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Mobster's Mistress (A Caparelli Family Romance Book 1)

Page 10

by Lara St. James

  “I see. Tell me specifically what were you fighting about the night before he was murdered.”

  Murdered. The word settled hard against my ears. I still couldn’t believe it. In most cases, Richard was harmless. Hell he could actually be fun on the days he wasn’t drinking. We’d go to the park or cook dinner together and dance in the kitchen. He just had that addictive personality though, I really should have recognized it before we got married, but I was in love with the idea of having a big house in the suburbs with a successful husband and a great career. We’d have a boy and a girl as well as a golden retriever and just have an easy life into old age. He just fucked it all up. “Mrs. Whitehead, you can continue when you’re ready.”

  “Sorry… I was just thinking. Richard just seemed to be in a foul mood when I came home and threw my keys on the counter. I guess his team was losing and he’d been drinking since lunchtime. I was just judging this based on the half-empty liquor bottle. He started in on me as soon as I came in questioning some purchases I’d made the previous month he found on the bank account. He had been without a steady client for a while and he just eventually quit looking. We were okay as far as the bills and house payment went. He just constantly wanted better things from life. He questioned why I was late getting home and I told him I was with a private client. He then said some things and got physical. He left after that, I guess he just didn’t want to be in the house.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “I wasn’t able to get a hold of him after that and he didn’t call me so I honestly don’t know. I wish he would have come home. Had he came back that night we may have been able to talk things through.” I hadn’t realized it, but I was crying again.

  “Okay. I’m sorry to put you through this Rach, but we’re just trying to retrace his steps and see if we can figure out what he was doing and who murdered him.”

  “Yes, it’s fine. I understand. Ya know I didn’t even make the arrangements. I just couldn’t bring myself to. My best friend did it on my behalf, so I’m not even sure what state his affairs were in. I suppose I’ll have to call his family, what little family he has left that is. I think he has a distant brother out west somewhere….sigh. I just can’t believe he’s really dead.”

  “Yes. At this point it doesn’t make a lot of sense either. You said Richard hit you. Did you tell anyone about this?” Tony. I thought a few moments before I said anything. Even though I knew for a fact I didn’t want to see him again, I didn’t want him in the middle of a murder investigation either. “Just my best friend, Selena. She was wondering why I was having a hard time doing my job. We work together too.”

  “I see. Would she be available for us to speak to?”

  “Yeah, I’m certain she wouldn’t care to talk with you. I know she’s got an early shift tomorrow so you may have to catch her tomorrow evening.”

  “Okay we will do that. We’ll leave you to your work. I know you have a lot to take care of with the house, Rachel. Again, I’m sorry for your loss, we’re going to do our best to solve this murder, it is after all a high profile case and we’ve got a lot of pressure from the state to make this one clean.”

  “Sure. I understand.”

  “Thank you for your help.”

  They exited with their notebooks in hand and I watched them walk to their sedan. They stood by their car talking for a few moments before one of the men pointed to the house and then got in the car. I wondered what they were thinking. Was I a bad wife for not searching for my drunk husband following a fight where he would have eventually killed me? I picked up their coffee cups and took my own back in the kitchen, pouring out all three and placing them in the dishwasher before walking back to the bedroom with my packing tape in hand. I knew that I had to stay busy otherwise I’d replay all of our good memories over and over in my mind. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the boxes. It was still like he was lurking in the house somewhere. I ripped the rest of the pants off their hangers and placed them in the box, quickly taping it up and labelling it. With his shirts and pants out of the way, his side of the closet was bare. I had succeeded in partially erasing his existence. I pulled out another box and opened up his dresser. I stared at his underwear and recalled some that I had picked out for him when we first got together. For a man that liked new things, he did have a bit of sentiment to him. He always kept my gifts refusing to pawn them or sell them for gambling or beer money. As I placed the first few pairs in the box, I turned and screamed. Tony was standing in the doorway watching me.

