. I then recorded the numbers on his chart and continued my exam. He did seem agitated, but also his body was mirroring that. I listened to his heart and found his rhythm was off as well. “Okay… so Amato when was the last time you took your blood pressure medicine?”

  “My housekeepers delivered it to me this morning along with my orange juice and breakfast, as you instructed.”

  “Good. So I fear that you may be on the verge of having a heart attack. I’m going to make a call to the pharmacy in town for an emergency dose pack. We’ll try upping your medication and see if the numbers drop within a few hours. If not, I’m afraid we may have to go back to the hospital and take additional measures.”

  “Are you saying I’m having a heart attack? I don’t understand I’m just a little aggravated is all. I’m fine, doc.”

  “I hope that’s all it is. Now I know you were fooling around with business somehow before I came in. I’m serious though, no more stress for today, especially this morning. When Tony gets back we’ll increase your dose and go from there. In fact… I think I’ll keep you company in here for a little bit if that’s okay, just to make sure there’s no funny business. I could use the rest as well it seems.”

  “Fine. Have it your way doc. You’re starting not to be as charming as what I originally thought.”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Thanks, Amato.” I gave him a wide grin and he rested his head against his pillow as I sat on his larger bed and made my phone call to the pharmacy. I then called Tony. He picked up sounding more than a little annoyed. “Hey what do you want?”

  “Well, it’s good to hear your voice too. There’s a prescription at the pharmacy waiting for Amato I need you to pick up and bring here ASAP. We could potentially have a problem. How soon do you think you can leave?”

  “The steam’s back up, so as soon as it’s tested I can leave.”

  “Okay good. Tony?”

  “Yeah, doc? You may want to rush it. Take it with you on the road, you don’t have time to sip it this morning.”

  “Sigh. Fuck. Okay… I’ll be there soon.” As she hung up the phone, I heard him yelling to someone about foam loudly. He’d be one dickhead of a boss. I smiled to myself suddenly glad I didn’t work for him. There would be no negotiations. I smiled at Amato and said, “He’ll be on his way shortly. He’s taking care of some business.” The mobster smiled thinly at me and said, “Ah…Tony has been good to me through the years. He always wanted me to teach him business. He’s proud of that little coffee shop he owns, I feel for the boy though, it’s not exactly a thriving economy out there.”

  “Yes, it’s hard now to run a business and keep it afloat. When I was a younger woman, I thought about opening a bed and breakfast but ya know now I just don’t have the time. I don’t exactly have the resources now either since the incident with Richard.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “That’s my soon-to-be ex-husband. We had some well…disagreements to say the least.”

  “Hmm… well I’m sure that will work out. You’re still young enough to find someone. There’s always plenty of fish in the sea, or at least that’s what I hear. I’m not sure anymore though. After my wife died, I just gave up. I decided that she would be waiting on me somewhere in the afterlife and I’d find her. When I made my vow to her decades ago, I knew that would never be a woman I could truly dedicate my heart to again. So now I’m just waiting on mine to quit beating to be reunited with her.”

  “Are you saying that I’m doing you a disservice, but keeping your ticker going, Amato?”

  “Oh no… my wife would have wanted me to stay alive for as long as possible to take care of the family. I’m just saying if worst should come to worst I have contacts on the other side.”

  “Damn. I hope one day I’ll be as lucky as she was to find a loyal man like you.”

  “What I’ve found, young lady is that when you’re least expecting it something comes along and you’re suddenly a different person. This inexplicable happiness fills your whole being and nothing can stop it, even on your worst days. That’s what love is.”

  “Well… as your doctor, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that love is nothing but chemicals gathering in your brain that cause an emotional euphoria. Those same chemicals are what causes addiction and fuels mania.”

  “Hmm… I told my wife she made me crazy…all these years later, I’m finally right. How about that?”

  Before Amato and I could continue our philosophic conversation on the nature of love, Tony came bursting through the door with his hands full. He carried bags of groceries and a paper sack from the pharmacy as well. He was nothing but a flurry of profanity when he finally sat his keys down on the counter and proceeded to hand the bags to the housekeepers. He carried one satchel into the bedroom where he still had his brow furrowed. “I can’t believe those cretins at the store called me in for a little problem with the machine. Sigh. Gramps I don’t know how you did it all these years. Good help is hard to find. Speaking of which I got delayed at the store and at the pharmacy… I don’t even know why I thought it would be a quick trip. Fucking idiots, I know why I don’t like to go out unless it’s to do the books in the shop.” He looked at me standing by Amato’s bed with my hand on his wrist and suddenly his tirade just ended. He erupted into a broad grin and said, “Ya know, suddenly I can’t even remember what the fuck I’m mad about.” Tony was in love with me. Fuck.