  “Oh my God! What in the fuck are you doing here? Don’t you dare come any closer to me! I’ll call the fucking police, I swear they just left.”

  Tony didn’t say anything to my threats. Instead he only slowly approached me and when I backed up closer to the dresser took the hand that was holding Richard’s underwear and trembling. He easily took them from my grasp and flung them into the box. He placed his arms on my shoulders and looked at me with a mix of love and regret. He may have even been concealing some sadness. Tony then pulled me closer and put his arms around me and I fell into his embrace unable to do anything but sob.


  He continued to hold me through my sobbing and I sank down to the floor, leaning against the dresser with my head in my hands. He waited until I spoke to say anything. “Why are you here? What do you want? Please Tony…don’t put me through this.”

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay, Rach. I’m here for you, I know this is hard. Rach… I know I’ve made some mistakes, but I know we can work through this. You’ve made me have more feelings than I ever thought I could possibly have. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever truly been in love until I met you, Rach.”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up then, flushed and red faced. His words shocked me back into reality. “What the fuck are you talking about, Tony? How can you even stand here and say that! I mean for fuck’s sake you have a wife! A fucking knockout of a wife that confronted me today!” Tony didn’t respond and I shoved him out of anger. “Just go! Just fucking go! Get out!”

  “I know you don’t mean that.”

  He didn’t back away only pulled me closer once more and I grappled with him sending us back backwards onto the bed. “Rach… I know how things look. Things aren’t what you expected and that’s okay. Things aren’t the way I expected them to be either. Fuck this was supposed to be just a simple job for me and a way to keep my Gramps safe.”

  “Tony…what are you talking about? A job?”

  “Look Rach… I just had to come clean. When we first met, I knew that you were the key to keeping Gramps from testifying on the stand for Saul’s murder. I just know he didn’t do it. So I wanted to get as close to you as possible. That night at dinner, I knew that you were different though… you were special. You certainly weren’t the simple girl that didn’t just fall for charm and a killer smile. You ended up getting inside my heart and Rach I can’t let you walk away without you knowing everything, for better or worse.”

  It took a few moments for me to process everything he said. “I was your mark? Oh my God. I fucking hate you. You made me fucking feel things, Tony! Things I hadn’t thought were possible for me ever again.”

  “I know… I can honestly say the same.”

  I felt his hands on my shoulders and back, soothing me while simultaneously enraging me. I couldn’t believe that he had been trying to play me from the beginning. I inhaled his scent, it was clean and rich, and it was much more…alive than Richard’s aroma had ever been. He held me even tighter as he continued. “Look Rach… I know this isn’t easy to hear. I just had to come and see you one last time before I lost you forever to wherever life decided to take either one of us.” I paused and looked into his eyes. He was sincere, I could feel it in my soul. As the tears streamed down my face I reached for him without abandon and pulled him into me for a deep kiss. He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around me and holding me closer than he ever had before. I heard him gasp when I e
ven bit his lower lip. I needed him in my life and I didn’t care what the consequence. I guess I never knew what it was like to be truly in love before either. He moved his hands further down my back and found my backside. He gently squeezed my ass and moaned into my mouth as I rolled us both over. I wanted to be on top and I wanted him to answer some questions before I could allow myself to continue this charade. I kissed him hotly on the mouth and sides of his cheeks before licking and nipping the side of his neck. “So where the fuck is your wife now?”

  “Hopefully being served with divorce papers. I filed last week actually. I’m assuming that’s how she tracked you down. I told my attorney I’d be at the hospital with Gramps.”

  “Is she going to be in our way from this point on…because I can honestly say I don’t like the bitch at all?”

  “No. Don’t worry about her. Really, it was a joke marriage that she somehow turned serious. We were young and I wanted to prove to the boys that I could actually get a woman to marry me.”

  “You make terrible life choices Tony. If you’re going to be with me, then you really need to reconsider those types of things.”