  I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat and exhaled a shaky sigh. I didn’t know how long it would last, but deep down I was excited that Amato’s definition of love seemed to just fall in my lap. I knew though for Amato’s sake I had to focus, so I re
turned his broad smile briefly before accepting the paper sack he handed me. I counted out a couple pills and handed them to Amato with a full glass of water. “Okay, Amato. You’ve got twenty minutes; if this doesn’t work we’re going even if it means I call you an ambulance to get through traffic. You understand. “Yes, I can tell by the way I’m feeling that would be the best decision.” Tony looked confused and grim suddenly. “Hey doc… what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying time is of the essence. It seems that Amato’s stress levels have increased these past couple days. The blood pressure medicine he’s currently on isn’t working to bring his levels to a healthy state. What that means is if this option doesn’t work, I fear a heart attack and surgery is imminent.”

  “I see. Damn. I’m sorry Gramps, all this nonsense with our family and the thing with Saul. We should have been looking out for you better through all these years.”

  “Tony! It’s okay. I’m good. I’m fine. I just need a little rest that’s all. What’s gotten into you anyway? It’s like you’re turning into a weepy schoolgirl or something? Wait… no way! Haha! I see what’s happening here! Why didn’t you tell me you and the doc are a thing now? Don’t you dare screw this one up! You’ve got a good one with a brain between her ears this time! Now see… this makes an old man happy. You kids, thought you could sneak around. I know when the love bug hits. Reminds me of when I was young and first chased after Barb. Now she was tough to get. Haha! I’ll never forget how she made me chase her. It was good for me though, taught me about romance. She taught me patience and was the definition of grace. Some days I wish I could just see her face, ya know?”

  “Mhm. Yeah Gramps. I know what you mean. So how are you feeling now?”

  “I’m just tired Tony. So when were you guys planning on telling me that you were a hot item?”

  Tony cleared his throat and said, “Gramps. Let’s just worry about getting you well. I’d planned on telling you, but not until later. Much, much later.”

  “Haha! Okay, whatever you say, Tony. We’ll talk about it when the lady is absent. I get your point.”


  Tony and I exchanged a heated glance and I knew the blood had somehow ran upwards to my face in embarrassment. I felt hot and thought it would be best to excuse myself. I turned to Amato and said, “I do have a few personal calls to make, but then I’ll be back to check on your progress. How’s that sound?”

  “Yeah. You do what you need to doc. I suddenly feel much better after embarrassing my grandson.”


  Tony feigned hurt and I smiled at him, almost giggling. He was extremely patient with his grandfather, but at the same time lacked patience in other aspects of his life. I wondered just when his patience for me would run low. I walked out of the room and back down the hallway to Tony’s bedroom. It still smelled like him and suddenly I felt myself relax. Was this the life I wanted? Yeah, he did make me happy. Even with the injuries I had sustained from Richard, the incident with Luciano, and Amato’s medical condition I was admittedly happier than I’d been in years. I sat on the edge of the bed and turned my phone on. Apparently Tony had turned it off after letting Selena know what my status was. I scrolled through my contacts and tapped her picture. I waited for a few moments for it start ringing. The voice on the other end was elated to hear from me. “Rach! Fuck it’s about time. I really was starting to worry this time. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. So I hear you spoke to Tony?”

  “Yes. He called to let me know there had been some type of family emergency and that you were resting. I’m just glad he’s taking good care of you.”

  “Well yeah, his grandfather, my client, is having palpations as we speak. Fingers crossed he doesn’t have to come in, but be on the lookout for me just in case. If I have to operate on this man’s heart, you bet your ass I want my most capable crew in there with me. I have a feeling if it comes to that it will be touch and go.”

  “I can’t believe you’re taking all of this so nonchalantly.”

  “Well Selena, I do it every single day. I’ve just learned to focus on the details so the big picture gets completed ya know?”

  Selena paused on the other end of the line. I heard her barely whisper, “Fuck.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Rach are you sitting down and are you alone right now?”

  “Yes, why?”

  I threw myself back on the bed against the soft pillows and stretched out my tired back and neck muscles. I didn’t realize just how tense I’d become while I had examined Amato. I felt my joints loosen and my ribs shift just a bit as I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I could have certainly used a nap. My only solace was the fact that my hard-working businessman didn’t get any extra rest either. I smiled to myself thinking of him and how that night I already had a devious plan that involved sleep deprivation for him again. I was almost purring thinking of Tony’s hands massaging my tired body, when I brought myself back to reality, Selena’s voice piercing my reverie. “Rach! Are you even fucking listening to me?”

  “Wha? Yeah, of course Selena.”

  “I need you to get somewhere private and comfortable. Fuck I can’t believe you don’t know yet.”

  I heard Selena’s voice turn grave and heard her take a deep breath on the phone. I sat up then and pressed it tighter against my ear. “Selena, what is it?”

  “They found him early this morning… it’s all over the news. Selena, Richard’s dead and the police have opened an investigation. They believe he was murdered.”

  My mouth dropped open and suddenly it was hard to breathe. My pulse pounded in my ears. Surely I didn’t hear her right. “Did you just say—.”

  “Yes. Rachel, Richard is dead. I’m surprised the police haven’t found you yet to question you. I’m so sorry, I know this is a shock.”

  “Yeah… I just I—I mean I hated him at times, but I loved him too, he’s my husband. We were united in holy matrimony. Selena… my husband’s dead.”

  “Hey…Rach. I, um… do you have anyone there with you?” Selena knew that I was still processing the information. I couldn’t believe it. The bastard was dead. I recalled the first time seeing him at a crowded restaurant downtown. He had confidence and a swagger like none other. He insisted on sitting with me, since I was alone, and even ordering the most expensive item on the menu on my behalf. He joked that he could later have a horrible date story to share with his friends. From that moment on though, he did control everything but my career. He certainly did control my finances and my wellbeing. I’d imagined through the years he did share other stories with his friends that were more along the lines of horrible wife stories rather than horrible date stories. Fuck. He was dead. It was over. “Rach! I’m going to need you to talk to me here… are you okay?”

  “Yeah…um, yes.” I choked back some tears that had somehow formed in the back of my throat and began to build at the corner of my eyes. “He’s dead. Fuck.” To my own surprise I then threw back my head and began laughing into the phone. “He’s dead… I can’t fucking believe it. Selena, I don’t know what to do. What do I do?” My laughter then turned into sobs as I threw myself back down on the bed again. I picked the phone, back up my voice ragged. “Thank you for letting me know.”

  “Hey…Rach. You need to listen to me, okay? You’re in shock. I need you to go find Tony right now and let him know what’s happened. He’ll know what to do. You listen to him until I can make it to you, okay?”

  “Okay.” I hung up the phone and sniffled, wiping the tears as they flowed down my cheeks. Yes, I would find Tony. Selena had always been the voice of reason for me, and I knew that she had only the best of intentions for me. With a trembling hand I put the phone in my pocket and headed back down the hallway. Fuck, in my distraction I’d forgotten Amato. I walked in the bedroom to see Tony sitting by the old man holding his hand. “Hey doc. He doesn’t look so good.”

  “Yeah.” In an instant I stilled my nerves
and relied on my training to pull me back into reality. Grieving over Richard wasn’t going to do anyone any good at the moment. Walking over to Amato I saw he was clammy. I placed a hand on his forehead and softly asked him, “Hey. How are you feeling old man?” Amato only stared at me with his eyes glassy and said, “I’m tired and thirsty.”

  “Are you hurting anywhere, Amato? Are you in pain?”

  “Ugh. My body hurts. I feel like I’ve suddenly come down with the flu or something.”

  I looked at Tony and he immediately caught the urgency of the situation. “Okay. You’re going to be fine. I’m just going to take some vitals now, okay?” He nodded weakly and I motioned for Tony to make a phone call. I listened to him frantically dialing 911 and requesting an ambulance. He gave the address and even though he managed to keep his voice under control for the dispatcher, I could tell he was in a state of pure panic. “Tony. So here’s the thing. He hasn’t stabilized at all. This means we’ve got to him to the hospital. The ambulance is on its way, so there’s no worries there. They’ll be able to get through the traffic. I need you to follow the ambulance and transport me, the EMTs will need room to work so no one can ride with him, okay?”

  “Okay. Whatever you need doc.”

  “As soon as the EMTs come through that door, I’m going to need you to be in the car waiting to follow them out, they’ll hopefully make us a path and we’ll arrive at the same time.”

  “Yeah, sounds like a plan doc.”

  It didn’t take long for the ambulance to arrive. The EMT’s quickly loaded Amato onto a stretcher and I introduced myself as his cardiologist. I gave them implicit instructions as to which medicines to administer on the way to the hospital and how to have the awaiting attendees handle his intake. As soon as he was in the ambulance, I jumped in Tony’s sleek blacked out Dodge Challenger and he revved the engine. “Buckle up, doc.”


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