  I continued to press him on the issue, setting down ground rules as I massaged his chest muscles through his polo shirt. “I’m serious you never see her again for anything…do you understand?” He breathed out a husky yes and I took his arms and held them over his head, pulling off his shirt and flinging it in the box with Richard’s underwear. I kissed down his throat and stopped at his chest, running my hands through his thin patch of hair and placing my mouth firmly on his nipple giving it a light lick and a slight bite. “Hey! Ow! What the hell, Rach?”

  “Another thing. This whole ‘job’ thing you do. If we’re together that ends now. I won’t be the other woman, Tony do you understand?”

  Once again he nodded his head in agreement. “I don’t really want to do that anymore anyway, I just want to run my coffee shop. I don’t need anything else in life. Well other than you. I need you, Rachel. I’m just not the same without you, I swear.” I trailed my hand further down his body and placed it squarely on his crotch. He bit his lip and groaned when I began massaging his bulge. “Oh fuck, Rach…”

  “Tony… if we do this I need you to promise me you’re all in. After all, I’ve lost my husband to some very unusual circumstances. I don’t plan on losing my lover to any other strange circumstances.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been more all into anything.”

  “Fuck. I hate myself for saying this, but I’m yours… well at least I’ll be your mistress until you can truly make me yours.”

  “Then come on mistress, let me show you how much I love my other woman.”

  I massaged his balls through his jeans and made a mental note to buy him some new jeans. After all I needed some eye candy after a long day at work and he seemed to fit the bill just right. “No. Not just yet. We still have some things to discuss. So tell me honestly, did Amato murder Saul?”

  “No. I don’t think he did. I mean… Gramps had some issues with Saul like you heard him telling in his story, but I don’t think he had enough hate in his heart to have the poor guy offed. After all, I think they were on pretty good terms. Saul just continued living his life and speaking to Gramps on rare occasion and Gramps kept praying for Saul. He did in church at least.”

  “I didn’t know you went to church.”

  “We’re good Catholics, we go to mass every Sunday. I hope you don’t mind if I still do that when we’re together.”

  “Hah! I popped the clasp on his belt loop and quickly slid the leather from the denim. It made a heavy clank as I threw it to the floor. “I don’t want to own you, Tony. I’m not going to control your life, I just want to be part of it more intimately than we’ve been able to since I’ve met you.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  I popped the button his jeans and slowly dragged the zipper down, still teasing his cock as I went further down. “It means that we can still have separate lives, but at the end of the night you better be in my bed if you know what’s good for you. I’ve been controlled completely for the past decade and let me tell you, I don’t plan on doing that again, nor would I ever put that pain on anyone either. I won’t make you walk on eggshells.”

  “Yeah that fucking douchebag that hurt you….well he got his in the end.”

  “Why do you put it that way?” I paused my ministrations and looked at him seriously once more. “Tony… what exactly are you saying?”

  “I told you that he would get what was coming to him for hurting you the way he did. Let’s just say I made a few phone calls and my family came through for you. See… the rest of the boys, they’re not at all like Luciano, they’re good men who are honest and decent.”

  “You had my husband killed! Oh my God!” I rolled off of him and sat up. “You killed my fucking husband, Tony!” I was in shock. He had no right to intervene in my personal life like that. Richard may have turned his act around. I didn’t have any way of knowing what the future would hold and neither did he. “You fucking scumbag. Get out! Get the fuck out right now… I can’t I just—.”

  Without warning, Tony flipped me over and put his weight on my body, kissing me deeply once more. “He hurt you, that’s all I needed to know. After all, I didn’t kill him. Fuck, I should have offed Luciano years ago, but managed to keep my composure. I may be many things love, but I ain’t a killer.” I considered his side for a few moments. He didn’t know how deeply Richard’s death would affect me, he only saw that I was brutalized by a man that I’d welcomed into my life, my home and my bed. He only saw the woman who was terrified and exhausted without anywhere to go. I suppose if it were my lover I would have done the same thing. I sighed and my disposition changed. I once more saw the Tony that held my heart. He stroked my cheek tenderly and said, “Listen babe… that’s one thing you’ll never have to worry about with me. I’m not an angry guy. I’ll never hurt you. I’ll never lay a hand on you, I may smack your ass when you shake it the way I like it, but I’ll never strike you out of jealousy or anger.” I pulled him close to me once more and only nodded. As our tongues danced for dominance and the heat rose between us once more, I continued the work I’d started before, gently tugging at his pants until I positioned them so I could fling them off the lower half of the bed with my feet. Suddenly and inexplicably I giggled out of joy as the fabric hit the floor. “Oh yeah… more rule, Tony?”

  “Yeah what’s that?”

  “You have to do the laundry.”

  “Hmm…that may be a deal breaker.”

  I playfully punched him in the side of the arm and as he feigned hurt, I took advantage of the extra room to leverage myself on top of him once more regaining control. I grabbed his cock with both hands and massaged his shaft while I nibbled on the side of his neck. My hands seemed to automatically traverse the landscape of his manhood on their own. I focused only on making him uncomfortable enough to moan and gasp, while I kissed my way down his body, my mouth creeping ever so closely but never touching his dick. He breathed in and out sharply and slightly bucked his hips in my direction as he grew harder. I knew it wouldn’t’ be long before he’d be calling my name. Some part of me loved the fact that I could make such a tough guy lose control in a matter of just a few minutes. Fuck, some part of me loved being about to lose control also and let myself explore new parts of my sensuality that Richard thought was taboo or just gross in general. He only wanted vanilla sex and once he got off well that was it, there was no waiting on me to come or even giving me the opportunity to please myself afterwards. Something told me that Tony just didn’t work that way.

  Reaching around behind Tony, I grabbed at his ass once more. He had firm cheeks and I gave him a playful slap as he moaned even more. I had a feeling that Tony liked things a bit more on the kinkier side and I was looking forward to exploring all of those things with him in the future. Dipping my head to his member I licked him from shaft to head feeling all his ridges and vei
ns underneath the delicate skin with my tongue. I was certain to go slowly as he grew more and more. I then took my tongue and touched to his tip, making small circles on the outside of his orifice, leaving him to clutch at the sheets helplessly. “Mmm. What do you want tough guy?”

  “Rach… oh fuck.. please.”

  “Please what?”

  “What the fuck has gotten into you. Damn. You’re so fucking sexy right now.”

  “Haha! Am I? Well good… because I’m liking this. It’s not often I get to be the tough girl.” Without warning I grabbed his cock and pumped him a few times, making my hand as tight as possible when making small jerking motions. He groaned and I felt the blood rise to the surface in his penis as his girth expanded. “That’s right… you get nice and hard for me so I can fucking ride you all night.”


  He reached for me then and I allowed him to pull me close. He quickly took off my soft shirt and flung it in the floor I wasn’t wearing a bra and as he looked at me I could feel him growing even more aroused as he trailed his eyes up and down my body. “See something you want tough guy? If so you better not cum until I say so.” He could only make a guttural noise as I lowered my head once more to his cock and began to suck him off. God he had the strongest fucking hips I think I’d ever seen in a man and he knew how to use them for his own benefit. He arched them up to meet my mouth, greedily demanding a different tempo, but I kept him at bay with my slow, languid movement. He was frustrated to his wits end and I loved teasing him as I felt myself growing wetter by the second. I sped up my movements, bobbing my head up and down frantically and the sweat beaded up on his forehead as he thrashed underneath me reaching up a hand to grab my breast. I deftly maneuvered out of the way, grabbing his wrists and clamping them together within my own before leaning over and licking his tip then whispering in a sultry voice, “Not so fast mobster… your mistress has other plans right now.”


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